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Austin Imagine #10

He gets jealous~

"Babee" You say to Austin as you walk down the stairs. "Yeah baby?" He says, looking up from his phone. "Can we go to the mall? I have nothing to wear to our date tonight" You say pouting. "Yeah of course let me just go grab a shirt and the keys" He says while getting up off the couch and walking towards you, giving you a kiss and walking up the stairs. He comes back down and you guys head out to the mall. You were wearing come cute ripped black shorts and your favorite band shirt. Austin was wearing basketball shorts and a muscle tee. As you guys are driving there, his hand is resting of your leg and you have the music playing and jam out once in a while when your favorite song comes on. Once you guys get to the mall Austin comes over and opens the door for you and grabs your hand. You kiss him on the cheek and continue walking to your favorite clothing store. You walk in and start looking for a cute dress or something to wear and Austin is standing at the front of the store on his phone, waiting for you. You continue to look around and a cute worker walks over to you. "Can I help you find anything?" He asks. Well damn, he has a hot voice too. But Austin's still hotter. "Um no thanks I'm just looking" He just smiles at you and continues to stand around you when you look. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket and you take it out, Austin texted you.

Babe😍👅💦-are you done yet?

You text back, no): come help me.

You put your phone back into your pocket and see Austin walk over. "I dont know what to wear for tonightttt" you say. "You look good in anything baby" he says wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "That doesnt help me Austin" he just shrugs. "How about this?" You ask, holding up a pretty, flowy, short dress thats your favorite color. "Thats nice" You roll your eyes and get out his grip to go to the dressing room. "Where are you going?" "To try it on" You change into the dress and look in the mirror. It reaches up your knees and is strapless and makes your chest look bigger then it already is. You walk out and look for Austin. You pull out your phone to go text him. You hear someone say, "you look really good in that dress" You look up and see that worker looking at you. "Oh um thank you" He smiles at you and you feel your phone buzz. It was Austin, he said hes coming so you just stand there and wait. He reaches where you are and looks at you. His eyes widen and his mouth opens a little bit as he blinks a couple times. "Wow babe you look stunning" You look down, blushing. "Thanks" you say under your breath. You turn to look at the mirror again to admire the beautiful dress and how it fits you so well. "So you like it?" You say turning around to face Austin only to see him glaring at the worker who is staring at you. "Babe?" No answer, he doesnt even look at you. "Austin" he finally looks at you. "Huh?" "You're cute when you're jealous but you like it?" You ask him again. "Oh shh and I think you should go change" "so you dont like it...?" You ask him getting upset. "No no no baby i love it" he says coming towards you and grabbing your hands. "I just dont like how that guy over there is looking at you" You look over at the worker and he's still looking at you. "Hes like undressing you with his eyes" Austin says. "I'll go change" You say and give him a quick kiss. You change back to your clothes and walk out with the dress in hand. "So should i get it?" You ask Austin. "Yeah it looks great on you" You blush again and go to pay. You guys head home and you go up to the room. "Are you getting ready now?" Austin asks you. "No im just gonna go hang it up and shower" "can I come?" He winks. "No Austin" He pouts, "fine" you get into the shower and do everything you need to and get out and wrap a towel around yourself. You quickly blow dry your hair so that its somewhat dry and go back out to get clothes to wear. You grab a pair of underwear and drop your towel to put it on. You put your underwear on and go to Austins drawer to look for a shirt. You feel arms wrap around your waist and you jump. "jesus Austin you scared me." He grabbed your hips and pulled you close so your back is right against his chest. "Why are you walking around half naked and looking in my drawers?" "I'm looking for a shirt to wear..." "Why don't you just walk around like this?" "It's awkward Austin" "how is it awkward? it's only me" "I feel really uncomfortable okay just let go of me" He slowly lets go of you and steps back. You quickly grab one of his shirts and put it on walking downstairs. "Baby" he says, you ignore him. "Babe look at me" You look at him from the corner of your eyes. "Yeah?" "Why are you so self conscious?" "Austin you can't just ask a girl why she's self conscious" "I'm sorry and you shouldn't be" "you don't know my past" "but I do know you now and I know that you are a beautiful, smart, stunning girl that doesn't need to be insecure about herself because you are perfect just the way you are." "I love you Austin" "I love you {y/n}" You went to Austin and hugged him and he kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss you since you're so much shorter than him. You go upstairs and start getting ready. Once your ready you go downstairs and you see Austin all dressed up so adorably. "Aww baby you look so cute" You said to him. "Aww baby you look so hot" He said to you. You two start laughing. When you guys stopped laughing he suddenly got really close to you and put his lips near your ear and said, "hey little mama let me whisper in your ear" You bursted into laughter. "Omfg Austin that was so stupid" You said while laughing and he was laughing with you. "Okay we should probably be leaving" Austin says. "Yeah let's go" You guys head out to the resturant. Once you get there Austin opens the car door for you and then holds your hand as you walk into the resturant. He opens the door for you, let's you pass and then slaps your bum. You turn around and glare at him and he just gives you a goofy grin. He comes up next to you and puts one hand around your waist. "Reservations for Mahone" "oh right, come this way Sir" He led you two to the table and gave you menus. "Your waiter will be here shortly" He said. "Okay, thank you" Austin said. You started talking and then the waiter came and cleared his throat. "Um hi, I'm Zandro, I'll be your waiter for tonight. Would you like anything to drink?" He asks looking at you. "Umm" you say and Austin clears his throat. "I'll have a coke and a water for the lady" He says looking at you and you nod. "Thank you" You say. Zandro smiles at you and walks away. "Ugh not again" Austin says. "What?" You ask him. "Do you see the way he looks at you? He was like mentally undressing you" "you said that about the worker guy" "because he was!" "Austin calm down, I don't love them okay? I love you." He sighed, "I love you too but I don't like how they look at's that dress" "don't talk about the way I dress. You were the one that said that I should get it" You said getting defensive. "Well it's really open" "you're such an asshole" You huffed. "Greaat now your mad at me" Austin said under his breath. You just glare at him until the waiter comes with your drinks. "Thank you" you say to the waiter. "No problem, what would you guys like to eat?" "Um can you get me a Caesar salad?" "Sure thing" He says winking at you. "And for the gentlemen?" You look over at Austin and he is steaming. "Just get me a steak" He says through gritted teeth. "S-sure" Zandro says stuttering. He quickly walks away and you look at Austin. "Was that fucking necessary? You scared the poor kid" You ask him. "I saw him fucking wink at you. You know I don't like other guys looking at what's mine" "you don't own me Austin" "you're still mine whether you like it or not" "you know what." "what?" "Maybe I don't want to "be yours" anymore" You say using quotation marks. Austin stops and blinks a few times. "W-what?" "You heard me" You said standing up and grabbing your jacket. "No wait baby where are you going" "don't call me that" You glared at him as you stormed out and called a cab to drive you home. You got home and went up to the room changing into your pjs. "Fucking asshole, that motherfuckin douche" You say as you pack an overnight bag. You were planning on staying with your best friend tonight. You grab your bag, your jacket and your keys. As you walk out and go to the car you see Austin pull in. You walk even faster to the car and got in starting the car. Austin comes running towards your car and you try to pull out but he stops you. "Are you really going to leave me?" He asks you. You can see the desperation in his eyes. "I have to go Austin" you say looking away from him. "Fine..go" Even though you're mad at him you'll still miss him. You hear him faintly say, "I love you {y/n}" You sigh and drive away and to your friends house.
"And he was just talking to me like he owned me and like I was a piece of property" You told your best friend. "I can get how he was being possessive and like protective but that's just going way to extreme. He can't act like you're property because you're not, you're his girlfriend. Wait are you guys still together?" "I don't even know. When I was about to drive away I heard him say that he loves me" "he probably does. Are you gonna go back?" "I was going to go back in the morning" "okay I think you should get some sleep" "okay, I'll talk to you in the morning" "goodnight {y/n}" "goodnight {y/b/f/n}"
~the next morning~
"GOODMORNING {y/n}" Your best friend yelled at you from outside the door. You laughed. "Goodmorning {y/b/f/n}" "How are you feeling" "better than yesterday" "good good, ready for some breakfast?" "Oh dear" "come on!" She yelled at you. She took your arm and dragged your down to the kitchen. "We got dis" she said as she attempted to make pancakes. You guys laughed everytime she tried to flip the pancake because she would either get it too high and stuck to the ceiling or missed catching it and it landed on the floor. "We just wasted all the pancakes" you said inbetween your laughter. "I should probably clean this up.." She said. "Have fun with that! Bye {y/b/f/n}! Thanks for all the laughs today!!" you say as you run up the stairs to get your things. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH {Y/N}" "I LOVE YOU TOO" you say as you close the door behind you. You drive back to your place completely forgetting what happened yesterday and walking into the house with a big smile on your face. But as soon as you see Austin your smile fades. "Oh my...Austin what happened to you?" His eyes were red and puffy and had bags under them, he was still wearing what he wore yesterday. And it finally hit you. You guys fought yesterday..oh no. "What happened to me?! What happened to you?! You completely left me not knowing if we were still together or not" "I was spending the night" "where? At that waiters house?" You look at him disgusted. "Are you fucking serious right now? I came home to you! Do you not realize or something?! I'm home and with you right now and not somewhere else. I could've not come home at all and left you but did I? No, it's because I love you and promised you that I wouldn't leave you in the beginning of the relationship. I kept that promise for 2, almost 3 years do you think I'll break that now?! How could you be such an asshole towards me when I didn't do anything to you?! It's not my fault that they decided to look at me and get you all jealous. You need to learn where the line is because you clearly crossed it." You spit and stormed to the bathroom in your room, locking the door. "Fuck!" He screamed clearly frustrated. You slid down the door and pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and buried your face in between your knees. "I will not cry" You repeated to yourself. You felt your eyes sting and your lip tremble. "No don't cry" You say but it's useless. You burst into tears. You hear banging on the door. "{Y/n} please, I didn't mean it. Please come out and talk to me. Please don't cry" "leave me alone you asshole!" you scream through the door. "No please baby, please come out. Please don't do anything stupid" he says and you can hear him crying which makes you cry harder. You look down at your arm...those battle's been so long. No, I'm not going to start again. I promised. You tell yourself. You get up slowly and unlock the door. Austin hears the lock and opens the door so quick almost knocking you over and then grabbing your arm and pulling you into him hugging you tightly. "I'm so so sorry {y/n} I didn't mean anything I said I hope you know that" "yeah but that still hurt my feelings Austin" "I know baby, I know and I'm so sorry I really didn't mean it" "it's okay, at least we're good now right?" You say looking up at him. "Yes of course baby lets not fight like that ever again" "okay" "I love you {y/n}" "I love you Austin, forever" "forever"

TFIOS MOMENTT AYYYEEEE😂 But I'm so sorry for not updating that often, it's winter break now so I'll try to update more often. If I don't talk to you guys later on, Happy Holidays!! Love you all😘❤️ ~Theresa(:

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