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Telling Family and Friends, easier than I thought!

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At seven o'clock Beau and his parents arrived.

"Hey Love," Beau said, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi" I replied.

"Well that wasn't the usual crazy response, what's up with you?" he asked caringly.

"I don't know, just tired I guess, I didn't get to much sleep last night, worried to much about tonight."

"Oh, well I bet I could change that," he snickered.

"Stop it! I'm really not in the mood," I said really grumpy.

"Whoa, something must really be wrong," he told me sternly.

"Yeah something is!" I yelled.

"Okay, well what is it then?" Beau asked.

"I'll tell you when I tell your parents," I explained


About an hour later, after dinner, my parents, Carrie, Zack and I were sitting across from Beau and his parents, Jim and Carol.

"So, why the sudden need to have a 'family' talk with our family?" Jim asked my dad.

"Well, Anna has some news to tell all of you, Anna?"

"Um, yeah I have some not-so-good news to tell the three of you. Beau I know I'm not supposed to tell anyone this but I kind of have to now. So like a month ago Beau and I, how do I put this, here I'll put it this way, Me and Beau had unprotected sex about a month ago and now the result is that I am about 4 weeks pregnant!" I explained very quickly and as soon as I was done the looks on Jim and Carol's faces were unexplainable. Then looking to Beau, his expression was very angry at first but as I keep looking at him his expression goes from angry, to sad, then surprising me turns into a very caring expression.

"Well then, my one question, for now, are YOU and the baby okay?" Beau asked, enunciating on the word you.

"Yeah, I am fine. I actually feel great, just grumpy when I don't get enough sleep. And the baby, it is doing very well, I just need to get started on prenatal medication as soon as possible and I am not allowed to do any heavy duty lifting." I explained to Beau and his family.

"Okay and here is my question. What are your plans with this pregnancy? I am assuming you are going to go through with the pregnancy, but what are your plans for afterward? And do you want Beau, Carol and I to be involved?" Jim asked, directed at me.

"Yes, I am going through with the pregnancy, and I haven't made any decisions about afterwards because I wanted to talk to you, Carol and Beau first. And of course I want all of you to be involved! Beau is the father for Pete's sake!" I explained.

"You can expect that Jim and I will want to be involved in the decisions about our grand-baby, but Beau? You are going to have to talk to him at another time, his involvement is not our decision," Carol slowly explained to me, and then looked at Beau, "And I strongly advise and encourage you to stand by Anna's side during this pregnancy and be very involved with this baby, as you are the father and are also responsible for this situation that you have put yourself in!" Carol firmly explained.

"Spoken like a true mother. And I completely agree with everything just said. Of course, Bill and I will no doubt be involved with this pregnancy as it is our daughter who is pregnant. We would also like to advise to Beau that Anna is going to need him during this process, and that they have been together for so long that it would be a shame to see their relationship crumble to pieces because of Anna becoming pregnant. I know Anna and Beau and they seem to be able to work out all of their problems and find a solution to everything so I think they could work this out." Mom confessed to all of us, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Hey, everyone!"Carrie said, getting everyone's attention. "Sorry to say this so harshly, but look at Anna, you have brought her to tears, literally. This is not your situation to obsess about. I'm sure Anna and Beau both appreciate what was said, but there are some decisions that they need to make on their own. There is no reason that Anna should be crying right now. Oh, and one more thing. BEAU," I could see Beau's focus shift from the floor to Carrie instead. "You haven't said a single word to Anna since told you the news. I am assuming those are the two reasons why she is sitting in the corner of the room sobbing right now!" Carrie explained. "Anna," My head perked up to look at her, tears running down my face. "You come with me, we need to talk, and I need to get you clean up so that we can talk about this in a RESPECTFUL matter." My sister said grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs.


Beau's POV

What the hell?

Anna just went and blurted out that we had unprotected sex and she is pregnant! Well this definitely wasn't my life plan. My mom was babbling on about something, but I wouldn't know what. I was tuning everything out. So many questions are running through my mind right now. The one thing I am absolutely positive about is that I will not leave Anna to deal with this alone; I don't care if she wants me there or not, I will be involved. I'm just not sure what we are going to do about it. Neither of us are complete experts on raising kids and I don't even know where to start about how we are going to raise it, if we keep it.

I know that it isn't my decision to make but I don't know if I want this baby or not. I mean I know that it isn't like a teen to want to keep a baby, but I do. It won't be easy, but I really don't want to feel guilty for giving it away to some complete strangers. Hopefully Anna might agree, but I know this is going to be way harder on her than it is on me.

"BEAU," Anna's sister Carrie yelled directly at me catching my attention. Still being a little tuned out all I heard was that Anna was crying and that I was partially responsible and now she is taking Anna upstairs to talk to her and clean her up.

"What just happened here?" I asked, not knowing at all what they had been talking about.

"Nothing important, but I have a question for you, what do you have to say about the pregnancy?"Bill asked, taking me by surprise.

"Um, I think that I am Anna and I are both equally responsible for what has happened and that we both should be involved. I know that I want to stand by her side during this journey whether she likes it or not, and I also want to be involved in this child's life, pregnancy and all. I pretty sure that I don't want to give the baby up to anyone, I want to at least want to try to raise my son or daughter with his or her own parents."

"I am glad to hear that. You are a very smart, wise man Beau." Bill said; I think he was trying to compliment me.

"Yeah, I'm going to go talk to Anna though, I have to apologize to her for earlier," I said, excusing myself from the living room.

"Anna? It's Beau. Can I come in?" I asked knocking on her bedroom door.

"Yeah, come it. We need to talk." She replied in between sobs.

"Anna," I said as I laid down next to her taking her into a big hug. "Just please hear me out. I am so sorry if it was me that made you cry. I was in total shock. I was tuning everyone out thinking about what was going to happen, or how we were going to handle this, but I shouldn't have done that. I should have thought about what you were going through and I should have said something. But I did do a lot of thinking. And I really hope you want me to be with you through all of this because no matter what happens I am going to be there for you. I want to help you through this. We have been together this long, I think if we try hard enough we can get through this." I slowly explained to Anna. She slowly looked at me, the expression on her face changing. First she looked really pissed at me, but then she gave me the biggest hug and I knew she was happy for what I just said.

"Shit Beau! I thought you were going to leave me! You are such an idiot! Why the hell didn't you say anything, you big jerk!"She said laughing as she playfully punched my arm. She then kissed me with such passion, I had no idea what to do, I just returned the favor, but made it short and sweet.

"Well then," I said laughing. "And leaving off at that, we need to go talk to our parents. We have a lot of decisions to make before that baby gets here." I said before kissing her sweet lips again.


Anna's POV

About ten minutes after Beau and I ended our conversation we went down to talk to our parents but they said that we should wait until a later date to give both families time to digest what happened tonight.

"Hey, mom?" I asked mom while she was washing dishes.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Do you think I could go over to Kirsten's tonight? I need to talk to her because I don't think this is something that I will be able to keep from her."I asked mom. Oh an Kirsten is my best friend, we have known each other since kindergarten and we have never kept even our darkest secrets from each other.

"Yeah actually, I think that it would be a good idea for you to inform her of what will be happening over the next couple of months and what you will be going through. And why don't you go ahead and spend the night. You guys haven't talked in a long time," mom said, quite surprisingly okay with it.

"Thanks mom, see you tomorrow."

While I was packing I called Kirsten.

"Hey! What's up?" She said excitedly answering the phone.

"Oh, nothing. Are you busy tonight? I was thinking we do a girls night sleepover," I asked, hoping she would agree.

"No plans tonight sista! And totally! When are you coming over?"she asked, so excited.

"Now?" I asked.

"YES!!! Come ASAP, we have major stuff to talk about!" She replied.

"Oh, you have no idea!" I replied, hanging up the phone.

I called Beau right after,

"Hey, what's up?" Beau said answering the phone.

"I need to tell you that tonight I am going to Kirsten's and I plan on telling her I'm pregnant because I am not going to keep this a secret from my best friend. I just wanted to tell you and make sure it was okay with you." I explained.

"I understand where you are coming from, and I wouldn't want you to keep anything from her so yeah that's fine with me. You have any other random questions?" he asked.

"Nope, and I have to go. Love you, bye."I said quickly, hanging up the phone.

And with that I was packed and headed to Kirsten's house.

Before even attempting to knock Kirsten opened the door and swallowed me into a big hug.

"It has been way to long," Kirsten basically screamed in my ear.

"Trust me, I know. But I am here for a very significant reason. We have to talk about something, and it isn't some stupid rumor. It very true and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So tonight I am going to tell you and I am asking you to just listen and digest and ask questions afterward." I explained very carefully.

"Holy cow, do you have some big secret you have to tell me? Like a life or death thing?" she asked.

"No, but it is really important that you listen and don't judge me,"

"Why the hell would I judge you hun? Just tell me." She stated.

"Yeah, I will. Just not here, let's go up to your room,"

"Okay," she said leading me up the stairs.

"Well, where should I begin? Oh I got it. So about a month ago Beau and I were hanging out at his house watching movies and things got a bit intense. Like 'having sex' intense, this is exactly what happened. But we made a mistake and did it unprotected. So about a week ago I noticed that I was a couple days late for my period, so my mom took me to get a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Then mom took me to the doctor's office and they confirmed that I was in fact pregnant and about 3-4 weeks along. Earlier this evening I talked to Beau and his family. His parents seemed okay with it, but Beau was really stunned at first. But eventually he came up to my room and apologized and we talked about it and all is well now. I know it's a lot to digest but please say something, please tell me you will still be my friend?"I explained then pleaded.

"Wow! ANNA! You are having a baby. I know this sounds weird and probably isn't appropriate for the time being but, Congratulations!! Of course I am going to still be your friend, just because something like this came in the way of life doesn't mean we aren't going to be sista's anymore!!" she explained.

"Oh thank goodness!!! Thank you so much for saying that. You have no idea what that means." I yelled.

"Of course dear; so what do you say we get this girls night going? Mani/pedi's??"Kirsten asked.

"Of, course; let's get started," I told her.

The next morning, around 11:30 am, Kirsten and I woke up to a full breakfast set out.

"Holy crap; where did all this food come from? You guys aren't the big breakfast type!" I asked, very surprised.

"Well after you fell asleep, way to early may I say, I went and talked to my parents. Please don't be mad at me, but I told them about the pregnancy. They were surprised that this had happened to you but they were also very concerned for both yours and the baby's health, so they made a big breakfast to ensure that you get all the nutrients you need." Kirsten explained.

"Anna, please understand that we are not ashamed of you at all, we will be there to support you and the baby. If you ever need anything you know that you can call us or talk to us." Kirsten's mom, Ciara, explained.

"Kirsten! I guess I can't stay mad at you; but I do wish that you would have waited for me to tell them; and of course I understand all of that and I know that I can count on you guys to help me through!" I explained.

"Okay, well in that case dig in!"Kirsten's dad, Jordan, said.

After breakfast Kirsten and I headed to the mall. We were meeting Beau and her boyfriend, Alex, there. We left early though so we could go into Carters to look at baby clothes.

"It's never too early to shop for baby clothes." Kirsten said excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess. Shopping before he or she comes could be a good thing. But pick out stuff that a boy or girl could wear, like bibs, nooks, wunzies, and pajamas. That way we have to return stuff or buy it again when I find out I'm having. Kapeesh?" I explained, and then asked.

"Kapeesh. This stuff is so cute!! I just want to buy it all."Kirsten exclaimed.

"Well, now I know who to ask to go Christmas shopping for the baby!" I said to Kirsten, laughing.

"Yeah you do. I will buy that little bugger anything that catches my eye." She said laughing

About two hours later Kirsten and I were still in carters shopping for baby stuff, we found so many clothes that could go for either gender. I had gotten multiple texts from Beau and decided to tell him to do anything he wants because we got too busy with what we were doing, so him and Kyle were going to some store across town.

"Hey, what do you think of this little ensemble?" Kirsten asked me, and I immediately loved it. The outfit was a fleece/furry yellow pajama zipper-up suit. It had a little teddy bear on it and under the bear, in black writing, it said 'I am beary tired.'

"Omigosh that is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am definitely buying that." I said, so excited.

"That's what I thought you'd say. Now let's check out before we get more than we can afford, and so that we can find space in your room to put it all."Kirsten explained.

An hour later, we arrived back at my house and had found a place for all the stuff be had bought at Carter's. Only eight months and my little baby would be wearing all of the wonderful stuff we bought for it.


Well, what do you think?

Chapter 2, and more is coming. It might be a while before next upload.

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