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Chap 06

Hyomin and Eunjung finally arrived in Yuchiri for the Invincible Youth recording after their long car drive. The PD briefed them on what they were doing that day along with other things. Before recording, Hyomin was stuck to Eunjung like glue which Sunny couldn't help but notice. Hyomin would usually be with her instead of Eunjung. She was staring daggers at them together until someone blocked her vision.

"Stop glaring Sunny, it's rude." Yuri stood in front of Sunny to gain her attention. Sunny walked away with Yuri following behind. "You are so crushing on Hyomin."

"So what if I am." Sunny shot back with an attitude. "And whose bright idea was it to bring that girl here."

"Her name is not 'that girl' it's Eunjung and it was Hyomin's idea. It's so she could get help on securing more air time." Yuri said before sitting down and watching Sunny pace back and forth in front of her.

"Hyomin doesn't need her, she has me to help her. I'm all she'll ever need." Sunny continued to pace back and forth until Yuri made a motion to stop her. She made the short girl sit down and told her to take deep breaths.

"Just tell her you like her, simple as that." Sunny scowled but promised Yuri she would tell Hyomin her true feelings later.


"Here to help in place of Goo Hara is T-ara's Eunjung!" Shinyoung introduced the guest then Eunjung began her intro by dancing to T-ara's new song. When formalities were done and over with, the attention was turned to the sunbyung couple. Sunny was holding Hyomin's hand behind Hyunah secretly. The question soon arose as to who Hyomin was going to pick as the one she liked better.

"They've turned this into a matchmaking show." Narsha commented to Shinyoung and Sunhwa. Everyone was eagerly waiting for a response. Eunjung looked at Hyomin then Sunny.

She's going to pick Sunny.

Sunny looked from Hyomin to Eunjung.

She's going to pick Eunjung.

Hyomin had made up her mind and was about to say her answer until Sunny interrupted her.

"It's ok, I think you're capable of going on your own now Hyomin." Sunny let go of Hyomin's hand.

Even if it's just for entertainment, I don't want her to pick Eunjung.

"Alright that's enough! We have to get to work!" Chief Noh yelled to make everyone get back on track. After roles were assigned, the work began. Eunjung wanted to ride the tractor so Taewoo stopped to let her on and drop a disappointed Yuri off. Eunjung skipped down into the mud field only to have her feet trapped.

"I'm stuck!" Yuri tried to help Eunjung out but ended up pushing her into the mud by accident. Meanwhile Sunny was watching the tussle between them.

Yeah push her in the mud Yuri! That's what you get for stealing Hyomin away from me!

Hyomin could only watch as Taewoo pushed Yuri who pushed Eunjung who then fell into the mud again.

No, don't push my Eunjung into the mud!

The three eventually came out of the mud field to clean up the mess on themselves. Hyomin ran over to Eunjung to help her. Sunny was helping Yuri but had her attention focused elsewhere.

"Thanks for coming out here to help me." Hyomin thanked Eunjung for helping to increase her air time while they walked back to the Yuchiri home. Eunjung replied with a smile. Then out of nowhere Sunny barged in between the two and linked arms with Hyomin.

"Hyomin ah, you didn't wait for me." Sunny whined to Hyomin with a pout. Eunjung looked at the two then slowly moved away to walk with Yuri instead. She watched as the two conversed and joked with each other.

"Sorry about pushing you into the mud earlier." The girl next to her apologized. Eunjung tore her eyes away from the site in front of her and focused on Yuri.

"No worries, I saw Taewoo push you into me." Eunjung answered and continued walking. "Are they always like this? Even off camera?" Eunjung pointed to the sunbyung couple in front of her.

"Actually they're more active today. Usually Hyomin would cling to Sunny but I think Sunny is starting to like Hyomin." Yuri explained leaving Eunjung a little disappointed.

The cast formed teams when they arrived home to complete the day's tasks. Eunjung, Hyomin, Sunny, Yuri, and Taewoo were the chosen team to plant flowers near the entrance. Soon after they were done with the flowers a game was under way to determine who would plant the tree. It was a long game but someone had to lose and it was Hyomin. The other four gave her the tree and skipped happily inside to rest.

"Darn tree, stay still." Hyomin muttered as she tried to keep it up with her leg. She used the shovel to push the dirt into place. At this rate Hyomin wouldn't be done anytime soon.

"Need help?" Hyomin turned to the source of the voice and spotted who it was.

"Sunny, what are you doing here?" Hyomin said in a voice that sounded not as happy as Sunny expected.

"I thought you would need help so here I am." Sunny announced walking over to Hyomin's side. The short girl held the tree so Hyomin could shove the dirt in. They conversed about various things while planting the tree together.

"Hyomin you seem so distant these days, like you're avoiding me. Maybe you found a new girlfriend?" Sunny teased causing Hyomin to blush as thoughts of Eunjung popped into her mind. Sunny saw Hyomin's dorky smile then pinched her cheeks.

"Actually I," Sunny began but paused. Hyomin motioned the girl to continue when she stayed silent for over a minute. "I, I'm feeling really tired right now. That game earlier wore me out." Sunny confided, inwardly cursing herself for not saying what she had wanted to say. Hyomin told Sunny to rest inside giving her a light push. The short girl complied and returned back still cursing at herself for not confessing.

Meanwhile Yuri wondered how Sunny was doing with Hyomin. She walked out behind the bushes to where Hyomin should have been planting the tree. There Hyomin was but Sunny was nowhere in sight. Yuri walked over to Hyomin and asked about Sunny's whereabouts.

"I think she needs some alone time." Hyomin stated while patting the dirt.

"Did she tell you! What did you say?" Yuri questioned with anticipation for an answer.

"I told her to rest." Hyomin answered slightly confused. Yuri did a face palm and shook her head.

"What! Why would you tell someone to rest when they just confessed to you?" Hyomin dropped her shovel and looked up at Yuri bug eyed. "Didn't Sunny confess to you?" Hyomin shook her head slowly. Yuri realized that she had just blurted Sunny's secret and face palmed again.

"Sunny likes me?" Yuri slowly nodded as an answer to Hyomin. It was silent until Hyomin let out a strained, monotone laugh. Yuri was confused as this was not the reaction she was expecting. "Really? Sunny really likes me, you're not joking?"

"Aren't you happy Hyomin? I mean, isn't this what you wanted?"

"I, don't know. Usually I'd be happy to hear that but," Hyomin paused. Yuri looked at the girl confused. "I think I like someone else." Yuri's jaw dropped and a look of shock was displayed.

"What! When did this happen? Are you sure? But you've liked Sunny since we started Invincible Youth. Wait who is it?" Yuri bombarded Hyomin with questions.

"I think I like Eunjung." Again Yuri was shocked. After calming down and thinking it over, Yuri let out a sigh.

"Sunny is not going to take this very well."

"I know, but there's nothing I can do. My feelings have already changed."

Yuri shook her head and flashed Hyomin a sincere smile. "No worries, and congrats on realizing your feelings for Eunjung. I hope all goes well." Yuri told Hyomin before Shinyoung and her team came to fetch the two to go home.

While riding back into Seoul, Eunjung had already knocked out in the car in a few minutes. Hyomin stared at the sleeping girl's face.

She must be exhausted from all the work we did.

Hyomin waved her hand in front of Eunjung to see if the girl was fully asleep. She brushed a few hairs away from Eunjung's eyes and continued to stare. "I like you." Hyomin whispered softly to Eunjung before feeling the need to sleep pull her own eyes closed.

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