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Royal Toils

Impoluto: Damn children! Never liked them!

Victory: Kids aren't terrible Impoluto. Who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself with one someday

Impoluto: The day I settle down with a child is the day mi barco breaks and never comes back

Victory just sighed and continued walking with Impoluto in tow, who was looking at all the new things she found at the docks, and the many girls around who she can definitely tell are the other ships in harbor.

Impoluto. So many...

Victory: Hmm? What was that Impoluto?

Impoluto: Nothing, just...surprised there's so many pure metal ships

Victory: That's just how it is nowadays, we wood ships have been out of commission for at least one hundred years

Impoluto: But why? You saw how flimsy that damn thing was when I hit it

Victory: That's the thing, I've been out of commission and never fought myself, but if your cannons hit that hard despite being outdated technology...we will have to talk further then

They continued in silence, Ark Royal having split off earlier to go do "recreations" which gave Impoluto a shiver down her spine. Victory was obviously leading her somewhere, but where was still unknown.

Doesn't hurt to ask though.

Impoluto: Victoria

Victory: Victoria? You called me by my Spanish name?

Impoluto: Yes, where are we heading? It seems like you wish to take me somewhere important

Victory: Because I am, the Queen was informed about you and she wishes to meet you alongside the rest of her council

Impoluto: Royals huh? Never met the Spanish king, so this is a first

The rest of the walk was in silence, clear differences being noticed in how they carried themselves, which Victory noted.

Victory: I've been told I walk as if I myself am the Queen, which paints quite a picture when I think about it. But her...

She looked at Impoluto walking next to her. Arms crossed behind her back and head held high, her sword was further out with the scabbard pointing farther out then being tucked close. Her eyes keeping clear view ahead and betraying no emotion.

Victory: It's a if she's ready for someone to pop out and kill her at anytime. She's tense, but it seems natural for her...what have your men gone through to give you such mannerisms?

Impoluto: Victoria? I believe we have arrived

Victory: Oh? How did you know?

Impoluto pointed ahead, where she saw several maids waiting for them.

Victory: Oh...good eye

Impoluto: You need them on the High Seas after all

The maids were there to guide Impoluto and Victory to the room where the Queen was waiting, taking them through the halls with practiced efficiency.

While it wasn't long before they got to their end goal, Impoluto was busy wondering what the Queen was going to be like. Would she be tall and proud, as every leader should? Or possibly ruthless and powerful? She'll just have to wait and see.


Maid: Your Majesty, they have arrived

?: See them in


Impoluto: Was that...a child?

The maid opened the door and let the two wood ships in, and when Impoluto entered, she saw five women all gathered around a table, two empty chairs with one next to one wearing the British Union Jack while one was in front of her at the end of the table.

The woman to her left was...incredibly buxom, with a white dress, next to that was the Union Jack woman and the empty chair.

To her right was a woman wearing a more male form of Royalty clothes, and next to the front of the table was a girl ears?

?: Welcome to the new world Impoluto. Sit down so we may talk

Impoluto: She's quite brash...

The head of the table was a little girl with a crown and staff, which could only mean that she was the Queen.

Impoluto: T-then I shall sit

She took the chair in front of her while Victory took the one next to the Queen.

?: Now shall we get introductions out of the way? I am Queen Elizabeth, the ruler of the Royal Navy!

Victory: Your Majesty, may I suggest keeping your professional appearance for this meeting? Impoluto seems to be quite shocked at this first meeting

Q.E: Hmm...very well, I shall do that

Impoluto: What is happening?!

?2: It's a pleasure to meet you Impoluto, I am Warspite, second of the Queen Elizabeth class battleships

That was the dog girl, which made sense.

?3: Greeting Impoluto, I am Hood, Admiral class battlecrusier

The woman with the Union Jack cape said that.

?4: It's good to meet you Impoluto, I am Illustrious, lead of the Illustrious class carriers

The buxom woman introduced herself.

?5: It's an honor to meet you Impoluto, I am King George the fifth, lead of my class of battleships


Impoluto:'re a-

George: Girl? I get that quite a lot

Impoluto: what should we do now?

Q.E: This meeting is a formality to welcome you to the modern age. Not only that, but you are the first natural case of a shipgirl being born out in the world

Impoluto: Qué? Natural?

Q.E: I can assume that was confusion?

Victory: It was your Majesty

Q.E: Shipgirls have only come about when a wisdom cube has been used on a vessel, and while the cube itself and its properties are a tightly kept secret, I can also say that the cubes can create a ship on their own too, dubbed "priority ships"

Impoluto: I...see

Illustrious: It is a lot to take in, so please take your time


Impoluto: If that's the case...what about Victory? No offense, but with being outdated I'm sure no one wished to bring her back

Victory: None taken, and it was an accident. Someone was carrying cubes nearby and dropped it. It fell in the water and collided with my hull and I absorbed it

Impoluto: That makes sense, oddly

Q.E: Now then Impoluto, as a shipgirl, your future is to fight off Humanity's mortal enemy, the Sirens. However, as a wood ship, you have an option to retire just as Victory has-

Impoluto: No!


Impoluto: I-I'm sorry for the interruption, but I won't sit idly by while the Sirens burn the people to ceniza. I am a ship, the strongest one of my days, and even if I am old, even if I should simply let the younger and better generations go fight...I simply can't

Warspite: Is there perhaps a reason why you won't simply let time go by without you?

Impoluto: The only way I'm stopping the fight is if we win or if I'm sunk. Besides Warspite, your...destroyers correct? They are children, and even as shipgirls, they shouldn't have to fight if they truly don't have too

Hood: You're looking to put yourself in danger to save them?

Impoluto: I'm putting myself in danger to keep them from ever having to BE saved. If I lose my life, at least it's in a blaze of glory just as it was back then, fighting un digno oponente

Q.E: Well, I believe I speak for all of us that your resolve is quite strong

The others all agreed with her, so she turned back to Impoluto with a small smile.

Q.E: Very well then. El Impoluto, Pride of the Spanish fleet and mighty Ship of Legend, will you put your enemies to the gun to protect what lays behind you? To risk life and limb so others don't have too?

Impoluto: Sí, I do

Q.E: Even when all odds are brought against you, will you stand and fight?

Impoluto: Until my ram turns dull, and mi cañones run empty

The women around the table stand up and smile, seeming to stand at respect for the ship.

Q.E: Very well, then I wish to extend you an offer to join us here in the Azur lane alliance, the great alliance of all shipgirls to defeat the Sirens

Impoluto:*smirks* I accept your proposal Majestad

Q.E: Then I welcome you to Azur lane Impoluto, and I officially declare you as the flagship of the Spanish fleet, no matter how small or large

Impoluto stood as well, looking over to Victory who gave her a small nod.

Impoluto: Then it is an honor to work with you Majestad

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