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Group 2


Topic: Culinary Art Vietnam

Nguyễn Thị Hương B : Ladies and gentelemen! Vietnam culinary has developed over thousands of years with influences from other cultures. Vietnam is an agricultural country with a tropical monsoom climate. Each regions has a characteristic tastes of its own food. This Vietnam, contributed to the Vietnam culinary be plentiful and varied. To day, we will introduce to you famous dishes: Bánh Cuốn, Nem Rán, Chả Cá Lá Vọng , Gỏi Bưởi and Lẩu Mắm.

Ladies and gentlemen! Firstly, let's start with Miss Thuy presentation about " Bánh Cuốn " dish ( rolled rice pancake).

Cao Thị Thu Thúy : Thank you Hương. Ladies and gentlemen! Let's start with my presentation. To day, I will introduce you to " Bánh Cuốn " dish. Bánh Cuốn is popular to Vietnamese as dish for breakfast. The cake preparing process includes grilled rice which is steamed and oil - spread to have sweet- smelling. Bánh Cuốn is prepared availble. Leaves of cake put on plate attract the customers ask for the dish. The cake is called Bánh Cuốn Thanh Trì due to its origin is Thanh Tri village of southern Hà Nội. Besides Bánh Cuốn Thanh Trì, there is boiled rice pancake with stuffing which is made from minced pork mixed cat's ear. It is placed on plate, serves with salted shredded shring and fried dry onions. The customers immediately experience the dish as it is hot finished.

It is the sauce of the cake fascinate the customers. The cake makers have their own know- how, some of them prepare Bánh Cuốn with Belostomatid essense to have sweet- smelling to attract the customers. I have finished my presentation. Thankyou!

Secondly, let's start with Miss Thơm presentation about " Nem Rán " dish.

Phạm Thị Thơm: Thank you Thúy. Let's start with my presentation. I will introduce you to " Nem Rán " dish. Nem Rán (called Chả Giò in the South) existed much before Chả Cá ( grilled fish pies). Nem Rán is a much - appreciated specialty, although it is very easy to prepare. Since long ago, Nem Rán has been a familiar dish on the menu at all households during the New Year's festivities, at family parties, and at receptions. The stuffing of the Nem Rán is comprised of finely chopped lean meat, sea crabs or young shrimp, scented mushrooms, dried onions, duck eggs, pepper, spiced salt... The mixture is then rolled in flat rice cakes and fried in a pan filled with cooking oil until crispy. Nem Ran are eaten hot with a sauce that it is, at the same time, somewhat salty, sweet, acidic and scented. Papaya and a few fresh scented vegetables are added. I have finished my presentation. Thankyou!

Thirdly, Mr Xuân will introduce you to " Lá Vọng grilled fish pies " dish. (Chả Cá Lá Vọng).

Nguyễn Khoan Xuân: Thank you Thơm. Let's start with my presentation. I will introduce you to "Lá Vọng grilled fish pies" dish. Chả Cá Lã Vọng is a unique specialty of Hà Nội people, therefore one street in Hà Nội was named Chả Cá Street. Chả Cá is made from snake - headed fish, but the best one is Cá Lăng. Fish bone is left away to keep fish meat only, then seasoning, clipping by pieces of bamboo, and frying by coal heat. An oven of coal heat is needed when serving to keep Chả Cá always hot. Chả Cá is served with roasted peanuts, dry pancakes, soft noodle soup, spice vegetable and shrimps paste with lemon and chilly. The Chả Cá Lã Vọng Restaurants on the 14th Chả Cá Street is the " ancestor restaurant " of the dish. I have finished my presentation. Thankyou!

Now please come to the presentation Miss Huệ about " Gỏi Bưởi " dish.

Khổng Thị Huệ: Thank you Xuân. Ladies and gentlemen ! Let's start with my presentation. To day, I will introduce you to the " Gỏi Bưởi " dish. The Gỏi Bưởi is available at the majority of famous restaurants in Hồ Chi Minh city. The major substances to prepare for the dish include shaddocks mixed with fresh shrimps, pork and dry cuttle - fish. The dish is originated Miệt Bưởi, Biên Hòa city.

The Gỏi Bưởi dish, prepared by the chief chef of Rex Hotel, Sài Gòn city - the craftsman Trần Văn Nghĩa - is specially flavor with slightly sour, sweet, peppery - hot and buttery tastes. It is also added with spice vegetable, white sesames, coconut and dry cuttle - fish. Therefore, the dish will be prepared on dinning table as a fresh colorful picture and attractive to customers.

We can enjoy Gỏi Bưởi in many parte of Vietnam. But Biên Hòa Gỏi Bưởi many be the most delicious. Tourists coming here never for get to by Gỏi Bưởi for gifts for relatives or friends. I have finished my presentation. Thankyou!

Finally, we please come to the presentation Miss Lượng " Lẩu Mắm " dish.

Đinh Thị Lượng : Thank you Huệ. Ladies and gentlemen! ! Let's start with my presentation. At present " Lẩu Mắm " a fold dish in the past hundred yeas - become a luxurious specialty in the South. Châu Đốc fish sauce is made from fresh - water fish, a kind of sweet- smelling and greasy fish, which must be a required to have a delicious " Lẩu Mắm " dish.

Substances to prepare for " Lẩu Mắm", including fresh food - stuffs such as snake - head fish, fork, peeled shrimps, eal, beef and soon accompanied with at least 10 kinds of vegetable, sometimes mounting to 24 kinds of vegetables. They include water - lily, eeg - plant, balsam - apple, straw mushroom, bean spout, chilly ....

When boiled the flavours of the sauce, which is mixed with citronella, chily, vegetables, fish, shrimp and meat are very sweet - smelling. " Lẩu Mắm " is scoop out into bowls and served with soft noodle soup, simply but deliciously.

We can enjoy Lẩu Mắm in many parte of Vietnam. But Châu Đốc Lẩu Mắm many be the most delicious. Tourists coming here never for get to by Lẩu Mắm for gifts for relatives or friends. I have finished my presentation. Thankyou! Now our Miss Hương will come to finish our presentation.

Nguyễn Thị Hương B: Ladies and gentlemen! We have just introduced the famous dishes of Vietnam. Hopefully, with the knowledge that we provide will help you much about the culinary of Vietnam. Thank you for your listening please ask your questions. Thank you!


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