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Chapter 11

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Beau's POV

*1 week ago

I had just gotten the okay to drive again with my leg from the doctor. Anna and I got into a huge fight and we were going for a drive to talk while her mom watched the girls. We were talking it out when I noticed a car speeding toward us at an alarming speed.

"Beau, watch o-"Anna managed to scream before getting cut off when the car T-boned us and crashed our car into a pole.

Pain shot through my bad leg, I could feel tears burning in my eyes as one rolled down my cheek, but when I looked to see if Anna was okay I lost control. The tears streamed down my cheeks, sobs escaping from my mouth as I saw blood in her hair and on her face, her eyes closed.

"Anna!Anna, babe, open your eyes honey!Babe, you're going to be okay, Anna can you hear me. Shit Anna, open your eyes, for me. Honey open your eyes for Ella and Clarissa,"I rambled on for about 5 minutes, not getting a response. I called the police then, telling them Anna needed immediate medical attention, that I was fine, I couldn't get out, and I wasn't sure about the other cars occupants.

It felt like hours before I could hear sirens pulling up to the scene. I could here shouting as the officers and firefighters moved the other car out of the way to get to Anna and I. I shouted to the EMT when she started to take Anna out of the car.

"Anna! Stay with us. Think about your babies, our girls, at home. Dont forget about your girls,"I yelled towards her, the EMT giving me a curious look.

"Sir, I'm Aimee and the other EMT's and I are going to take good care of her,"Aimee said looking at me. "She is in good hands now, you need to let the other EMT's take a good look at you to, make sure you have no serious injuries so that you both can go back to your girls."She continued.

I just looked back at her, then at Anna, my eyes landing on the blood on her head and in her hair.


There was severe damage to Anna's body. She has a high number of injuries. 4 broken ribs, her right leg broken, left wrist fractured, severe bruising all over, and a very minimal brain bleed. She may have a mild concussion, being that she was unconscious at the scene. She also lost a lot of blood, but there are no life-threatening injuries, though it will take many weeks, possibly months, to recover from these injuries.She will be fine, it will just be a day by day process.

That's what the doctor said the day of the accident. 'a day by day life-threatening injuries...recovery', words that kept repeating themselves in my head.

The past week has seemed like a year. Anna was still in a horrible condition. I go in to visit as much as possible to see her but her parents and my parents had me home with Clarissa and Ella.

It seemed like forever since the accident I've been walking around in a fog, just kinda surviving.

"Beau?" I turned around to see Anna's mom standing behind me as she put a hand on my shoulder.

I waved at her, feeling ashamed and guilty for causing this grief on their family.

"Honey, you know that we love you, you are family and always will be, no matter what. We know you didn't mean for this to happen and I know this past week has been so hard. And as much as i hate to say this and make you do it, you have to go home. Beau, take a shower, freshen up, and be a daddy to your girls, that's what they need. They need you right now, because they are going to notice the change of routine and the don't need that stress right now. I promise if anything changes you'll be the first I call. Okay?" she said looking at me for approval. I nodded my head as she continued. "Go home Beau, we love you and when you come back, you need to be strong for Anna, as do we. Go see your girls Beau," she said, hugging me as i cried

"Thanks Rochelle. I love all of you guys." I replied, letting go and started walking away.

"Hey Beau?"Rochelle asked, "Call me mom,"She replied.

"Okay Mom,"I replied calmly.

When I got home, my mom crowded the door.

"Honey, you look tired. How is she?"mom asked.

"No change," I replied, cringing at the words.

"Beau, she's going to be okay. Its just going to be a while," she said looking into my eyes. "Clarissa is in the living room with your father and Ella is upstairs in the guest-room-made-nursery with Carrie. She has been here all day with the girls while your father and I were in and out of the house."

"Okay, will dad mind if I take Clarissa and-"

"Beau, you need to sleep. Go say goodnight to her and Ella then go to bed, you need the sleep honey, trust me,"mom interrupted.

I walked into the living room, taking Clarissa from my dad.

"Hey honey, daddy's home now. You're gonna hang with grandpa for a bit while I get some sleep though. I love you so much and so does mommy,"I said, tears fighting to fall, while I cradled her.

"Son, shes been a great little girl today, and Ella. They are troopers, not having Anna here with them. Shes going to get better Beau. Anna will see her girls again soon,"Dad said, taking Clarissa back."Get some sleep son, you can see her in the morning,"He said, seeing the fatigue taking over my face.

I walked upstairs after getting a bite to eat. Carrie was in the rocking chair with Ella, who was still awake.

"Hey," I said, making both Carrie and Ella look at me. Carrie looked almost as tired as I did, which she should because she has been back and forth between here, her house, college, and the hospital.

"Beau, how are you doing?"She asked.

"I'm doing okay, my girls are here and are okay. How about you?Everything okay?"I asked.

"I'm okay, being with my nieces and helping take care of them for you and Anna has been great, but just no under these circumstances. I had just seen Anna the day before the accident, we had played with the girls, taken them to the park, talked about stuff only sisters can. It was just like any other day. But when I got that call from my mom the next day, I was speechless, I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. When she hung up I broke into sobs, crying for what felt like hours before my roommate came in. I told her what happened and she was there for me. I made a decision that day to put college on hold while my sister is in the hospital no matter how long. Of course mom, dad, Bryce, and even Zach tried to convince me otherwise, but i stood my ground. Beau, I don't know what I'm going to do if anything bad happens to Anna. She has these two beautiful babies that don't deserve to be left without a mother, and she has you. I remember when she first starting going out with you. She was happier than I have ever seen her. You lit up her world Beau, you and the girls mean everything to her. She is a family girl, I don't want to see her go before getting to be with her family,"Carrie replied, tears falling from her eyes.

"That must have been terrible, getting that call. But what matters is that she is going to recover, maybe not fully, and it will definitely take time, but she will recovery. We have to stay positive for her and remember that. Carrie, you have been here all day, while I've been with Anna. Go see her. You're parents are there and you deserve to see her,"I said, going and taking Ella from her arms.

"Okay, I will. I'll be back in the morning to see the girls."She said, walking out of the room.

I looked at Ella, who was looking at me with her big brown eyes.

Just like momma

. I thought. I put Ella in her crib after putting her in a pair a yellow furry pajamas so she isn't cold. I went downstairs to grab Clarissa, stopping myself when I heard my parents talking.

"Ben, don't you dare say that. These girls need their father. These girls can't be ripped away from their life, their family. Are you insane?"Mom yelled at dad.

"Karen, we have to come to realize that if Anna doesn't make it through this Beau with be a single dad of two, do you really think he wants that?Do you think he could make it through that?Could Beau raise these to girls without her?"Dad asked.

I walked down the stairs loudly, letting them know I was listening.

"Dad?"I asked, tears staining my eyes.

"Beau, you weren't supposed to hear that,"Dad said, shocked.

"Well, I did,"I said, looking at him angrily.

"Its true Beau, all those questing are things we have to ask ourselves,"Dad stated.

"Are you f*cking kidding me? You would really thing I would give up my daughters because I don't want them? You obviously haven't seen me lately then because I couldn't live without them, I cant imagine my life without my two girls. Do you think that if Anna didn't make it I would leave our girls to fend for themselves? I am their dad, just like Anna is their mom. I love and adore them just as much as she does. Of course I could make it through and raise them. They are mine. Mine and Anna's girls and no one can take them away from us. Okay? Shame on you Dad, for even thinking that shit,"I replied, walking to my mom, taking Clarissa and going up to the nursery.

I ended up sleeping on the floor in the nursery after putting Clarissa down in her crib for bed. When I got up in the morning, I fed the girls, changed their diapers, put them in clothes, packed a diaper bag, and put them in their car seats. I walked downstairs, being greeted by no one I walked outside to my car, put the girls in, and started it. I walked into the garage to grab the diaper bag, came back out, got in my car, checked the girls and drove to the hospital. It was time to let bring the girls to see their momma.

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