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Austin Imagine #11

Mothers Day~ (kinda late oops)
You're woken up by your 4 year old son, Bryce jumping on your bed. "Mommy wake up I made you breakfast!" You turn to him and smile. "Really? You helped daddy make breakfast?" "Yup! I got you the juice!" "Oh thats so sweet of you!" "Yeah! Come on lets go downstairs!" You laugh and he eagerly grabs your hand and starts to pull you out of bed. "Im coming im coming!" "Daddy's waiting!" You guys go downstairs and you see your husband, Austin standing next to the table with a delicious breakfast made. "Happy Mother's Day babe" You smile as you go up to him and give him a kiss. "Ewww mommy daddy, gross!" You pull away from Austin, laughing. "Thank you for making this" you say to him. "Anything for my beautiful wife" You grin at him and take a seat. Theres pancakes with a smiley face on them, made with your favorite berries, and chocolate chips. "Mmm this looks amazing, thank you both for making this" "anything for you" Austin says as your son says "you like it mommy?" "I love it, Bryce" he grins at you and you grin back. You guys ate and talked about the plans for today. "Can we go to the playground daddy?" Bryce asks. "Sure bud" "yay! Me and mommy are going to go on the swings right mommy?" "Thats right! We're going to have so much fun!" "And whats daddy gonna do?" Austin asks. "You can play with me and mommy!" "Really? Thats going to be so much fun" "Bryce, buddy you want to call your aunts and tell them happy Mother's Day?" "Yeah!" Austin calls up Alex, Robert, and Zach and tells the to put their wives on the phone so that Bryce can talk to them. "Hi aunties! Happy Mother's Day! Do you guys want to go to the playground with me and mommy and daddy?"..."Yay! Mommy, daddy! Aunties are coming with us to the playground!" "thats awesome buddy" Austin says. Bryce continues to talk to them and you turn to austin, "soo, do you have anything planned for today?" You asked him. "Of course I do babe, its a surprise though." "Awh man, are we going to visit your mom and mine?" "Of course! We can go after Bryce is done on the phone" After a while, Bryce finally gets off the phone and you guys get dressed to go visit your moms. "Mom!" You say as you hug her tightly. "I missed you sweetheart. You've got to come visit me more often" "I know I know, we're just really busy with Bryce and everything." "Speaking of Bryce, where is my little munchkin?" you laugh, "Austin's getting him out of the car" "Grammy!" You hear Bryce call. "Theres my little munchkin" she says as she scoops Bryce into her arms. "I've missed you" she says to him. "I missed you too! Do you want to come to the playground with me and mommy and daddy and aunties?" He asks with a wide smile on his face. "I would love too!" "Yay! We can have a party!" "Thats a great idea!" Austin came up and hugged your mom. "Hey mama (your last name)" "hello, Austin hows everything?" "Good, great actually" "thats wonderful" you guys talked for a little bit and then left to go to Austin's moms house. "I'll see you later mom!" You said to your mom. "Bye Grammy!" "Bye you guys! I'll see you at the park in a few!" "Okay, see you then!" You then went to mama Mahone's house. "Bryce! Look at how big you've gotten!" "im a big boy now gramma!" "I can see that!, {y/n}, dear, how are you?" "Hey mama, I've been good how are you doing?" You asked, hugging her. "I've been doing well" Austin comes in "my baby boy! Come here and give your momma a hug!" Michele says to him. "Moommmm you always embarrass me!" "What? Shes your wife you shouldn't be embarrassed" she says, while you stand off to the side with Bryce, laughing. "You guys are so cute" you say to Austin and mama. "You know we're cuter" Austin says back. "No, Bryce is cutest, right Bryce?" Michele says. "Yeah!" He replies. "Gramma, you want to go to the park with me, mommy, daddy, aunties, and Grammy?" Bryce asks. "I'd love too" "yay! Everyone coming!" "Alright well we'll see you later Michele" "alright, see you in a bit!" "Bye gramma!" You've all said your goodbyes and now headed to the park. you get there and a little bit later everyone comes, the rest of 'Foolish 4', their wives and kids, and your moms. You sit and talk to the rest of the adults as the little kids run around playing. After a few hours everyone heads home and Bryce goes over to Alex's house and you and Austin head home. "So how should I dress for tonight?" "Oh I've already got you something, go up to the bedroom and get ready" You grin at him, "you're so sweet babe" "anything for you" he says and gives you a light kiss. You go upstairs and saw what he got. A form fitting red dress. You take a quick shower and then start to get ready. Lets see, hair-check, make up-check, jewelry-check, you kept looking around the room to see if you forgot anything. No, didnt forget anything. You go downstairs to meet Austin, looking hot in his tux and red tie. "Aw we match" you say. "Yeah, I know how you like to match a little, so I got a matching tie" "awww baby" you go and wrap your arms around his neck and his go around your waist. "You know, im so lucky to have you" you say as you kiss him lightly. "No way, im lucky to have you as my wife. You've been with me and supported me from the start, and lets not forget to mention that you're also extremely sexy" You blush and hide your face in the crook of his neck. "You're so cute when you blush babe" "stop being so cute. Shouldn't we go?" Yes we should, after you, mi-lady" you laugh and walk out to the car. "Where are we going?" You ask as he starts driving. "Now now, if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" "Come on babe, pleaseee?" "Nope" you cross your arms and look out the window. "Dont make that face" "what face?" You ask him. "When you get mad or frustrated, your bottom lip juts out and your eyebrows scrunch together and it makes me want to kiss you" "well you cant to that, you're driving" he smirks and looks at you. He stops the car and crosses his arms. "What were you saying?" "Austin! You cant just stop in the middle of the street!" "Give me a kiss and I'll keep driving" you laugh, shaking your head. "Same Austin I knew 8 years ago" he grins and grabs your face pulling it close to his and kisses you. "Thats better" he says and starts to drive again. "You're so weird" you say. "But you love me anyway." "Thats true" you guys reach a restaurant. "Oh my gosh, my favorite!" "You like it?" "I love it, and you. You're the best babe" you say and kiss him. You guys go into the restaurant and take a seat, ordering your drinks, talking, ordering your meals and desserts and then going home. "Just like the old days" you say as you walk out of your bathroom, changed out of your dress and into one of Austin's shirts. Bryce was spending the night at Alex's house because they love him and he loves them. "Yeah just like old times" he says as he wraps his arms around your waist and you lay your head on his chest, warping your arm around his bare torso. "You know,Ii still love it when you go shirtless, you've still got your abs" he laughs, "thanks babe, I dont think im gonna get rid of them any time soon then" "dont! I love them, but I love you more" "I love you too" he smiles and kisses you, "you seem tired babe, go to sleep" "okay, goodnight Austin" "goodnight {y/n}" And you fall asleep feeling safe in his arms.

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