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Fixing or Getting Worse?

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chapter 4

"Anna?" I heard Beau yelling from downstairs.

"Go away!" I yelled back at him.

"Let me come up there. We need to talk," he explained.

"NO!!Just leave me alone right now. I don't want to talk to you,"

"Please? I know what I did was wrong, but it's partially your fault. You were yelling too. I'm not the only one to blame for this situation," he explained, making me jump out of bed to go yell at him.

"Um. Excuse Me? I was not the one who decided to completely ignore their girlfriend after they found out they are having twins. And I wasn't the snotty ass, whose first words out of his mouth were 'Let me out'. You know you should really think about what you say, before you say it because if you keep saying the same stupid crap that you've been saying for the past couple days, then there isn't going to be a 'we'. So think about that before blaming me and getting all cranky at me." I yelled at him from upstairs.

"Okay, don't go and get all hormonal on me. I'm so sick of having to deal with that-"

"If you didn't want to be with me, then you shouldn't have gotten me pregnant!" I said, interrupting him.

"Really, you're stooping that low as to say I don't want to be with you, cause I do. This just wasn't how I wanted it to happen. I wanted us to be together for a while before having a family. Being a dad of two at 17 wasn't exactly part of my plan! But don't go and assume that by saying that I don't want to be involved. I just needed some time to think before I said something stupid and ruined our relationship. Now can I stop yelling and come upstairs so we can talk quietly?"I asked, yelling up the stairs.

"Fine, get up here you big lump!" I yelled back at him. and all I heard was him running up the stairs.

"Okay, but before I come in, you have to guess what I brought you." He teased.

"Okay. I know you to well, you know that? So I'm gonna go with...a teddy bear, canadian chocolate, and lillies?"I guessed.

"Not even close."He said seriously.

"Fine! Just tell me then, im too tired to guess." I said tiredly.

"You should know this, remember our first date?"

"Omigosh, you didn't! okay i know this, you brought my favorite movie THE FIGHTER! and, um, I don't know. What else did you bring?" I asked.

"Yes I figured we could lounge around here today. And I was gonna bring chocolate like Kirsten said, but she's a spaz so i wanted to go with something I thought of, so I brought Cousins Subs and some m&ms."

"Thank You so much. I am starving right now. But this still doesn't let you off the hook for yesterday. Its gonna take alot of you being here for me to forgive you."

"I know that, and don't think that I am not going to be here. I will be here everyday after school."Beau said caringly.

"I know, and thanks for coming home today. I was getting pretty lonely here since I have absolutley nothing to do," I confessed.

"No problem babe. So what have you been doing while you've been on rest?"Beau asked.

"Nothing really, just been hangin out here on the computer and watching movies."

"That doesn't sound to fun. I have both lunch periods free, so I could come home and get you then we could go to lunch?"Beau said invitedly.

"Sure. I'm really tired, so why don't you put on the movie and we can lounge on my bed, and I might sleep because I didn't get any sleep last night so if I fall asleep please don't wake me up." I pleaded.

"Of course not hon. You sleep as long as you want," Beau replied.

*The next morning(8:00 am)*

"Good morning sunshine," Beau said, laying on his side facing me.

"Good Morning, how long have I been asleep for?" I asked, feeling a bit guilty for falling asleep on him.

"You fell asleep like 10 minutes after the movie started, woke up for dinner, and went back to bed," Beau replied.

"Oh, I am sorry. I did wanna hang out but I was so tired."

"It's okay! Don't stress about it. I would rather have you energized after a good nights sleep, rather than be cranky with no sleep,"Beau confessed.

"Okay, Well, you have to go to school, can you bring my homework for me and notes? and don't bother coming home for lunch, I will probably be asleep so I will just see you after school."

"Okay, have a good day. Get sleep and eat for the three of you, and stay relaxed and don't stress out about anything. Love you." Beau replied.

"Love you too. Say hi to my parents for me, and explain to them what happened please and that we worked everything out for the most part?"I asked him quietly.

"Yeah,no problem. see you tonight." Beau said as he walked out of my room.

By the end of the week I was so sick of sitting at home. Granted I was so tired I didn't want to go anywhere, but i needed to get out of the house. So I did what I know would work. I called mom.

"Hello?"mom said answering the phone. "Anna, is something wrong?"

"Hi mom, and no. I am just fine. But I need to get out of the house. I think I might go insane if i don't. And I know it's the middle of January, but can we please go for a walk in the park or something, or can you come and get me so we can go shopping? Please?" I asked, using my puppy dog voice.

"Anna? You know that I'm at work, but I will take the afternoon off and we will do both of those things. Can you wait until noon?"

"Yeah, that gives me just enough time to shower and get ready. See you in a bit mom." I said hanging up the phone.

About two hours later I just about dressed and ready to go. I had decided to wear my white AE turtleneck with my red button up jacket from A&F, along with skinny jeans and pair of boots. It wasnt the most comfortable outfit but I still had to look good.

"Anna, I'm home. Are you ready to go?" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'll be right down. How was work?" I asked.

"Good, now hurry up, I have something planned for today! We have to leave right now." Mom said, suprising me.

"What? Okay." I said, basically running down the stairs. When I got downstairs I gave mom a hug and we headed out.

"Mom? Where are we going?"I asked

"You'll see." she replied.

Ten minutes later we pulled up to my highschool.

"Are you kidding me? By out of the house I didn't mean school!" I yelled in the car.

"Just come on. It's not what you think." Mom replied.

We got out of the car and walked into the school.


That was all I heard as I saw all my friends and family gathered around in the auditorium lobby of the highschool. I think the whole school was there.

"What the hell? Mom what is going on?" I yelled over the talking.

"Well we all know how hard it is going to be to raise twins, especially with little money. So Beau and I, along with the school's help, threw you a babyshower!" mom replied excitedly.

The next morning we opened all the gifts from the shower because we didn't have time to open them there. I guess we couldn't take the whole day off of school.

"Omigosh! This stuff is amazing" I yelled.

I got most of the big stuff that I needed, like cribs, changing table, swing, etc. We also got tons of clothes, which were all so cute. But we also got tons of diapers, wipes, nooks, blankets, and wunzies. We are going to have to make a whole cabinet just for diapers.

Within the next month dad had managed to build an apartment over our garage! Beau and I were basically moved in. We just had to get a few more things for the babies. At seven months we still hadn't started figuring out baby names. But we did paint their room and get everything in there, along with some letters to put on the wall for when we figure out their names.

"Beau, come here please." I yelled at him from across the room.

"Yeah?" he replied when he got over to where I was(the girls' room).

"We need to figure out names." I told him.

"Okay, well I've had a list for a while. What are you thinking?"

"Well, was thinking about first names. I like AnnaMaria, Haley, Riyen, Danielle or Dani, Rebecca or Becki. I also like Kylie, Sofie, Ariana, and Mckenzie."

"What about Alexis, Lily, Rosie, Madeline, Lacy, Macie, Josie?"

"Out of both our lists I like Dani, Ariana, Mckenzie, Macie, and Josie."

"Well, do you want to think of middle names for each of those and we will decide when ther are born?

"Sure. How about Danielle Elizabeth? Danielle Alexis?"I replied

"Ariana Marie?"

Mckenzie Rose?"

"Macie Alexa?"

"Danielle Lynn?"

"Josie Marie?"

"Omigod that is beautiful! I love that name. Let's take a break thought because you have to work and Kirsten is coming to get me for lunch." I replied.

"Alright, I'm gonna go then. Love you."

"Love you too,"I replied, and with a kiss he left.


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