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Curriculum vitae:

The twelfth in Zodiac (the last zodiac )

General nature: was not consistent, or change

Weekdays: Tuesday

Element: Water

Her star: Neptune (symbol of dreams, illusion, music, mystery and love poetry)

Icon: fish

Stone: Stone heliotrope blue red light, red coral, turquoise, aquamarine, a moon rock

Color: purple, gray, blue

Flower: lotus, iris plants, camellias, jasmine, lily (lilies)

Animals: elephants, dolphins, dogs

Metals: Tin

Features: change

Body parts: feet

Keywords: subconscious

Perfume: frankincense, hyacinth bean

Where you shine: helping others

What makes you impasse: poetry

Perfect job: making television programs, serving at the bar

Accessories indispensable: shaking foot wear

A sure thing for you: the dog wandering

Destination: Moroco

Likes: romance, helping people, kindness

Hate: reality, those stingy, insensitivity, indifference

Conception of life: love one another and live together peacefully

Secret desire: to live the dream and turn what they imagine into reality.

Health: feet are the most vulnerable parts of the body Pisces

Dating: Cancer, Scorpio

Making friends with: Gemini, Sagittarius

Supply engraving: Virgo

Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 9

Home: home décor like to highlight the underlying strength, selfless kindness

Favorite gift: the gift of relating to music or poetry


  This constellation related to god Beauty Aphrodite and her son Eros the god of love in Greek mythology. One day, two people walking along the river bank, the monster Typhon suddenly resurfaced to destroy them.

Typhon old are descendants of Gaia and Tartaros or Kronos and Hera Hera or alone. Although parents are, like a Titan Typhon remained strong with eyes flare. Skyscraper tall body, Typhon no finger that has 100 dragon heads sprouting from his hands.

No gods of Olympus is strong enough to destroy Typhon. The only way to escape Typhon is to transform into animals like fish to swim away. Aphrodite and Eros is turned into fish, swimming in rivers and other two fish were brought to navigation safety.

This is two fish Pisces interlocking tail to commemorate the day we save the gods and god of Love Beauty.

How about you: you are gentle and loving, considerate, caring for others. However, sometimes you too dreamy and occasionally crybaby.


  In the depths of the ocean, with a pair of colorful fish, they are linked together by a silver chain, this is the symbol of those born under Pisces. They mostly left to fate, not like chasing fame. This pair is fun in itself, waiting for the waves surge did not stop rolling them drift somewhere. Pisces prefer quiet activities, self-pleased with myself.

The symbol of Pisces is two fish stylized. The legend of this provision from the Sumerian period, but the story is best known from Greek times. Aphrodite and Eros sons were chasing monster Typhon. They narrowly escaped death when jumping into the water and turned into fish. Pisces people often hide their age in the ocean of imagination.


A symbol of the country. Her star as Jupiter and Neptune. Pisces people are very smart, gentle and altruistic. However, they are prone to narcissism and or deception. They have an extraordinary learning ability, a rich imagination and somewhat complex character.

They wobbler and they are not appropriate for the organization, so they prefer to work under others, in private life and at work. Suitable careers for Pisces: football player, nurse, intermediaries broker, mechanic and photographer. They have high faith and romance of the artist. They are very conservative, so it is not easy to fully understand them. Friendship, true and eternal love is the most important thing for the Pisces.


Mysterious and seductive, most talented mermaid in a certain field. However, their life is a fight sequence, hesitated in the face of two streams of water, so do not know how to swim through the line.

Their symbol is the image 2 is located opposite the fish. They reflect the reality that Pisces is always torn between two life paths, or they exist in the opposite characteristics 2: 1 and 1's saint sinner.

Pisces people of talented palmistry and often surprise others with their financial predictions. They also have talent in creative fields such as design or music. They have eyes very impressive and that's the first thing to attract the opposite sex. They can be the first to spread rumors and rarely kept secret.

They find it difficult to refuse others so when need people to help what Pisces, you only need to show a little begging is stable. Pisces is a friend of the people, they prefer a quiet and beautiful natural scenes and probably will not thank you if you bring a surprise party.

The weakness of Pisces is too dreamer. They look at life through rose colored glasses. When everything is sweet and romantic, they like being on cloud nine. However, it is time to landing, naked reality makes them sad. They need to rest in order to save lives through pressure from chaotic mess.

Pisces is the most sensitive star in 12 zodiac, so you should take care of themselves more carefully. No one hurts you more than yourself. In its pure nature, you will be the very psychology, visionary and a beacon to those who understand you. Always is a Pisces so will you do?

Symbolic image analysis

Each of us has ever seen fish, whether in the sea or in other areas, but the fish in the 12 zodiac can say other than fish that we see in everyday life. We come to the tropics, see the fish all day with algae living in this world under the sea. In the majority of cases, they are free to play, swim around all day.

Tropical fish are usually very colorful appearance, how to live in freedom in our country different from the majority of land animals. In fact, the work itself is related to this species has brought a sense of mystery, and the two fishes of Pisces symbol placed next to each other in a chain, but always tried to swim for two different direction, that is opposing the motion will naturally create ripples on the water phase, also for this that said two fish, but they are trying hard, but neither of them can swim be a little more forward. Finally, we bear away by sea waves bring them back anywhere.

Basic Personality

When I first saw the symbol of Pisces, a lot of people will ask

"Why is this two fish interconnected?

Chain between them had any effect? ​​"

The answer, the ancient astrology largely contrasts the force used to represent this characteristic can not regulate conflict between spirit and matter. This contradiction often tormented Pisces and giving them the emotional triggers. Like two fishes, Pisces also used to live in circumstances not attract the attention of others, they do not adapt to changing circumstances.

In fact, want to improve their ability to survive, you need to grasp the fact, that very little Pisces the true spirit of this market demand. They are immersed in paranoia, so the ability to survive independently of Pisces are very weak. Can easily notice, in order to maintain basic survival needs, they must be very practical approach, of course, they can do so, but Pisces hates this.

World full of romantic and very attractive color man, no one can resist the appeal of this spirit world. But in fact, than the pragmatic, Pisces has little ability to turn their dreams into reality.

Called the greatest geniuses of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, was born March 14, 1879, in Germany, in the constellation Pisces. When discussing his ideas, he acknowledged this argument entirely in the mind arise stems from the strange imagination breakthroughs.

In fact, this argument in that period is ahead of its time, that Einstein could not caps to explain to colleagues who lack imagination and creativity. When it comes to his attitude, Einstein once said: "All of my work by my decision."

His sentence could say is broke its nuclear characteristics Pisces. Do they work like agitation, usually are quite arbitrary, so there are always imperfections in life in terms of independence and handle social relationships.

When making a decision for a certain number of things, they are often very difficult to clear bases and their reasons for making that decision, just feel in my heart there is a natural momentum caused them to do so.

If for those around him that said, Pisces can make decisions very bizarre, explanations on the possible causes of the many more people for the actions they do. On the other hand, although those of other constellations may be more responsible than they are in this respect, but this is also closely linked to their personality. Therefore, most Pisces are hoping others understand her a little better.

Pisces are rich in love, they mostly believe that church charity "for helping others to do fun", always willing to listen to other people's misfortunes, held out his hand to help rescue others. For those under the circumstances thwarted or misfortune, they are the best guardians.

In terms of costumes, Pisces tend to dress fashionable, even ahead of its time, designs are often very new clothes, the jewelry is also quite a lot, totally different from the orthodox costume. But, but like to wear trendy clothes, but in appearance, Pisces does not leave people feeling melodramatic, making people feel but showy but not gaudy, but not performance noble seemed lost.

In the room layout, Pisces also best represent the creativity and his imagination. People want to learn about animals on the sea floor, they will be quietness and peacefulness of the sea bed attracts world, there really is an ideal spiritual world. Pisces is not entirely hospitable, they prefer to be alone more, making their thoughts were flying loose, wandering around, depending on their imagination.

Due to hypersensitivity and easily influenced by those around you, Pisces easily trust people and agree with others, even so that makes her suffer unnecessary inconvenience. For other constellations that said, this personality traits will not only miss the time, but also easy to make yourself be fooled, even an extremely goofy expression.

But Pisces previously unaware of other people's thoughts, they just follow the commander's thinking itself. At the same time, they do not actively competing with others, whether honors, status or economic benefit.

Those of the first period Pisces personality traits have on the most obvious, two-stroke period on some aspects that will be evident characteristics; The third period will also largely not easily influenced by the outside world, more determined, more less arbitrary.

Modes of thinking, skill exchange and the ability to adapt to the job

"Forever living in the dream world", used this phrase to describe Pisces is extremely appropriate. In fact, during the first contact with other people, often not immediately Pisces traits manifest their unrealistic, even make people see the words and actions of his innocence the ethereal supernatural manifestations.

They give their thoughts only a little unrealistic, but completely not not be done. But along with the increasing number of communication times, the people around them will gradually realize that if based on the logic of real life to consider the thought of Pisces, so it will detect the failure this is not realistic to think how practical.

Because Pisces too believe in miracles and the myth makes them arising within themselves, so the people around there when even suspect they have normal mental or not. Especially for some of the constellations pragmatic, like clinging to the fact to consider the issue, they are difficult to contact practice with Pisces.

So, because there can not be understanding of others, which are likely to arise Pisces feelings treacherous nature will feel very painful, this leads to more they fell into his small circle that inextricable.

From a certain sense that says, Pisces can be called with some of the bigotry and limited. Whether it's the people around can treat themselves like, they hardly aware of what their thinking was true, even listen to the advice of others become a little more pragmatic, it as this will not influence things. If random in some cases because the Pisces not unrealistic to think that his shame or difficulty, it is mainly because of the actions and think fondly of them makes everyone around it waits for them a cold water, just as adults are not the heart to refuse a child.

On the other hand, people are exposed to Pisces also frequently found, Pisces is absolutely not always in a state of innocence merely naive, easily deceived, when footsteps on the problem how to deny responsibility, they have to also be extremely forensic work, maybe even so that makes everyone around hurt or in trouble.

Pisces in terms of language exchanges largely because of disagreements which arise disputes with others, they are in the process of communication is usually moderate stance, not too strong use of rigid, making for others the impression intimate harmony, not trying to create the majesty or power.

But whether the air when they speak languages ​​express reverence humility, in words rarely wear air duel, but in some cases can also cause acute recovery center, the center of attention acquire their view, this is one of the characteristics of Pisces.

Naturally due upon review, so Pisces also typically receptive to the views of others, but they always show the concurrence with others in words, but always do as you like, work in distress his thought.

Also, due to hypersensitivity to the people and things around, Pisces often show a certain capacity to adapt to role changes, this is also one of the main reasons why Song fishermen could win big progress in the field of performing arts.

Many of Pisces so can quickly adapt to different roles, because the possibility of building themselves their personality is very strong, easy to obtain the corresponding adjustment to the demand for apartments on different roles, including the terms of body language, tone of voice ... of these, two are super Vietnamese actors in this aspect of Pisces is Elizabeth Taylor (27/2 / 1932) and Michael Kalén (14/03/1933).

Full course not every person under Pisces are lucky to promote their talents like two actors, but mostly people of Pisces are able to apply this knack his life making his despise others.

On a lot of ways, Pisces are creative and imaginative than the other constellations, their innate artistic obviously surpass others. Pisces in everyday life and imagination in expressing our profound wisdom, bring emotional stimulation and inspiration to others, to expand their horizons. Features can bring new vitality to this other makes Pisces can always get the love of colleagues working unit. In addition, because they do not like listening private conversation of others, personality and how their dealing with people is not bad, know how to use words, expressed witty humor so very easy to get people to love you .

In the 12 signs of the zodiac, Pisces constellation can say is the most secular transcendence. Attitude "I believe that" proves them very seriously materiality of the spiritual effects, on the other hand, they have no interest in the wealth of material on this earthly possessions.

Naturally, as a further ordinary mail, Pisces is absolutely not consider money as dirt, but the salary expenditure management, personnel management and management of their work always makes others headache , so the end result is always Pisces well aware of the fact of his not become incurable, afford the life is very poor, so they rely on others when there are many to replace her solve difficult problems faced in life.

Pisces especially do not like to work based on the timetable. In summary, Pisces can also connect with some very good friends or people you do business intimately, but these friends also need similar imagination, and do not be angry because Pisces is not like unrestrained time.

In terms of jobs, Pisces likes to handle the job can give full play to your creativity and your imagination. These people are not suitable for all day buried in work or work to be in compliance with the rules based on the original.

Money and career

Intuition and quite ambitious, Pisces best suited to the profession as lawyers, architects, doctors, musicians and game designers. This sentence suppliers use the most is "I believe ..."

Pisces wants to make a difference in their behavior with relatives. Not to boast homegrown policies that heart. They are very compassionate and always try to fulfill their duties, especially with parents. Sensitive, hard-working, dedicated and trustworthy, Pisces will go to the ends of the problems to be solved. So this is the type who has the ability to solve the problem very well.

Constellation Pisces is sensitive and knowledgeable about the inner feelings of the person, you can absorb the ideas and views around him. The professional experience will open many more doors of opportunity for you if you can grow, its intuitive controls.

Ideal career for you is the work related to health because you can express your love with others. Therefore, you can become a nurse, a social work or a great lawyer. The imagination and creativity of your powerful can help you become a talented artist as poet, musician, sculptor and dancer.

Pisces are generous, friendly, sensitive, rich in artistic ability, resourceful, sympathetic and romantic. You will be successful in the field of arts like drama, literature, painting, music. At the same time, the ease of empathy with other people makes you very consistent with charity work or court.

If you are a girl in the constellation Pisces, you can work in a hospital or a charitable organization, where you can care about others. If that's not the choice you desire, you can select a creative work. You like the fictional character, subtle so you can enjoy the art work as a graphic design staff, a writer or a musician.

As a man in the constellation Pisces, you are or think. Utopian ideas of you that you can work with everyone. You may want to help the criminals, drug addicts or alcoholics back to the right path. Or you can work in the sciences as a chemist, pharmacist or anesthesiologist. Are you interested in the water so the work on boats can also be the choice for you.

Your colleagues are always appreciated for you because you are a humble man, not thinking of personal interests and always inspiring to other members. Your contributions to the group are always creative, unique and essential.

As a boss in the constellation Pisces, you are tolerant and easily forgiven. However, sometimes you have rules unclear and impractical. These things can cause trouble.

The secret to your success is the imagination and your empathy. If you find a suitable job and be able to use all its capabilities, you can burn like a flame to.

Most people do not spend money Pisces styled overextend themselves. They often spent his earnings to relatives that are rarely worried about myself. This means they are very generous with their loved ones, but also save your own expenses. But make sure, when there is the need, they always prepare enough money.

Love and psychological reactions

Pisces is like Cancer, emotional change is complex, consider the problem as easily influenced by mood and not very good at using coldly logical thinking to consider and resolve the issue. Pisces what a lot of interest from the national destiny of life and death for little, but they usually do not make constructive proposals. Their attitude towards family and friends can say is that intimate harmony, but they are also because of changes in their mood that changes intimate level, sometimes becoming more distant or close closer for a long time.

So, Pisces can be saved for those around two types of impressive completely opposite, some people would argue that their enthusiasm with others, and some are likely to feel they too love reforming, for good times and bad times everyone, so unreliable.

In the children's education problems, Pisces most easily express the mood is not annoying, for them to say, continuing education activities continuously for 24 hours is tough. They do not want to appear too strict with their children. In fact, they really are not too good at his expression of power.

Pisces itself did not like uptight tangible ways to manage, so the family treated their attitude to their children are often quite democratic, thus creating a sense of intimacy with a child friendly argue. On the other hand, due to the lack of education of the child restraint basic capabilities, Pisces can also be dimensional children, even forming bad habits.

In the process of contact with the other constellations, Pisces certain to remember, they and those of several other constellations can say is no little common voice, even as another possibility as water repellency silk.

For example, those in the constellation Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are extremely extroverted personality, often difficult to tolerate people who "frankly not very much" of the constellation Pisces.

The other constellation Gemini, Libra, Aquarius does not understand the "trying to create looks deep" of Pisces. On the other hand, Pisces also not familiar with the behavior of the people in the constellation above, so as to meet these people, Pisces can quickly run away.

Only when meeting Cancer or Scorpio, Pisces feel comfortable new, two constellations eventually also inward.

At the same time three other constellations Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will probably not ironic the fact of Pisces, Pisces the other hand when encountering difficult circumstances will actively helping hand, so Song fishermen in terms of dealing with people will learn how to correctly handle the relationship with people from other constellations, but sometimes this relationship is good or bad have been premeditated before.

Pisces hate being urged others, also do not like to work according to plan. So, if a job is used to run up and down or continuous monitoring, the Pisces will not cause you sympathy. On the other hand, if you're a Pisces, so certain to remember that, even though the ideal world a better place with the real world how much matter, then you should not get lost in it all day, because in fact no one wants to just daydream with you and not do anything.

Romantic and erotic

When the emotional story has just begun, Pisces can say is unable to fight back by Eros's arrow. Moreover, for Pisces what appeals to them is not practical marriage that is romantic love. If say Pisces falls in love, then spend by saying they blindly pursue the so-called romantic.

They mostly do not like to think too much about the superficial attraction between the sexes. In fact, Pisces likes opens old diary pages, stroking the roses were dried, and read novels schmaltzy sentiment tragedy, or is sitting rethink wonderful moments when new love, the lovers walking hand in hand along on the lake, very blue sky that day, cool breeze gently, it is an ideal love story.

So if someone wants to marry Pisces, you have to be a great deal of patience, you also have to further grasp the change their mentality as in the hand, otherwise you will be able to fall into situations difficult. In fact, even if you convince Pisces become your partner, you may still have to face the prospect of a marriage is absolutely nothing fun, a lot of examples in life reality testifies to this.

In addition, Pisces but mostly superficial, graceful, very little angry when people criticize unrealistic attitude their lives, even rarely apologetic for his actions, but the own Pisces methods to cope with this difficult situation. They will take the initiative to stop the story being told others, to continue to dream in his world or find some people you do not require them to be a little more pragmatic to talk happily together.

For those who want to learn more about attitudes, concepts of love and treat problems between the sexes of Pisces to say, if possible first to observe the behavior of fish in the world under the sea it would help for this problem. Since when has the water, you will discover all the things are changing, the sea floor almost no sound at all, nor need language exchanges, movements are brought fluidity.

Due to the light become weak, so the color becomes more water on the ground, and the calculations that humanity has completely lost the sense used here. In fact, the fish actually in the process of looking for marriage and reproduction, are not eternal, after they mate will leave together, then let nature take care of our children.

It is mentioned here that, in eight constellation of 12 animals of the zodiac, only Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio is the constellation with symbolic images are cold-blooded animals, this also be the way to the ancient astrologers used to distinguish this constellation with three other constellations, used to warn others while communicating with this type of person, have good psychological preparation, dealing How's the people of the three constellations unlike other constellations.

They are interested in pursuing a romantic life, but when living with a lover, they also expressed the coldness and impersonal. So, how to achieve balance in life lacks emotional stimuli and romantic love is an issue that people from these three constellations need to think carefully. Cancer and Scorpio have also wanted to make the commitment to bring the indissolubility of marriage, but Pisces is the most recalcitrant.

They know the love and marriage but also sticking inseparable, but they were split between the romantic love story and eternal marriage. For Pisces, "love is not limited to the extent of love alone, when it comes to marriage, it has lost its romance then." But this allegation is not without reason, but for those of other constellations pursue stable marriage, then this is a way to say no responsibility.

Pisces in love talk process can be very insincere, more thinking about their honesty is not the same with others. They said that lying is something ugly, but they support some cases appropriate lied to conceal some information, "not good".

Pisces also has a presence makes others praise. They have no jealousy so strong in emotional problems, there is no strong possessive towards her lover. In some special situations, for example, encounter impasses with lover in your life, Pisces can still be an extremely good at understanding other people, harmony and cordial spirit of tremendous sacrifices God.

Do not want to occupy the leading position in the process of loving, giving opponents the pressure is too great, Pisces expression extremely temperate attitude upon, not like causing gossip, moreover, if the relationship between the other two passionate, Pisces will best meet any request of the applicant. But when they were no longer a loving relationship, then this romantic feeling would one go no return.

Therefore, those who are living in passionate love or have just started with their love and want to maintain long-term relationships, need to actively try to learn the concept of love and marriage of Pisces.

Family and Friends

Pisces are very great friends. In fact, they are often considered the needs and desires of the people they considered friends like their own. Loyal, dedicated and energetic, the supply is ready to do everything in its power to help friends and relatives. They also rarely promised before.

Pisces people say a lot and do not hesitate to express their emotions and what they think. Absolutely do not get surprised when writing poetry for Pisces people they love or to buy meaningful gifts and bring joy to others. They would like others to express their feelings in a way. With Pisces, communicate with people that they like is very important.


In love, Pisces passionate, gentle, hard and often giving more than receiving. When asked, Pisces always sticking to the idea that human life and the desire to bring happiness to all the relatives of the spouse. They would love to give gifts and want the world to know that lover or spouse has an important role to Pisces like.

Conquer Pisces's boys

The boys Pisces or daydreaming, trouble, romantic and unpredictable, but they often upset and vulnerable. They need love and attention. Let him know you love the tidy, the accuracy and the arts.

Tip: Never take anything from him. He's very selfish.

Conquering Pisces's girls

Pisces girls are very romantic, sweet and fragile. They can make guys feel like the most important person in the world. They love to be praised, caressed, and they want you to listen to them, otherwise they will feel pain and become sad. Their mystery woman must be healthy and reliable.

Tip: Talk a lot with her.

Overview of Pisces

Pisces astrology ratings (Pisces - The Fish, 20/2 - 20/3) is the final offer, the 12th cycle of the zodiac. If Aries, providing the opening, symbolizing life, Pisces represents death and go into eternity.

As last Horoscope, Pisces personality somewhat inclusion of all 11 previous supply. Do not be surprised if we see the angel in Pisces and Sagittarius's frank, impartial dedication of Capricorn, and the pride of Leo cheerful, sprightly agility of Gemini, the drill Taurus sluggish pregnant, and idealism of Aries.

In humans Pisces preference convergence characteristic of the controversial clause gas supply, natural love of the supply destined Turkey, and the lively excitement of the offer destined Fire. But nature's way all provision, Pisces remains one his own nature. Suppliers have the ability to consider itself seems to stand from the outside looking in; simultaneously see yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Among those under the control of Neptune projector, a rare one chasing after fame, power or wealth. They are not indifferent to those things. But they never actively hunt them. If Pisces does have things to say on, the more likely is due to inherited or acquired by marriage.

Pisces slogan is: "I do not want to be a millionaire, I just want to live like a millionaire." The heart of a typical Pisces no lingering ambition and greed of, because he understands better than anyone else that it is temporary like.

Based on innate intuition, I do not have a little fish dogged yet, every perforation swimming straight downstream, be content with what life brings natural. Few Pisces likely struggle with circumstances, to overcome the resistance of the flow, but the rare ones that will achieve harmony and great happiness.

In essence, I was calm and indifferent person that seems nothing can get it off balance. Rage, evil, the insult, the shoot, blamed both went sliding past, did not impinge. If you notice that tomorrow the sun Pisces fall, people also only vaguely heard, even can respond with a yawn drowsy.

Sometimes you get the impression this person absolutely no emotion. But not so. Just like when you throw a stone into the lake. In a period of time, the alcohol to the water, the waves ripple went round, but then again smooth as before. Pisces, too. They may even get angry, and in that time became formidable, thorny, but the mood so quickly gone, replaced by the quiet, calm as before.

Get familiar with Pisces, keep an eye on their heels. Most of us are pretty small (even the men). Sometimes Pisces can meet with big heels, but that's rarely the case. Their hands are pretty slim and slender. If met Pisces have to like the person hands holding a sledgehammer, it is also the exception. Pisces usually smooth skin and in. And pale hair piece. Eyes in such countries, with long lashes. This provision is less tall. Despite how the body, most children can fish looks very smooth. The feeling does not seem they are going, which is swimming. Fishes like to drink a lot, all kinds: ice, juice, coffee, tea, soda ... Among alcoholics, most people born late February - early March half.

Private child born with a desire to look at life through rose-tinted glasses. Even when we understand the world around us how grim, it still did not have to draw conclusions, just deeper than the bottom of the cool water and enjoy the beautiful scenery really fairies. The document notes that astrology is so personality typical Pisces.

Writers can Pisces year after year to sit cafe, inside the endless glasses of water, including that he was preoccupied searching the meaning of life. Pisces can artists from morning till night park bench as if nature study in preparation for launching a new monumental work, while fonts and brushes have long dusty full grip.

Symbol Pisces - two fish opposite - often the wrong interpretation. Many argue that it demonstrates the reluctance, ambivalent desire. But multiple personalities is not Neptune's attributes (not mixed with Gemini). Actually, Pisces symbol symbolize two paths: swim upstream to reach the success, or surrender to such floating on it. Choice is entirely up yourself Fishes, natural capital is more talented people. One example is The upstream fish pass Albert Einstein, father of the Theory of Relativity.

Thanks to reappear and a knack for unique memories, many Pisces reached dazzling heights in acting. Those are people who are afraid to overcome hard work of Pisces to get acquainted with the work his endurance training in the arts. Imagination rare, subtle humor and a sense of beauty - is the factor causing the birth artworks from the pen of Pisces easily become masterpieces.

Many Pisces are endowed with the ability to predict events through dreams. If Pisces acquaintance recounts that bad dream before your trip, you should strongly consider whether to go or not such vehicles.

Pisces illusions that will live long forever, so they did not care about health. That was wrong, because the health aspects of nature they are not privileged. The weakest infants and sick children or especially Pisces. We anorexia, insecurity, and lack of sleep, we or sleepy. Fish or human digestive disorders, liver is not very good, the lung is a weak spot. They are prone to colds, bronchitis.

The most powerful weapon of Pisces is the humor. Thanks to it, they can hide the emotions that they do not want to expose to the outside, and can manifest their true attitude toward something that does not want to express publicly.

Pisces full of injured people and always willing to help those in distress. In love and his sympathy, Pisces irrespective of who actually deserves and those who did not deserve it. They help all. When you have no one to pray, seek to Pisces. He will not come to class, no more blame and not look you in the eyes scorn. He or she will seek to understand you and help your full potential. Therefore Pisces many missionaries.

Hallucinated personality of Pisces do not fit a certain metal. In return, users can see the image of Pisces in two gems: amethyst purple and emerald green in. Lotus flower symbolizing their tender.

Living in deep waters, only occasionally rise to the surface, the fish have a separate life, full of lonely experience but not always shared by others. If you want to make of Pisces, you must learn to understand what's behind the seemingly nonchalant words of this person.

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