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It has been the second day since Itami brought survivors from the Flame Dragon's attack, mainly those who have nowhere else to go. Right now JSDF engineers are constructing temporary accommodation facilities and clearing land for buildings of long-term use. The refugees are watching the machinery and vehicles in construction with both curiosity and awe. Kuribayashi tells everyone to gather around to register their names.

Cato: I am sage Cato El Altestan, and this is my disciple, Lelei La Lalena.

Tuka: I am daughter of Hodor of the Koan forest, Tuka Luna Marceau.

Rory: Rory Mercury. I serve under Emroy, God of Darkness.

Itami: So, 3 elders, 3 adults and 19 children. Should we register 3 of them as adults.

Lelei makes some hand gestures, saying: "I'm 15. In these lands I count as an adult."

Kurokawa: She's 15, which is the bare minimum age for an adult here.

Itami: And what about the elf?

Lelei: (in Special Region Language) Tuka is 165 years old.

Itami: What about that priestess girl? She doesn't look old than 15, does she?

Arthur: No, Itami. She's much older. That girl is an apostle. In short, a demigod

Itami: How do you know, Sir Arthur?

Arthur. Have you ever seen a little girl with enough strength to throw an axe that shatters the ground? About her age, I will let you figure that out yourself.

At night:

Cato: We are really in deep debt with them. If only we could cover our living costs, but we are mostly elderly, injured or children.

Tuka: We may have to whore ourselves to the soldiers....

Lelei: I saw many wyvern corpses on the ground. Maybe we could ask the JSDF to harvest their scales.

Cato: Good idea. I will ask for their permission tomorrow.

General Hazama allows the villagers to take as many wyvern scales as they want, since they have no worth in their world. Throughout the day, they managed to take and clean 200 wyvern scales and 3 claws. They decided to ask for JSDF assistance to transport they scales to the city of Italica, where there is a trading shop large enough to be entrusted.

Some time before departure, Itami was notified of Tuka's condition by Kurokawa and Kuribayashi. They told she requested food and clothing for two, but only uses one set. They were unable to find out why because neither Lelei or Cato know enough Japanese, and Tuka haven't opened up much with other soldiers. They decided to left that matter behind for now to prepare for departure.

As for Arthur, he's gathering his girls and seeking for Pendragon.

As for Pendragon, he's located under the tree as he inspects his HK33 for any scratches or something about attachments.

Pendragon: Let's see... ACOG? Holographic? Or Red Dot as the sight? I wonder where they are.

Arthur: ACOG is for mid to long range, boy.

Pendragon: I am aware, bruv. I also own the Russian's ACOG, but I can go for a 2.0x Magnification scope, or a 1.5x Magnification scope.

Arthur: Meet us as the main gate when you're done. We are heading to Italica.

Pendragon: Da Da.

5 minutes later, the two teams begin to roll out, with Lelei, Tuka, Rory and the wyvern scales.

Several days earlier, somewhere in Imperial territory, princess Pina Co Lada, daughter of Empror Molt Sol Augustus, meets King Duran, the only general who survived the battle at Alnus:

Duran: Milady Pina, did you come all the way here to laugh at the general of defeated army?

Pina: Tell me, King Duran...Just what has happened at Alnus?

Duran: As per the Emperor's orders, mine and other kingdoms gathered our armies to face the enemy from the other side of the gate. Our numbers were 100 thousand while according to reports, they only have about ten thousand. We had thought this was going to be an easy victory.....we have not been more wrong. Three times we attacked, and three times we were annilhilated. With iron thorns blocking our way, and lighting rained above our heads, we never made it halfway through the hill. Our men were ground into paste. But think about it, Princess. The Imperial Army suffered a defeat, and the Emperor knows this, yet he still ordered his vassals to amass their troops. The Emperor thought we were potential enemies....that's why he sent us to our deaths.

Pina: At least, my lord, tell me one thing: What kind of people the enemy is? I need to know for later battles so we may achieve victory!.

Duran: The Empire cannot win. This world...cannot win. The enemy from another world is comparable to gods, and you, the Empire,who summoned the enemy, will be the first to fall by their hands!

After the conversation, Pina ordered her fellow knights, Hamilton Uno Ror, Norma Co Igloo and Grey Co Also to head for Italica, then Alnus.

(Imagine Duran's reaction when he finds out that there's not one, but two armies)

At the present, Itami and Arthur's teams are getting close to Italica, then they spot smoke over the horizon. Everyone was ordered to raise caution.

Arthur: I can smell blood. From Italica. There must be a battle around the city.

Pendragon wears his gas mask once he sees Smoke over the Horizon, then he pulls out his shotgun

Arthur: I remembered that one prisoner in my world is apparently an Italican. He told something about the city's ruler was only a little girl.

Pendragon: *Exhales* Look how much she's grown.

Arthur: I think the city probably has a de facto ruler on her behalf. Hmm, what's that commotion over there.

Enterprise: Itami was hit by a door. Whoever opened it must have not paid attention.

Arthur jumped out of his APC to check Itami's condition.

Arthur: You okay, Itami?

Itami: I was out cold for a few seconds. Could anyone tell me what happened during that time.

All heads turned towards the culprit, who is none other than Princess Pina.

*One explanation later*

Arthur: So, princess, you're telling me that this city is under attack by bandits, and you want our assistance.

Pina: From what we have observed so far, their numbers may be from around eight to nine hundreds. North and East gate are too difficult to breach, so my best guess is they are going to concentrate at the South gate.

Pendragon walks into their conversation.

Pendragon: South gate?

Pina: The gate's situation is the worst of all, and since the marauders know it, we figured that would be the target.

Arthur: So South gate it is. C'mon guys, let's go and set up defenses.

Pendragon slowly pulls out a claymore mine, while Arthur pulls out two oversized magnums.

Arthur: How many mines do you bring, Pendragon?

Pendragon: Four.

Observer Alpha: Father, I have news.

Arthur: Report.

Observer Alpha: Enemies are charging towards the East gate, and worse still, the marauders have amassed a much larger army, numbering twenty thousand to breach other gates.

Arthur: Well fuck. I will request support from one of our regiments. You, Purifier and Takao will hold the West gate. Amagi, Bismarck, Enterprise and Duke of York, go to North gate. As for the South gate, the Marines will take care of it. As for you, Little Arthur, you and I will hold them off until the Marines arrived

Pendragon: Got it.

Pendragon pumps his shotgun.

Arthur: You have any melee weapons, mate?

Pendragon: Six inch blade, bruv.

Arthur: And I got a chainaxe. 

Pendragon: Say the magic word if ya want me to use my other weapon.

Arthur: What word?

Pendragon: Hint: The unknown of the unknown.

Arthur: Actually, that doesn't matter. What matters is when they charge dick-first into this position, we have our moment to shine. And they get to see what a scion of the Pendragon bloodline can do to their sorry asses. *cocks magnum*

Pendragon: Alright, let's roll.

Moments later, the attackers reached the eastern walls, catching Pina by surprise. She has not foreseen this, and the situation was slowing sliding out of her favor. Her troops was exhausted, undertrained and low on morale. Norma Co Igloo has been killed and the Italicans are being pushed back to their secondary line. Meanwhile, on the southern walls, Rory is.....on the verge of orgasm?

Itami: What's happening to Rory?

Lelei: Rory was an apostle of Emroy, the god of war. The souls of the dead are coursing through her body to be drawn by Emroy. The effect is similar to an intoxicant. In this state, she would impulsive charge headlong to combat and slaughter whoever is regarded as enemy. No one...not even herself could contain the urge to kill.

Arthur: I lived for billions of years and not once did I see anyone feeling carnal pleasure from battle.

As Lelei was done speaking, Rory parkoured to the East gate, forcing Itami's team to follow her. Observer Alpha then informs that the main attack force is closing in. Everyone quickly move to their position. Soon enough, the South gate is breached, and facing Arthur and Pendragon are eight thousand ex-soldiers. Arthur took a glance at his ally.

Arthur: You ready, boy?

Pendragon: Yup.

Seeing only two people on their way, the bandits think this would be an easy victory. It's a mistake they will pay by their lives. The first signal of their doom was a magnum bullet which tore through seven of them.

Arthur: 7963 more. I like the odds.

The two men keep firing at the bandits until their magazines ran dry. The true carnage has begun. The enemy may have numbers, but numbers mean nothing at incomparably superior skill and strength. Body parts and mangled corpses gradually pile below their feet as more and more bandits charge to their deaths in vain.

Arthur: *decapitates another one* Tell me, mate, have you ever been this outnumbered?

Pendragon: One to 50, killed the 50.

Arthur: I'm curious. Can you regenerate?

Pendragon: No, I cannot.

Arthur: Well, that must be suck.

Pendragon: I'm a normal human with an age immortal condition.

Arthur: *looks at the still numerous army* Imma pull some wires.

Magical wires coiled around Arthur's hands. With each movement of his arms and fingers, Arthur's wires effortlessly bind half of the attackers. The others try to free their fellows, but their weapons failed to even make a scratch. Then the wires tighten, crushing any hapless soul into a fountain of blood and gore. Even their souls were destroyed by the act. Pendragon watches the whole thing as he looks at his shotgun before he looks at Arthur.

Arthur shakes off blood sticking on their wires before rolling them back to their coils.

Arthur: What do you think about that?

Pendragon: Crikey... I only have a Shotgun, two assault rifles, one SMG, one Pistol, and so on.

Arthur: I learned how to use razor wires from an ex-vampire hunter.

Pendragon: Bloody 'ell...

The sounds of incoming attack helicopters can be heard. The Marines have arrived. The leading pilot talks from a speaker:

"I hope we don't arrive too late to join the fun, sir"

Arthur: There's still six thousand enemy troops in three gates. Ya boys can blast them however they want.

Lead Pilot: You heard him fellas. Let's give those barbarians the might of modern weaponry!

Two Eagle Union helicopters fly past the East gate.

JSDF helicopter pilot 1: Apaches? Here? Did the Americans secretly intervene

JSDF helicopter pilot 2: No, their symbol is different.

Eagle Union Apaches: We are members of the Eagle Union Marines. You guys must be that other army on Alnus Hill, no?

JSDF helicopter 1: So you guys are part of the second otherworldly army that High Command must be talking about.

Eagle Union Apaches: Aye. Nice too meet you.


JSDF helicopters: Nice too meet you too.

As the JSDF and Eagle Union choppers are mopping up the stragglers in the South gate, in the North gate, the shipgirls have ceased their bombardment, leaving behind a crater-filled ground, Marines birds swoop in to finish the survivors. Witnessing such a display of military might, Princess Pina was understandably shocked.

Pina: Such an overwhelming force....In front of them, I feel like pride and honor no longer means anything...

Pendragon walks to her, then he taps on her shoulder

Pendragon: Merry fuckin christmas, mate.

Pina: What's "Christmas" ?

Arthur: A holiday in our lands.

Below them, the JSDF and Union Marines are corralling the survivors and stow them onboard the helicopters.

Pendragon: *Sighs* I wish my mates saw this.

Itami accidentally touched Rory's boobs and a "BAM" can be heard. That aside, Arthur and the most senior JSDF officer present, Colonel Kengun, have a negotiation with Princess Pina about conditions on their sides. The negotiation went quite smoothly.

Arthur: Now that everything is fine and dandy, I say: "It's time to leave". Hop on the vehicles, we're going back to base.

Meanwhile with Pendragon:

He stares at the sunset on an open field with just himself and his guns. He removed the gas mask already because he doesn't need it for now

Pendragon: It would be a nice place to date, if there wasn't any scent of blood.

Arthur's clone: Agree.....Hmm, did you know that your ancestor, more accurately, her Saber version, is a glutton?

Pendragon: I am aware, but I do not share their appetite.

Arthur's clone: I never heard any account of Lancer Artoria having a big appetite.

Pendragon: They're the same.

Arthur's clone: Have you ever met Lancer Alter, I wonder.

Pendragon: No.

Pendragon continues staring at the sunset.

Arthur's clone: *look through binoculars* (Itami's getting trampled by female knights. They probably that princess. Well, not important. Main body can deal with it just fine*

Meanwhile, he opened up an album which he managed to trade with Gilgamesh a long time ago. It's "The Album of Waitress Saber."

Arthur's clone: Oi mate. Wanna see your granny in maid outfit?

Pendragon: No, I'm not in the mood... this feels lonely. Have you had someone before?

Arthur's clone: You mean a wife?

Pendragon: Yup. Do you?

Arthur's clone: Boy, I believe you know of "Azur Lane" even before this, yes?

Pendragon: Yup

Arthur's clone: Well, many years ago, I worked with her in the project to create my girls. While many of our colleagues simply treat them as tools, she fought to make everyone viewed them as humans. Due to similar belief, we decided to advance further than just colleagues. Eventually, she succeeded in her efforts, and we were married and have a child. But a secret neo-Nazi organization had created an extremely potent cyber virus which renders the Sirens *gestures at Alpha and Purifier from afar* into malformed killing machines. Even though the culprits were killed, they had burned down everything of worth. And our technology was not enough to destroy the virus, only contain it. But when our daughter reached 18, World War 3 happened. Two-thirds of mankind were destroyed. Worse still, the virus was set free. They infected every machine on their way, moving like a natural force for destruction. In a last bit of hope, any living intellectuals and the Sirens were sent to Yamantau Complex in the Urals to be sent back in time, but before any human can reach the bunkers, we were subjected to heavy bombardment. My daughter along with her bodyguard barely survived. My wife were not so lucky. In a fit of rage, I destroyed the dead world. Later on, I realized I could have prevented my wife's death by taking action to intervene on politics.

Arthur's clone: About my Sirens, I figured that you already know what they did to mankind. *slightly bow down* I sincerely apologize for any trouble they have caused for you, Commander Pendragon. They used to be borderline extremists.

Pendragon: About the shipgirls. Did you implement feelings for them?

Arthur's clone: Yes, we do.

Pendragon: Then Dido and Sirius

Arthur's clone: Ah, them. I spend a ton of effort to make them tone done their......devotion. But even they are still better than Akagi.

Pendragon: Now I miss them when I think about it.

Arthur's clone: Weebs see beautiful girls when they look at shipgirls. Me and my men see beautiful girls...with mental issues. Take Arizona as an example. One day chilling in the sunlight of Pearl Harbor, next thing she knows, she and her sisters went kaboom. Has recurring nightmares of that day until 1959. Or Enterprise. Sole survivor of her class. And then, oh boy, the U-Boats. My base employed a large number of experts in psychology because too many girls have tragic pasts.

Pendragon: Not to mention, Hood's defeat against Bismarck.

Arthur's clone: Talking about Bismarck, I turned her late admiral - Günther Lütjens, into a shipman. They reunited 2 and a half years ago. She married my Hood in October 1961. Hmm...How did WW2 end in your world?

Pendragon: The Russians held off the last battle against the Germans on a cold day, they were at a disadvantage until Mother Russia helped. I was told about it

Arthur's clone: My WW2 in Europe ended one week after Claus von Stauffenburg's successful assassination of Hitler, and the entire war ended in 1/1/1945.

Pendragon: I see... *Sighs* if one of my girls is here.

Arthur's clone: What if I tell you my Enterprise - the non-META one, becomes a girlfriend of Zuikaku of all people?

Pendragon: Don't care. Not a supporter of same gender love.

Arthur's clone: Hmm....Does your Hood ever swear like a Scottish in her life?

Pendragon: No, and I know my manners around her. Clash is the one who swears a lot.

Arthur's clone: Clash?

Pendragon: Real Name: Morowa Evans. Kind of a local you don't fuck with.

Arthur's clone: Can you tell me about how you end up in the middle of a JSDF base in Alnus Hill?

Pendragon: In short, I was drafted through a portal with eyes. It happened when I was preparing for the next operation, and bringing my hidden weapon too. I hope my girlfriends won't worry too much.

Arthur's clone: Tell me more about that portal.

Pendragon: Don't know about them.

Arthur's clone: And what did you do to let the JSDF enlist you in their ranks?

Pendragon: I told them I am just a wandering bloke. Being desperate I am, I asked if I could join in as a temporary unit. They somehow accept it, and here we are.

Arthur's clone: Main body's here. See you in the morning. *disappears*

Back with Arthur's main body, he's sneaking into Italica (again) with Third Recon Team, hoping to rescue Itami, who was dragged back (and tormented on the way) by Pina's Rose Order of Knights. To their relief, they find out that Itami is being taken care of by Countess Myui Formal's maids. They decided to have fun interacting with the maids. Behind the door, Bozes, the knight who apprehended Itami, was sent by Pina in the hopes of pleasing Itami.

The results? Bozes, thinking the JSDF was looking down on her because of their lack of reaction when she entered the room (they were busy chatting with the maids), slapped Itami in the face. Pina could only cover her face in shame when everything was retold. She's even more horrified when Tomita said Itami is going to report to the Diet. Fearful of a possible retaliation, Pina demanded to follow them to Alnus with Bozes in tow.

Arthur: I will follow Itami to the Diet too. My President has allowed me to establish relations with Japan on his behalf several days ago. Perhaps I could negotiate to let Pennie be redirected to my base. 

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