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Four Cornered

The storm had cleared some time ago, and with it gone, the girls started to go about on the upper deck once more. They inquired about the battle that was fought, but every time they asked, they got the same response.

"It was swift, and no major damage. We're fine."

As of now, they were once again scattered across the ship and relaxing, enjoying the time spent on Impoluto's ship. Swiftsure was near Impoluto, along with Elbe, who was there to be close to the person she idolized.

Elbe slowly shimmied to Swiftsure, gently nudging her to get her attention. "Hey, Swiftsure right?"

"Huh? Y-Yes, what is it?"

"Wow, you're shy aren't you?"

Swiftsure quietly grumbled, hating that it was pointed out again. Though, Elbe only smiled and patted her hand.

"That's fine, we all start somewhere right?"

"...I suppose so..."

"Anywho, what's your thoughts on the Captain?"


"Well duh, Impoluto. You're always near her, and she always gives little chats your way, you two friends?"

Swiftsure looked to Impoluto, staring at the Spaniard's tall and powerful figure as she steered the Ship through the waves. "...I guess so. She's the one that always leads the talks, but she never seems to be worried about it."

"She's a badass, that's why!"

"Huh?" She looked back to Elbe, an eyebrow raised.

Elbe giggled and bumped Swiftsure's side. "Come on, we both think that and you know it! She took command of our gathered fleet like nothing, and anything that's come our way, she's steered us through like it was just another roadblock...err, waterblock, I guess?"

"Putting it like that...I guess you really can say she is."

"Thank you for the kind words chicas." They both jumped at the voice, spinning around to see Impoluto standing with her arms crossed, a small smile on her face. "Now, will you two please take your conversation elsewhere? Por favor y gracias?"

"Uhm...yeah...sorry..." Swiftsure stood and quickly walked off, followed behind by Elbe and leaving the Upper deck empty.

Impoluto got back to the wheel, whistling and looking up towards the Crow's nest. "Álvaro! Ven aquí!"

The Manjuu was looking around with a spyglass up top, but at the whistle and name call, he looked down to her and saluted. He passed the spyglass to the Manjuu stationed up there, grabbing ahold of the rope attached and jumping off, sliding down the rope and to the deck before hopping off and to Impoluto's side.

"Álvaro, what did you see?"


"I see...our location has been charted yes?"


"Mhm, modern GPS is incredible. So we're near the Caribbean...terrible memories that, but it was home." She slightly changed course, headed further inland from her last position.

"I better thank these Americans for that Canal when we arrive. Thank you Álvaro."

He saluted and left her be, letting her sail on again for some time to be left to her thoughts. Many of these thoughts centered around the new world she found herself in, but most importantly, about the enemies she now had to face.

The Sirens were something she never thought could exist, being the closest to Ghost Ships one can get. Her first and second battle have showed she can deal damage, but she can also take just as much, and that's a powerful worry she has.

She's armored, but the armor she has is nothing compared to the kind that these girls are actually built out of. Metal reinforced wood is a joke compared to full metal, but she does get the advantage of maneuverability and size, pluses she is fine with having.

'Small yet quick...hmph, such a role inverse compared to my days...'

"Hermana." She broke from her train of thought as Negra walked up to her, leaning on the rails next to the wheel. "You thinking of the journey?"

"No, more about our odds against this new enemy."

"The Sirens right? Heh, the myth of Hombre Pez made real...I'm also worried about them. What kind of weapons do they have, and also, why haven't we seen a single one besides those ghost ships?"

"That concerns me too...what kind of technology allows a ship to be piloted without a crew?"

"Besides all these girls and us? Not a clue to that."

Impoluto sighed and checked around them again, an old habit to make sure no one snuck up on them. "I believe they are working from somewhere far away, but I could equally be wrong."

"I wouldn't be surprised, your guesses have usually been right."

"Mhm, mi tonta suerte."

Negra chuckled to her words, deciding to lean further on the rails and relax. "So...why are we heading towards the Caribbean?"

"The Americans made a canal through the land, connecting the two Oceans."

"Truly? Well, that saves us lots of time."

"Exactly, so we'll take that route and get to this Pearl Harbor much quicker."


"Now...I think I held this question long enough." Negra stood from the rail, crossing her arms as she looked her sister in the eyes. "The others, the British girls, do you think they'll come back too?"

"...Without a doubt in my mind."

"I thought the same. You think they came up by now?"

"I'm not sure, and we won't know easily."

Negra looked to the deck, her eyes snapping to Elbe as she smiled. "Well, why not get her to check? She's one of those fancy Carriers right? She can check for us!"

"Maybe..." Impoluto whistled again, but she didn't get Elbe's attention from it.

She sighed and let go of the wheel, letting Negra take reign as she headed for the girl herself. Her sailors broke way for her as she approached Elbe, who was again talking to Swiftsure and seemingly befriending the girl.


"Huh?" She turned to look at Impoluto, Swiftsure peeking out from her shoulder.

"You're a carrier right?"


"I need you to send a plane up and scout as far as you can. There is a chance others of our kind may have come back to life, and if the other Legends have, I wish to bring them to us."

Elbe went into thought for a moment, soon nodding as she raised her arm. "Seems fair enough. Sure, I'll get one up!"

In her hand, blue cubes collected as a plane manifested in her grip. She held the plane as it's engines started, and once they were powered enough, she placed it on the floor, letting it run the deck before taking off into the air.

"Maravillosa..." This was the first time she saw a plane take off, and as you'd expect, she was impressed and in awe at the fact Man had made machines capable of flight.

"Yeah, it gets everyone the first time they see it." Elbe leaned on a Mast then, closing her eyes. "I'll keep an eye out, if I find anything, I'll let you know."

"Good. Thank you for this Elbe."

"No problem!"

Some hours have passed since that moment, the sun was further along in the sky, close to dusk, and thus where they would have to slow to be careful of crashing. Impoluto was once again behind the wheel, keeping her ship straight and narrow while her men kept close watch on the charts and the soon to be visible stars.

She looked to her sister, who was sleeping in the corner of the deck, using a barrel to lean against and sleep on. "Really Negra..."

"Impoluto!" Elbe's voice caught her attention, as the girl ran up the steps to her level. "I got something!"

"You did?"

"Yeah! Two ships, and they're both wood!"


"Two of seems those two are alive as well..." Impoluto stared off towards the ocean, a small smile on her face as she recalled the two Legends that must have been revived.

"You know them? Cause, I don't wanna assume...I mean, obviously you would know each oth—"

"Stop with the bad girl attitude, it doesn't suit you. Though, I do know them, it's Royal Sovereign and the Fearless, a twin crew of First of the Lines that worked extremely well together, like twins."

"Oooh~...were you friends?"

"...No, in fact, we were enemies back then."

She looked back to Elbe, giving a smirk full of her confidence. "Though, I'm sure they can understand that times have changed, especially with girls from their own home here."

"I hope so..."

", which direction were they in?"

Elbe ran to the side of the deck, pointed out towards the South-East. "That way! They're about twenty three Nautical Miles out!"

"...I'm assuming that's not too far."

"Yep, you'll get there pretty quick."

With a nod, Impoluto turned to her crew, clapping her hands and snapping most of their attention to her. "Boys! We found a lead on two girls from our time, alive and well just like us!"

The Manjuus and even the Kansen began to look excited, meeting more of the Ships of Legend sounded wonderful. "With that said, I want everyone on their best behavior, as we need them to join up with us instead of battling us, am I clear?"

A loud holler erupted across the deck in a wave, a wonderful sign of power, and a great way to know their answer. "Good! Lower all sails, cap the guns, and light every Lantern! I want us looking as friendly as possible!"

Immediately, the Manjuus set to work doing what they were told. Impoluto went back to the wheel, the rushing wind and ruffling sails bringing a smile to her face, knowing the winds were in their favor.

With a hefty spin, the ship veered to the left, it's stark white hull shining in the slowly dimming sunlight as they began their journey towards the others of her kind. "Keep those sails held strong, we need to get there before sundown!"


"Haha! Buen trabajo amigos!" Her ponytail whipped behind her, the winds rushing past her face and giving her tailcoat the needed lift to flutter in the wind, her image inspiring courage merely at the sight of her in her element.

'Time to make some friends out of old enemies...'

It was a short journey to catch a glimpse of their quarry, especially as they seemed to have slowed full stops when Elbe reported them at Half sail. The bell rung as they were sighted, and everyone got prepared to meet the two Legends from the British side.

However, as added assistance, Impoluto had Cheshire, Charybdis, and Swiftsure all with her, hoping that kinsmen would help to bring them from a guarded state. No doubt her appearance alone was enough to prep them for a fight, so she needed everything possible to get them calm.

"Owner, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Mostly. I mean, by their names, I can assume Fearless is the one we have to worry about more than Sovereign, so I hope we can talk it out first."

Cheshire went quiet then, trusting in her judgement of the situation. Having Álvaro at the helm made it easy to have her presence known, and as they slowly approached, she saw two figures in the distance, both standing aboard the black sailed ship, that one being Fearless' vessel.

Slowly, she stepped onto her ship's Bowsprit, carefully walking out towards the end of it and standing tall, her balance working wonders for her as she kept still on the end of it. The others behind her were initially freaking out at her decision to do that, but they slowly calmed, knowing she was skilled in this, but the worry never did fade as they drew closer.

Her eyes kept locked onto the two, no doubt the British duo, and she slowly raised her hand, doing her best to let herself be seen as she sailed closer. There wasn't any cannon fire as they approached, and that calmed her somewhat, but there was still another matter to handle.

How will they feel about her actually being there?

That will be figured out once she got to them, she knew that. Álvaro was given strict instructions to get as close as he could, and as they grew closer, the sails were eventually raised, slowing Impoluto down as the faces of the two British girls came into view. Their eyes were locked onto her face, and she saw apprehension in the shorter one, and a locked beast behind the other one, making it easy to tell who was who.

She gave them a smile, and as Álvaro slowed them enough, she was within a few dozen meters of their ship. She looked back to everyone else, lowering her hand and nodding, letting them all relax as the situation was handled swimmingly.

She looked back to the two, bending her knees as she leapt off the Bowsprit, flying through the air towards Fearless' Main Mast and grabbing ahold of the sail supports. She swung off the supports towards the Mizzenmast, then with a final hop, she went towards the deck and slid across, coming to a safe and stylish landing.

She stood up and dusted her coat off, giving the two a smile. "Thank you for having me, Fearless and Sovereign."

"Ya sure know how to make an entrance, don't ya?" Fearless stepped up to her, staring slightly down on her as Fearless stood taller than Impoluto did.

Impoluto stared up without fear, only chuckling at her response. "Of course, it's my duty to be the most presentable around."

"Guess that's how yer name came around eh?"

", Sovereign?" She looked past Fearless, staring at the smaller of the two. "I have some things to speak about with you both."

Sovereign cleared her throat, stepping up alongside Fearless. "Does it have anything to do with us...being alive?"

"Sí, it's that and much more."

Sovereign nodded and gently pulled Fearless along, who didn't resist her sister's pull. "Then let's discuss it. If you of all people come to us without any weapons at the helm, things must be serious."

"That's one way to go about it..." Impoluto followed behind them, before they heard a soft thud behind on the deck, prompting them to turn and see it.


Sure enough, Negra had hopped to deck, walking up alongside her sister. "I'm going with as well. Not to be too rude, but I don't trust you two alone with her."

"La Dama're alive too are ya?" Fearless smiled as she looked to the Cat. "Wow, both a Catty lady and a Dancer? Must be quite the fun one."

Negra's ears flattened as she growled at the comment, but she stopped as Impoluto raised her hand to her face, keeping her back. "No time for this. You two have to hear what happened since the time we've been dead."

"On that, we agree." Sovereign opened the door to the Captain's Cabin. "Please come in, we can have some privacy."

Fearless backed off from them and went inside, and after a moment to collect themselves, both Impoluto and Negra went in as well. Two more of the Ships of Legend have returned, and hopefully, they will agree to join their Spanish companions.

Their help can always be appreciated.

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