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Massacre in the estate

Arthur: Expectations and reality sure can contrast each other hard. Who would have thought have thought that the Capital that citizens from other cities and the country admire would be a quagmire of corruption.

Mine/Tatsumi: Your words just remind us for how foolish we used to be

Tatsumi: (Sayo and Ieyasu would not be happy to......Wait a minute....they are victims, of course they wouldn't be happy.)

Arthur: Ain't no sugarcoating, but I am certain this Empire would fall in 10 years, at best, if there's no revolution.

Mine: Declining economy and government is what caused this.

Tatsumi: By the way, are you okay with walking in broad daylight like this.

Arthur/Mine: Well, they can only recognize those four, after all *points to wanted posters of Akame, Bulat, Sheele and Najenda*

Tatsumi: That guy in the middle, he looks like Bulat.

Mine: It's him. He changed his appearance after leaving the Army

Tatsumi: How could he change that much?

Throughout the entire day, Mine roamed through every. Single. Shop. That she set her sights on, each time she would buy lots of things while we were tasked with the arduous job of handling the enormous pile that is Mine's stuff.

At a random cafe:

Mine: Phew! I sure bought a lot!

Arthur: Understatement of the week

Tatsumi: That would still be an understatement. Are all young girls like to indulge in shopping sprees like this?

Arthur: You haven't seen the worst of it.

Tatsumi: Now I really understand the burden of that bitch's guards.......

Mine: Oh, cheer up guys! At least mission's complete!

Tatsumi: For God's sake, all we did was shopping.

Mine hit Tatsumi hard on the face, toppling the boy over

Mine: How haughty! Underlings don't talk back, understand?

Arthur: Reminder, I'm the most senior in terms of age

Tatsumi: Huh....What's all the commotion?

Mine: It's a public execution of all who defied the capital?

Tatsumi: How cruel.....

Mine: That's the work of the Prime Minister. He's a shrewd man who has used a power struggle to prevail over the young Emperor.

Suddenly the sounds of metal bending and a suffocatingly overwhelming pressure washes through the assassins, both of them turned around to see the source of the pressure. A visibly enraged Arthur who clenched his hands so hard that the dense metal frame of his table bent under his crushing force.

Tatsumi: Arthur-san....calm down....

Arthur: *inhales then exhales* You are right, I should probably calm down. And go to the bathroom

Mine: That killing aura is even more intense then Akame's.

Tatsumi: (Just what kind of person is the Prime Minister?)

Heavy footsteps can be heard in the Place's main hall.

Imperial Palace, the Emperor's Room:

The Emperor: Domestic Administrator Shoui. You have criticized my policies and are charged with delaying government duties. Therefore you shall be sentenced to dismemberment by rampaging bulls. That should do, right, Prime Minister?

From behind the throne, emerged an obese man with a large piece of meat on his hand. This man......nay, creature, is none other than Prime Minister Honest himself

The Emperor: Meat again? You're always eating those.

Honest: Heh-heh, got to take advantage of it while it's still fresh.

Shoui: My Emperor! You are being fooled by the Prime Minister! Please lend an ear to the voice of your people! Or else the 1000 year history of the Empire will be turned to dust!

   His attempt to warn the Emperor was futile. The Emperor only looked at him with a puzzled look, and turned to ask his "trusty and honest" advisor: 

"What's wrong with him?"

Honest: He's obviously lost his mind.

The Emperor: As always, you are right

The front door was kicked away with such as force that it crushed the soldiers that were preparing to take Shoui away. From the now non-existent door emerged the intruder.

Arthur: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Imperial cabinet in all its " glory" .

Honest: Guards! Dispatch him!

Multiple guards ran in their positions, their rifles aiming high. Arthur didn't even acknowledge their presence even as they opened fire, their bullets harmlessly bouncing off his armor like stone pellets. He ominously walked closer before stopping in front of the Prime Minister. His chain glaive, now activated, was mere centimeters away from the pig's neck.

Arthur: I am here for one thing, and one thing only. To declare an ultimatum: Dispose of Prime Minister Honest, or facing total annihilation. Don't even think of swaying my mind or stopping me. My name is Carcharodon Astra, and remember it well, for it could be your doom.

Without further ado, Arthur picked up Shoui and jumped out of the palace. He made sure to ask Shoui the whereabouts of his wife and children, and promptly picked them all up before teleporting to a city under the Revolutionary's control. 

After ensuring Shoui and his family's safety, Arthur went in a secluded place he found,  disassemble the armor and meet Mine and Tatsumi again. They return to base in 1 p.m. At 5 p.m, Night Raid was given a new mission: Assassinate Iokal, a distant relative Honest who frequently torture women to death.

At night, in Iokal's estate, more than sixty guards were patrolling around while Iokal himself entered the house from the backdoor with his cohorts and victims. It would be an usual night for the lot of them if not for a hulking suit of armor tearing the metal doors apart with his bare hands


The guards: Intruder! OPEN FIRE!


What happened next can only be described as carnage incarnate. Nearly all of the guards were brutally killed in just under 10 seconds. Some of them were cut into gibs by the revving teeth of the chain glaive, others were blasted apart by the rounds of the wrist-mounted rail autocannon. Several guards had their internal organs ripped out of their bodies by a huge talon or simply got run over, his massive bulk crush anyone unlucky enough into paste. Blood, gore, flesh and organs both solid and liquefied flow everywhere. Arthur was now standing in front of the last guard, who was whimpering and had shat & pissed his pants at the same time, too fearful to even utter coherent sentences.


Arthur: Give me a map and I will spare you.

The last guard: "It's-it's in m-my...pocket.."

Arthur: Thanks for the map. And about my promise....

The last guard: OH GOD PLEASE NO......

The last thing he saw in his existence was an incoming sabaton to his torso.

Arthur, now wearing his crimson longcoat again, is in front of another metal door. On the other side was filled with the cries of pain from young women mixing with flogging and whipping sounds. Arthur tore the door open with his bare hands. An irritated Iokal arrogantly pointed at Arthur:

"Who are you, and how dare you interrupt my fun time? Do you want to forfeit your life?"

Arthur: Dead man need not to know.

Iokal: Guards! Get him!

Iokal's high-rank guards: Yes sir!

The guards prepared their stance, ready to charge at Arthur, but a flick of the man's hand and nothing were left of them. No flesh, no blood, no armor, no clothing. Iokal fared no better. He was thrown into an Iron Maiden, which Arthur promptly closed and welded shut. Then he walked away, mind-wiping & teleporting the women away with some of Iokal's money.

Meanwhile, at Mine's location:

Mine: When Iokal leaves his room, I will take the shot.

Tatsumi: And I will protect you. Leave it to me!

Mine: We could have chosen a much shorter route if not for the fact that all of Iokal's high-ranking guards were disciples of the number one martial arts temple - the Temple of the Imperial Fist.
Tatsumi: I guess your guards have to be badass when you have ties with the Prime Minister.

Mine: He could do anything with his blood ties, that's what pisses me off the most.

Tatsumi: I heard something......MINE, WATCH OUT!

Not waiting for Mine to respond, Tatsumi pushed her aside. He was then sent flying by an incoming fist.

Mine: You! The assistant instructor of the Temple from 10 years ago!

Ex-Assistant: That was pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.

Mine: Don't be cocky, you have already fallen out of status!

Mine fired three shots from Pumpkin, but the foe easily dodged them all.

Mine: It can't be!

Ex-Assistant: That is because of my bad behavior. Brace yourself, I will hand you to the Prime Minister alive.

Before he can do anything to Mine, Tatsumi rose up and grappled the ex-assistant from behind, prompting Mine to shoot.

Mine: You would sacrifice yourself for me, Tatsumi?
Tatsumi: That's not it, you idiot! You claimed yourself to be a genius marksman, right? Now take the shot! My trust is on you.

Ex-Assistant: Let go of me!

Mine: For a're not half bad!

Mine's shot pierced through the ex-assistant's heart. Before succumb to his mortal wound, he managed to utter a few curses:

"You bastards! Don't you think you will get away with attacking the master's relative..."

Mine: I admit that you've got the gumption to be an assassin. So, as a reward, I will tell you about my past.
Tatsumi: Your past?

Mine: I came from near the borders of the Empire. In town, everybody ostracized me because I'm half tribal. Nobody would accept me. It was a wretched childhood. But then the Revolution Army came and allied with the tribes to the west. I joined the Revolution Army in the hope that there will be no more racism & discrimination, and there will be no more children who will have to suffer like I did.

Heavy, thumping footsteps can be heard

Tatsumi/Mine: Who's there?

Arthur: Ha-ha, calm down, it's me.

Tatsumi:Arthur-san, are you holding an Iron Maiden?

Arthur: I will tell you later, after we meet with the rest of the team.

Akame: You calling us?

Arthur: About the right time.

Lubbock: Mine, Tatsumi? I thought you should be already at the firing position at this point

Mine: We encountered one of Iokal's high-ranking guards. He's dead.

Bulat: Then let's move. We are wasting precious time here!

Arthur: There's no need.

Leone: Why?

Arthur: Here's why *put the Iron Maiden down*

He torn off the Iron Maiden front. Night Raid curiously peeked their heads to look what's inside. To their shock, it was Iokal's mutilated corpse.

Akame: How did you get past his security guards? Can you have a view at the estate, Mine?

MIne: Sure thing.

She raised her Pumpkin to have a better view via the scope, and what she saw made her freeze.

Tatsumi: Mine? Are you ok?

Mine: He...he....he killed them all.

Night Raid: Can you say it again?

Mine: He killed them all.

Tatsumi: What about the victims?

Arthur: I teleported them to our rear lines with some of Iokal's money


Arthur: An easy feat.

Alame: Just who are you and what have you done to gain this much power, Arthur-san?

Arthur put a finger on where his mouth would be (he's wearing a helmet)

"It's a secret"

"By the way, I'm cooking dinner after this. Who wants to dig in?"

"Me!" - the entire team simultaneously exclaimed

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