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Chap 2

Eunjung had just finished her recording and arrived home. After closing the door behind her she went to the living room, threw her bag on the floor, and collapsed on the loveseat. Before sleep could come to her, Eunjung heard voices from Hyomin and Jiyeon's room.

It's past one, shouldn't Hyomin be on her date?

Eunjung thought as she checked the wall clock. A few moments later the door to the room opened and out stepped a disappointed Hyomin.

"Something wrong? I thought you had a date."

"Sunny cancelled, she said there were some last minute schedule changes." Hyomin sat next to Eunjung and set her head on the girl's shoulder. "Now I have tickets but no date."

The older girl eyed the pair of tickets then thought of something. "We could go together if you want." Hyomin sat up and had an excited expression.

"Really, you're not busy?"

"Nope, I finished my recording so I'm free."

Hyomin quickly jumped up and dragged Eunjung out the door. They went to a small hidden theater so they wouldn't attract attention. There were few people there as they entered to find seats.

"Isn't this great? I haven't been out in so long." Hyomin whispered as they sat and waited for the movie to start. As long as she was with Hyomin, Eunjung was happy.

"Since you came out here with me I'll feed you, here." Hyomin held the popcorn to Eunjung's mouth. The familiar thumping of her heart was being felt again. Slowly she opened her mouth and Hyomin placed the popcorn in.

"Is it good?" Eunjung stiffly nodded as an answer. Hyomin smiled sweetly and rested her head on Eunjung's shoulder. It was getting hard to breathe for Eunjung as her secret crush was linking their arms and snuggling in her shoulder.

Breathe, just breathe Eunjung. It's not like this is the first time you've had close contact with Hyomin. Come on breathe!

Hyomin noticed Eunjung's irregular breathing and stared at her concerned. "Are you ok? You're breathing kind of, funny."

Oh god don't look at me like that Hyomin! Why do you have to be so cute. Damn it Eunjung this is not the time to think about that! Say something!

"I-I was just practicing my breathing exercises, yeah you know if I want to be as good as Soyeon I have to practice every chance I get." Eunjung hoped it was a good enough excuse to convince Hyomin. A simple shrug came from the other girl and she began eating popcorn again.

The movie was half done as the scene of when the guy finally confessed to his secret crush played. Hyomin released a sigh as she watched the scene.

"That girl is an idiot." Eunjung turned her attention to Hyomin. "She went after someone who didn't love her when all along the perfect guy was right next to her."

Then you're an idiot too Hyomin.

"But that guy's an idiot too. He should of confessed to her in the first place then she would have realized it sooner." Eunjung bit her lower lip and looked away. A mental debate taking place in her mind.

The movie ended and the two walked out together. Eunjung was fidgeting next to Hyomin until she finally made a decision.

"Hyomin I need to tell you something." The girl stopped walking and looked at Eunjung. "Well actually, I wanted to say tha-" Eunjung was cut off by Hyomin's ringing cell phone. She whipped out the phone and looked at the caller id. A bright smile was now on her face as she answered the call.

"Sunny! I miss you! Really? I'm free right now. No I just got done watching a movie with Eunjung. Yeah I'll be there in five. Ok bye." Hyomin hung the phone up and turned back to Eunjung.

"That was Sunny, she asked if I wanted to go out to eat as a make up for missing the movie." Eunjung felt her chest throbbing after hearing Hyomin's words.

"Oh you wanted to say something before, what was it?"

Eunjung faked a smile. "I forgot what it was, it was nothing important though."

"Ok then I'll see you later."

"Yeah go on, I'll see you later." Eunjung waved goodbye to Hyomin until she was no longer in sight. "You're an idiot Hyomin."


Jiyeon walked inside the dorm tossing her bag on her bed. After getting her bowl of ice cream she proceeded to sit on the loveseat while turning the TV on. Her feet hit something, it was a brown shoulder bag.

Jiyeon grabbed the bag on the wrong side only to have everything spill out. Various things came from the bag but one thing in particular caught her eye. Jiyeon picked up a black journal that looked quite worn and old. The journal was opened to where the string bookmark lay, and quietly she read.

She called me today, I love hearing her voice. It's soft and sweet. But at the same time it breaks my heart each and every time. The only person she talks about is Sunny. They're going on a date tomorrow. I want to stop her, I want to tell her not to go, but I can't. Please, don't go Hyomin.

Jiyeon wanted to read more but heard the door of the dorm opening with the jingling of keys. She quickly buried the notebook under a pile and tried to act normal.

"I'm home." Eunjung closed the door behind her and noticed Jiyeon on the floor with things all sprawled out. "What are you doing with my things?"

"I accidentally grabbed the wrong side of your bag and everything came out. Sorry."

Eunjung said it was ok and helped pick the items up. Jiyeon picked the journal up last and gave it to her unnie. When Eunjung went to her room to put her things away Jiyeon peaked inside and saw Eunjung place the journal on the middle shelf of the bookcase.

"I thought you were with Hyomin? Where is she?" Jiyeon asked while returning back to her ice cream. Again Eunjung was feeling that stab of jealousy in her chest again. Throwing her bag on the desk, she went and sat next to Jiyeon.

"She went out to eat with Sunny." Eunjung said rather coldly and pouting afterwards. A bowl of vanilla ice cream was raised in front of her.

"You want some? It's really good." Jiyeon said while giving an innocent smile. Eunjung gladly accepted and took a spoonful. Soon the other members arrived home from their schedules and all settled in the living room.

"What is love?" Eunjung said unconsciously with a dazed look on her face.

"Love is complicated." Qri answered while flipping through channels on the television.

"Love is romantic." Boram said with a spoon in her hand and digging into Jiyeon's ice cream bowl.

"Love is pain." Soyeon quoted their own song.

Everyone turned to look at Jiyeon waiting to hear her reply.

"Love is," Jiyeon paused to think of something to say. "Love?"

Soyeon shook her head from left to right. "Typical maknae, not knowing the reality of love."

"Love is Sunny." Eunjung whipped her head to glare at Qri upon hearing that girl's name. Qri held her phone up and let out an awkward laugh. "Hyomin's answer."

Eunjung left to go to her room shutting the door behind her.

"What did I say?" Qri looked to the others for an answer but they all shrugged being just as clueless.

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