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Opinions from Bangkok Post: (Bangkok Post)"AMERICA WILL PAY THE PRICE FOR HYPOCRISY"Scholar Im-tia Mu-bin strongly criticized Washington's hypocrisy in the Bangkok Post:

"While the United States rushes into war, the international community takes a more cautious stance. Despite feeling sadness and sympathy for the innocent victims in the United States, the international community is increasingly concerned that the Bush administration's war could lead to a global-scale loss of life. Americans seem to be struggling to introspect and understand the policies and mistakes their government has contributed to that caused this disaster.

Islamic regimes like Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Iran under the former King Shah, and the current Taliban regime were, in fact, created and supported by the CIA during the Cold War. Now that the Cold War is over, these 'old friends' have become enemies of each other. In the Middle East, Washington made efforts to support Israel in building settlements and assassinating Palestinians and their leaders, yet the U.S. vetoed actions in the Security Council, preventing the United Nations from sending peacekeeping teams to the Middle East. This frustration and anger over Washington's longstanding policy of supporting Israel played a significant role in the tragic events of September 11. Americans need to understand that their people have died to protect their interests, and not for the sake of democracy in the occupied Palestinian territories.

While Americans demand revenge, can they understand why Palestinians seek revenge every time their people are killed by American-made missiles launched from airplanes? Aren't the weapons made in the U.S.? How will Americans react when American bombs and bullets rain down on Afghanistan, killing many innocent people brutally? Will they be able to celebrate knowing their thirst for revenge has been quenched, or will they continue to pray, meditate, and light candles to remember those who unjustly died? Is an Afghan life not as valuable as an American life? Can revenge truly end terrorism or exacerbate it, leaving Americans perpetually in fear?

Muslims protesting on the streets want Americans to understand 'why is America so hated by everyone?' Americans must also carefully differentiate between 'revenge' and 'justice.' If Americans seek justice, Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims also seek justice. Without comprehending this, they will face the consequences of their hypocrisy."

Do Chuyen (The Laborer, September 25)


Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the United States government responded with a fervent commitment to eliminate global terrorism. The U.S. military machine geared up, preparing for what it referred to as "retaliation" and "anti-terrorism." The entire world found itself immersed in the heat of war.

However, it is crucial that we maintain a calm and rational perspective when assessing these events. First and foremost, it is important to understand the definitions of "terrorism" and "international terrorism." As defined in the Vietnamese dictionary, terrorism is the "use of violence to instill fear and submission in people." In our view, terrorism involves acts of violence against civilians, resulting in death and suffering, economic destruction, and disruption of normal societal life. In both of these contexts, the U.S. government's actions can be seen as some of the most severe and perilous acts of terrorism in the world. Over the past decades, the U.S. government has employed violence on a global scale to pursue its vision of global domination. The United States waged an aggressive war against Vietnam, leading to the deaths of millions of innocent people. It employed violence to suppress and harm millions of Iraqi civilians, followed by implementing embargoes that left the population in dire circumstances, with malnourished and dying children. The United States supported Israel in executing a series of violent acts against the Palestinian people, including direct terrorist acts that resulted in the deaths of numerous high-ranking Palestinian officials. The U.S. has also orchestrated multiple coups and the assassinations of leaders in various countries. More recently, the United States has supported certain reactionary Vietnamese elements in carrying out terrorist bombings in several Vietnamese embassies abroad, and even sent agents to Vietnam to conduct terrorist activities, though this nefarious plot was thwarted due to our people's heightened vigilance. It is impossible to enumerate all of America's global terrorist actions in this context.

To this day, under the guise of counter-terrorism, the U.S. government is vigorously preparing for a larger and more dangerous campaign, one that is not only unlikely to target genuine terrorists but is also endangering the lives of millions of innocent people in various countries around the world, with a particular focus on Afghanistan. America's psychological warfare machinery and mass media are operating at full tilt, engaging in a provocative propaganda campaign to entice people around the world to support the inhumane aspects of this scheme. The U.S. propaganda machine is deliberately conflating the concepts of counter-terrorism and aggressive war, aiming to create the misconception that to effectively combat terrorism, we must wage an aggressive war, and that opposing such a war means supporting terrorism. In reality, terrorism falls under the broader category of warfare, and wherever there is an aggressive war, there is terrorism. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use anti-terrorism as an excuse to blatantly engage in terrorism on a larger scale. Furthermore, the notion that there is international terrorism needs to be reevaluated. America has adeptly internationalized its crisis, using every means to turn its predicament into a collective global aversion, enticing humanity to participate in an aggressive war initiated and controlled by the United States. The world condemns acts of terrorism, but that doesn't mean we should unquestionably accept America's exaggerated claims. Since 1983, there have been 15 major terrorist attacks, all of which were aimed at the United States. In a world with hundreds of countries, acts of terrorism are concentrated in only a few, including the United States and certain imperialist nations that frequently engage in aggressive actions and make enemies of progressive humanity. Public opinion raises the question: why does America have so many adversaries? And public opinion has also found the answer: because America consistently employs violence to subdue other nations. The recent tragedy that America has endured is the result of the U.S. government's aggressive foreign policies. Furthermore, it's worth noting that some terrorist activities are both planned and supported by the United States itself. Therefore, America cannot claim to represent humanity in championing the cause of counter-terrorism.

In the face of the current tense situation, we must resist being drawn into the American war machine and must not passively observe its operations. It's crucial to recognize that America's war preparations are primarily aimed at restoring its honor, reestablishing an image of invincibility, and pursuing its ambitions of global dominance. The fight against terrorism serves as a convenient pretext. We mustn't forget the deliberate actions of the past, such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident on August 5, 1964, where the U.S. used this incident as a reason to launch massive attacks on our nation, claiming it as "retaliation" but essentially using it as a pretext to invade our country. America has employed a similar playbook in various locations. Presently, leveraging the recent disaster on American soil, America is repeating this script. While we cannot predict the extent of the disasters that may befall humanity, we can certainly discern the perilous nature of America's current aggressive actions. Hatred begets hatred, and war begets more war! If the U.S. takes military action against the "terrorist forces" it alleges are hidden in 60 countries worldwide, the conflict is unlikely to be confined to just one or two nations. It may well extend to American soil and numerous other countries.

In the face of the current tense situation, we must stand against aggressive warfare. America has no justification to wage war under any pretext, threatening other nations and endangering the lives of people in other countries.

The Vietnamese people deeply empathize with the pain and loss that tens of thousands of Americans have recently experienced. We wish for a swift recovery for the American people and believe that they will soon regain their footing. It is our hope that the American people will collectively work with others around the world to safeguard peace, maintain global tranquility, and promote the stability and cooperative development of humanity.

Pham Viet Long (Culture No. 716, September 30)

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