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Annoying Liberator and Unexpected Reunion

Reisen Gorge:

Hajime: All this map says the entrance is somewhere in the Reisen Gorge. Uh, why are you squirming, Shea?

Shea: I...uh....just need to go find some flowers!

Hajime: There's no bathroom here so go somewhere obscure and finish quickly.

Shea went into a small cave she found on the left side of the gorge. After a few second, she told us that she found something interesting. It was the labyrinth's entrance. A voice suddenly echoed from nowhere

Mysterious Sound: Hi there! Glad to meet you! Let me welcome you to Miledi Reisen's super duper fun labyrinth!

Hajime: Where does that sound coming from?

Shea: Who cares! This is the entrance we are looking for! Come on, Hajime-san!

Arthur: I have a bad feeling about this.

Shea: are we going to enter the labyrinth?

She tried knocking on the cave for a while until a portion of the walls responded and turned into a secret entrance that swallowed her in.

Yue/Hajime/Arthur: You're kidding.

We followed suit and what greeted our eyes was....Shea, pinned on the wall by arrow and wetted herself. She begged us to forget everything because she's too embarassed. Then the small stele next to us generated a message, and that voiced boomed againn

Mysterious Voice: Did that scare ya? Did ya run away and cry for mommy?

Arthur: Shea. Test that sledgehammer Hajime gave you, please.

Shea smashed the stele into bits, but the voiced kept mocking us. It said everything that is destroyed will automatically repair itself over time. I think I'm closer and closer to explosion.

Hajime: I am seriously having doubts about the legitimacy of Miledy Reisen being a Liberators.

Yue: She's more like a nuisance.

Arthur: A scourge of humanity.

Hajime: Can't disagree with that.

And thus began the most infuriating trip we ever experienced. What made this infuriating was not the traps or the automatons guarding this labyrinth. Those things would be death to any travelers but they were small fries compared to freakish physical prowess and/or large mana reserves coupled with high magic dampening resistance like all of us. In this environment, Shea really proved to be an invaluable teammate. In fact, I don't even have to do anything because she always took the lead.

What made up the majority of our fury and suffering was the constant. Fucking. PRANKS on the way. Shea took all of the pranks first and she's not happy .AND THEN there's that constant mocking voice, THAT DAMN. GIRLY. CHILDISH. VOICE. After enduring for a long time, we found where the final boss laid. A giant automaton standing on a floating platform with numerous other platforms above and below.

Giant Automaton: Hi there! Looks like you four have made it all this way!

Shea: This definitely is the big boss.

Giant Automaton: I'm everyone's favorite, Miledy Reisen! At your service!

Hajime: Who are you really? Miledy Reisen is huan and would be long dead by now. We read about her in Oscar's notebook.

Giant Automaton: So you four are the ones who made it through Oscar's labyrinth?

Hajime: I'm the one asking questions around here. Who are you really?

Giant Automaton: I'm telling truth!I'm Miledy Reisen.

Arthur: More like "half-truth". Miledy Reisen is indeed here, I can sense her soul. But it's not inside this automaton, right?

Giant Automaton: To be able to see my soul, you must be really powerful. Did you possess Spirit Magic?

Arthur: Yes, but not from this world

Giant Automaton: If you have such potent magic, then why are you here with them?

Arthur: I'll let them answer.

Hajime: We're here to acquire Ancient Magic.

Giant Automaton: Whatever you want Ancient Magic for, it must be very important.

Hajime: Some insane god practically abducted me to this world, and I'm looking for a way that could help me travel through worlds, and I don't have any intention to give up, even when the god of this world stand against me. Now tell me, will the Ancient Magic inside this labyrinth help me return to my world?

Giant Automaton: Hmm. Nope. I'm not going to tell you.

Arthur: It's Gravity Magic, isn't it.

Giant Automaton: How did you know?

Arthur: Those platforms would fall if there's no gravity manipulation. Easy enough to guess.

Hajime: (Why didn't I think about that?)

Arthur: To be able to suspend such numbers of platforms, it's quite good, Miledy Reisen. Too bad I'm better.

I took control of most of the cube platforms, then I encased Miledy Reisen by them, effectively trapping her in a cubic prison. I left a hole at the middle, right above her core for the finishing attack.

Arthur: Shea. Show me how good you can hit a ball with your strength *toss a cannonball*. Release all your accumulated stress back to the source. And I believe you know where to strike.

With her sledgehammer Drucken, Shea swung at the ball with all the pent-up frustration she had towards Miledy and this labyrinth. The cannonball punched through the Azantium chestplate like paper, smashing the core into bits. Only then did I release my control on the cubes.

Arthur: Nice job, Shea.

Yue: Shea, get over here. *Pet Shea* You did great today. Hajime won't pet you, so I will.

Shea: Did you just call me by my name?

Yue: You really help us out there, you know? I'm sorry for being rude on you all these days.

Shea: *crying tears of happiness* I'm so happy....

Arthur: Let's go meet the real Miledy.


Miledy: Hi there! I'm Miledy, owner of this labyrinth and everybody's friends!

Yue: An utter disappointment.

Shea: Hajime-san, can I hit her?

Hajime: Go on. You can hit her extra hard, if you want.

Miledy: W-wait wait wait wait! Please don't! This body is really delicate! Don'get any closer!

Shea: HAAAAAAA! *le bonk*

Miledy: Owwwwww.........

Shea: That's for all the pranks.


Hajime: Gravity Magic is finally ours

Miledy: You and the rabbit girl don't really have much affinity for Gravity Magic. On the other other hand, that blonde girl would be a master if she trained hard enough. And here the proof on conquer.

Hajime: That's great, but don't you have other stuff? Any useful artifacts

Miledy: Huh?

Arthur: Now now Hajime, we don't demand for stuff like that.

Arthur: Do you have stuff that would help them in their journey, miss Miledy Reisen

Miledy: Since you ask so nicely, there's a storage on the surface that you can take.

Miledy: By the way, why do you speak like their quest is not your business? You are a party member, right?

Arthur: I'm just tagging along.

Miledy: Who are you, and what's your motive then?

Arthur: I'm Arthur Godfrey. I'm here to...

Hajime: He's here to kill Ehit.

Arthur: Thank you, Hajime

Miledy: Are you sure you're strong enough to kill him? We tried before, you know. And I'm the only one left.

Yue: You don't have to worry about him. He's a god.

Miledy: W-wuh-wuh-WHAT? HE'S A GOD? REALLY?

Shea: He uprooted the Great Tree Uralt 2 weeks ago and put it back it.

Miledy: That explains the tremors I felt in here. Well then, next question: Why would you want to kill Ehit? Did he do something bad to you?

Arthur: At first, I was just pissed because his summoning magic got a hold of me while I was teleporting. Then I saw a bunch aa of teenagers basically got abducted by him, and then I learned about the atrocities he had done and you Liberators, I decided to lend this world a hand....while having a nice journey. That's about everything.

Miledy: I wish you luck then, Sir Arthur.

Arthur: By the way, where's the way out? *looks & points at a rope* Is that for flushing people out?

Miledy: I would have done so were it not for you asking me nicely for treasure. I hope we can see each other again.

Arthur: We will. Bye bye *get teleported away by Miledy*

On the surface:

Yue: My magic power is no long dampened. We really are inside the Gorge no longer.

Hajime: It's already night. We should find an inn in that town nearby.

Arthur: After we loot that storage Miledy told us about.

Shea: But how can we find it? She didn't give us any directions.

Yue: I found a sign nearby. It says "Reisen Storage Room is here".

Shea: Forget what I said.

Hajime: The door isn't locked. Looting time.

Arthur: Everybody done?

Hajime gave a thumbs-up.

Arthur: Good. Now we look for accomodation.

We packed up the loot, put them inside Hajime's Treasure Trove, put a collar around Shea's neack, then jump down to search for an inn.

Inn Receptionist: Welcome to Masaka Inn, travelers. How could I assist you today?

Arthur: We want two rooms with double beds and, preferable, a hot bath. And here's the money *put down a money bag* No need to give change

Inn Receptionist: Here's the room keys. We hope you have a good night, good sir.

Arthur: You too. *take the keys*

Arthur: Yue and Shea, you two will share a room. Me and Hajime will take the other.

Yue/Shea: Can't I sleep with Hajime-san?

Arthur: No. The last thing we wanted is two women in heat.

Next morning, at Fuhren Independent Merchant Republic Adventurer's Guild:

Ilwer Chang: I am Ilwer Change, head of Fuhren Adventurer's Guild. I have been looking for you

Arthur: May we know why the Guildmaster himself called us here?

Ilwer Chang: Hajime-kun, Shea-kun, Yue-san and Arthur-san. There have been rumors circulating around the town of Brooke about a talented group or four people who easily made their way through the Reisen Gorge. Are you the ones?

Arthur: You've got the right group. But surely you don't call us here just to confirm a rumor do you?

Ilwer Chang: You are correct. There's a request I would like you to undertake.

Arthur: If we accept the request, what will we get in return?

Ilwer Chang: We could keep your appearances off the records if you want.

Arthur: As expected from a Guildmaster. Tell me about the request before we discuss further.

Ilwer Change: An adventurer party has headed to the northern mountains on a survey several days ago. They have gone missing. Among them is the third son of Count Cudeta, Will Cudeta. I want you rescue him.

Arthur: Son of a Count in an adventurer party. It must have been pretty big.

Ilwer Chang: The adventurers escorting him are quite skilled. If there's something they cannot handle, lots of innocents will get hurt. Since we don't know how powerful is the enemy, we search for your party. The Count is a friend of mine. Could you take on this request?

Arthur: Before I decided, there are conditions my friends have in mind.

Ilwen Chang: List then and I will consider

Arthur: Please speak, Hajime:

Hajime: Here are the conditions we want:

-Firstly, you will make us three status plates.

- Secondly, we get your backing if we get into trouble with the guild.

- Thirdly, you will help us when we are in need of you.

If you agree with these conditions, we will take the request.

Ilwer Chang: Very well. I accept the conditions. I wish you luck on the mission

The deal has been settled. Outside the guild headquarters, we summoned our bikes then bolted out of the city, heading to the northern mountains, where our objective awaits. Yue go with Hajime, while Shea go with me.

Arthur: Oi Hajime. I have something to tell you

Hajime: Yeah?

Arthur: We will be passing through the Lake Town of Ur, the continent's largest rice farming area on our way and spend a night here.

Hajime: *excited* I haven't eaten rice for a long time.

Yue: You sound excited, Hajime-san.

Hajime: Rice was a staple diet in my country. And today I will get to eat rice for the first time since I got here!

Yue: Well, then, I want to eat some rice too.

At the Lake Town of Ur, the farmers are building canals and cultivating terrace fields for their crops. With the help Aiko Hatayama's party and her accompanying knights, they have done everything in a relatively short amount of time. Everyone head back to the local inn for a well-deserved hot meal.

Aiko: Good job out there today, everyone! Fill your bellies and get ready to work hard again tomorrow!

Aiko's Squad: Right! Let's dig in!

Aiko: *long sigh*

Yuka Sonobe: Are you feeling okay, sensei? You're not thinking about Shimizu again, are you?

Aiko: Where could he have gone? It's been a whole week since his disappearance. It's just doesn't seem right. Nothing like this has ever happened with him. I should have been keeping a closer eye on him.

Yuka Sonobe: Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine.

Atsushi Tamai: He'll be back before we know it!

Aiko: You're right. Worrying about him isn't gonna solve anything

Inn Owner: I hope you're enjoying the food this evening. How's the meal?

Aiko: Everything is as delicious as always.

Inn Owner: Good. That's something I need to hear tonight.

Aiko: Is there something wrong.

Inn Owner: I hate to disappoint you, but we have used all our spices for today's dinner.

Yuka Sonobe: How does we come to ran out all of our spices, if you don't mind my asking.

Inn Owner: It sounds like there's some serious trouble up in the northern mountains.

Aiko: What trouble?

Inn Owner: Rumors said that a gang of monsters suddenly appeared and just yesterday, a group of high-rank adventurers ventured there suddenly disappeared.

Aiko: That sound seriously concerning.

Inn Owner: Thankfully, the guild has sent another group to deal with this problem. They checked in earlier today. They said that the Guildmaster himself requested their assistance

Templar Knight David Zahler: Oh? Whoever they might be, they must be real tough.

Inn Owner: Ah. Here they are now.

Arthur: How's the weapon making thing gone so far, Hajime?

Hajime: So far, so good. Speak of weapons, do you want to build a tank with me tomorrow, Arthur-sama?

Arthur: Sure. Why not.

Aiko: Did they just say...what I think they said?

Atsushi Tamai: Yeah. That voice sounds familiar. Am I wrong here.

Aiko: I must confirm this!

Hajime: *to Inn Owner* We want four portions of....Aiko-sensei?

Aiko: It really is you, Nagumo! I'm so...I'm so glad you are alive!

Hajime: No. You got the wrong person.

Arthur: *smiles menacingly* Hajime, don't be rude to your teacher, or else I will intensify your training.

Hajime: Okay...Long time no see, Aiko-sensei.

Aiko: And are alive too?

Arthur: Yep. Still kickin' hard.

Aiko: How did Hajime look like that? And why did you two don't return to us? And why did Hajime have women on his side? 

Arthur: Okay, sit down. You can ask questions while we are having dinner. We will answer them.

Hajime: Four portions of curry, please.

While they are eating:

Aiko: Who are these two girls, Hajime?

Hajime: I'll let them answer by themselves.

Yue: I'm Yue.

Shea: I'm Shea.

Yue/Shea: We belong to Hajime-san!

Aiko: B-Belong to?

Hajime: They are companions who are indebted to me, that's why they say so.

Aiko: What happened when you fell in the labyrinth?

Hajime: I worked real hard.

Aiko: And why did your hair turn white?

Hajime: I worked real hard

Aiko: did you lose your right eye and your left arm?

Hajime: Because I worked real hard.

Aiko: Take this seriously!

David Zahler: *fist banging the table.* You pay respect to her this instant!

Hajime: Mind your manners

David Zahler: Mind your manners? Is that how you talk to your superiors? You should learn how to conduct yourselves, and I'm not gonna spend my time lecturing table etiquette on someone who shares their meal with a beastman. She might be marginally more acceptable if I cut those disgusting ears off. It wouldn't be too hard to find out.

Arthur/Hajime: The fuck you just said?

David Zahler: How dare you use such tones against a Templar Knight.

Arthur/Hajime: Shut your trap.

David Zahler: Damned heretics!

David prepared to unsheathe his sword, then suddenly two loud "BANG"s were heard. David  was hit by two rubber bullets and fell on the ground, his shoulder armor plates was blasted off. Two other knights rushed to help him stand up and tend to his wounds.

Arthur/Hajime: This is only a warning shot. Next time there won't be any.

Hajime: Shea, you feeling okay?

Shea: No, I'm not.

Hajime: Racism is prevalent in this world. Don't pay attention to what idiots like him said.

Shea: I didn't know humans think my ears are disgusting.

Yue: Your ears are cute and fluffy, Shea. That man only said that to hurt you

Shea: Really?

Arthur: Hajime even pet them when you are sleeping. Isn't that right, Yue? 

Hajime: HEY!

Arthur: Also, turn your head towards me, Hajime.

Hajime: Uh, okay?

Hajime got a rubber bullet on his face.

Hajime: Hey! What was that for?

Arthur: Didn't I tell you that you should not ignore your teacher. Prepare for intensified training, boy.

Hajime: (Fuck)

Arthur: *gesture towards the students* Kids, come here. I will tell you the story.

Two minutes later:

Arthur: Okay, now everybody's gathered. I will begin.

Yuka Sonobe: How do you guys come back to the surface.

Arthur: I am literally beginning to talk about it right now,  thank you. So, after the bridge collapsed, we landed on the first floor of the Lower Labyrinth. Monsters down there was way stronger than the Behemoth, even on the first floor. I held my own pretty well, but poor Hajime got his arm sliced off.

Aiko: You telling me that the Behemoth that terrorized my students was just a small fry compared to what you two faced?

Arthur: Aye.

Aiko's Squad: (Kouki and the rest were down there....)

Arthur: Down there, Hajime had to eat monster meat to survive. That's why his hair and eye color changed. The kid became more wild too.

David Zahler: Wait a minute, I thought monster meat is lethal for digestion.

Arthur: It is. However, the boy found an Ambrosia crystal and he survived the process by drinking ambrosia. After some time, we found each other and several months later, we cleared the labyrinth. 

Aiko and her bodyguards: That's incredible....

Arthur: Before this reunion, we also got through the Reisen Gorge.

David Zahler: The Reisen Gorge heavily dampens all magic in there, and it was used as an execution ground by the Empire. And now you're telling me that you made it through?

Arthur: Well, several months in hell toughens you up reall good

Aiko and her bodyguards: Wow.....

Aiko: Then, can you tell us how Hajime met those girls? And how they became "indebted" to him?

Arthur: That's a story for another time.

Aiko: Awww, c'mon. By the way, will you return with everyone else.

Hajime: What we are trying to achieve is too dangerous for those in your league, so we are not looking forward to it. At least for now. 

Aiko: Can you at least tell me what's the goal of your party?

Hajime: Fine. Wait for me at night.

At night, in Aiko's room:

Hajime: I have arrived. Can I begin?

Aiko: Yes, you may.

Hajime: Okay. Better strap onto something because you're in for a wild ride. First, I will tell you the history of this world, then exactly why we're not going to follow you. Ready?

Aiko: i'm all ears.

Hajime: Just after the Ancient Age of Gods, the world was plagued by war and chaos. Humans, demons and beastmen fought ceaseless against each other. During those centuries of war, a group of people who want to put a stop to this came forward. The leader of that group discovered that God, in fact, has no plan at all. He's just using this world's lifeforms as pawns for his own game of amusement. While he was pulling strings behind the curtain, heroes came forth, seeking to put an end to his tyranny, and started calling themselves "Liberators". However, God manipulated their own people. The Liberators were called blasphemers, heretics, enemies of the Church seeking to destroy the world. The Liberators' plan fell apart. They cannot bring themselves to harm their own people, so they were branded as "Mavericks" and hunted down one by one. But a few surviving members have scattered themselves, building great labyrinths to hide from a world that did not understand them. In the labyrinth were trials, anyone manage to overcome them is granted their forms of magic, and might be able to end God once and for all. That's what I learned from the abyss, and so did my companions. You might not believe me, and that's okay. I know it might be a lot to take in. Do you have any questions?

Aiko: Are you will fight this evil god?

Hajime: Only when he obstructs me from my goal of finding magic that can return me back home. You could go with us, but I have a strong feeling that you will not make it.

Aiko: Shirasaki never gave up on you, you know? She wasn't going to believe you were dead unless she saw it with her own eyes.

Hajime: (So just like Arthur-sama said) Is she doing okay?

Aiko: She sent me a letter, saying she's training and growing stronger and stronger with the others by working through the labyrinths together.

Hajime: You should tell her...that there's more to worry about than monsters. She should keep an eye on her "teammates".

Aiko: *surprised* Huh?

Hajime: Based on the reaction, I guess you haven't figured it out. About why I ended in the abyss.

Aiko: isn't that because of the fireball spell gone wrong?

Hajime: Hah. It weren't that simple. In reality, it was....

Arthur: It was a murder attempt.

Hajime: About damn time you appear.

Aiko: Arthur-san..did you just say "murder attempt".

Arthur: Precisely. One of your students, precisely one of Hajime's buillies, tried to kill him. You should tell Kaori to watch out for them.

Aiko: It...can't be....One of my students...tried to...kill people?

Arthur: I'm sorry to say this, but....sudden boost in strength, magical gimmicks and a fantasy world could really bring hidden things out of people. Sometimes humans can be monsters themselves, Aiko. 

Aiko: No....I cannot believe this.....

Arthur: I know it's harsh and agonizing, Aiko, but it's truth

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