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Familiarize with the base & first mission

Leone: Today I will show you around the hideout today. For starters, this place is ten kilometers from the capital, in the mountains.

Tatsumi: Isn't this a bit out in the open?

Arthur: I suppose the assassins are really good in covering their tracks, or the Imperial Army is incompetent. Or perhaps both.

Inside the meeting room:

Sheele: I'm glad that you two agreed to join us. I hope we can be good friends.

Arthur: Pardon me, but what is this book you are reading?

Sheele: Oh, it's "How not to be an airhead."

Arthur: * whisper* Oi, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Yes, Arthur-san?

Arthur: *whisper* I suddenly feel not okay about Sheele.

Tatsumi: *whisper* I get what you mean.

Training grounds
Leone: These are the training grounds. It's just a place to blow some steam. You can see Bulat stinking on sweat over there.

Tatsumi: (He's really talented.)

Bulat: Isn't it Leone and the two newbies?

Tatsumi: Are you the armor-clad one?

Bulat: That is I. The name's Bulat. Best regards!

Leone: He's gay, so watch out

Bulat: *with a....charming....face?* Hey now, don't give them the wrong idea.

Arthur/Tatsumi: (Nope.)

Hot spring:

Lubbock: It's almost time for Leone to take her bath! I don't care about the danger, as long as I can see her rack.....Woagggh! *face-planted on the ground*

Arthur: "Wire" this guy so perverted?

Leone: That is Lubbock, our resident pervert. Try again and you can say goodbye to your arm, Lubbock.

Arthur: Why are these people so weird

Tatsumi: *whisper* You are a god, don't you think you are even weirder by definition?

Arthur: *whisper* I know, but still.
Leone: Next will be the shore, I guess.

Tatsumi: I have a bad feeling about this.

Leone: This one will be a real beauty, I promise. And there's Akame. She's cute, right?

Arthur: What's with here grilling a monster bird?

Tatsumi: She killed that Evil Bird by herself? Cool!

Arthur: (Nomenclature at its finest....)

Leone: Akame's a feral child.

Akame: Have some, Leone.

Leone: Oh! Thanks!

Akame: Have you two joined our team?

Arthur: Yes

Akame: Then you can have some too.

Arthur/Tatsumi: No thanks.

Leone: Aren't you splurging a bit much today?

Akame: Because Boss is back.

Najenda: Yo.

Leone: Welcome back, Boss! Did you bring me anything?

Najenda: Why did the operation three days ago go overtime?

Leone: (Oh crap!) I..just have some business. Bye!

Arthur: *with wires* Get over here.

Najenda: Thank you. Leone, it's not good if you enjoy fighting a powerful enemy too much. We should do something to fix that bad habit of yours. By the way, who are those two?

Leone: They are new members.

Najenda: Do they have potential?

Leone: Very much so. Especially the crimson-coated man.

Najenda: Akame. Gather everyone in the meeting room. I want everyone to tell me the details of last mission, and about those two.


Najenda: I see. Arthur, Tatsumi, do you have any desire to join Night Raid

Arthur: I don't see why not. This hellhole is against everything I stand for.

Tatsumi: If Arthur-san agrees, then I too will agree.

Arthur: If I am not mistaken, Night Raid is a part of the Revolution Army in the south of the Capital. Your objective is to kill Prime Minister Honest, am I right?

Najenda: How do you know about that?

Arthur: I have my own ways.

Najenda: Yes, you are right. Everyone here has prepared for the worst to strike him down.

Arthur: Everyone here is an assassin who can die at any moment and there's no justice in your jobs, yet you're still determined to remove the heart of corruption...You have my admiration.

Najenda: We just do what must be done

Lubbock: Boss, we have intruders.

Najenda: Let's go

Arthur: You heard her, Tatsumi. Let's roll.

Tatsumi: Bulat-san!

Bulat: Oh, Tatsumi and Arthur! You two coming with me? And call me Handsome or Big Bro.

Tatsumi: Okay, Big Bro!

Bulat: Now I feel great! Watch closely, I will show you something awesome as thanks.


Arthur: Ah, the Imperial Arm "Incursio".

Tatsumi: I don't get what you say, but it's so cool!

Bulat: Now then, I'm gonna give you two your first job.

Tatsumi/Arthur: Okay/Consider it done.

We were assigned to watch for stragglers. Moments after we entered our position, a large tribal men, probably a mercenary, came across. Tatsumi engaged in a sword fight with him, and despite initial hesitations, managed to deliver a swift killing blow.

Next morning:

Bulat: I think I smell something nice coming from the kitchen.

Mine: Must be Akame.

Sheele: She's our best chef, after all.

Akame: Why are you guys standing in front of the kitchen?

Bulat: We thought you are cooking breakfast inside.

Akame: No I wasn't. I've just come back from a morning bath.

Leone: Hold on, if Akame is here, then who's cooking?

Sheele: Only one way to find out *opens the door*

Tatsumi: Why do I have to cook as well?

Arthur: Because I'm essentially your guardian, so it's natural. Oh, hi guys. Have some fried rice.

Dining room:

Bulat: He's even better than Akame!

Mine: Really? *takes a bite* Damn, you're right!

Akame: (It really is better than mine)

Tatsumi: Where did you learn how to cook, Arthur-san?

Arthur: From a good friend.

Akame: I'm thinking of hunting after this. Do you want to go, newbies?

Arthur: I don't see why not.

After breakfast, Akame led us to a waterfall deep inside the mountains to hunt a tune species known for their cautiousness in the region. Akame, being a "feral child" like Leone a said (for lack of a better word), got at least six by her bare hands. I caught eleven while Tatsumi yelled "Bring it on!" but only managed to catch two.

Najenda: In the end, Tatsumi caught two while Arthur got eleven.

Leone: Is it true that you ripped your shirt off and said "Bring it on!"?

Akame: He's still a greenhorn.

Najenda: Leone, tell me about the assignment you received the other day.

Leone: The target is Ogre, from the Imperial garrison and an oil dealer named Gamal. According the client...


Client: Every time Gamal committed a crime, Ogre made someone else out to be the criminal. My fiancé was framed by him and put to death for it. Before his execution, he overheard them talking in private then he told me everything in his letter. Please, help me end this injustice!

Leone: Alright, I'll send them both to Hell.

Back to present:

Leone: *put a money bag on the table* This is what she paid for the job.

Tatsumi: She sure saves up a lot

Arthur: The smell of venereal disease.....She must have sold her body for this.

Najenda: Have you confirmed the facts, Leone?

Leone: They are guilty. I have seen their conversations from the oil shop's attic.

Najenda: Then Night Raid will accept this job. The new nation won't need despicable individuals like them. Let's exact divine punishment on them.

Leone: Gamal is easy to take down but Ogre is a formidable opponent. He's known as "The Demon." because criminals fear his sword skills. He's normally seen with his league of henchmen. Beyond that, he often stays in his guardhouse and takes Gamal's bribes in his quarters. He's always seen drinking near the streets not too far from the garrison on his days off.

Tatsumi: So our only chance to kill him is on his days off.

Najenda: But security near the palace is tight, Akame cannot get in with her wanted posters everywhere.

Akame: Can't we wait until Mine returns

Leone: How can we know when she'd done with her mission?

Tatsumi: Then in that case, we'll just have to do this ourselves!

Najenda: You're saying you will bring down Ogre?

Leone: They don't know what I look like either, but I hope you take responsibility with what you just said

Akame: I don't think you can do it with the way you are now.

Tatsumi: If we don't do anything soon, there will be more people being falsely accused and sentenced to death, so I will do it!

Arthur: So will I.

Najenda: I appreciate your determination, Tatsumi. You and Arthur will get rid of Ogre while Leone and Akame assassinate Gamal.

Akame: If you completed your mission. I might praise you, Tatsumi. Try not to die.

Imperial Capital:

Leone: If you go straight along here, you will reach the main street.

Tatsumi: By the way, I will tell you two about Akame's past.

Arthur: She was sold along with her little sister. A common practice among parents too poor to raise their kids. Then got accepted into a training organization for assassins with kids who shared the same situation. In the process of training, she learned how to kill, became an assassin and survived under the most gruelling conditions. Over time, she felt the dark side of the Empire while her comrades died one by one. On a mission to kill Boss Najenda, she was convinced to turn her back on the Empire instead and join the Revolutionary Army that actually cared about the populace.

Leone: How do you know about this? Did Akame tell you?

Arthur: It's a secret.

Later, in the evening:

Gamal: How that I've gone in the bathroom, I feel much better! I think I'll have her to get me off one more time.

That was Gamal's last words. Leone got a choke hold on him and the dirty old man was finished by the blade of Murasame.

Leone: He should be happy that he got two beautiful babes at once! I wonder how's Tatsumi and Arthur's doing.

Ogre, who had just finished drinking, was on his way back to the garrison when Tatsumi approached him. The two walked to a back alley where Tatsumi faked begging Ogre to help him get in the capital garrison. Ogre quickly dismissed Tatsumi's plea. Tatsumi's response? A quick slash, catching the debased officer off-guard. Having seemingly killed Ogre, Tatsumi turned back and walked away, only to be attacked by a not-quite-dead Ogre. Now enraged, Ogre relentlessly pushed on the offensive, forcing Tatsumi to fall back while defending

Ogre: Me...killed by a shitty brat like you? I don't care how much the weak moan and groan, the strong makes the rule in this town! I am the judgement, and I shall not be judged. The fiance of that one I killed must have requested Night Raid and they sent you, did I get it right? I know I should have killed that bitch when I had the chance! But it is yet to be too late. First I'll find her, then I'll FORCE HER TO WATCH EVERYONE OF HER DE BY MY HANDS! RIGHT AFTER I KILL YOU!

Tatsumi: Then die.

Arthur: *jumps from a rooftop* Victorus aut Mortis.

Arthur's armor is the one in the right

Ogre was cut into pieces mere seconds after, both by Tatsumi's sword and Arthur's massive chain glaive.

Tatsumi: Is that you, Arthur-san? You look so badass!

Arthur: You are correct. Let's rendezvous with Najenda.

Najenda: I'm already here. So are Akame and Leone, and I must say, you and Tatsumi has done an impressive job.

Tatsumi: How was that, Akame? I've completed my mission and even pulled off without a scratch! Are you going to praise me now.

Akame strips Tatsumi clean. Well, not entirely clean. His shorts are still on his body

Tatsumi: Hey! What the heck are you doing?

Arthur: *holding Tatsumi still* Calm down young boy, she's just inspecting to make sure you were not wounded.

Akame: I have seen too many of my comrades die because of hidden injuries. I'm just glad that you didn't sustain any damage. Many assassins die in their first missions, but you managed to pull it off.

Arthur: *patting Akame's and Tatsumi's heads* She's tough on you because she doesn't want you to die. Being an assassin means one have to bear the dark fact that many of their comrades may die one day, and thus Akame treasures what few friends she has in Night Raid and cares deeply for them. Did I get that right, little Akame?

Akame: *a small smile appear on her lips*...Yes.

Tatsumi: I...I'm sorry that I misread you.

Akame: It's okay. I'm glad that you two are safe. Please come home safely from now on too.

Tatsumi: I will.

Arthur: I won't let anyone in Night Raid die before the end of this war, mark my words. Do you trust me, little Akame?

Akame: I do.

Najenda: You two will follow Mine on the next mission.

Tatsumi: Wait what? She berates me all the time!

On the way back to the hideout:

Najenda: I forgot to ask, is this armor of yours an Imperial Arm, Arthur?

Arthur: It's origins is a secret for now.

Leone: Aww, c'mon. Why can't you tell us?

Arthur: I will, in due time.
Akame: I actually like this deep, baritone voice more than your usual voice.

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