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Austin Imagine #9

Austin Mahone was the school sweetheart. Girls wanting to be with him. Guys wanting to be him. You were not very social and you felt like you were invisible. You liked Austin but knew you had no chance because he had girls falling for him everywhere he went. You only had a few good friends that you always talked to. One day you were walking to class and someone ran into you making you drop all your things. You look up and meet the same pair of beautiful hazel eyes you fell for. Austin. "Oh my gosh i-im so sorry" You say stuttering and trying to get your things. "No its my fault i wasnt watching where i was going." He helped you pick up your stuff and handed it to you. "Um thanks" you say. "No problem" he said and flashed his gorgeous smile. You smiled back. "Um i'll just be going now.." You say and turned away walking as fast as you can. "Wait!!" You heard him yell. You stopped and turned around. "I never got your name?" "{Y/n}." "Well nice to meet you {y/n} im Austin" You smiled "I'll see you around?" He said. You nodded and smiled. He smiled back and walked away. Through out the day you were getting glares from the girls but ignored them. Later on before lunch you went to your locker to put your things away. When you closed it Austin was leaning on the locker next to yours. You let you a shriek and put your hand over your heart. "God, you could have given me a heart attack." He chuckled. "Sorry cutie, didnt mean to" Your heart fluttered when he called you cutie. "So uh why are you here anyway?" "Uh" he scratched the back of his neck "i was wondering if i could walk you to lunch?" You smiled "yeah sure" You guys walked to lunch and when you got into the lunch room everyone started whispering. "Why is he with her?" "He could do so much better" "shes so ugly" You stiffened and arms wrapped around your waist. "Dont listen to them, you're beautiful" You smiled and kissed his cheek. He led you to the table and sat down with you next to him. "Hey guys" you say to your friends. "Hey {y/n}. Austin" He said hi and asked if you want anything to eat. "Uh can you get me a sandwich?" He nodded and got up. Not before kissing you on the cheek. When he was out of ear shot your friends squealed. "Oh my gosh {y/n} He so likes you!!" Your best friend says. You snorted. "Does not. He never even noticed me until today when he ran into me." "I can see it in his eyes girl! He likes you!!" Do you like him?!" You sigh. "He does not like me. Hes probably just trying to be nice" "pft i see the way he looks at you, he could be your prince charming" "as if" you muttered. "Speaking of prince charming, Hey Austin!!" He smiled and put down your food. "Thanks" you say. "Anything for you" You blushed. {Y/bf/n} coughed "told you" You glared at her and she smirked. "Whats that about?" Austin asked and put his arm around your shoulders. "Nothing" You say and eat your food. You stayed quiet the whole lunch period. The bell rang and you got up. "{Y/n} wait!" Austin called. "What?" You turned around. "I was uh gonna walk you to class." "Oh okay" He put an arm around your shoulders and walked. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah perfectly fine" He stopped and looked at you. "You're not okay. Whats wrong?" You tried to avoid his eyes. "Nothing im fine" "look at me" you just stood there. "Babe, i said look at me" You ignored the feeling inside when he called you babe and kept your eyes locked to the ground. He sighed and put his finger under your chin making you look at him. "Please tell me whats wrong" "nothings wrong i told you im fine" he shook his head "somethings wrong. Why wont you tell me?" "Its nothing just leave me alone" you pushed him away and went to class. The whole day he kept giving you sad looks but you ignored them. The final bell rang and you went to your locker. When you closed it you were pushed against the locker. You gasped and turned around. You met the same hazel eyes. "What do you want Austin" "i want you to tell me why you've been ignoring me" "its nothing now let me go" "im not letting you go until you tell me" "you really want to know?" "Yes" well here goes nothing. "I've been ignoring you because i knew that you would never like me like i like you. I thought you were only acting that way because you wanted to be nice or you felt bad for me. You never actually looked me until today. I've liked you for the longest time and hoped for you to notice me but you never did. And then today, i had a little hope but it was crushed when people started talking. They're right. I am ugly. I dont deserve to have your attention. You can do so much better than me. I dont want to ruin your reputation. You have girls falling for you every way you go and im invisible to everyone. I knew we had no chance but i tried. I tried to get you to notice me and now, i dont want to anymore. I dont want you to give me attention because you feel bad for me. I just..i dont know anymore." You finished and looked up at him. He stood there shocked. Tears brimmed your eyes "now if you'll excuse me, i need to go" you ran down the hallway and out the school. You heard him calling but you kept running. You ran until you couldnt anymore. You dropped to your knees and cried. Then arms wrapped around you and held you close. You thrashed around trying to get out but they only got tighter. You gave up and cried into the persons chest. "Shh its okay its okay" you noticed the voice and cried harder. "You dont get it Austin. You dont know what it feels like to like, heck to love someone and not have them feel the same." He held you tighter. "{Y/n} i've always liked you. I just..i didnt know how to talk to you. You were different than the others. You've never thrown yourself at me like the other girls did. You were different and i liked that. I've liked you for a while but i never had the courage to tell you. You were just so beautiful i forgot what to say. Dont you ever say that you arent good enough because you're the only girl i want. The only girl i love." You calmed down a little bit and processed everything he said. Wait did he just say he loved you? "Y-you what?" He sighed. "{Y/n}...i-i love you" As soon as those words came out of his mouth your heart stopped. You didnt know how to breathe. You didnt know what to say. The next thing you know your arms are wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. "I love you too Austin" you felt him smile against your neck. "You have no idea how happy i am right now to hear you say those words" he said. You smiled and you both headed back to your house. You walked in and he followed. "Uh you can go sit on the couch i'll go make us some sandwiches" "okay" You went to the kitchen and made 2 sandwiches for you and Austin. You walked back into the living room amd handed him his sandwich. "Thanks babe" "you're welcome" you both ate your sandwiches and put the dishes in the dishwasher. You went back into the living room and Austin was staring at you. You blushed "why are you staring at me like that?" "I was thinking, i never asked you to be mine yet" You blushed even more "no i guess not" you mumbled. You sat down on the opposite side of the couch and he moved closer and pulled you into his lap. You blushed even more if that was possible and hid behind your hands. He leaned in and put his head on your shoulder. "You're cute when you blush." "Thanks" you mumbled. He buried his face in your neck and kissed it. You giggled and he looked up smirking. "So you're ticklish" your eyss widened "what no" "yes you are" you sighed and buried your face in his neck. His breath hitched. "Please dont tickle me" "i-" you kissed his neck and he groaned. You smiled. "Hey Austin?" You said while moving your head to looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked at you "yeah?" "I love you" He smiled and leaned down. You closed your eyes and he kissed you. He pulled back "i love you too" You smiled and leaned back into his chest. Everything was perfect. "Hey uh {y/n}?" "Yeah?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" You smiled even bigger. "Yes. Yes i will be your girlfriend" you said and kissed him. Your lips moved in sync and you pulled away. He pouted. "Babee" "yesss?" "Why'd you pull away? Am i that bad of a kisser?" You laughed. "No not at all" "then why'd you pull away?" "Im still trying to process everything you know?" "Yeah" you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you so much" "i love you more" You smiled and you two lived happily ever after. The End💕

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