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C++ programmer language 8

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Exceptions, Templates, and Other  

Advanced Topics

Table of Contents

CRITICAL SKILL 12.1: Exception Handling......................................................................................................2

CRITICAL SKILL 12.2: Generic Functions...................................................................................................... 14

CRITICAL SKILL 12.3: Generic Classes .......................................................................................................... 19

CRITICAL SKILL 12.4: Dynamic Allocation....................................................................................................26

CRITICAL SKILL 12.5: Namespaces...............................................................................................................35

CRITICAL SKILL 12.6: static Class Members.................................................................................................42

CRITICAL SKILL 12.7: Runtime Type Identification (RTTI)............................................................................46

CRITICAL SKILL 12.8: The Casting Operators ...............................................................................................49

You have come a long way since the start of this book. In this, the final module, you will examine several  

important, advanced C++ topics, including exception handling, templates, dynamic allocation, and  

namespaces. Runtime type ID and the casting operators are also covered. Keep in mind that C++ is a  

large, sophisticated, professional programming language, and it is not possible to cover every advanced  

feature, specialized technique, or programming nuance in this beginner’s guide. When you finish this  

module, however, you will have mastered the core elements of the language and will be able to begin  

writing real-world programs.

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CRITICAL SKILL 12.1: Exception Handling

An exception is an error that occurs at runtime. Using C++’s exception handling subsystem, you can, in a  

structured and controlled manner, handle runtime errors. When exception handling is employed, your  

program automatically invokes an error-handling routine when an exception occurs. The principal  

advantage of exception handling is that it automates much of the error-handling code that previously  

had to be entered “by hand†into any large program.

Exception Handling Fundamentals

C++ exception handling is built upon three keywords: try, catch, and throw. In the most general terms,  

program statements that you want to monitor for exceptions are contained in a try block. If an  

exception (that is, an error) occurs within the try block, it is thrown (using throw). The exception is  

caught, using catch, and processed. The following discussion elaborates upon this general description.

Code that you want to monitor for exceptions must have been executed from within a try block. (A  

function called from within a try block is also monitored.) Exceptions that can be thrown by the  

monitored code are caught by a catch statement that immediately follows the try statement in which  

the exception was thrown. The general forms of try and catch are shown here:

The try block must contain the portion of your program that you want to monitor for errors. This section  

can be as short as a few statements within one function, or as all-encompassing as a try block that  

encloses the main( ) function code (which would, in effect, cause the entire program to be monitored).

When an exception is thrown, it is caught by its corresponding catch statement, which then processes  

the exception. There can be more than one catch statement associated with a try. The type of the  

exception determines which catch statement is used. That is, if the data type specified by a catch  

statement matches that of the exception, then that catch statement is executed (and all others are  

bypassed). When an exception is caught, arg will receive its value. Any type of data can be caught,  

including classes that you create.

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The general form of the throw statement is shown here:

throw exception;

throw generates the exception specified by exception. If this exception is to be caught,

Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

then throw must be executed either from within a try block itself, or from any function called from  

within the try block (directly or indirectly).

If an exception is thrown for which there is no applicable catch statement, an abnormal program  

termination will occur. That is, your program will stop abruptly in an uncontrolled manner. Thus, you will  

want to catch all exceptions that will be thrown.

Here is a simple example that shows how C++ exception handling operates:

This program displays the following output:

start Inside  

try block  

Caught an exception -- value is: 99  


Look carefully at this program. As you can see, there is a try block containing three statements and a  

catch(int i) statement that processes an integer exception. Within the try block, only two of the three  

statements will execute: the first cout statement and the throw. Once an exception has been thrown,  

control passes to the catch expression, and the try block is terminated. That is, catch is not called.

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Rather, program execution is transferred to it. (The program’s stack is automatically reset, as necessary,  

to accomplish this.) Thus, the cout statement following the throw will never execute.

Usually, the code within a catch statement attempts to remedy an error by taking appropriate action. If  

the error can be fixed, then execution will continue with the statements following the catch. Otherwise,  

program execution should be terminated in a controlled manner.

As mentioned earlier, the type of the exception must match the type specified in a catch statement. For  

example, in the preceding program, if you change the type in the catch statement to double, then the  

exception will not be caught and abnormal termination will occur. This change is shown here:

This program produces the following output because the integer exception will not be caught by the  

catch(double i) statement. Of course, the final message indicating abnormal termination will vary from  

compiler to compiler.

start Inside  

try block  

Abnormal program termination

An exception thrown by a function called from within a try block can be handled by that try block. For  

example, this is a valid program:

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This program produces the following output:

As the output confirms, the exception thrown in Xtest( ) was caught by the exception handler in main( ).  

A try block can be localized to a function. When this is the case, each time the function is entered, the  

exception handling relative to that function is reset. Examine this sample program:

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This program displays the following output:


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Caught One! Ex. #: 1  

Caught One! Ex. #: 2  

Caught One! Ex. #: 3  


In this example, three exceptions are thrown. After each exception, the function returns. When the  

function is called again, the exception handling is reset. In general, a try block is reset each time it is  

entered. Thus, a try block that is part of a loop will be reset each time the loop repeats.

1. In the language of C++, what is an exception?

2. Exception handling is based on what three keywords?

3. An exception is caught based on its type. True or false?

Using Multiple catch Statements

As stated earlier, you can associate more than one catch statement with a try. In fact, it is common to do  

so. However, each catch must catch a different type of exception. For example, the program shown next  

catches both integers and character pointers.

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In general, catch expressions are checked in the order in which they occur in a program. Only a matching  

statement is executed. All other catch blocks are ignored.

Catching Base Class Exceptions

There is one important point about multiple catch statements that relates to derived classes. A catch  

clause for a base class will also match any class derived from that base. Thus, if you want to catch  

exceptions of both a base class type and a derived class type, put the derived class first in the catch  

sequence. If you don’t, the base class catch will also catch all derived classes. For example, consider the  

following program:

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Here, because derived is an object that has B as a base class, it will be caught by the first catch clause,  

and the second clause will never execute. Some compilers will flag this condition with a warning  

message. Others may issue an error message and stop compilation. Either way, to fix this condition,  

reverse the order of the catch clauses.

Catching All Exceptions

In some circumstances, you will want an exception handler to catch all exceptions instead of just a  

certain type. To do this, use this form of catch:

catch(...) { // process all exceptions }

Here, the ellipsis matches any type of data. The following program illustrates catch(...):

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This program displays the following output:


Caught One!  

Caught One!  

Caught One!  


Xhandler( ) throws three types of exceptions: int, char, and double. All are caught using the catch(...)  


One very good use for catch(...) is as the last catch of a cluster of catches. In this capacity, it provides a  

useful default or “catch all†statement. Using catch(...) as a default is a good way to catch all exceptions  

that you don’t want to handle explicitly. Also, by catching all exceptions, you prevent an unhandled  

exception from causing an abnormal program termination.

Specifying Exceptions Thrown by a Function

You can specify the type of exceptions that a function can throw outside of itself. In fact, you can also  

prevent a function from throwing any exceptions whatsoever. To accomplish these restrictions, you  

must add a throw clause to a function definition. The general form of this clause is

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ret-type func-name(arg-list) throw(type-list) { // ... }

Here, only those data types contained in the comma-separated type-list can be thrown by the function.  

Throwing any other type of expression will cause abnormal program termination. If you don’t want a  

function to be able to throw any exceptions, then use an empty list.

NOTE: At the time of this writing, Visual C++ does not actually prevent a function from throwing an exception

type that is not specified in the throw clause. This is nonstandard behavior. You can still specify a throw clause, but  

such a clause is informational only.

The following program shows how to specify the types of exceptions that can be thrown from a  


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In this program, the function Xhandler( ) can only throw integer, character, and double exceptions. If it  

attempts to throw any other type of exception, then an abnormal program termination will occur. To  

see an example of this, remove int from the list and retry the program. An error will result. (As  

mentioned, currently Visual C++ does not restrict the exceptions that a function can throw.)

It is important to understand that a function can only be restricted in what types of exceptions it throws  

back to the try block that has called it. That is, a try block within a function can throw any type of  

exception, as long as the exception is caught within that function. The restriction applies only when  

throwing an exception outside of the function.

Rethrowing an Exception

You can rethrow an exception from within an exception handler by calling throw by itself, with no  

exception. This causes the current exception to be passed on to an outer try/catch sequence. The most  

likely reason for calling throw this way is to allow multiple handlers access to the exception. For  

example, perhaps one exception handler manages one aspect of an exception, and a second handler  

copes with another aspect. An exception can only be rethrown from within a catch block (or from any  

function called from within that block). When you rethrow an exception, it will not be recaught by the  

same catch statement. It will propagate to the next catch statement. The following program illustrates  

rethrowing an exception. It rethrows a char * exception.

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This program displays the following output:


Caught char * inside Xhandler  

Caught char * inside main  


1. Show how to catch all exceptions.

2. How do you specify the type of exceptions that can be thrown out of a function?

3. How do you rethrow an exception?


The template is one of C++’s most sophisticated and high-powered features. Although not part of the  

original specification for C++, it was added several years ago and is supported by all modern C++  

compilers. Templates help you achieve one of the most elusive goals in programming: the creation of  

reusable code.

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Using templates, it is possible to create generic functions and classes. In a generic function or class, the  

type of data upon which the function or class operates is specified as a parameter. Thus, you can use  

one function or class with several different types of data without having to explicitly recode specific  

versions for each data type. Both generic functions and generic classes are introduced here.

Ask the Expert

Q: It seems that there are two ways for a function to report an error: to throw an exception or to

return an error code. In general, when should I use each approach?

A: You are correct, there are two general approaches to reporting errors: throwing exceptions and

returning error codes. Today, language experts favor exceptions rather than error codes. For example,  

both the Java and C# languages rely heavily on exceptions, using them to report most types of common  

errors, such as an error opening a file or an arithmetic overflow. Because C++ is derived from C, it uses a  

blend of error codes and exceptions to report errors. Thus, many error conditions that relate to C++  

library functions are reported using error return codes. However, in new code that you write, you should  

consider using exceptions to report errors. It is the way modern code is being written.

CRITICAL SKILL 12.2: Generic Functions

A generic function defines a general set of operations that will be applied to various types of data. The  

type of data that the function will operate upon is passed to it as a parameter. Through a generic  

function, a single general procedure can be applied to a wide range of data. As you probably know,  

many algorithms are logically the same no matter what type of data is being operated upon. For  

example, the Quicksort sorting algorithm is the same whether it is applied to an array of integers or an  

array of floats. It is just that the type of data being sorted is different. By creating a generic function, you  

can define the nature of the algorithm, independent of any data. Once you have done this, the compiler  

will automatically generate the correct code for the type of data that is actually used when you execute  

the function. In essence, when you create a generic function, you are creating a function that can  

automatically overload itself.

A generic function is created using the keyword template. The normal meaning of the word “template† 

accurately reflects its use in C++. It is used to create a template (or framework) that describes what a  

function will do, leaving it to the compiler to fill in the details as needed. The general form of a generic  

function definition is shown here:

template <class Ttype> ret-type func-name(parameter list) { // body of function }

Here, Ttype is a placeholder name for a data type. This name is then used within the function definition  

to declare the type of data upon which the function operates. The compiler will automatically replace  

Ttype with an actual data type when it creates a specific version of the function. Although the use of the  

keyword class to specify a generic type in a template declaration is traditional, you may also use the  

keyword typename.

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The following example creates a generic function that swaps the values of the two variables with which  

it is called. Because the process of exchanging two values is independent of the type of the variables, it  

is a good candidate for being made into a generic function.

Let’s look closely at this program. The line

template <class X> void swapargs(X &a, X &b)

tells the compiler two things: that a template is being created and that a generic definition is beginning.  

Here, X is a generic type that is used as a placeholder. After the template portion, the function  

swapargs( ) is declared, using X as the data type of the values that will be swapped. In main( ), the  

swapargs( ) function is called using three different types of data: ints, floats, and chars. Because  

swapargs( ) is a generic function, the compiler automatically creates three versions of swapargs( ): one  

that will exchange integer values, one that will exchange floating-point values, and one that will swap

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characters. Thus, the same generic swap( ) function can be used to exchange arguments of any type of  


Here are some important terms related to templates. First, a generic function (that is, a function  

definition preceded by a template statement) is also called a template function. Both terms are used  

interchangeably in this book. When the compiler creates a specific version of this function, it is said to  

have created a specialization. This is also called a generated function. The act of generating a function is  

referred to as instantiating it. Put differently, a generated function is a specific instance of a template  


A Function with Two Generic Types

You can define more than one generic data type in the template statement by using a comma-separated  

list. For example, this program creates a template function that has two generic types:

In this example, the placeholder types Type1 and Type2 are replaced by the compiler with the data  

types int and char *, and double and long, respectively, when the compiler generates the specific  

instances of myfunc( ) within main( ).

Explicitly Overloading a Generic Function

Even though a generic function overloads itself as needed, you can explicitly overload one, too. This is  

formally called explicit specialization. If you overload a generic function, then that overloaded function  

overrides (or “hidesâ€) the generic function relative to that specific version. For example, consider the  

following, revised version of the argument-swapping example shown earlier:

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As the comments inside the program indicate, when swapargs(i, j) is called, it invokes the explicitly  

overloaded version of swapargs( ) defined in the program. Thus, the compiler does not generate this  

version of the generic swapargs( ) function, because the generic function is overridden by the explicit  


Relatively recently, an alternative syntax was introduced to denote the explicit specialization of a  

function. This newer approach uses the template keyword. For example, using the newer specialization  

syntax, the overloaded swapargs( ) function from the preceding program looks like this:

As you can see, the new-style syntax uses the template<> construct to indicate specialization. The type  

of data for which the specialization is being created is placed inside the angle brackets following the  

function name. This same syntax is used to specialize any type of generic function. While there is no  

advantage to using one specialization syntax over the other at this time, the new-style syntax is probably  

a better approach for the long term.

Explicit specialization of a template allows you to tailor a version of a generic function to accommodate  

a unique situationâ€"perhaps to take advantage of some performance boost that applies to only one type  

of data, for example. However, as a general rule, if you need to have different versions of a function for  

different data types, you should use overloaded functions rather than templates.

CRITICAL SKILL 12.3: Generic Classes

In addition to using generic functions, you can also define a generic class. When you do this, you create  

a class that defines all the algorithms used by that class; however, the actual type of data being  

manipulated will be specified as a parameter when objects of that class are created.

Generic classes are useful when a class uses logic that can be generalized. For example, the same  

algorithm that maintains a queue of integers will also work for a queue of characters, and the same  

mechanism that maintains a linked list of mailing addresses will also maintain a linked list of auto-part  

information. When you create a generic class, it can perform the operation you define, such as  

maintaining a queue or a linked list, for any type of data. The compiler will automatically generate the  

correct type of object, based upon the type you specify when the object is created.

The general form of a generic class declaration is shown here:

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template <class Ttype> class class-name {

// body of class }

Here, Ttype is the placeholder type name, which will be specified when a class is instantiated. If  

necessary, you can define more than one generic data type using a comma-separated list.

Once you have created a generic class, you create a specific instance of that class using the following  

general form:

class-name <type> ob;

Here, type is the type name of the data that the class will be operating upon. Member functions of a  

generic class are, themselves, automatically generic. You need not use template to explicitly specify  

them as such.

Here is a simple example of a generic class:

The output is shown here:

double division: 3.33333

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integer division: 3

As the output shows, the double object performed a floating-point division, and the int object  

performed an integer division.

When a specific instance of MyClass is declared, the compiler automatically generates versions of the  

div( ) function, and x and y variables necessary for handling the actual data. In this example, two  

different types of objects are declared. The first, d_ob, operates on double data. This means that x and y  

are double values, and the outcome of the divisionâ€"and the return type of div( )â€"is double. The  

second, i_ob, operates on type int. Thus, x, y, and the return type of div( ) are int. Pay special attention  

to these declarations:

Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

MyClass<double> d_ob(10.0, 3.0); MyClass<int> i_ob(10, 3);

Notice how the desired data type is passed inside the angle brackets. By changing the type of data  

specified when MyClass objects are created, you can change the type of data operated upon by MyClass.

A template class can have more than one generic data type. Simply declare all the data types required  

by the class in a comma-separated list within the template specification. For instance, the following  

example creates a class that uses two generic data types:

This program produces the following output:

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10 0.23  

X This is a test  

The program declares two types of objects. ob1 uses int and double data. ob2 uses a character and a  

character pointer. For both cases, the compiler automatically generates the appropriate data and  

functions to accommodate the way the objects are created.

Explicit Class Specializations

As with template functions, you can create a specialization of a generic class. To do so, use the  

template<> construct as you did when creating explicit function specializations. For example:

This program displays the following output:

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Inside generic MyClass  

double: 10.1  

Inside MyClass<int> specialization  

int: 25

In the program, pay close attention to this line:

template <> class MyClass<int> {

It tells the compiler that an explicit integer specialization of MyClass is being created. This same general  

syntax is used for any type of class specialization.

Explicit class specialization expands the utility of generic classes because it lets you easily handle one or  

two special cases while allowing all others to be automatically processed by the compiler. Of course, if  

you find that you are creating too many specializations, then you are probably better off not using a  

template class in the first place.

1. What keyword is used to declare a generic function or class?

2. Can a generic function be explicitly overloaded?

3. In a generic class, are all of its member functions also automatically generic?

In Project 8-2, you created a Queue class that maintained a queue of characters. In this project, you will  

convert Queue into a generic class that can operate on any type of data. Queue is a good choice for  

conversion to a generic class, because its logic is separate from the data upon which it functions. The  

same mechanism that stores integers, for example, can also store floating-point values, or even objects  

of classes that you create. Once you have defined a generic Queue class, you can use it whenever you  

need a queue.

Step by Step

1. Begin by copying the Queue class from Project 8-2 into a file called GenericQ.cpp.

2. Change the Queue declaration into a template, as shown here:

template <class QType> class Queue {  

Here, the generic data type is called QType.  

3. Change the data type of the q array to QType, as shown next:

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QType q[maxQsize]; // this array holds the queue  

Because q is now generic, it can be used to hold whatever type of data an object of  

Queue declares.  

4. Change the data type of the parameter to the put( ) function to QType, as shown here:

5. Change the return type of get( ) to QType, as shown next:

6. The entire generic Queue class is shown here along with a main( ) function to demonstrate its  


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7. As the Queue class illustrates, generic functions and classes are powerful tools that you can use  

to maximize your programming efforts, because they allow you to define the general form of an  

object that can then be used with any type of data. You are saved from the tedium of creating  

separate implementations for each data type for which you want the algorithm to work. The  

compiler automatically creates the specific versions of the class for you.

CRITICAL SKILL 12.4: Dynamic Allocation

There are two primary ways in which a C++ program can store information in the main memory of the  

computer. The first is through the use of variables. The storage provided by variables is fixed at compile

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time and cannot be altered during the execution of a program. The second way information can be  

stored is through the use of C++’s dynamic allocation system. In this method, storage for data is  

allocated as needed from the free memory area that lies between your program (and its permanent  

storage area) and the stack. This region is called the heap. (Figure 12-1 shows conceptually how a C++  

program appears in memory.)

Dynamically allocated storage is determined at runtime. Thus, dynamic allocation makes it possible for  

your program to create variables that it needs during its execution. It can create as many or as few  

variables as required, depending upon the situation. Dynamic allocation is often used to support such  

data structures as linked lists, binary trees, and sparse arrays. Of course, you are free to use dynamic  

allocation wherever you determine it to be of value. Dynamic allocation for one purpose or another is an  

important part of nearly all real-world programs.

Memory to satisfy a dynamic allocation request is taken from the heap. As you might guess, it is  

possible, under fairly extreme cases, for free memory to become exhausted. Therefore, while dynamic  

allocation offers greater flexibility, it too is finite.

C++ provides two dynamic allocation operators: new and delete. The new operator allocates memory  

and returns a pointer to the start of it. The delete operator frees memory previously allocated using  

new. The general forms of new and delete are shown here:

p_var = new type; delete p_var;

Here, p_var is a pointer variable that receives a pointer to memory that is large enough to hold an item  

of type type.

Since the heap is finite, it can become exhausted. If there is insufficient available memory to fill an  

allocation request, then new will fail and a bad_alloc exception will be generated. This exception is

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defined in the header <new>. Your program should handle this exception and take appropriate action if  

a failure occurs. If this exception is not handled by your program, then your program will be terminated.

The actions of new on failure as just described are specified by Standard C++. The trouble is that some  

older compilers will implement new in a different way. When C++ was first invented, new returned a  

null pointer on failure. Later, this was changed so that new throws an exception on failure, as just  

described. If you are using an older compiler, check your compiler’s documentation to see precisely how  

it implements new.

Since Standard C++ specifies that new generates an exception on failure, this is the way the code in this  

book is written. If your compiler handles an allocation failure differently, then you will need to make the  

appropriate changes.

Here is a program that allocates memory to hold an integer:

This program assigns to p an address in the heap that is large enough to hold an integer. It then assigns  

that memory the value 100 and displays the contents of the memory on the screen. Finally, it frees the  

dynamically allocated memory.

The delete operator must be used only with a valid pointer previously allocated by using new. Using any  

other type of pointer with delete is undefined and will almost certainly cause serious problems, such as  

a system crash.  

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Initializing Allocated Memory

You can initialize allocated memory to some known value by putting an initializer after the type name in  

the new statement. Here is the general form of new when an initialization is included:

p_var = new var_type (initializer);

Of course, the type of the initializer must be compatible with the type of data for which memory is being  


Ask the Expert

Q: I have seen some C++ code that uses the functions malloc( ) and free( ) to handle dynamic

allocation. What are these functions?

A: The C language does not support the new and delete operators. Instead, C uses the functions

malloc( ) and free( ) for dynamic allocation. malloc( ) allocates memory and free( ) releases it. C++ also  

supports these functions, and you will sometimes see malloc( ) and free( ) used in C++ code. This is  

especially true if that code has been updated from older C code. However, you should use new and  

delete in your code. Not only do new and delete offer a more convenient method of handling dynamic  

allocation, but they also prevent several types of errors that are common when working with malloc( )  

and free( ). One other point: Although there is no formal rule that states this, it is best not to mix new  

and delete with malloc( ) and free( ) in the same program. There is no guarantee that they are mutually  


This program gives the allocated integer an initial value of 87:

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Allocating Arrays

You can allocate arrays using new by using this general form:

p_var = new array_type [size];

Here, size specifies the number of elements in the array. To free an array, use this form of delete:

delete [ ] p_var;

Here, the [ ] informs delete that an array is being released. For example, the next program allocates a  

ten-element integer array:

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Notice the delete statement. As just mentioned, when an array allocated by new is released, delete  

must be made aware that an array is being freed by using the [ ]. (As you will see in the next section, this  

is especially important when you are allocating arrays of objects.)

One restriction applies to allocating arrays: They may not be given initial values. That is, you may not  

specify an initializer when allocating arrays.

Allocating Objects

You can allocate objects dynamically by using new. When you do this, an object is created, and a pointer  

is returned to it. The dynamically created object acts just like any other object. When it is created, its  

constructor (if it has one) is called. When the object is freed, its destructor is executed.

Here is a program that creates a class called Rectangle that encapsulates the width and height of a  

rectangle. Inside main( ), an object of type Rectangle is created dynamically. This object is destroyed  

when the program ends.

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The output is shown here:

Constructing 10 by 8 rectangle.  

Area is 80  

Destructing 10 by 8 rectangle.

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Notice that the arguments to the object’s constructor are specified after the type name, just as in other  

sorts of initializations. Also, because p contains a pointer to an object, the arrow operator (rather than  

the dot operator) is used to call area( ).

You can allocate arrays of objects, but there is one catch. Since no array allocated by new can have an  

initializer, you must make sure that if the class defines constructors, one will be parameterless. If you  

don’t, the C++ compiler will not find a matching constructor when you attempt to allocate the array and  

will not compile your program.

In this version of the preceding program, a parameterless constructor is added so that an array of  

Rectangle objects can be allocated. Also added is the function set( ), which sets the dimensions of each  


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Because the pointer p is released using delete [ ], the destructor for each object in the array is executed,  

as the output shows. Also, notice that because p is indexed as an array, the dot operator is used to  

access members of Rectangle.

1. What operator allocates memory? What operator releases memory?

2. What happens if an allocation request cannot be fulfilled?

3. Can memory be initialized when it is allocated?

CRITICAL SKILL 12.5: Namespaces

Namespaces were briefly described in Module 1. Here they are examined in detail. The purpose of a  

namespace is to localize the names of identifiers to avoid name collisions. In the C++ programming  

environment, there has been an explosion of variable, function, and class names. Prior to the invention  

of namespaces, all of these names competed for slots in the global namespace and many conflicts arose.  

For example, if your program defined a function called toupper( ), it could (depending upon its  

parameter list) override the standard library function toupper( ), because both names would be stored  

in the global namespace. Name collision problems were compounded when two or more third-party  

libraries were used by the same program. In this case, it was possibleâ€"even likelyâ€"that a name defined  

by one library would conflict with the same name defined by the other library. The situation can be  

particularly troublesome for class names. For example, if your program defines a class call Stack and a  

library used by your program defines a class by the same name, a conflict will arise.

The creation of the namespace keyword was a response to these problems. Because it localizes the  

visibility of names declared within it, a namespace allows the same name to be used in different  

contexts without conflicts arising. Perhaps the most noticeable beneficiary of namespace is the C++  

standard library. Prior to namespace, the entire C++ library was defined within the global namespace  

(which was, of course, the only namespace). Since the addition of namespace, the C++ library is now  

defined within its own namespace, called std, which reduces the chance of name collisions. You can also  

create your own namespaces within your program to localize the visibility of any names that you think  

may cause conflicts. This is especially important if you are creating class or function libraries.

Namespace Fundamentals

The namespace keyword allows you to partition the global namespace by creating a declarative region.  

In essence, a namespace defines a scope. The general form of namespace is shown here:

namespace name { // declarations }

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Anything defined within a namespace statement is within the scope of that namespace.

Here is an example of a namespace. It localizes the names used to implement a simple countdown  

counter class. In the namespace are defined the counter class, which implements the counter, and the  

variables upperbound and lowerbound, which contain the upper and

Here, upperbound, lowerbound, and the class counter are part of the scope defined by the  

CounterNameSpace namespace.

Inside a namespace, identifiers declared within that namespace can be referred to directly, without any  

namespace qualification. For example, within CounterNameSpace, the run( ) function can refer directly  

to lowerbound in the statement

if(count > lowerbound) return count--;

However, since namespace defines a scope, you need to use the scope resolution operator to refer to  

objects declared within a namespace from outside that namespace. For example, to assign the value 10  

to upperbound from code outside CounterNameSpace, you must use this statement:

CounterNameSpace::upperbound = 10;

Or, to declare an object of type counter from outside CounterNameSpace, you will use a statement like  


CounterNameSpace::counter ob;

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In general, to access a member of a namespace from outside its namespace, precede the member’s  

name with the name of the namespace followed by the scope resolution operator.

Here is a program that demonstrates the use of the CounterNameSpace:

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Notice that the declaration of a counter object and the references to upperbound and lowerbound are  

qualified by CounterNameSpace. However, once an object of type counter has been declared, it is not  

necessary to further qualify it or any of its members. Thus, ) can be called directly; the  

namespace has already been resolved.

There can be more than one namespace declaration of the same name. In this case, the

namespaces are additive. This allows a namespace to be split over several files or even

separated within the same file. For example:

namespace NS { int i;


// ...

namespace NS { int j;


Here, NS is split into two pieces, but the contents of each piece are still within the same namespace,  

that is, NS. One last point: Namespaces can be nested. That is, one namespace can be declared within  



If your program includes frequent references to the members of a namespace, having to specify the  

namespace and the scope resolution operator each time you need to refer to one quickly becomes

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tedious. The using statement was invented to alleviate this problem. The using statement has these two  

general forms:

using namespace name;

using name::member;

In the first form, name specifies the name of the namespace you want to access. All of the members  

defined within the specified namespace are brought into view (that is, they become part of the current  

namespace) and may be used without qualification. In the second form, only a specific member of the  

namespace is made visible. For example, assuming CounterNameSpace as just shown, the following  

using statements and assignments are valid:

using CounterNameSpace::lowerbound; // only lowerbound is visible  

lowerbound = 10; // OK because lowerbound is visible  

using namespace CounterNameSpace; // all members are visible  

upperbound = 100; // OK because all members are now visible

The following program illustrates using by reworking the counter example from the

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The program illustrates one other important point: using one namespace does not override another.  

When you bring a namespace into view, it simply adds its names to whatever other namespaces are  

currently in effect. Thus, by the end of the program, both std and CounterNameSpace have been added  

to the global namespace.

Unnamed Namespaces

There is a special type of namespace, called an unnamed namespace, that allows you to create  

identifiers that are unique within a file. It has this general form:

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namespace {

// declarations }

Unnamed namespaces allow you to establish unique identifiers that are known only within the scope of  

a single file. That is, within the file that contains the unnamed namespace, the members of that  

namespace may be used directly, without qualification. But outside the file, the identifiers are unknown.  

As mentioned earlier in this book, one way to restrict the scope of a global name to the file in which it is  

declared, is to declare it as static. While the use of static global declarations is still allowed in C++, a  

better way to accomplish this is to use an unnamed namespace.

The std Namespace

Standard C++ defines its entire library in its own namespace called std. This is the reason that most of  

the programs in this book have included the following statement:

using namespace std;

This causes the std namespace to be brought into the current namespace, which gives you direct access  

to the names of the functions and classes defined within the library without having to qualify each one  

with std::.

Of course, you can explicitly qualify each name with std:: if you like. For example, you could explicitly  

qualify cout like this:

std::cout << "Explicitly qualify cout with std.";

You may not want to bring the standard C++ library into the global namespace if your program will be  

making only limited use of it, or if doing so will cause name conflicts. However, if your program contains  

hundreds of references to library names, then including std in the current namespace is far easier than  

qualifying each name individually.

1. What is a namespace? What keyword creates one?

2. Are namespaces additive?

3. What does using do?

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CRITICAL SKILL 12.6: static Class Members

You learned about the keyword static in Module 7 when it was used to modify local and global variable  

declarations. In addition to those uses, static can be applied to members of a class. Both variables and  

function members can be declared static. Each is described here.

static Member Variables

When you precede a member variable’s declaration with static, you are telling the compiler that only  

one copy of that variable will exist and that all objects of the class will share that variable. Unlike regular  

data members, individual copies of a static member variable are not made for each object. No matter  

how many objects of a class are created, only one copy of a static data member exists. Thus, all objects  

of that class use that same variable. All static variables are initialized to zero if no other initialization is  

specified. When you declare a static data member within a class, you are not defining it. Instead, you  

must provide a global definition for it elsewhere, outside the class. This is done by redeclaring the static  

variable using the scope resolution operator to identify which class it belongs to. This causes storage to  

be allocated for the static variable. Here is an example that uses a static member:

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In the program, notice that the static integer num is both declared inside the ShareVar class and defined  

as a global variable. As stated earlier, this is necessary because the declaration of num inside ShareVar  

does not allocate storage for the variable. C++ initializes num to 0 since no other initialization is given.  

This is why the first calls to shownum( ) both display 0. Next, object a sets num to 10. Then both a and b  

use shownum( ) to display its value. Because there is only one copy of num shared by a and b, both calls  

to shownum( ) display 10.

When a static variable is public, it can be referred to directly through its class name, without reference  

to any specific object. It can also be referred to through an object. For example:

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Notice how the value of num is set using its class name in this line:

Test::num = 100;

It is also accessible through an object, as in this line:

a.num = 200;

Either approach is valid.

static Member Functions

It is also possible for a member function to be declared as static, but this usage is not common. A  

member function declared as static can access only other static members of its class. (Of course, a static  

member function may access non-static global data and functions.) A static member function does not  

have a this pointer. Virtual static member functions are not allowed. Also, it cannot be declared as const  

or volatile. A static member function can be invoked by an object of its class, or it can be called  

independent of any object, using the class name and the scope resolution operator. For example,  

consider this program. It defines a static variable called count that keeps count of the number of objects  

currently in existence.

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The output from the program is shown here:

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In the program, notice how the static function numObjects( ) is called. In the first two calls, it is called  

through its class name using this syntax:


In the third call, it is invoked using the normal, dot operator syntax on an object.

CRITICAL SKILL 12.7: Runtime Type Identification (RTTI)

Runtime type information may be new to you because it is not found in non-polymorphic languages,  

such as C or traditional BASIC. In non-polymorphic languages there is no need for runtime type  

information, because the type of each object is known at compile time (that is, when the program is  

written). However, in polymorphic languages such as C++, there can be situations in which the type of an  

object is unknown at compile time because the precise nature of that object is not determined until the  

program is executed. As you know, C++ implements polymorphism through the use of class hierarchies,  

virtual functions, and base class pointers. A base class pointer can be used to point to objects of the  

base class or to any object derived from that base. Thus, it is not always possible to know in advance  

what type of object will be pointed to by a base pointer at any given moment. This determination must  

be made at runtime, using runtime type identification.

To obtain an object’s type, use typeid. You must include the header <typeinfo> in order to use typeid. Its  

most commonly used form is shown here:


Here, object is the object whose type you will be obtaining. It may be of any type, including the built-in  

types and class types that you create. typeid returns a reference to an object of type type_info that  

describes the type of object.

The type_info class defines the following public members:

bool operator==(const type_info &ob); bool operator!=(const type_info &ob); bool before(const  

type_info &ob); const char *name( );

The overloaded == and != provide for the comparison of types. The before( ) function returns true if the  

invoking object is before the object used as a parameter in collation order. (This function is mostly for  

internal use only. Its return value has nothing to do with inheritance or class hierarchies.) The name( )  

function returns a pointer to the name of the type.

Here is a simple example that uses typeid:

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Perhaps the most important use of typeid occurs when it is applied through a pointer of a polymorphic  

base class (that is, a class that includes at least one virtual function). In this case, it will automatically  

return the type of the actual object being pointed to, which may be a base class object or an object  

derived from that base. (Remember, a base class pointer can point to objects of the base class or of any  

class derived from that base.) Thus, using typeid, you can determine at runtime the type of the object  

that is being pointed to by a base class pointer. The following program demonstrates this principle:

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The output produced by this program is shown here:

p is pointing to an object of type class Base  

p is pointing to an object of type class Derived1  

p is pointing to an object of type class Derived2

When typeid is applied to a base class pointer of a polymorphic type, the type of object pointed to will  

be determined at runtime, as the output shows.

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In all cases, when typeid is applied to a pointer of a non-polymorphic class hierarchy, then the base type  

of the pointer is obtained. That is, no determination of what that pointer is actually pointing to is made.  

As an experiment, comment-out the virtual function f( ) in Base and observe the results. As you will see,  

the type of each object will be Base because that is the type of the pointer.

Since typeid is commonly applied to a dereferenced pointer (that is, one to which the * operator has  

been applied), a special exception has been created to handle the situation in which the pointer being  

dereferenced is null. In this case, typeid throws a bad_typeid exception.

References to an object of a polymorphic class hierarchy work the same as pointers. When typeid is  

applied to a reference to an object of a polymorphic class, it will return the type of the object actually  

being referred to, which may be of a derived type. The circumstance where you will most often make  

use of this feature is when objects are passed to functions by reference.

There is a second form of typeid that takes a type name as its argument. This form is shown here:


For example, the following statement is perfectly acceptable:

cout << typeid(int).name();

The main use of this form of typeid is to obtain a type_info object that describes the specified type so  

that it can be used in a type comparison statement.

1. What makes a static member variable unique?

2. What does typeid do?

3. What type of object does typeid return?

CRITICAL SKILL 12.8: The Casting Operators

C++ defines five casting operators. The first is the traditional-style cast described earlier in this book. It  

has been part of C++ from the start. The remaining four were added a few years ago. They are  

dynamic_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast, and static_cast. These operators give you additional control  

over how casting takes place. Each is examined briefly here.


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Perhaps the most important of the additional casting operators is the dynamic_cast. The dynamic_cast  

performs a runtime cast that verifies the validity of a cast. If at the time dynamic_cast is executed, the  

cast is invalid, then the cast fails. The general form of dynamic_cast is shown here:

dynamic_cast<target-type> (expr)

Here, target-type specifies the target type of the cast, and expr is the expression being cast into the new  

type. The target type must be a pointer or reference type, and the expression being cast must evaluate  

to a pointer or reference. Thus, dynamic_cast can be used to cast one type of pointer into another or  

one type of reference into another.

The purpose of dynamic_cast is to perform casts on polymorphic types. For example, given two  

polymorphic classes B and D, with D derived from B, a dynamic_cast can always cast a D* pointer into a  

B* pointer. This is because a base pointer can always point to a derived object. But a dynamic_cast can  

cast a B* pointer into a D* pointer only if the object being pointed to actually is a D object. In general,  

dynamic_cast will succeed if the pointer (or reference) being cast is pointing to (or referring to) either an  

object of the target type or an object derived from the target type. Otherwise, the cast will fail. If the  

cast fails, then dynamic_cast evaluates to null if the cast involves pointers. If a dynamic_cast on  

reference types fails, a bad_cast exception is thrown.

Here is a simple example. Assume that Base is a polymorphic class and that Derived is derived from  


Here, the cast from the base pointer bp to the derived pointer dp works because bp is actually pointing  

to a Derived object. Thus, this fragment displays Cast OK. But in the next fragment, the cast fails because  

bp is pointing to a Base object, and it is illegal to cast a base object into a derived object.

Because the cast fails, this fragment displays Cast Fails.


The const_cast operator is used to explicitly override const and/or volatile in a cast. The target type  

must be the same as the source type, except for the alteration of its const or volatile attributes. The  

most common use of const_cast is to remove const-ness. The general form of const_cast is shown here:

const_cast<type> (expr)

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Here, type specifies the target type of the cast, and expr is the expression being cast into the new type.  

It must be stressed that the use of const_cast to cast away const-ness is a potentially dangerous feature.  

Use it with care.

One other point: Only const_cast can cast away const-ness. That is, dynamic_cast, static_cast, and  

reinterpret_cast cannot alter the const-ness of an object.


The static_cast operator performs a non-polymorphic cast. It can be used for any standard conversion.  

No runtime checks are performed. Thus, the static_cast operator is essentially a substitute for the  

original cast operator. Its general form is

static_cast<type> (expr)

Here, type specifies the target type of the cast, and expr is the expression being cast into the new type.


The reinterpret_cast operator converts one type into a fundamentally different type. For example, it can  

change a pointer into an integer and an integer into a pointer. It can also be used for casting inherently  

incompatible pointer types. Its general form is

reinterpret_cast<type> (expr)

Here, type specifies the target type of the cast, and expr is the expression being cast into the new type.

What Next?

The purpose of this book is to teach the core elements of the language. These are the features and  

techniques of C++ that are used in everyday programming. With the knowledge you now have, you can  

begin writing real-world, professional-quality programs. However, C++ is a very rich language, and it  

contains many advanced features that you will still want to master, including:

ï‚· The Standard Template Library (STL)  

ï‚· Explicit constructors  

ï‚· Conversion functions  

ï‚· const member functions and the mutable keyword  

ï‚· The asm keyword  

ï‚· Overloading the array indexing operator [ ], the function call operator (), and the dynamic allocation  

operators, new and delete

Of the preceding, perhaps the most important is the Standard Template Library. It is a library of  

template classes that provide off-the-shelf solutions to a variety of common data-storage tasks. For

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example, the STL defines generic data structures, such as queues, stacks, and lists, which you can use in  

your programs.

You will also want to study the C++ function library. It contains a wide array of routines that will simplify  

the creation of your programs.

To continue your study of C++, I suggest reading my book C++: The Complete Reference, published by  

Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Berkeley, California. It covers all of the preceding, and much, much more. You  

now have sufficient knowledge to make full use of this in-depth C++ guide.

Module 12 Mastery Check

1. Explain how try, catch, and throw work together to support exception handling.

2. How must the catch list be organized when catching exceptions of both base and derived classes?

3. Show how to specify that a MyExcpt exception can be thrown out of a function called func( ) that  

returns void.

4. Define an exception for the generic Queue class shown in Project 12-1. Have Queue throw this  

exception when an overflow or underflow occurs. Demonstrate its use.

5. What is a generic function, and what keyword is used to create one?

6. Create generic versions of the quicksort( ) and qs( ) functions shown in Project 5-1. Demonstrate  

their use.

7. Using the Sample class shown here, create a queue of three Sample objects using the generic Queue  

shown in Project 12-1:

8. Rework your answer to question 7 so that the Sample objects stored in the queue are dynamically  


9. Show how to declare a namespace called RobotMotion.

10. What namespace contains the C++ standard library?

11. Can a static member function access the non-static data of a class?

12. What operator obtains the type of an object at runtime?

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13. To determine the validity of a polymorphic cast at runtime, what casting operator do you use?

14. What does const_cast do?

15. On your own, try putting the Queue class from Project 12-1 in its own namespace called  

QueueCode, and into its own file called Queue.cpp. Then rework the main( ) function so that it uses  

a using statement to bring QueueCode into view.

16. Continue to learn about C++. It is the most powerful computer language currently available.  

Mastering it puts you in an elite league of programmers.

53 C++ A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt

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