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Chap 13

"Hyomin what does this button do?" Sunny asked.

The cast was having a break from recording so Sunny asked Hyomin some questions about using the camera.

"That's for when you want to take pictures of something up close. If you press that flower button and take a picture, then it won't be blurry."

Sunny nodded, understanding what the flower button meant. "Then what about this one?"

"That one shoots video." Hyomin explained. "Here let me show you." She took the camera from Sunny and readied it.

Hyomin pointed it to Yuri, who was chasing Hara, and pressed record. The tall girl was on hot pursuit but tripped over a rock and fell forward. Hara stopped and laughed then helped Yuri up. Hyomin stopped the recording.

"Press here to view the video." Hyomin pointed to a button. "You can also view it second by second and even save it as a photo."

Sunny watched as Hyomin went through the video by seconds and stopped when Yuri landed on the ground. Hara had her head turned to look back at Yuri who just fell. There was a huge smile on her face as she witnessed Yuri's fall.

"See, this would have been so hard to capture as a photo." Hyomin laughed while seeing the photo.

"So basically it can turn any video into photos?" Sunny was amazed. "That can be very helpful."

Hyomin nodded. "If you need any more help just ask." She went over to Yuri to see if the girl was ok from the fall. Hara was dusting off dirt from Yuri's clothes while still laughing.

"Videos into photos. That can be helpful, very helpful." Sunny whispered to herself.

Jiyeon POV

I paced around the room worried about Hyomin. I was in the practice room with Soyeon, who was honing her singing skills.

"Unni aren't you worried about Hyomin?"

"No not really." Soyeon answered me back. "What's there to worry about?"

"She's trapped in Japan with a vicious bunny and she didn't even tell her girlfriend."

"Little maknae Jiyeon, you're worrying too much, at this rate your hair will turn gray." Soyeon told me through her microphone. "As they say, love conquers all. If they don't make it through this, then I'll sing this song for them."

Soyeon picked a song on the machine and sang along. She was singing to Lyn's "We Used To Love."

"Ah! Unni stop it! You'll jinx them!" I took the microphone away from unni.

We were practicing our vocals until the door to the room opened. It was Eunjung, she looked weary and tired, most likely the result from her hectic schedule.

"When Hyomin said she was going to Japan, did she tell you if she had to share a room?"

I looked to Soyeon. Unni shrugged her shoulders then looked for a song to sing. Eunjung released a heavy sigh then sunk down into the sofa.

"I feel like she's hiding something from me."

I gulped, this definitely wasn't going to end well.

Hyomin POV

I stood listening to Chief Noh explain something to us about Japan. I wasn't really listening though. I was being distracted by the amazing view. I looked at the sky then suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind.

I knew it was Sunny since I could see the others on the other side of me. I reached up to remove her hold on me but saw the camera on us. I couldn't just shove Sunny's hands off so I dropped my hands back down to my sides. I felt Sunny squeeze me harder, I am going to be in big trouble if Eunjung sees this.

Finally we started moving and I tried to get away from Sunny but she grasped my arm and pulled me back. Sunny held my hand tight as the camera followed us. I faked a smile to the camera. When they left to focus on the scenery of the flowers I quickly pulled my hand from Sunny and took pictures.

After some quick explanations of what was in store for today, we proceeded to change locations. I pretended to still be taking more pictures so Sunny would leave before me but she was still there behind me. I decided to give up and start walking, Sunny followed and walked beside me, clinging to my arm.


"Gosh I'm so tired." I complained to Yuri. She called me out for a drink at the bar since it was late and not a lot of people were around. I seated myself on a stool and ordered a drink.

Yuri brought the glass to her lips, taking a sip then setting it back down. "I know, I'm totally exhausted too."

My drink arrived and I sipped at it. The taste was slightly bitter as I gulped it down.

"How is sharing a room with Sunny? Did she do anything strange?" Yuri asked me.

"She makes noises in her sleep, kind of reminds me of Jiyeon."

A laugh came from Yuri at the mention of sleeping habits. "What I meant was anything suspicious strange, not sleeping habits." She clarified herself.

I thought about it but nothing came to mind. "Sunny wouldn't do anything like that, at least I don't think so." I told Yuri then finished my drink.

Yuri dubbed me a simpleton before finishing her drink. She checked the wall clock and decided it time to get back to our rooms. I agreed and started my way back. When I reached my room, Sunny was tossing in her bed. I turned the lights on but Sunny complained about the brightness so I switched it back off.

Using my phone to light the way, I made it to my bed and sat down. I wanted to call Eunjung but Sunny kept making weird noises in her sleep. I opted for texting her instead.

To: Eunjungie

Sleeping yet?

What are you doing now?


I closed my phone to wait for a reply when I heard loud noises from the room next door. What are the other girls doing at this time of night? I explored our room and came across a paper fan. I started to play around with it, pretending it was a musical where I was an empress who tried to assassinate my rival, Sunny.

I gently waved gusts of air at Sunny's face to see her reaction. Surprisingly her noises started to subside and I stared at the fan. "Are you a magical fan?" I continued to stare at it.

My phone beeped, indicating a message. I quickly opened it to check.

To: Hyominnie

Laying in my bed listening to music, you?


To: Eunjungie

Getting ready for bed. What are you listening to?


To: Hyominnie

Various lullabies.


I smiled and started to hum to a lullaby. Usually I would sing one for her at night. I was in the middle of typing a message back when I heard knocking on the door.

"Unnie are you still awake?"

It was Hara. I saw her peek out from behind the wall. Shinyoung came from behind her with a camera following them. I immediately froze, if this was to be aired and Eunjung watched it I wouldn't know what to do. They wanted to turn the lights on but I told them not to, if it was still dark then I could somehow escape to the bathroom or something.

Shinyoung turned the lights on anyway. Light filled the room as I was caught on camera fanning a sleeping Sunny and humming a lullaby. The camera focused on Shinyoung with Sunny as Hara came to me.

"What were you doing?" Hara asked while still giggling.

"Couldn't you have warned me beforehand that you were going to do this?"

Hara shook her head. "Nope, it wasn't like this was my idea. Shinyoung did the same thing to me. Look, my hair is still wet." Hara pointed out to me before she went over to the bathroom to dry her hair.

Shinyoung dragged Hara out of the room as they left, targeting their next victim I'm guessing. Sunny rubbed her sleepy eyes then stood up taking some clothes with her to the bathroom.

I flopped down on my bed, tired. I remembered the phone in my hand and finished typing my text to Eunjung saying goodnight. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I thought of a way to explain to Eunjung about what happened. I rolled on my back with my thoughts swirling in a circle. I miss being at home.

I sat up and saw Sunny walk out of the bathroom with only a towel on. I quickly looked down and brought my hand up to cover my eyes. "S-sorry, I didn't know you were done."

"It's not a big deal."

I heard her shuffling around. I was about to stand up to leave the room but I felt a hand on my shoulder. Removing my hand to look up, Sunny was in front of me still having only her towel on. I froze instantly as she stared down at me.

"Did you need something." I somehow managed to say.

Sunny nodded then pushed me down flat on my back. She straddled my waist, trapping me under her.

"I need you." She whispered in a low voice.

I felt my heart beating rapidly as I tried hard to breath. Why didn't I listen to Yuri, oh why didn't I listen Yuri? Sunny was closing the gap between us. Again, I felt myself not moving, just like what happened at Music Bank. Images of Eunjung flashed through my mind. Her words replaying in my head. I gripped the phone tightly in my hand.

Sunny was only a few centimeters away from my lips. I felt myself able to move again and I jerked my head to the side. Sunny stopped and stared at my face. I placed both my hands on Sunny's shoulders and sat up, keeping her at arm's length.

"I can't do this." I stated firmly.

"Hyomin I-" Sunny started to say but I quickly cut her off.

"I love Eunjung, and I always will. Nothing is going to change that Sunny, nothing."

I stood up and walked out of the room. Stepping outside of the hotel, I felt the fresh air blow. I looked through the contacts list in my phone, I can't keep it to myself, I have to tell someone.

Eunjung POV

I was listening to my iPod quietly as I lay in bed. I stared at the ceiling, counting the tiles from one side to the other. I repeated the process until I felt my eyes drooping close. I heard a faint beeping sound as I slowly opened my eyes again. I reached my hand out to grab the phone and checked it. Within seconds my eyes went wide and I no longer felt sleepy. I didn't know what I was feeling, anger, frustration, disbelief? All I know is that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

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