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In the same huge block of the Lincoln Center, on the fourth floor is the headquarters of the New York Symphony Orchestra. We were invited to enter the studio through the actor's door. Welcoming us were Mr. Thomas Cabinet, Director of Education, Sisters Toya Lilat, Assistant Director of Education, Mi ki Takabe, Operations Coordinator, Jeremy Ghephen, Arts Manager, Maison Ni-son, Education Collaborator. Among these five people, there are three skin colors: white, black, yellow with two original nationalities: Japanese and American. Their reports help us understand the different areas of the New York Symphony Orchestra, such as education, touring, finance, the arts. etc

The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1842, is one of the oldest orchestras in the world. With an official staff of 106 musicians and 15 administrative people, the New York Symphony Orchestra operates very effectively. Right at this Lincoln Center, the Orchestra performs 150 times a year in the 2,800-seat Theater that always sells out 90% of the tickets with prices ranging from 10 to 90 USD per ticket. That is not to mention the concerts in many countries around the world or performances in public squares and performances at schools serving students. The conductor of the Symphony Orchestra is a world-famous man, Mr. Cot Ma-ch. Since 1991, Costsmus has served as Music Director, making his own mark on the Symphony Orchestra, which has for many years been accustomed to the influence of Malet, Tocanini, Bethel, and Bulu. and Meta. In addition to leading the Symphony Orchestra to the top of glory, having a firm foothold in the US, he also took the Orchestra to perform on all continents, and was appreciated by academic music fans all over the world. High. The group's performance program is very rich, including most of the famous works of composers in the world, such as Bach, Bettoven, Rachamaninov, Traikovski... including new music composed by order of the Orchestra itself. Besides the admirable performances, what is more interesting, unique and innovative is also worth learning from the New York Symphony Orchestra, which are ancillary activities. These are information and communication work, educational work, and fundraising activities. In terms of propaganda information, it must be recognized that Americans are superior, which I will dedicate a separate section to introduce to readers. In this section, I only briefly introduce that the Orchestra has a department dedicated to information and propaganda activities that is responsible for spreading the Orchestra's activities to the community. To accomplish the task, the propaganda department implements two measures: meeting with the press and publishing publications of the theater. The materials for the press are carefully prepared and detailed, from the general introduction of the orchestra, the conductor, the leading artists, to the introduction of the works, the performances.. . helps the press firmly grasp information for propaganda. The newspaper with which the Orchestra works most closely is the New York Times. Besides, it has become a routine, the orchestra's performances are broadcast on the radio every month, and every year there are two to three times on television.

Toia Lilat, assistant director of education, said: The Orchestra considers arts education as its biggest program. The orchestra has educational cooperation with 8 New York schools. Together with the schools, the Orchestra organizes seminars, invites artists to speak, and provides students with national schools with musical knowledge. Each year there are usually 16-17 such conferences. The Orchestra has a scholarship program to support students studying music, organizes student concerts to invite students from partner schools to study. The Orchestra also works closely with partner schools to foster music skills for teachers during the summer with separate teaching materials compiled by the Orchestra aimed at teachers in partner schools. The Symphony Orchestra conducts a series of innovative educational programs that open doors for students to symphonic music. The Symphony Orchestra's website offers a wealth of information on educational programs aimed at schools, teachers, families and youth.

The New York Symphony Orchestra's programs for schools include: School Day Concerts welcoming students and teachers in grades 3 through 12. Encounters with music in the form of workshops exchange or post-revision meeting with members of the Symphony Orchestra for students in grades 4-12. The 3-year school partnership program is an elaborate program aimed at building foundational knowledge of the arts. music, by enabling teachers, students, and parents to interact with a symphony orchestra and attend performances by that symphony orchestra; developed a multi-year relationship with a select number of schools in New York City, developed a set of standards for assessing financial artistic ability, thereby defining the relationship between a symphony orchestra and the schools in that local community. Junior Symphony Orchestra is the name of a series of subscription programs for students 7 to 12 years old. The entrance rehearsal is a rehearsal of the Orchestra's new program and performance that allows groups of students to attend. Resident Programs and on-site Technical Assistance for high schools, colleges and community organizations that already have outstanding music programs. Conservatory Collaboration Program whereby the New York Philharmonic Orchestra collaborates with the Duliath Conservatory of Music, Manhattan Conservatory of Music, Manhattan College of Music as well as with conservatory students , to provide musical education opportunities for these students in some areas. The Symphony Orchestra also conducts a series of programs for teachers, including 3-day Music Workshops for music teachers interested in teaching musical concepts to students using programs performance by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition, the Symphony Orchestra also organizes activities: Young Artist Contest, Youth Concert, for children from 6 to 12 years old and from 12 to 17 years old, Storytelling about music, for for children from 3 to 6 years old to introduce them to musical instruments and musicians, and the Youth Symphony Orchestra for students who have "graduated" i.e. have studied through educational programs music that the Orchestra organizes. The Symphony Orchestra also has a special website for children, called the New York Philharmonic Orchestra Children's Zone. This website has so far been visited by many teenagers from 50 states and 55 countries.

As a conclusion, Ms. Toi-a said: "The education department also makes an important contribution to creating an audience, because art education helps students gain an understanding of art and then become an audience." .

Taking fundraising seriously, the Orchestra has a specialized department in charge of this. Ms. Barbana, in charge of the development and fundraising department, said her department must regularly contact the public to call for individual contributions through buying tickets or donating money, organizing donations. they became members of the Orchestra. She said attracting audiences is a job that requires perseverance and dynamism, not simply selling tickets or asking for sponsorship. One of the effective measures but requires a lot of effort is to organize intimate contacts between the audience and artists, organize performances at the same time as introducing, analyzing works, and organizing questions. audience clubs... Companies and businesses also spend money on the Orchestra in many ways such as sponsoring partner programs with schools, sponsoring activities for common purposes, sponsoring several different performances. Her department is also responsible for accessing funds, approaching and calling for Government sponsorship. She emphasized that in America there is no tradition of the Government sponsoring artistic activities; This is carried out by local governments at all levels, social organizations are the main, in return, the US Government has created a tax system that highly encourages individuals and businesses to support the arts.

In the exchange of ideas, we asked about the use of labor in the Orchestra, Mr. Thomas Carbines answered openly: "When there is a big program, we hire some good musicians. We are also given the opportunity to perform outside of the Orchestra, either individually or with other groups to earn extra income." Ms. Maicon Naison, educational collaborator of the Orchestra, asked us: "I heard that Vietnam is emphasizing building a culture imbued with national identity. Is it because Vietnam is afraid of the fear of the intrusion and influence of other cultures? It is enough to know that American cultural activists are also interested in Vietnamese culture, but the information to them is one-sided, making them misinterpreted the nature of our society. We replied that comprehensively, Vietnam advocates building an advanced culture imbued with national identity, harmoniously combining the past and the present, the nation and the world. xenophobia but selectively absorbing the quintessence of world culture.

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