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Chapter 1

"Is she awake, Tapu Lele?"
"Yes, Xerneas."
"Can't believe it's even a shiny."
"Yes, Tapu Bulu. Me either."
"Guess I'll return to the desert then, yeah? I'll visit."
"Ok, bye Tapu Bulu."
"Xerneas," Tapu Lele's voice whispered. "May I ask... What pokemon that is?"
Another voice joined in. "It is a child of a legendary, but it's weirldy not a mythical pokemon. It is a Goomy."
"Thanks Uxie, but what exactly is a 'goomy' if I may ask?"
"Sorry, my queen." Uxie said apologetically. "It is a dragon type that lives in Alola. It needs rain to not dry out."
Xerneas gasped. "How many days does it last without rain?"
"Three, my queen."
Xerneas sighed in relief. "Thank Arceus. Victini, get Zapdos quickly."
"On it!"
The electric type pokemon was brought to the queen of the forest extremely quickly.
"Zapdos, fly to Rayquaza as quickly as possible. Tell him that we need rain for a newborn child."
"Yes, I will do as you said." a sound of flapping wings occured and then it was gone.
Two days later the child was getting dryer and very shrivelled.
But then it happened: first the thunder, then the lightning, and then Goomy's saviour, the rain.


Sliggoo woke up in her puddle of water where she sleeps each night. After all the Rayquaza-rain trouble, Sliggoo finally evolved from Goomy, and they didn't have any problems with water anymore.
"Sliggoo my love, how did you sleep?" the soft tone of her mother said next to her.
Blinking the sleep away, Sliggoo said; "I slept good."
Xerneas kissed Sliggoo's cheek and then explained that she had to do her duties.
So Xerneas walked into the woods, leaving her daughter in the care of her aunts and uncles once more.
Sliggoo sighed. She had no siblings to play with, and the others had too much to do.
"Sliggoo! To your mother EMMEDIATELY!" Tapu Koko exclaimed, flying into her room suddenly, in panic.
From outside she heard; "Giratina has showed his wrath!" and "The Marshadows!"
Sliggoo didn't know who Giratina was. Nor did she know what Marshadows were.
She rushed out to find her mom.
A bunch of black candle like things  were marching into the kingdom, blank and expressionless looks on their faces.
Xerneas rushed over to her daughter in a panic that she has never seen before.
"Sliggoo my love, we are in terrible danger!"
"What are they?!" Sliggoo cried, pointing at the Marshadows.
"Dead warriors, possessed by evil forces. They are called Marshadow."
Sliggoo started panicking aswell. "Why are they here?! What do they want from you?!"
"Honey, it's not me they wan-" Xerneas was cut of by a well aimed focus blast by Marshadow. Taking hardly any damage, Xerneas fired a moonblast, which was super effective against the fighting types. The attacker retreated, along with the rest of the Marshadows.


"They were too strong, lord." multiple voices said.
"Should have gotten a fire type or something!" A dark, powerful voice yelled. "You are dissapointments!"
"Master, don't be so hard on them-"
"Master Y-"
"Shut up! Now go! All of you!"
All of the pokemon rushed out of the huge room, leaving the powerful legendary alone in silence.
"You are a horrible leader." A voice chuckled, slightly annoyed.
The pokemon that used to be alone in the room darted it's head to next to it's throne. "Gi-" It started, but got interrupted by the other pokemon. "Quiet now, you don't know who's listening. What I wanted to say now is, you have to defeat those other legendaries, especially that shiny."
The pokemon on the throne pouted. "Can't you just help? You are way more powerful, Arceus literally created you!"
"No, it's not that simple."
"Why don't you use your chance while out of the distortion world? Arceus is gonna put you in there again soon!"
"Arceus," the bigger pokemon smirked evilly, holding up a master ball. "Can't do anything at the moment."
The pokemon on the throne gasped. "No way..."
The other pokemon nodded. "By the way, wouldn't Groudon be a good pokemon for beating Xerneas?"
"Yes, but he's on their side."
"You never think of anything." The pokemon scowled. "Why would I be carrying this bottle?"
It was a bottle that looked oddly similar to Hoopa.
"Where is Hoopa though?"
"How am I supposed to know?" The rather huge pokemon laughed a bit. "But have this. I want you to protect it." It handed the other one the master ball, which was holding Arceus.
The smaller pokemon stuttered. "T-t-thanks..."
"No need. Now, we need Xerneas and the Tapu's dead first, they are our biggest threat. Good luck."
The huge six legged pokemon dissapeared, leaving the other one alone with the master ball.
It smiled. "Now how do I find Hoopa, Arceus?"


"Yes Lugia?"
"I sense danger."
Lugia paused, thinking if he should really say this or not.
"So?" said an impatient Kyogre.
"It's Groudon. And Hoopa."
"And how on earth would you know, now? Out of my sight."
"You can't tell me what to do, you don't have a higher position in the kingdom than me."
Kyogre glared at Lugia. "I would really appreciate if you'd leave me alone, I need my sleep." She then swam away.
Lugia shook his head in despair. "But... We shouldn't take any risk!"
Kyogre looked back. "I said no, I don't care about either of them anyways."
Knowing there wasn't any hope in convincing Kyogre, Lugia swam away.


It's dark in here.
There isn't a way to escape-
I can't even move.
"Where is Hoopa?!" the voice repeated.
I stayed silent.
By the sounds of it, the other pokemon was holding a very heavy object. "I can easily crush you. Now, where. Is. HOOPA."
"I don't know."
The pokemon hissed. "You should know. You are the god of pokemon."
"I do not know, now get me out of here. You'll be rewarded."

This took me so long! I hope you like it.

Words: 1014

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