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Cat Called


Cheshire: Commander? She's here

Commander: Thank you for bringing her here Cheshire, you may leave now

The Catgirl bowed to him before opening the door further, letting Impoluto into the Commander's office as she left them be. Impoluto looked around the room, spotting the decorations doting it and the meticulous care put into some of them.

Impoluto: Impressive taste Comandante, very impressive

Commander: I thank you for the compliment El Impoluto, or rather would it be La Impoluto now?

Impoluto: The beginning is based on the word afterwards, not my gender in this case

Commander: Oh, my apologies as I'm still not well versed in Spanish. I am the Commander of the main base here in Britain, Henry Stich

Impoluto: Pride of España El Impoluto at your service. What have I been called for Comandante?

Henry: Nothing detrimental, but I wished to get to personally know you, just as I have to the others on the base

Impoluto: Hmm...very well, ask away señor

Henry: First thing I want to ask, when were you constructed? There isn't any official records out there

Impoluto: Mi barco was you have a calendar?

He handed her his phone, and opened it for her to scroll through a of dates. He stopped on 1717.

Henry: Now go from here

Impoluto: Very well... I was sunk in 1717, but I was finished in 1673

Henry: You served for 44 years? That's quite a feat

Impoluto: Back then a big ship like I would last for many years before it's either too old that the wood has fully rotted, or it was sunk. I was sunk of course, but even then I would probably only last for a few for decades before I was stripped for materials

Henry: Still, you served for many years

Impoluto: That I did...Pregunta siguiente?

Henry: Alright, are you comfortable here on the base?

Impoluto: Mostly, but the wounds of my life still urge me to fire on the girls here even if I know they're on my side now

Henry: We've had that problem before, especially with some of the French ships that hold grudges with us for "not doing more to help"

Impoluto: In a war? If that's that case then it's childish for them to think that way. Just because you are their ally doesn't mean they will sacrifice themselves for you to live

Henry: I'm happy you at least see what Jean can't. Things have gotten better, but I still don't know if she's gotten over it

Impoluto: I would like to meet her one of these days, maybe I can have a talk with her and hopefully sort things out

Henry: You can try, she's extraordinarily stubborn

Impoluto: So am I


Henry: Well, I have one more question

Impoluto: Sí?

Henry: We will be having some of our forces move to where the Sirens are most active shorty, which is the Pacific Ocean.

Impoluto: Ah, the peaceful sea. Maybe even the Sea of Magellan if you want to call it that

Henry: Yes, that ocean. I'll be sending a small force of our ships over to Pearl Harbor to reinforce them for more dangerous operations. I want to ask if you wish to join them

Impoluto: Join them? Isn't it dangerous for me to go out and attack the Sirens?

Henry: Yes, but I'm not sure about how effective your armor is. Your report states that you have metal reinforcements, and that may help you survive several blows

Impoluto: Even still I shouldn't be going straight to the death zone. Es una locura

Henry: Of course...and that's all I wanted to ask you. Thank you for the time Impoluto

Impoluto: When you call for me Comandante, I will answer. Buen día señor

She stood up and saluted before leaving the room, making sure to close the door behind her. Cheshire was waiting outside near the window, and when she heard the door open she stood at attention for whoever stepped out.

Cheshire: Owner! How did the talk go?

Impoluto: Quite good if you ask me. It was standard questions that were easy enough to answer

Cheshire: I'm happy they were easy for you! Since it's now midday, what are you planning on doing for the rest of the day Owner?

Impoluto: Hmm...

Impoluto looked out the window, down at the docks below where all the ships sat in rest. Most of the people were enjoying their day walking around and playing, so why not join them?

Impoluto: How about you and I go and relax today? Get to know each other better

Cheshire: Okay Owner! I can show you several different places if you wish!

Impoluto: That would be nice Cheshire, thank you

Cheshire had brought Impoluto along to the main district yet again, but this time they didn't go to any restaurants to eat at. She took her over to where the meowfficers were staying, the Cattery.

Cheshire: In here Owner! This is my favorite place in the base!

She opened the door to the building, where a bunch of small cats wearing military uniforms were laying around and playing with toys. Upon the sound of the door opening, the many Meowfficers turned to see who entered, getting excited when they saw Cheshire enter.

Cheshire: Meow~! Hi everyone!

They crowded around her and jumped at her shins, which she picked them up one by one and gave them a small hug.

Impoluto: I've never seen cats this...strange before

Cheshire: Oh they aren't actually cats, they're tiny robots that look like them

She watched as they crowded around her, jumping and hugging at her as they did. If these were false life forms, they were completely identical to the real thing.

She also spotted two sitting in the back who both were looking through very small papers in their hands. Unlike the other Meowfficers, these two were very human like, and had only the ears and tail of a cat that was color coded to their hair.

Impoluto: Who are those two?

Cheshire: Hm? Oh that's Pound and Lime. Those two are always making sure this place runs fine with the other Meowfficers always running around and working outdoors

Impoluto: Charming little ones aren't they?

Cheshire: Yeah, they're adorable, but they always work and never play around

Impoluto carefully stepped past the little Meowfficers and walked over to the two. The ears on their heads twitched before they turned to see Impoluto crouching next to them.

Impoluto: Hello little ones. Busy at work aren't you?

Lime and Pound nodded, pointing at the stacks of paper on their mini desks.

Impoluto: Surely you two have fun during the day as well? Just living in here and working all day isn't good for you

The two shared an incredulous look before turning back to her, mimicking a robot.

Impoluto: Because you are mechanical? That is no excuse if you can think for yourself, and act for yourself. So why don't you go and enjoy life a bit?

The cats tilted their heads, before shrugging and putting away their paperwork and stepping away from the desks. Impoluto put her hand down and let the two step onto it, and raised them to her shoulders to stand on.

Impoluto: That wasn't hard was it? Now what do you want to do then?

They thought for a moment before doing a licking motion, while holding their hand a bit below their jaws.

Impoluto: Ice cream? Sure, that may be good. Let's go Cheshire, let's get these two some frozen custard

Cheshire: Okay...I'm surprised you got them out of their workaholic modes

Impoluto: Was it hard too do so?

Cheshire: Well, no one ever tried. They worked hard and no one really cared about getting them out because of that

Impoluto: Hmph, seems like terrible excuse to just keep them locked in work. If they can think for themselves then they should have fun as well

Cheshire just stayed quiet, and when Impoluto passed by her, she smiled behind her back.

Cheshire: Owner, despite what you were made too do, you are of a kind heart...I will serve you eternally Impoluto!

Impoluto: Cheshire, you coming?

Cheshire: Ah, yes! Of course!

She ran up alongside Impoluto, and the two walked off with the Meowfficers, all enjoying the rest of the day peacefully.

Also, Lime and Pound love Pistachio.

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