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Austin Imagine #4

You were hanging out with your boyfriend Austin and his friends at your house. You were sitting at the arm of the couch and Austin is next to you. Followed by Alex then Sarah on Alex's lap and then Zach and Robert sitting on the other chair. "So...what do you guys wanna do?" Robert asked. "Umm how about watch a movie?" Austin suggested. "Sure!" Everyone said. "I'll go get some popcorn" you say. You get up and before you went to the kitchen you say "don't take my spot!" You walk to the kitchen and get 2 bowls of popcorn. You walk back to the living room and Austin is sitting in your spot and everyone moved over for Robert to sit. "HEY! I said don't take my spot!" "Sorry babe Robert wanted to sit on the couch." You walked over to the the popcorn on the coffee table. "Where am i supposed to sit?" You say with your hands on your hips. "On my lap" Austin said and then he winked. "Haha very funny I'll just sit on the floor." "Ok but I don't think you want to" "and why not?" "Because we're watching Paranormal Activity 4" "oh... Then hell no im not sitting on the floor" "i thought so" "shut up" You walked over and sat on Austin's lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You reached to grab a bowl of popcorn. "Aye someone go put the movie in" you said. "woah babe i never knew you said aye" "psh i always say aye" "not when i'm around" "oh well now you know" "yeah..." He comes closer and whispers in your ear "its sexy babe. You should say aye more often" You smiled and turned to Austin. "Really?" "Yup" He gave you a kiss. Robert got up and put the movie in. Then he went to turn off the lights. He sat back down and the movie starts. "Wait!" Sarah said. "Whaaat?" You say. "Blankets!" "Oh yeah lets go get them" "okay" You paused the movie and you and Sarah went to go get some blankets. Once you got them you went back to the living room. "Okay theres 3. One for {y/n} and Austin. One for me and Alex and one for Zach and Robert." Sarah said. All of you grabbed one and you sat back down on Austin's lap. You put it over you and Austin. Once everyone was situated you played the movie. Everytime there was a scary part you hid your face in Austin's neck. He would wrap his arms tighter around you and kiss your head. Once the movie was done you looked at the others and their eyes were wide open. "That was scary" Robert said. "YOU THINK?!" You replyed. "Soo...what now?" Zach asked. You looked at the time. 8:34pm. "Its only 8 anyone wanna go night swimming?" "Yess!!!" Sarah said. She looked at Alex. He smiled and said "sure" You looked at Austin. You gave him a puppy dog face. "Aw sure baby" "yay!" You hug him. You all looked at Zach and Robert. "Im in" Zach said. "Robert?" "Ugh fine. Since everyones going." "YAY!!" You say. You get up and grab Austin's hand. You drag him upstairs. "Come on slow poke." "What?" "I said come on slow poke" "im the slow one?" "YES NOW COME ON OR I'LL LOCK YOU OUT" You ran up the stairs and into the room. Before you closed it Austin came up. "Im not slow anymore am i?" "I guess not" You walk over to your closet to find a bathing suit. Austin came over and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Wear the blue one. It makes you look sexy." "Haha ok" You push him off so that you could change. "Go change and stop staring at me" "sorry its not my fault your so beautiful" you blush and look down. Austin comes over and gives you a kiss on the cheek. He goes over to his bag and takes out his swim trunks. He takes his shirt off. You look at him and bite your lip. "Enjoying the view babe?" You smile and you go into the bathroom. You change and come back out. Austin's already changed and sitting on your bed on his phone. He looks up and bites his lip. You laugh. "Enjoying the view babe?" You mock him. He nods and laughs. You grab his hand and walk downstairs. Everyone is waiting at the bottom. "Finally!" Robert says. You both laugh and walk to the back. You sit on one of the chairs by the pool as everyone jumps in. Austin comes and stands next to you. "Coming?" "In a bit" "why not now?" "I dont know" "well if you dont come im going to carry you" "i wouldnt mind" he laughs and picks you up. You start laughing. "I didnt really mean it" "oh well" He walks over to the pool and drops you in it. You come back up and you look at Austin. "Come in babe!" "Nah im ok." He smiles. "Fine then help me out at least." You put your hand out. He grabs it and you pull him in. You laugh hysterically. He comes back up and walks over to you. "Uh oh" you start to swim away. He catches you and he holds you really tight. You start laughing because it tickles. "Austin let go" "no" you continue laughing and he lets you go. Sarah asks "so what do guys wanna do?" "CHICKEN!" You scream. "Gosh {y/n}. No need to scream." "Haha sorry" "okay so me and Sarah you and Austin and Robert and Zach verse who win okay?" Alex says. "Ok" you say. You get on Austin's shoulders and Sarah gets on Alex's. "ready?" Sarah says. "Yup" you say. "GO!" Robert yells. "Get ready do get your butt kicked Wright." "Oh i dont think so {y/l/n}" You grabbed Sarah's hand and you pushed as hard as you could. She fell back you cheered. "Told you Wright" you say. "Ugh whatever" she says. "Okay now come here Robert." Robert got on Zach's shoulders. "Ready babe?" Austin asked. "Yup" you grabbed Roberts hands and you both pushed at the same time. You almost fell back but Austin got you. "Thanks babe" "anything for you" You looked back at Robert and he was falling back. Zach lost his balance and fell. "YESS!!!" You did a back flip off of Austin's shoulders and landed in the water. "I didnt know you could do that" Austin said. "Well i didnt either" you laughed and gave him a kiss. "We won!!" You looked over at Zach and Robert and Robert looked mad. "You just had to lose your balance didnt you?" "It wasnt my fault!" "Yes it was!" "No it wasnt!" You can over and stopped the fighing. "Guys chill jeez" You gave Robert and Zach a hug. "Good job guys. But i won hahaha!" "Oh shush {y/n}." Robert splashed water at you. "Hey! I gave you a hug!" "Oh well" he splashed you again. You splashed him back and soon after everyone joined and everyone was splashing each other. "Okay guys its getting kind of late lets go in" Austin said. You all agreed. You went in and changed. Austin changed too. You were hearing some shorts and a tank top. Austin was wearing just some shorts. "No shirt?" You ask. "You want me to go put one on?" "Nah" you smiled and you both walked downstairs. "So what now?" You ask. "Im tired" Sarah said. "Me too" Alex said. "Same here" Robert said. Zach was already asleep. It was 11:30 so you decided to go to bed too."Well then lets go to bed. Night guys." You said. "Night" you and Austin walked back upstairs. You layed in bed on your phone. Austin came and layed next to you. He wrapped his arms around you. "Whatcha doing babe?" "Twitter" "well in gonna go to bed" "me too" "alright nighty night" "night" you gave Austin a kiss and you both fell asleep❤

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