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Start of the journey

In the world of Azur Lane:

Arthur: Which place should I teleport to today......Eh, let's take chances.

And just like that, he disappeared, though not without leaving another him in the office.


A man wearing a high quality naval uniform is falling from a height of 30000 feet and then land softly on a grassy hill.

Arthur: By the name of Azathoth, EVERY time I randomly teleport to a different world, it HAS to be high in the sky! Now then, where am I?. Let's take a look at this world's timeline:

The Narration: "Just as humans gradually decompose, so too do countries crumble. Even the capital that has flourished a thousand years has decayed into a living hell. Evil spirits in the forms of humans infest the place like they own it. Such evils unpunished by God are disposed of in the shadows."

Arthur: (Evils unpunished by God huh.....WHAT a coincidence that I am here. But first I need to hitch a ride.)

1 day later:

Merchant number 1: This land is known to have heavy activities of Earth Dragons, we must be careful.

Arthur: Excuse me, what's an Earth Dragon?

Merchant number 1: It's a...

Merchant number 2: EARTH DRAGON SPOTTED!

Arthur/Merchant number 1: (Speak of the devil...)

Suddenly the Earth Dragon was diced apart. Behind it emerged a young boy - its killer.

Merchant number 1: He...he slain such a large beast by himself!

Merchant number 2: That's amazing, kid!

Tatsumi: This was just a piece of cake for someone like me! Name's Tatsumi, please to meet you!

Arthur: My name's Arthur Godfrey, but you call me Arthur. Please to meet you too.

Merchant number 2: What are you doing around here, Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: I'm going to the capital to make a name for myself!

Merchant number 1: Listen, kid. The capital isn't as dreamy as you might think. It's lively, sure, but there are monsters even more dangerous than the Earth Dragon.

Merchant number 2: They are not Danger Beasts, but rather humans with hearts so vile that they are no better than monsters. That's all you will find there.

Tatsumi: Thanks for the warning, but I can no longer step back. I am going to make money to save our village.

Arthur: (picks up his guns). I like this one. We shall be companions

Inside the capital:

Tatsumi: So this is the Capital! Awesome!

Arthur: Calm down, Tatsumi. You are attracting attention.

Tatsumi: Oh, sorry!

Arthur: So, what are you going to do next?

Tatsumi: I'm heading to the barracks!....Arthur-san, your clothes seems to look like military clothing. Did you serve in the military?

Arthur: In the naval branch. Not this country's navy though. But I am pretty sure that every person, be they volunteers or conscripts, has to work from the lowest ranks then climbs up.

Tatsumi: Do you think I can convince them to enlist me in a higher rank?

Arthur: Ha. No.

The kid didn't listen. When he walked into the application room, he tries to show off his skills to the applier in an attempt to enlist him into a captain. He get kicked out by the visibly angry applier.

Arthur: Told you. Military application doesn't work that way.

????: That kid seems to be in a spot. Aren't you going to help him up?

Arthur: Eh, he can stand up on his own. *cue Tatsumi standing up*

????: That kid came from the country to pursue his dream in the capital, am I right?

Tatsumi: How did you know?

Arthur: She's a native, of course she knows. (So this is Leone, a member of the so-called "Night Raid")

????: And you, gentleman, you must be from another country,yes?

Arthur: Yes. And can you tell me your name?

Leone: My name's Leone, and I know a way to help him get into service

Tatsumi: Really?

Leone: You just have to treat me to a meal.

In the afternoon, the three of us share a sumptuous feast in a nearby restaurant. After that Tatsumi learned Leone was a notorious scammer and trust anyone in the capital is foolhardy. By the hard way. Poor boy lost all his money. I saw through her scam, but decided to shut my mouth so that the country bumpkin can learn. In the evening we decided to find an inn to stay for the night, but a young girl named Aria offered us a place to sleep in her house, and Tatsumi instantly accepted. Well...Death is here, folks

Tatsumi: I wonder if my friends Sayo and Ieyasu have arrived here or not? I think they may have already arrived

Arthur: Perhaps. (You'll soon find out when we arrived at this "bitch in sheep's clothing" 's house...)

Aria's parents treated us warmly. They invited us to have dinner with them, and even prepared a spacious room. Next morning, we went on a shopping spree with Aria.

Tatsumi: The amount she's buying...That's borderline ridiculous!

Guard 1: Not just the young miss, every young girl is just like that. Actually, forget it. Look up. That's the heart of the Capital. The Palace.

Tatsumi: It's huge! That's where the Emperor lives !?!!

Guard: The Emperor does live there, but he's still a child. The one's manipulating him from behind is the Prime Minister. He's the one responsible for the decay of this country.

Tatsumi: * fists clenching* Then the heavy taxes in our village are also....

Guard 2: And there's also them. The Night Raid. * he gestures at some posters on a wall* They are an organizing focus on assassinating high-ranking individuals in the capital. As their name suggests, they attack at night. So be on guard.

Tatsumi: No problem!

At night:

Arthur: *brandishing his rail magnums, wearing a crimson red longcoat* It's time.

At a hallway:

Aria's mom: Now then...time to write today's journal entry. I just can't quit this hobby.

*BANG x 6*

Arthur: Auf Wiedersehen.....I can sense someone hiding in the corner. Show yourself

From another hallway, emerged a girl wielding a pair of giant scissors. A member of Night Raid, no doubt.

Scissors girl: Who are you?

Arthur: *guns still pointing* Name's Arthur Godfrey. You must be a member of the fabled Night Raid.

The girl flinched at Arthur's sentence.

Arthur: Did I hit a nerve?

Scissors girl: How do you know?

Arthur: Only a well-trained assassin could exude such a large killing intent. But worry not, I don't have hostility towards Night Raid. *put his guns in hip holsters* What's your name, young miss?

Sheele: Name's Sheele.

Inside the bedroom:

Tatsumi: (The smell of blood...It can't be...!) *he ran outside*

Arthur: Hello, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Arthur-san? Why do you change your clothes? And who's that scissors wielding-girl behind you? And....and why do you smell of blood?

Arthur: Quiet, Tatsumi. Besides.....


Arthur: *parry something with his gun.* We're not alone.

Sheele: That's my comrades. (He casually parried Akame's slash..This man....He's not normal!)

Tatsumi: You mean Night Raid? Why are you targeting the house of an innocent person?

Arthur: Tatsumi, sorry to say but.....Aria's a bitch in sheep's clothing. By the way, black hair girl, is that "Murasame" you are holding?.

Akame: You have knowledge of Imperial Arms. A dangerous individual. What should I do with you?

Sheele: He's on our side, Akame?

An armored burly man wielding a spear spoke up:

"How are you so sure, Sheele?"

Sheele: He killed my prey before I got a chance to attack, and I can feel no killing intent when we met. He's a potential ally, Bulat

Akame: Then I trust your judgment. But now...

Arthur: We got more targets to kill.

Aria's guards: Miss, go to the storage shed! You'll be safe there!

Aria is running like she never ran before as the guards were dropped down like flies. However, luck was not on her side. She was cornered by Night Raid right in front of the storage shed.

Arthur: Tatsumi, brace yourself. This is the moment of truth. Go, Leone.

A voluptuous girl with lion ears calmly walks closer to the door. Tatsumi quickly recognized her as yesterday afternoon's scammer. The moment she opened the door, Tatsumi's heart seemed to have stopped beating. Rows upon rows of torture devices, experiment and dissection tools. Tens of humans were either dead or in various stages of infection, some laid down on dissection tables, some were caged like animals while others were hung either downside up or upside down. Among the bodies, there was one girl, one whom Tatsumi knew very well.

Tatsumi: (Is that....Sayo?)

"Did that family do this?", said Tatsumi, his voice full of cold fury.

Aria: I didn't know this place existed! You must believe me, Tatsumi!

A dying boy in a cage spoke up:

"Is that you....Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi: Ieyasu?

Ieyasu: That...that girl, she approached me and Sayo...and we passed out after eating a meal she gave us. When we woke uo, here we were. That bitch...SHE TORTURED SAYO TO DEATH, TATSUMI!

Arthur: Any last words, monster?


Arthur grabbed Aria's head and threw her at Tatsumi.

Arthur: The girl's yours, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi bisected Aria without any hesitation.

Ieyasu: That's my Tatsumi....Blrrgh!

Tatsumi: Ieyasu?

Akame: He's in the last stage of Lubora disease. He doesn't have much time left.

Ieyasu: Tatsumi...Sayo never gave in to that bitch...So I want to make you proud up until my last moments.....

He balled up his fist and tried his best to raise his arms, then turn his head to look at Arthur:

"I don't know your name, good sir. but could you.....look after Tatsumi...for me?"

"I will.", Arthur said.

"Then I can...finally rest."

Arthur: May your soul rest in peace. By the way, may I get some time with Tatsumi?

Akame: Be quick

Arthur: Follow me, Tatsumi.

At the backyard:

Tatsumi: Why are you calling me here?
Arthur: To tell you something.

Tatsumi: Is it important?

Arthur: Yes. It's about my true identity

Tatsumi: Wait, you're not a naval officer?

Arthur: I am indeed a naval officer, it's just one of my covers. I am actually a god.

Tatsumi: A god? Are you kidding me? I thought gods only exist in stories!

Arthur: Here's proof
With a finger snap, everything stopped moving.

Tatsumi: What...what just happened?

Arthur: I've just stopped time. You can move because I let you move


Arthur: Yes. But you must keep it a secret.

Tatsumi: Then....Can you bring my friends back?

Arthur: Yes. Just not right now.

Tatsumi: Why, Arthur-sama?

Arthur: I have three things to say. First, keep this conversation a secret. Second, just call me like before. Third, and most importantly, we have a corrupt capital to deal with, so I cannot resurrect them yet. I'm going to join Night Raid. You can choose your own path if you want.

Tatsumi: I will follow you wherever you go, Arthur-san.

Arthur: Ha-ha, I know you would answer that.

Tatsumi: By the way, can you save my village?

Arthur: Already in the process of doing so.

A moment later:

Arthur: We're done. We'll join Night Raid from now on

Akame: Let's go

At dawn:

Bulat: You're finally back

Mine: You're late, what are you doing? And who are they?
Leone: New members. The grown-up is quite formidable.

Sheele: He managed to parry Akame's sneak attack.

Lubbock: Wait what? No one in our team has ever been able to do that!

Leone: Well now we have one. Welcome to the team!

Akame: Operation complete! Let's return to base.

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