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Charla de Amor

"Come on Negra, I was demonstrating!"

"No! That was embarrassing!"

The black cat was pouting and looking away from Impoluto, who could only sigh after seeing this behavior so many times back when they were ships. Negra was always one to be feisty, but she absolutely hated when the roles were reversed on her.

The only person to ever have done that? Impoluto.

"Listen Negra, while I do understand that you hate it, I made an example and it was accepted, so can you please drop the attitude?"

"No!" She huffed and kept away from Impoluto, who's eye twitched.

"Fine! Have it your way. I'm heading out and you can mope around in here." She was tired of her antics, so she decided to leave the cat girl alone in her ship.

Leaping from the top of Negra's ship to the docks, she was already met with Cheshire, who was waiting there for her. "Hello Owner! Did you patch things up with her?"

"No, she's being always."

The maid sighed, sharing Impoluto's frustration. She barely managed to talk to La Dama Negra, and she was immediately told off as a 'fake cat'.

"I'm sorry to say Owner, but she really needs to change her attitude."

Impoluto sighed. "Believe me I tried to change her, but she's adamant on being the way she is..."

She smiled, which only brought confusion to Cheshire. She seems to hate that Negra is lazy, but at the same time, thanks to her smile, it seems like it's done to hide something enjoyable...or maybe praiseful?

"Is there a reason you seem so fine with it?"

Impoluto looked back up to the black wood ship. "Yes. Despite how she may act, she really does have a kind heart for everyone she knows...that's the reason behind her laziness actually."


She chuckled. "Think about it, if you know someone who's a workaholic, a role model that all look up too, compared to someone who's lazy and takes things slow...which one would you be more inclined to speak too about your problems and pains?"

"The...lazy one..." Cheshire's eyes widened as she pieces the things together. "Does that mean she's being lazy just to be everyone's friend?!"

"That's one reason yes, but it's obviously because she herself is a lazy person too. She just had this as an added benefit."

"Oh..." Just like that, Cheshire lost a bit of respect that she just gained for Negra.

Impoluto looked out to the port, still quite amused at all the new ships that exist in the modern times. Especially how each one had key differences to each other past size and cannon amounts.


"Cheshire, Quién es ella?"


"Who is she?" She pointed to another ship, one that seemed like a more recent arrival.

Cheshire looked over to where she was pointing, her eyes locking in to the ship. "Oh, that's a visiting ship, acting as ambassador for Germany."

"The German states?"

"No, they united a long time ago. Anyways, she's usually the one to visit here, and her name is P-"

"My~, this is the woodship that has recently appeared?"

Impoluto turned around and saw a white haired woman sauntering towards them, a small sway in her hips that reminded Impoluto of Negra and how she walks.

"Hola, who exactly am I speaking too?"

The wind whipped their hair a bit, and revealed a red streak in their hair as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Impoluto. I am Prinz Eugen, the ambassador for Germany."

"So you essentially live here then?"

The cruiser giggled. "Yes, I tend to stay here on extended periods, unlike that Jean Bart woman who is visiting for diplomatic reasons and, from what I've heard, to meet you."

Impoluto already knew that, having seen the woman more than enough recently. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you here prince, I'm sure you didn't come here to just speak though no?"

Eugen's brow went up. "You know what Prinz means? It's not necessary complicated, but most here seem not to know."

Impoluto gave her a smile. "Ich weiß mehr als das."

Eugen's eyes widened a bit, before a more honest smirk grew on her lips. "Well well! It's nice to meet another person who knows German...especially one that looks so handsome~."

Cheshire bared here teeth. "Hissss! Don't you even try to seduce her Eugen!"

"No no..." Impoluto pulled Cheshire back, stepping forward and looking down at the slightly shorter Crusier. "Let her try Cheshire, I'm curious at how good she is."

"You wish for me to tease you? Quite bold aren't you?" Eugen slowly walked closer, a more noticeable sway in her hips then before. "I'm sure that you may come to regret it~."

She put a hand on Impoluto's face, her glove gently brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "We can always continue out of the public eye if you want too~."

For Impoluto, she had to admit, the woman was pretty good at teasing her target...but unfortunately for her, Impoluto understands the art of seduction. 'With the many men that have served on my ship, especially the officers, I'm a master of this.'

Taking Eugen's hand with her own, she rubbed the woman's knuckles, taking her hand off slowly. "Why wait? There is no reason to hide it."

"...Hm?" Eugen seemed caught off guard by that, and that's where Impoluto took the time to strike.

She snaked her other arm around her waist, pulling Eugen closer as the Cruiser slightly jumped at the sudden movement. Eugen had a small tint to her cheeks, but didn't look ready to back down yet.

"You're fun Miss Impoluto. I never met another who took my game against me." Eugen pushed the arm that was intertwined with Impoluto's outwards, pulling their chests together.

"Oh mi amiga...this is just the beginning~." Impoluto looked up to Negra's ship, seeing that the black cat was actually out of the room and watching the thing go down.

She smiled at her and pulled out a Flamenco guitar, starting to play a soft tune as Impoluto pulled Eugen along, bringing them into a dance.

Cheshire was just watching the thing go down, both wishing to cheer Impoluto on, and also not wanting to interrupt their little battle. It was surprising to her that Impoluto was essentially fighting Prinz Eugen in the one thing that people say she couldn't be beat in, and she's winning at that!


Another pair of footsteps came up next to her. "Cheshire, what exactly are they doing?"

"Jean, please don't speak up right now, I'm actually interested on who will win this."

Jean was already planning on just watching her color swapped version dance, so she complied silently and just watched them.

Impoluto stepped and danced to the beat, pulling Eugen along and dancing with her as Negra played a soft tune to their dance.

"Now are you impressed Eugen?" She gave the Cruiser a smirk, happy to be seeing the small blush on her face.

"Oh I'm not done yet Impoluto, but with all this going on, I might not resist eating you up~." She licked her lips, hoping to finally get her off guard.

But she doesn't understand how good the Spaniard was at this.

"Oh? I believe I'll be the one to judge how wonderful you taste." She put her foot behind Eugen, semi-tripping the girl as she cupped her back, ending their little dance with Impoluto on the strong point.

Cheshire and Jean clapped for the dance, as Negra bowed on board her ship. Impoluto brought her hand up Eugen's back as she pulled her to her feet. "Are you entranced now Eugen?"

"Hmm...I just might be Miss Impoluto." Eugen backed off, standing apart from Impoluto again. "I'll admit, that was fun. But I won't be backing down that easily."

Eugen turned to walk away, but she soon felt a hand land on her shoulder before being spun around. Before she knew it, both of Impoluto's hands were wrapped around her waist, and she and the Woodship were almost nose to nose.

"Now now señorita, I didn't decide the end of the game yet~." Eugen was getting close to actually flopping in the game, but she was holding strong.

" think you were into women Impoluto, I never would have thought." Impoluto chuckled at Eugen's words. "Think about this Eugen: when you have men that serve on board, and you have aspects of those men, what kind of person do they fantasize?"


"Oh..." Eugen finally realized that the game she caught herself in was unwinnable...because Impoluto liked women.

"Psst! Cheshire, is that true?" Jean whispered to the maid, who looked over to her. "Actually yes, I believe that we all feel this way too, considering many who served on our hulls were straight men."

"Huh...that explains a lot."

Back to Eugen, she also believed in this, as she knew many of the Shipgirls were lesbian at heart, with a few small exceptions. What she wasn't prepared for, was one of these girls being not only a smooth talker, but a daring Casanova!

"W-Well, I believe that we should end this game Impoluto." She was nervous, finally bringing a smirk to Impoluto's face as she won their little game.

"Very well Señorita...but only after I receive my prize~."

Right in front of the others present, and at the complete surprise of them too, save for Negra, who was only smirking with a catlike grin...

She kissed her.

Cheshire's eyes shot open, and Jean was just looking away with a small blush of her own. Negra was whistling and cheering her sister as she kept Eugen locked in her embrace.

When they separated, Eugen was red in the cheeks, absently putting a finger to her lips as Impoluto let go of her. "Now you can run along, I'm satisfied."

Impoluto walked past Eugen, snapping Cheshire and Jean out of their stupor, as they quickly ran after her to catch up to her. Negra jumped down from her ship, walking up to Eugen, who was still red and staring off into the ocean. "Ahem."

"H-Huh?" She looked up to the woman who was the same height as Impoluto, and had a very smug grin on her face. " did you like it?"

For once, Eugen couldn't find an answer, and for Negra, that seemed to be all she really needed. "Well, I'll take your silence as that answer...and remember Eugen, you aren't the only one that's captivated by mi hermana."

Negra walked off, going down the docks and off somewhere else from where Impoluto went, leaving Eugen on the docks. The cruiser looked back to where the white ship went, a small smile on her face.

"Hmm...she has my attention~."

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