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Overdue Treaty

The lantern's light flickered and swayed as the ship rocked beneath it, the turning of the flame showed how the ship bobbed on the water's surface. Though, even with the candle, there was enough natural light to allow sight for all in the Cabin, with the two British Legends across from the Spanish ones.

Fearless was locked with Negra, both staring the other down without flinching or even blinking. On the other hand, Sovereign and Impoluto were much more relaxed, enjoying a cup of freshly brewed Tea courtesy of Sovereign's stored supplies.

Sovereign let out her breath, moving her red streaked hair away from her eyes. "So that's what has happened..."

"Sí. Three hundred years have passed since we fell, and the homes we know and love have long still been allies, once against their fellow man, and now against the Sirens."

"...Such a thing seems impossible to comprehend as real, but if you're vouching it..." Sovereign sighed and leaned onto the table, resting her chin on her arms. "The world's gone cuckoo I'd say."

"It has, but now there exists Metal ships that fight these Sirens in the form of Humans, like us. Even the smallest of their standard ships outsize us tremendously."

"Tsk, so much for being the biggest o' the bunch..." Fearless quietly remarked to the group, bringing a bittersweet smile to her sister's face.

"Times change sister, it was bound to happen one day."

"Doesn't mean we're out of the fight now." Negra chimed in. "Impoluto here fought alongside the Kansen, and even fought a small force herself. She's more than capable of fighting with them, so what's stopping you?"

"Well, not sure about you, but I doubt our weapons could work."

"They do work." Impoluto pointed out the window, out to her cannon ports. "Every cannon shot hits hard to them, not as hard as the fancier shells used by the Kansen, but with how many cannons we all sport, it should be more than enough."

"Is that true? If so...we might actually stand a chance!" Fearless stood quickly, a hungry look in her eyes as she thought of the days to come. "Even in the world we have now, we can make a lotta bastards sink to Hell!"

"You can, but it's still dangerous. One shell nearly went clean through me already, so we are not able to take hits effectively"

"I expected we hurt them bad, just as they hurt us bad..." Sovereign put a finger to her chin, as she went into thought about what their next plan was.

As the room fell silent, Impoluto felt a chill crawl up her spine, making her shiver as she looked over her shoulder. Her eyes looked all around, but she spotted nothing out of the ordinary, the room was completely fine.

"El diablo...?"

She heard a quiet giggle coming from in front of her, being Sovereign laughing at her sudden antics. "I'm guessing you got a chill, didn't you?"

"I did...what was that?"

" sister and I learned that we weren't the only ones to come back."


Impoluto shared a look with Negra, as they both leaned in. "You mean...Prince is alive too?"

"Well...technically." Fearless swayed her hand a little, seemingly unsure of how to say it. "She's alive...I think. Whatever happened to her, it's messed 'er up."

"You aren't making any sense by saying that, I'm sure you know."

The two of them sighed, as Sovereign once again cleared her throat. "I'm sure you both know how she does her combat, or at least use to do?"

Impoluto and Negra nodded, remembering that Prince was known as thr Ghost ship. She would sail into foggy weather and storms, using them as cover for her massive frame to battle against others.

Not to mention, it helped that she even looked like a ghost ship, what with the decorations she used being the way they were.

"Now, in Legend, she was known as a Ghost ship, and here we all are living and breathing except her...then we found her, or rather, she found us."

Again, the two Spaniards were confused, but Fesrless piped in from the side. "It was the mornin of today, and when the fog rolled over the waves from the early light...she was there on me deck."

Negra's tail flicked, as she grew extremely interested in this. "So you're saying she's a literal Ghost ship now?"

"Seems like it. She only shows up in Fog, maybe in stormy weather, not too sure about that one."

Impoluto's eyes went around the room again, narrowed and weary. "So...she might be in this room, as we speak?"


She sighed, slowly standing up as Negra follows her example. "That is...insane. Though, us being alive is a little reassurance with that."

Sovereign and Fearless also stood up, the shorter sister sticking her hand out with a smile. "Still, it does help me see that you're also telling the truth. It's reassuring to know that, even if we were all alive for only two years after our countries became friendly towards each other, that seems to have lasted for centuries."

Impoluto looked down to her hand, seeing that Sovereign was fully willing to make this partnership official. Even Fearless seemed to be smiling truthfully, and if Prince truly was here she might have been doing the same...or at least, she hoped.

Impoluto smiled in response and took Sovereign's hand, giving her a firm shake. "Well, está terminado. It's good to have you two joining us today, maybe three depending on Prince's attitude."

"Ahh I wouldn't worry. I'd say she's probably the friendliest of us." Fearless reassured the two Spaniards, which was quite the burden off their heart.

"Good...well, will you two join us on the journey we're going on?"

"Where to?"

"To Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, in the South Seas, now known as the Pacific Ocean."

"Pacific...I hope the name is apt."

"Sí, I hope so too."

Impoluto and Negra led the two out to the deck, hailing to her own ship that they were successful in bringing them along. While the cheers were short, it was enough to know they were happy about it, and the two hopped over to Impoluto's ship once more.

As they stepped foot on it, they turned to see both British Legends still standing there. "Come on! It's scary at first, but you'll be use to it soon!"

"B-But I can't jump that high!" Sovereign was definitely nervous of falling into the waves, especially since it was a long jump to the deck.

Her sister on the other hand, was already taking a few steps backwards before she broke into a short sprint. Fearless essentially yelled as she leapt off the deck, flying through the air towards Impoluto's ship...

Then going face first into the Main Mast.

Almost everyone winced at the impact, and as she fell, Impoluto caught her before she could hit the deck. "That happened to me too, no worries."

"Oww...good ta know..."

She handed Fearless to her sister, before going over to see Sovereign again. "See? She made it, so you can too!"

"...Ugh, fine!" Sovereign bent her knees, and after taking in a deep breath, she threw herself into the air...way, way higher than she should have.

Sure, she was above Impoluto's ship, but she was almost to the height of the Main Mast's tip. As she started to fall, she screamed in fear, falling to the deck only to be caught, just like her sister, in Impoluto's arms.

"Again, you'll get use to it niña."


She set Sovereign down and got back up to the wheel. "One of you Kansen teach them how to do your summon thing, I'll get us ready for transport."

Now behind the wheel once again, she gave one  shrill whistle to signal her Manjuus to start preparations. She watched as they ran across and around the deck, stringing up rope and moving supplies as they once again got the ship into long distance travel capabilities.

Álvaro was directing the Manjuus more closely, directing the sails and moving the others along as the Cannons were pushed back out to prep for combat should it ever arise again. He soon went below deck to direct things there too, vanishing out of sight as Impoluto waited for the clear signal to set out.

After a few minutes, she noticed the two British ships begin to vanish into cubes, and with that done, she signaled for the bells to be rung, all across her deck did they ring, and soon, the sails were set into place and she had it all cleared up.

The ship took sail, and they were once again on their voyage to Hawaii.

It was a calm few minutes as they continued on, aided by the GPS the girls gave her to navigate accurately through the Caribbean. They have long since entered the wide open expanse of the water, but the winds were calm, even carrying the hints of heat through them from the warm day.

"Ahh...mi perdí esto..."

"Yo también." Impoluto looked to the stairs, seeing her sister walking up to her. "The wind in my face and the heat it brought along...haven't had that in a long time."

"Something we missed in our lives till now, and it's in the very place we had our final moments, all those years ago."

"Don't make me start crying, I'll make sure the tears get on your clothes."

The two shared a quick laugh, before Impoluto let the wheel go for now, letting Negra take over. "How are they adjusting?"

"Well, they're still confused about many thing, but that's normal since we're ships out of time. Other than that, Sovereign is taking plenty of things much easier than Fearless."

"I figured as much." Impoluto walked down the stairs to get a break for herself, letting Negra take the helm since she trusted her sister behind the wheel.

The two British Legends were at the other end of her deck, looking out to the ocean as Cheshire and Charybdis gave them general studies on the present day world. Though, as she approached, the two turned to her, thus alerting the old Brits to turn as well.

"So, how have you two been coping?"

"How well do you think?"

"Hmm...the Empire you both served rather proudly has long since broken down and now is a shell of it's former self, in terms of size at least. All in that, I'd say you're fine."

Fearless chuckled, flipping Impoluto off, something she learned thanks to Elbe. "Not like your empire is any better."

"Yes, but I didn't really care for my Empire. I cared for my home, not the Empire that was built around it."

"...Ain't that the same thing?"

"A brute like you wouldn't get it."

The little back and forth was cut as Sovereign got in front of her sister, bringing Impoluto's eyes to her. "Can you please stop goading her on? It's hard to wrangle her in as is..."

Impoluto gave her a smile as she raised her hands. "Perdón, just having some fun is all."

"Yeah, it ain't hard ta make friends with the Spanish when you know 'em long enough." Fearless chimed in and gently pushed Sovereign aside, ending that little intervention.

"Okay...I'll trust you on this, and...uhm..."

"What is it?"

Sovereign was looking out towards the front of the ship, and as all eyes turned to where she was looking, they saw a gathering of dark clouds over the horizon, an oncoming storm. Impoluto quietly hummed, moving back down the deck as she grabbed one of the bells and rung it several times.

"Hands to Work! We have a storm coming, keep an eye out for Sirens!"

Instantly, the Manjuus sprung into action fast as lightning, cannons loading up and the recently replaced Chain shots now loading up with additional forward Cannons, much to the thanks of Victory acquiring them for her.

Upon hearing the word "Sirens", both British Legends sprang into their own action, immediately summoning their mighty ships and hopping to them, one on each side of Impoluto. Impoluto looked to both of them, and before she could open her mouth, Sovereign whistled to get her eyes on her.

"We'll be ready in case as well! More firepower is always a plus!"

"...Very well, I'll be trusting you both!"

"Nothing ta worry about with us here! Get the black cat to help out too!"

Impoluto nodded to Fearless' request, and she only needed to look at Negra behind the wheel to know she was as prepared as they were. She was easily the most heavily armored of the Legends, so she might be able to stand at point better than any of them.

Impoluto then went inside, scouring the ship to find the other passengers aboard. With most relaxing in the largest free room, their eyes all turned to Impoluto as she opened the door to the so called "Common room" as they put it.

"Girls, get ready."

"What? Why?" Z24 stood up, followed by everyone else.

Impoluto moved aside, pointing up the stairs as she gave them her usual battle ready stare. "We have a big storm coming, and that means Sirens might be too."

The room's relaxed atmosphere vanished immediately, as the Kansen inside quickly changed to the looks they were famous for, all ready to fight if the need arises. Impoluto left the door open for them to leave behind her, and she went topside once more, climbing up alongside Negra again.

Her sister stepped aside and gave her the wheel, Impoluto grasping the polished metal of it firmly. "Men, get to your posts, we have to be careful now, so if you see something, give the call and fire!"


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