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Chap 03

Hyomin POV

I toss in bed feeling frustrated. It's five in the morning right now. I keep thinking about what happened at the dinner with Sunny.

"Hyomin over here!" I saw Sunny and my face brightened. When I went to her table though, Sooyoung and Yuri were with her. I felt disappointment run through me.

"Hey Hyomin you made it." Yuri greeted me and I faked a smile. Sooyoung waved a hello to me. I saw that Yuri and Sunny were on one side so I settled for the one next to Sooyoung and across from Sunny.

"So does this mean that you both are a couple now?" Sooyoung asked Sunny but she shook her head saying she just felt bad for missing the movie with me. I felt hurt and it must have shown on my face since Yuri tried to steer the conversation in a different direction.

I'll never get a chance and I know it. I throw the blanket off me and go outside for a walk. The sun is just rising so it's a bit dark still. I walk around the block and find a bench so I decided to sit. How should I convince Sunny into giving me a chance? A few seconds later my vision went dark as someone covered my eyes.

"Who is it!"

Of course I know who it is, I could recognize her voice anywhere.

"Eunjungie." The hands on my eyes were removed and I saw her smiling face. "What are you doing out here so early in the morning anyway?"

"I should be asking you that Hyomin. You know I exercise every morning but you are never up this early."

"I just needed some fresh air."

I take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, then release. Now I see why Eunjung likes to exercises out here every morning. It's somehow refreshing.

I stand up to leave and Eunjung follows me. I feel her link arms with me and she smiles warmly. I'm all of a sudden feeling nervous, why is that? It must be the morning jitters.

Sunny POV

I sit in the van playing my Nintendo DS when Yuri has to interrupt me. She's talking about something but I'm not really listening. I have to beat level 10 on Tetris.

"Sunny I'm talking to you, are you even listening?" I decide to pause my game and listen to her since I can't concentrate with her nagging.

"As I was saying, aren't you being a little harsh on Hyomin?"

"Like how?"

"Well last night you called her to dinner and got her hopes up."

"I told you that it was to make up for the movie not to lead her on." I listened, I answered, now back to my Tetris game.

"I'm just saying that Hyomin looked hurt last night. If you don't like her then don't set up dates with her."

"Hmm yeah ok." I'm almost there, just three more lines.

"You know what I think," two more lines, come on. "I think that someday," one more line, I can make it! "You're going to regret turning Hyomin down." My fingers stopped moving and on the screen I see game over in big bold letters.

"Are you saying I like Hyomin?" I'm shocked as Yuri nods her head. "I admit that she's funny and a little cute but that's it. That's as far as it goes." I close my DS and stuff it in my bag since I don't feel like playing it anymore. I mean me and Hyomin? It could never happen, she's not my type.

Jiyeon POV

I look around the dorm and see that I'm the only one home. I open the door to Eunjung unnie and Soyeon unnie's room. It's fairly clean and well kept. I walk over to that same shelf I saw Eunjung unnie put the journal in.

"Here it is."

I found the object I was looking for and took it with me to the loveseat. I open to a page and begin reading.

It's hard being a trainee, there's continuous practice and lessons to be taken while attending school. I barely have any time to make friends, but today I get to meet some new people. I'm really excited and I hope we can all be friends.

I was practicing my dancing when they showed up. Both were tall with long brown hair. The older of the two was named Hyomin. She was really pretty. Her eyes were captivating while her smile was so bright and warm. Judging from her clothes she seemed to have a good fashion sense. She seems shy, maybe in a few months after we get to know each other we'll be best friends.

The younger one was named Jiyeon. I thought she looked cute, especially her eyes. After introductions I watched them dance and sing.

Really Eunjung, you gave Hyomin a whole paragraph while all I get is a sentence. But never mind that. I have to finish this page before the others come home.

Hyomin looked good at dancing. Her expression and feeling were impressive. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. The way she moved mesmerized me. What amazed me more was her voice. Her vocals were so powerful and nice. She could sing and rap well. Hyomin definitely had things going for her. Oh and Jiyeon was good too.

Now I see why Hyomin was always your favorite. But I wonder if the others know about this? Finally a secret only I know! I finish the page then return the book to its place on the shelf.

I go back to my room to study my history textbook. I'm trying really hard to study but I just can't.

"This is so boring!" I throw my textbook to the side and fall on my bed. I wish the school would let us read things like Eunjung unnie's diary. I go back to my unnie's room and take the notebook again. I know I'll get in trouble for not studying but I'll just tell them I was learning a different kind of history.

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