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Robert Imagine #5

"Babyy" Robert called. "Yes?" You answered. "Can we go play basketball with Austin, Camila, Ally and Normani?" He asked since you were with them on tour. "Um sure" You both walked down to the court where the others were waiting. "Okay lets make teams" Normani said. "Austin, Camila and Ally, you guys are a team and me, Robert and {y/n} are a team" You looked at Robert. "Oh we're totally gonna win" "hell yeah" You high-fived him and Normani and the game begun. Once the game ended, the score was 4-3, your team. "We won!!" You said and hugged both Robert and Normani. "Oh well we're still winners" said the other team. "Yeah. Winners of the losers aha" Normani said. She high-fived you and Robert. You and Robert walked back to the room hand in hand. "You should probably get ready for the show babe" you said to him when you two get to your room. "I probably should but i wanna make outt" he said. You laughed, " we can make out when you're ready" His eyes lit up and he ran to get ready as you laughed again. "I'm ready!!" He yelled as he got out of the dressing room. "Can we make out now?" "Sure" you laughed. You guys made out for about 5 minutes or so before Robert got called to come down to the stage for Shawty Shawty. He groaned "we will continue this later" he said while leaving you one last kiss. You waited backstage and watched the show while the two boys performed. When it was over, Robert ran backstage and hugged you really tight. "Eww get off me you're all sweaty" He laughed and hugged you tighter. "Ew go shower i need to shower too since you made me all icky" he let go and looked at you. "Why not take a shower together and save water?" He said and winked at you. "Haha not happening. Go shower stinky" "fine fine" he said and then went to go shower. When he came out he opened his arms. "Can i get a hug now?" "No i gotta shower and change" Luckly, you bought extra clothes. "Ugh fine hurry i want my baby" "i will" you said and kissed him. After you've showered and changed you came back to Robert. He ran to you like legit ran to you and hugged you. "Gosh its like you havent seen me in years" you said. "You shower too long" he said into your neck. "Well who decided to get me all icky by hugging me when their all sweaty?" you looked at him. "Arg fine" You kissed him again and he pulled you closer by your waist. His fingers went under your shirt and gripped your waist. You groaned "not here" you said with your lips still on his. He pulled away and took your hand. "Can we go back to the room now?" "Yeah i guess so since the concerts over" You guys walked up to your room and ordered some pizza. You started eating and you hear a knock on the door. You look over at Robert. He shrugged. You got up to answer the door and when you open it you see Austin. "Oh hey Austin, what are you doing here?" "I smelled pizza" he shrugged and walked in. "Well come on in" you said sarcasticly. "Yo the concert today was great man" you hear Robert say to Austin and do their little guy handshake thing. Austin sat down and grabbed a slice of pizza. You took a seat next to Robert and snuggled into him as he wrapped his arm around you. "so what are we doing?" Austin asked. "Uh why are you asking us? Shouldnt you go hang out with Alex or something?" You answered. "I wanted to hang out with Robert for once" "You have Alex, Zach, Shawn, and even the girls from Fifth Harmony. Why dont you go hang out with them?" Robert said. "Well i wanted to hang out with my other best friend that does nothing but make out with his girlfriend all the time" "get a girlfriend and you'll know how it feels" Robert argued. "I wouldnt leave my friends for a girl that i havent been with for a long time" Austin said back. You looked down at your hands feeling tears come to your eyes. While they were arguing you carefully slid out from Roberts grip and went to your room and locked the door. You put your back against the door and slid down it while you let the tears run down your face as you listen to them argue. You continued to cry and soon the arguing stopped. You hear a knock on your door. "Who is it?" You sniffed. "Baby.. Are you crying?" Robert answered. "No" "dont lie to me. open this door right now" You slowly got up and wiped your tears as you opened the door. You kept your eyes at the floor. "Hey, why were you crying?" Robert asked as he lifted your chin up. "Its nothing. Dont worry about it" "how can i not worry when my sunshine was sitting on the floor crying?" "Im fine Robert" "no you arent. You are going to sit down and tell me why you were crying" "why are you so demanding" "because i want to know" "well you dont have to be so demanding" "stop changing the subject" "fine" you went to go sit down on the bed and Robert sat right next to you. "Now tell my why you were crying" "you guys were arguing..and it was about me and i just feel like im intruding and that i shouldnt be here.." "No baby its not like that..he just doesnt get it" You shook your head. "Im not wanted here i get it, Austin doesnt like me and besides its his tour" you said as tears came back to your eyes. "What are you trying to say?" Robert says while taking your hand in his and make you look into his eyes. You can clearly see the worry and hurt in his eyes. You took a deep goes nothing. "I think i should go back home" "what? No baby you cant do that" "yes i can..Austin was right. We havent been together for that long and im taking you away from your friends..its not right Robert" "no you know whats not right? Austin making you feel like that. He might be one of my best friends but he cant talk about my girlfriend like that. He doesnt know what it feels like to care about someone as much as i care about you and we may not have known each other for a really long time but 2 months is enough for me to know th-that.." "That what?" He looked down at your hands and then back to your eyes. "That i love you {y/n}" Suddenly your mouth became dry and you had no words. "Say something.." "I-i dont know what to say" "you dont have to say it back..its just i wanted you to know" "i still dont think i should stay.." "But i just ranted to you" "and you did that because you thought it was gonna change my mind?" You said slightly annoyed. "Well i thought it would mean something to you at least" "it does but im not gonna change my mind about leaving! This is Austin's tour and i dont want to ruin it because im here. You just dont get it Robert." You said shaking your head. "I do get it. You just say that because you just want the attention. You dont really want to leave and you're just making a scene!" He yelled at you. "Im just trying to make a scene? Huh i guess i really dont belong here since you're yelling at me yourself. You know what, im going home and theres no way you can change my mind you fucking douche" you spat while going over to the closet and shoving all your clothes in the suitcase. "Wait babe, i didnt mean it i dont know what over came me" "dont babe me. And i dont care. You said what you said and you cant take it back" "but i love you" "sure you do" "i do god dammit! What do i have to do to make you believe me?!" "Nothing. I dont care about your feelings towards me anymore. You know why?" You stopped shoving clothes and looked him straight in the eye. "We're over." And went pack to angrily shoving clothes into your suitcase. You continued to to pack and when you went to leave the room, you looked back to find Robert staring at the ground, mouth opening and closing, and tears coming to his eyes. You lied, you still care but you were too hurt to admit it, it broke your heart to see him like that but you have to do whats right. As soon as you closed the room door you heard smashing on the other side. "WHY DO I ALWAYS FUCK UP?!" You hear through the door. You left, tears in your eyes. You bumped into someone on the way out. "Sorry" you said as you tried to get through but the person held onto your arm. "{Y/n}?" You recognized the voice. Damn, it was Austin. "What do you want Austin?" You said as you pulled your arm out of his grip. "Where are you going?" "Is that any of your business?" You snapped at him. "Well damn calm down it was just a question" "well maybe you should go ask Robert. I have a flight to catch." "Wait you're going home?" "Well obviously" "why?" "Didnt i just tell you to go ask Robert? And move i need to go" "im not moving untill you tell me whats going on and why is there crashing noise coming from your room?" "Get out of my way Austin" you said clenching your teeth. "No" "MOVE" you said pushing him to the side. You stomped angrily to the door and to your car in the parking lot. {lets just say y'all are at a hotel😂} you left to go back home and Austin tried calling you a lot of times saying how Robert wont talk to any one since you left and you just said that he was being a douche and you arent coming back. He continuously called you and asked you to come back to help Robert and you eventually came back and he told you he still loved you and all that stuff and y'all get back together and live happily ever after💕


Sorry the ending was crappy😂 but it was long and i got tired so you guys can just make up what you want to happen at the end😁 but thank you guys so freaking much for over 9k, almost 10k reads. That is absolutely amazing and i love every single one of my readers💕 ~Theresa☺️

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