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Sorpresa Americana

It was warm, and the pain she knew from before the dark was there still, but diminished heavily. Impoluto slowly felt her hands and legs move, as her body woke from her slumber after the battle gave her a terrible neck injury.

Her eyes slowly opened to see a white ceiling, something she was unfamiliar with beyond knowing that her own ship didn't have such a thing. She slowly looked around, feeling slight stinging sensations as she moved her head while examining her new environment.

It was a near entirely white room, with equipment unfamiliar to her scattered around, and a small bag with a tube connected directly to her arm. She had half a mind to tear it out, but decided against it since she had no clue what it did and if it was saving her from dying or not.

Moving her head back to resting position, she started to snap her fingers to get attention, not wanting to try to speak incase it would hurt her further. She heard someone flinch nearby, before a scraping sound as heels came towards her bed.

Soon enough from the curtains came a...nun? "You're awake! Thank goodness, I honestly wasn't sure how to really help you beyond the usual procedures."

Impoluto nodded to her, slowly opening her mouth to speak slowly. "Hello...oh, it doesn't hurt to speak...good."

The nun came up to her and checked the bag, seeing plenty of liquid still in before she pulled a chair from behind the curtain, where another empty bed was. "My name is Vestal, and I might as well be the first to welcome you to Pearl Harbor Impoluto."

"Pearl Harbor? But we were nowhere close..."

Vestal chuckled at her reaction, a relieved glint in her eyes showing up. "I was told everything by Elbe, about how there was a hole in your neck. They elected to have her fly you to a nearby military Airbase under intensive care, then once you were somewhat stable, put into a plane that took you straight here."

After the explanation, Impoluto sunk back into the pillows, somewhat relieved that they hadn't completely stopped the journey. "So they're all still at sea?"

"Mhm. By now, they should be across the Canal and out to Pacific waters, maybe a week or so out."

"Good...gracias doctora."

"De nada." Vestal stood from the bedside, grabbing a clipboard that rested next to the bed. "Just to let you know a few things. I'd recommend taking it easy for the next few days, let your throat heal up while you get comfortable here in Pearl Harbor."

"What's the weather?"

"Warm and humid, I'm sure you'll be right at home knowing your history in the Caribbean."

With that, Vestal took the clipboard and left her to the bed, being gone for a few minutes before coming back with a few medical supplies in hand. She asked for Impoluto's arm, and once she had a decent grip, slowly pulled the tube from her arm and cleaned the opening before covering it with a wrap.

"There, with that, I'd say you're good to go. Not much I can do about your throat, but since it's been treated and you seem fine besides it, I have no reason to keep you here. If there's any issues going forward, feel free to come to me about it."

Impoluto slowly got out of bed, thanking Vestal before standing straight. She was about to ask Vestal for her garments, but the Nurse beat her to it and had them all ready for her.

A few minutes passed before Impoluto was dressed in her usual style once again, and with her weapons stashed at her side, she gave her thanks to Vestal once more before taking her leave. As for now, she had nothing to do as her only orders were to come to Pearl Harbor, so until someone eventually fetched her for what reasons may be needed, she was free to do as she pleased.

"Ah! Miss Impoluto!"

Never mind.

She turned to the person's voice, whoever it was that called her out was certainly moving quick to catch up to her. Once she got up to her, she slowed down and bent to her knees, heaving a little.

"Did you just run all the way to find me?"

"A...a little, yeah..."

She stood back up soon enough, putting a hand out and smiling. "I'm San Diego! It's awesome to meet you!"

Impoluto raised a brow, accepting the handshake from the red headed cruiser. "Never expected a Saint to be here..."

"Saint? Oh! No, that's just the name of the city that I was named after, I'm not a saint like that!"

"Alright then...why did you call out to me? Did you simply come to introduce yourself?"

San Diego shook her head backing up as she already seemed ready to run off again. "That's one part, but I had to come get you and take you to the Commander's place! She wants to meet you!"

"Alright, lead the way."

The base in Pearl Harbor was just as she expected from the name itself, it was a stunningly beautiful place, even if it was a military settlement. She ran into many along the way, and she was both surprised and excited that so many spoke Spanish here as their secondary languages.

Having more than just a handful of people to speak to in her native tongue is something she sorely missed.

San Diego was one that didn't do this however, though the girl's bubbly and extremely outgoing attitude was actually rather heartwarming, even if others seem to be a little less inclined than she was. Being cherry as could be is an admirable trait that she wishes she had.

"We're here!" The Cruiser had led her towards a large building that harbored a familiar silhouette to the offices in Britain.

"Thank you for guiding me San Diego."

"No problem! Though, just for later, can you call me Sandy?"

"Your nickname I presume?"

"Mhm! All my friends call me Sandy!"

Again, her easygoing ways brought a smile to Impoluto's face, including a quick laugh. "Alright, then I'll be seeing you later Sandy."

"Yep Yep! Say hey to the Commander and Fleet Captain for me!" The hyperactive redhead zoomed off after all was said and done, leaving Impoluto alone in front of the building.

Bringing her attention back to said structure, she opened the door and braced...completely on instinct. She sighed and dropped it, knowing that there was no chance of a certain maid cat jumping on her right now.

The layout of the main room was almost identical save for the American flair on the design. If this translated to the rest of the building, then she would be able to go right where she was needed.

Heading up the stairs and towards the door she thought was the one, she knocked the usual few times and stepped back. "Come in!"

She opened the door and stepped into the room, and across from her was a woman who appeared to be in her fourties at most, with a slight sag to her features, but still with dregs of youth attached to her. The woman had short brown hair and equal colored eyes, the smile she gave Impoluto as she entered being the same one could expect on a nanny.

"El Impoluto in the's an honor to finally meet you."

"Much the same Commander. Cómo se llama?"

The woman appeared to know Spanish, and she cleared her throat as she grabbed a cup that was to her side. "I'm Ellen Garvy, current Commander of Pearl Harbor's Kansen operations, and have been so for the past six years."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Commander Garvy, and though you already know me, it's proper etiquette nonetheless. I am El Impoluto, Spanish Ship of the line, and now Flagship of the Spanish fleets within Azur Lane."

Ellen nodded to her introduction, before looking to the side of Impoluto. "Now, will you introduce yourself?"

Impoluto raised a brow before she turned, seeing a woman sitting in the corner where the door opened towards, meaning she didn't see her nor her desk when she entered. The woman was dressed rather loosely, with a red dress shirt that was partially unbuttoned, and with sunglasses on despite being indoors.

Then again, the light was shining directly down on the papers she had.

The woman looked up to Impoluto, giving her a smile as she took off her sunglasses. "Nice to meet you Impoluto. The name's Allison Kenway."

Impoluto seized up as she said her name, and the woman snapped her hand up almost instantly, almost looking scared for a second at her freeze. "Yeah...I know that name's got history with you, and...well, it truly is that history."

"...I see..."

Ellen looked between them, a hint of confusion behind her eyes. Allison looked to the Commander and sighed, getting up from her desk to go to her side.

"Commander, my family has bad history with her. Back in the days, way old to the 1700s, my ancestor Edward Kenway sunk her and the other Legends, and now that they're back, I'm not sure the finest thing to see is another Kenway."

"I see...well Impoluto, Kenway here is the Fleet Captain for our forces. In short explanation, I handle much of the paperwork back here on base, and the planning of fleet arrangements and actual combat coherency goes to her."

"So we'll be working together fair and often." Allison went over to Impoluto, and even with the slight layer of sweat on her brow, she gave her a fearless smile and stuck her hand out to shake. "Can the past stay that way, so that I don't have to pay for my ancestor's actions?"

Impoluto looked down to her extended hand, staring unmoving for a time before her shoulders slacked and she accepted the gesture. "Very well...I'm sorry for appearing hostile."

"It's fine, I was hoping at least you would accept me since the other ones are coming too."

Impoluto sighed at the mention of the other Legends. While she was positive Royal Sovereign and Prince would be willing to look past easily, Fearless and Negra would probably be wary of the poor girl soon as she mentioned her name.

"I'll do my best to wrangle them in."

"Guess that's all I can hope for." Allison soon sat back down, tapping a paper in her desk before pushing it forward. "Now before you leave, you'll need this."

Impoluto came to the desk and picked up the document, looking it over to see what it was about. Turns out it was a simple map, with a time sheet to the side with different events labeled.

"We're a little more militaristic then the British are, so some things are only open or done at certain times, hence the timesheet."

"Gracias." Impoluto folded the paper and stashed it in one of her belt pouches. "What about where I'll be staying for my time here?"

"Right, we'll fetch someone to bring you there." Ellen sat up and grabbed her phone, scrolling through for a few seconds before seemingly sending a text. "...Right, Bremerton should be on her way, she'll take you over since your rooms are fairly close to each other."

"Alright, and how long until she ar—"

The door swung open, tapping into the wall as Bremerton walked in with a huge smile. "Hey Impoluto! It's awesome to meet you! I've always wanted to see one of you Legends as soon as I heard you were coming!"

The girl was completely star struck as she stared at the Spaniard, leaving Impoluto a little on the back pedal from her reaction. Not to mention, this girl wasn't exactly...the most well clothed person she met.

She shied a glance to the Commander. "Please tell me she's come from swimming..."

Ellen shook her head, and Impoluto let her breath out slowly before pinching her nose. "Puta madre..."

"Come on! I gotta show ya to your room!" Bremerton snatched Impoluto's hand, startling the woodship as she started to drag her along behind her.

With the massive difference in weight between the two, Impoluto wasn't able to stop Bremerton in the slightest as she dragged her away. Sure, she can hit extremely hard, but lifting strength and striking strength are two different principles.

All she could do was yell at her in her native tongue, and by Bremerton's lack of response, she either didn't understand, didn't care, or both. Meanwhile, the two in the office watched as she was dragged away, hearing her strings of curses and insults fading away before going silent.

"...I thought she'd be more livid honestly." Allison leaned back in her chair, putting her sunglasses back on to continue working.

"I guess experience brings humility, even in Kansen."

"I sure hope so..."

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