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Spick and Span

knock knock

A maid was knocking on the door to Impoluto's room, hoping to retrieve her on orders by the Queen. She had long dark grey hair, and carried a friendly and cheerful persona that helped many in the Navy get attached to her quickly, despite being fairly new herself.

?: Excuse me Miss Impoluto? Are you currently awake?

Impoluto: Yes, give me a minute!

She heard a bit of shuffling behind the door before it opened up, revealing Impoluto fully dressed, but still tying her hair in her usual ponytail.

Impoluto: Ah, I believe we haven't met yet. Cómo te llamas?

?: P-pardon? I'm sorry miss but I'm not fluent in Spanish

Impoluto: Sorry, what is your name?

?: Ah, I am the newest maid of the Royal Navy, Charybdis, of the Dido class of Light Cruisers

Impoluto: Dido? I haven't met her yet either. Just how many maids are there?

Charybdis: uncertain as of now, but nonetheless, I was told to retrieve you by her Majesty's order

Impoluto by then was done tying her ponytail, and she was already strapping her pistol rapier to her waist. She nodded to Charybdis, who backed away and led her down the hall as she fully finished dressing.

Charybdis led her to the common room, where the Queen was sitting with Warspite and enjoying tea with another maid, and if Impoluto remembered correct her name was Belfast, standing to the side.

Impoluto: Buenos días su Majestad

Elizabeth turned to her, a bit confused but knowing enough Spanish to understand that greeting. The similarity of the words to English also helped.

Elizabeth: Good morning Impoluto, you were awake already correct?

Impoluto: I was, but only briefly before Charybdis came knocking on my door

Elizabeth: Very well, then I hope you're feeling rested, for I have a request to ask of you

Impoluto sat down across from the Queen, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands.

Impoluto: What is it you need?

Elizabeth: Well, it's more a test of sorts, mostly as practice for you and Warspite

Impoluto: Excuse me?

Elizabeth looked over to her sister ship, who stepped forward and had a small smile on her face.

Warspite: I want to request a duel from you Impoluto. I have heard much about your legend and I'm curious about how you fair in a battle

Impoluto stared at the dog girl, who had her broadsword leaning on the chair and even peaking over the top of it. It was a mystery to the ship of the line on how she managed to wield such as large weapon, but she's literally alive so anything is possible...

Impoluto: Very well, I accept this challenge. I haven't polished my sword skills ever since I woke

She stood up and bowed lightly, before looking at Warspite with narrowed eyes and a confident smirk, which the dog girl mirrored.

Impoluto: Even if you are far more advanced, that won't save you from mí dotes!

Warspite: I have fought long too, it won't be an easy fight

Impoluto: Good, I need to shake off this mold from my hull anyways

The wind was blowing calmly over the grassy field, and Warspite felt the warm and resplendent light fall on her face, filling her with warmth.

Opposite her, was the last remaining Ship of Legend, El Impoluto, who had her rapier out and a flintlock in her off hand. She sported her classic confident smile, as she checked her gun and shined her blade.

Impoluto: Now then, what shall the parameters of this battle be?

Warspite: Feel free to go for stabs and slashes. We are durable and as long as we have access to repair materials, we can heal from nearly any wound

Impoluto: Truly? I thought you would need a Doctor

Warspite: Well, a repair ship helps, but isn't necessary

They fell silent as Impoluto finally finished her look over. She stood tall and aimed the blade at Warspite, who was feeling excitement boil into her veins.

Warspite: Standing in front of me is a Legend of the seas. Even if she's horribly outclassed in both firepower and armor, she never gives up and even took down Siren ships...

She smirked as she gripped her Broadsword tightly.

Warspite: Please, show me a good fight!

Impoluto: Very well, en guardia!

Impoluto sprung first, crossing a short distance fairly quickly as she prepared to stab Warspite. Of course, the girl wasn't going to let that happen and swung to deflect the smaller and lighter blade. What she didn't expect, was that Impoluto recovered quickly and kicked at her, catching her while her sword was high and unable to defend.

Impoluto: Never leave yourself open for even un momento!

Warspite took in a deep breath, swinging at the ship of the line, who nimbly weaved around the blade and pointed the flintlock at the Dreadnought's now worried face.

Impoluto: Volar

A blast sounded out as Warspite was sent back from the pure concussive force that was shot out of her flintlock. There was a wound on her cheek that had small flecks of metal in them, making it painful to move her mouth.

Warspite: Damn...!

Impoluto was swinging down on her once again, but Warspite put her hand on the flat of her blade and slid her rapier down it, pushing forward and successfully getting a stab in on Impoluto.

The wood ship winced as the blade dug into her leg, but raised the other and knee'd Warspite's cheek, eliciting a shriek of pain from the dog girl before being kicked away at full force by Impoluto's still outstretched knee.

Now they stood apart, with one major wound for each party.

Impoluto: I'll admit, you fight very well Warspite. You remind me of my old Capitán

Warspite: I-ngh! T-thank you...

Impoluto: That was no compliment. That man was all bark no bite, but you at least proved to me you can bark!

Warspite didn't let the taunt get to her, and held her sword at the ready, which Impoluto mimicked. The two came together again, this time exchanging blows that Impoluto expertly deflected and that Warspite blocked against.

The ringing of steel filled their ears, but the warriors inside both ships was flaring at an all time high, wanting to go more and more as the duel lasted longer.

Then, a slip up in defense...

Warspite blocked yet another blow, but Impoluto slid the blade down and stabbed straight through Warspite's fingers, making the dog girl scream and drop her blade as her hand lost it's strength.

Impoluto wasn't finished, and she shot Warspite's leg with the grapeshot-like rounds and crippling her down to her knees, which Impoluto ended with her rapier pointed at her neck.

Impoluto: It's over now, you lost perro

Warspite didn't respond, as she was busy trying to handle the pain of the attacks she just suffered. With the end of the duel, Impoluto sheathed her rapier, never needing to use it's pistol function, and put away her flintlock, using her hands to pick up the girl and carry her to the nearby maids, who were equipped with Medical supplies.

Impoluto: Now then, what was with my flintlock? It felt like I was firing grapeshot out of my cannons, but through my gun...maybe this is how I'll be in close range combat. Perhaps my musket shoots cannonballs?

She felt a tap on her shoulder, which was Cheshire with medical supplies in her hands.

Cheshire: Owner, you have that big gash on your thigh and that needs to be sealed!

Impoluto: Hm? Ah, no worries about that

She stood up and actually felt the pain now the adrenaline was gone. She limped a bit away, where Cheshire finally noticed what she was doing.

Cheshire: You're...going to your ship?

Impoluto: Halfway, Álvaro is bringing what I need

As she said that, the not so little bird was seen running over to the two of them, carrying a small pipe and also a lighter that came from the modern day. He had two more large Manjuus behind him with cotton wraps and a large iron.

Cheshire: Umm...what are they doing?

Impoluto: Fixing me up the old fashioned way


Cheshire: EXCUSE ME?!

She practically forced herself between the Manjuus and Impoluto, not letting them pass her.

Cheshire: Are you crazy to think I'll let you do that Owner?!

Impoluto: Cheshire, stand to the side will you?

Cheshire: No! I refuse to let you deal with that!

Impoluto just sighed, before standing with a grunt and picking Cheshire up by the back of her uniform.

Cheshire: H-hey! Let me go! Hissss! HISSSS!!

Impoluto: Enough with you!

She carelessly threw Cheshire to the side, who was caught by Charybdis, who looked equally scared for Impoluto as she watched the Manjuus heat up the Iron.

Charybdis: W-what exactly are they going to do?

Impoluto: It's rather simple. This is an opium pipe-


Impoluto:...and I'll use it to numb the pain and also have cotton wraps in my mouth to dull my screams


Cheshire: Owner, we have modern medicine! It's far more effective!

Impoluto: That's what I thought, but look at what you have for Shipgirl medical care

She opened the box next to her, seeing miniature welding torches and hammers, as well as conventional resources such as peroxide and wrappings.

Impoluto: This stuff is geared for modern ships to heal from, if you use it on me it'll do more harm than good

Charybdis: That...explains so much why Miss Victory never goes to the infirmary...

Impoluto: Now then...time to do this

She saw the iron was fully heated, and she took the Opium pipe and smoked it for a long draw. They waited several minutes as she slowly felt the effects kick in, being enough to numb her but not put her under the influence.

She took a bit of the cotton wrapping and put it in her mouth, before nodding to Álvaro. The maids and Warspite as well cringed as they didn't want to see what was about to happen to Impoluto.

Poor Cheshire was buried in Charybdis' chest, not wanting to look.


Impoluto:*muffled* mmmmhmhmhmmmm!!

She screams into the cotton, with tears coming out of her eyes as she felt the iron burning the wound closed. It was agonizing, but thankfully never lasted long as she soon felt the searing pain get taken away, slowly fading out as the burned skin left only a dull feeling.


Cheshire fainted upon seeing the aftermath.

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