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Besties beyond than the Boar.

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AN: Readers, this story will tell about Sakura's past 5 years prior the Academy and later. Her real identity along with her parents'. The mysteries that will soon be revealed to those who knows her wrongly, and think they know her more than herself. And they'll surely blow your mind, if you're bothered to read it if you like it or not. Warning: Very long, about 8000 words. There will be a prologue for this chapter, to make more sense about the story.

After defeating the last remaining Osotsuki member from the past, peace once again came back to Konohagakure. And to the happy news for Uchiha Sakura and her daughter, Sarada, her husband, Uchiha Sasuke will intended to come home more regulary often.

What they didn't expect next will be a chain of events, that lead them to the whole history behind Sakura's seemingly unknown past.

On a sunny morning, it's rare to have both Naruto and Sasuke, off from their duties, and spend time with their respective families. So to celebrate, Naruto suggests both families to have a picnic on one of the hills near their training grounds. In addition, the Yamanakas also join the crew.

Everyone with their own activities. Sakura, Hinata and Ino were chatting about hospital news and how the kids were, and sereval other things.

Boruto keeps pestering Sasuke to teach him new jutsus or train him when they finished lunch, with Sarada scolding him for bothering her Papa.

Sasuke didn't pay attention to his irritating pupil, instead he was slightly dozing, resting against a Cherry Blossom tree, his exposed eye focused on his wife tenderly.

He was still wondering what would her extended family feel about him? His in-laws may had never know he'd attempted to kill their only daughter, had he admitted to them.

Their reactions weren't pleasant.

Kizashi's hair somehow flattened down in shock and his face reverted to a stony expression, unlike his usual self.

Mebuki's hair in constracted flared up like a billowing flame. Her face was feral and demonic it nearly frightened him to the core.

Despite to known as civilians, but Sasuke didn't believe it when he had a witness of their warth and threatening aura. They didn't try to beat him up or kick him out. But they did threatened him through their own eyes that if he hurt Sakura again in any possible way, there'll be gravely concequences.

And they weren't bluffing about it. They kept on their words.

Naruto was also tried to convince him for a rematch to see who's stronger after so long, to his son and his best friend's daughter expectation to watch their fathers spar.

But the blond Hokage kept a close eye on Inojin, who sat alongside Himawari, the two of them watched Sai drawing the scenery around their view.

The same goes to Sasuke when he noticed Boruto and Sarada were too close when they're argueing. It was a normal day for the three families of team 7.

But since when life was normal for shinobi families?

Sakura, who was listening to Ino teasing a flustered Hinata about their love life, senses something was up.

She looked away from the group to sense the mysterious hunch she caught. Sasuke realized his wife was sensing something and looked to where she was staring at.

Suddenly the ground was shaking like an earthquake.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stood up, ready for what dangerous forces were about to head their way.

The shaking is more viberating and more furious. The adults stand around the children, and the children, including Himawari also pose their attack stances.

But what surprised them was the thing, or person aiming toward them who responsible for the small earthquake. It was a woman with a rampageous expression. To them, she was a stranger, but to Sakura, she was very familiar. She was running closer, and Sakura had to step foreward away from her group. Sasuke noticed first.

"Sakura, what are you doing?!"

Sakura turns back to them and gives them a normal smile, assures them she'll be fine. The female bolt is closer.

It's alright, Sasuke-kun. I'd dealt with this before. You don't have to worry."

"What do you mean, Sakura-chan?"
Naruto asked in a wary tone, afraid for the safety of his friend and sister.

"It means i'd met this before now, must be something urgent, like the message i recieved earlier this morning."

"What message, Sakura?" Ino asked too, not knowing what she might had missed about her best friend. Before she could get her answer, Sakura had already come face-to-face with the maddening bolt dashes to her.

When they made contact, the pressure caused a tiny explosion, leave the team 7 family group in a huge cloud of smoke. Everyone cough a bit and a chorus of simultaneous shouts of "Sakura", "Sakura-chan", "Sakura ba-san", and "Mama" were heard.

They then tried to clear up the smokes to see the commotion. In front of them was their beloved Sakura in a two- handed wrestling with another woman.

She has platinum silver hair in a short rough pixie cut, grayish blue eyes with one hidden, and wearing a kunoichi battle uniform matches her eyes, qipao sleeveless shirt, gray tights, similar a bit to Sakura's former style. The woman then spoke in a brutish voice

"Nice to know you haven't lose your alertness, Sakura."

"As do i to you too, Raimuga." The two of them released their hands from their intense wrestling fight. They pumped their fists afterwards in a strong sense.

"What's going on here?" A voive attracted both the women's attention.

It was Sarada who just spoke the question to her mother. The woman whose name was Raimuga, glances at Sarada and the small group for the first time since her clash with Sakura.

"Oh, lookie here. It's little miss Ginen(doubt), and the rest of the irritating ninjas, that i don't want the honor to meet.

The whole group in the same vicinity, how thrilling, not." Raimuga spoke in fake ethusiasm, a sour look on her face.

"Ginen?" Sarada repeated, offended by the insult from the woman that her Mama apperently knows. Sasuke also inspects a bit about this Raimuga that his wife greet as if she's her family, which he's maybe correct.

"Hello, my doubtful brat of a niece."

Raimuga mock saluted to her, showing that she holds a grude agaisnt the Uchiha heiress that she's unashamed to show out.

"Niece?!" Most of the group exclaimed, even Sasuke and Sarada herself muttered out loud.

"Raimuga, what did i tell you about adressing to my daughter?"

Sakura put both her hand on her hips, need to remind the sarcastic yet stern woman with maturity. Raimuga just rolled her eyes, unaffected by the glare.

"Sorry, little cuz. But i don't take orders from people interacting with bad vibes. I'm just doing this on behalf of the haters from the Harunos."

"You two are RELATED?!" Naruto shouted after silence to discern what just happened with Sakura-chan. Raimuga looked again to the blond Hokage who just asked dumbly.

"Took you long enough. I didn't have a contact with the Tsuchikage, or ran all the way from Iwagakure just to hear your ramblings. Hokage or not, you're still the same, Yamarashi atama."

Naruto got furious at what Sakura-chan's cousin just called him. He screamed back at her.

"What did you just call me? Just so you know, i'm not just a Hokage for nothing. Just because you're related to Sakura-chan doesn't mean i'd be easy on you."

"And what would you do, call out that Kyuubi demon for help? Pathetic.

Just so you know, Sakura and i, along with the rest of Harunos didn't earn our powers from shortcuts. Unlike you and that ashiru oshiri husband of hers."

"Raimuga!" Sakura groaned again.

That had Naruto shut up, grumbling about how her comeback gets to him. Sasuke knew that he starts to dislike his wife's cousin. Ino decides to talk to her.

"What's your reason here? And why Sakura didn't tell us about you?"

Raimuga turns her gaze to Ino and sneers with disgust. She explains for those she calls imbeciles, minus Hinata and her and Naruto's children.

"Shut that boarish mouth of yours, Ino-shishi, before i become like you, all chit-chat and no tick-tuck.

My reason here is for Sakura to let her parents know that their home has been completed, and her best friends, with the Haruno clan had sent me as their escort, no more, no less."

"What home, Raimuga? It is faraway from here?"

"How dare you insulting me ?"

Ino's face fuming with ambarresment and anger. How dare she called her that? And what does she mean by home?

Both Sakura and her two alive parents' home had been Konoha for years. And since Sakura had best friends besides her outside the village? There maybe many mysteries Sakura had yet spoken to her or to them.

Naruto and Sasuke had the same thought. What did Sakura do while they were unawared of in the past few years of their absence when they weren't beside her?

As if reading their thoughts which is true, telepathically, Raimuga explained further to them.

"You don't know, since you weren't there. And i don't overdramatic things, but Sakura isn't what you seems. She or rather us would explain more when we brought Sakura's family back to there."

"Back to where?" This time Raimuga turns to Hinata, her gaze looked relief.

"Ah, the least irritating one in the bunch. Sorry, Hinata-san, that's classified to the outside of the clan.
The letter Madina sent did said that. Can't tell anymore information."

aimuga then lookes at her wrist watch. She clicked her tounge and replied plainly to the group who were absorbing the new informations.

"Time's up, i need to head back now.

Prepare what you need, little cuz, it would be a long trip, say hi to Uncle and Aunt fot me. And watch yourself, Boar, Fox and Chicken Head, because what you're about to come face-to-face with, won't be pleasant.

Sakura, one of your best friends, Kuiru will pick you up. Oh, some guy wanted to give you this letter, Later."

Raimuga gives her cousin a letter. With that she disappeared in smoke.

Sakura stared down at the letter, a very familiar letter and a name, Kakogan Morio. As soon as she looked up, she was bombard in questions.

"What home is she talking about, Sakura-chan?"

"What did she mean by not what it seems, Sakura?"

"I thought i was your only best friend, Sakura. Who's Kuiru? Are there more?"

"What else did you hide from us, Mama? Aren't we allowed to know?"


They all stepped back from the loud scream of demand. Sakura loves them, but sometimes they could be so nosy and insistent and a pain to her head.

She calmed down and explains in short.

"I'm sorry if it takes so long for me to finally let it out. But i'd explain later.

All of us, we need to go back and prepare. She'll be here at any moment by now, i'll tell my parents. They'd want to see their whole families again after years apart, and so do i.

So please, if you ask me again, ask one at a time and when we get there."

Sakura went the opposite way, Sasuke and Sarada follow after her, grabbing their family basket.

The Uzumakis and the Yamanakas also packed up and went seperate ways without futher questioning, just thoughts, to prepare for the unexpected trip back to Sakura's original homeworld.

Partly curious, partly eager to know more what Sakura was hiding from them for so long.

The three Uchihas made it back to their apartment to pack their things. Sakura goes to her bedroom with Sasuke behind her. After closing the door, Sasuke was the first to start.

"Sakura, what was that all about?"

The pink-haired woman exhales and said to her husband.

"There are many things thet i'd wanted to tell you, Sasuke-kun, but i couldn't. No matter how much we trusted each other, but i had to hold true to my words. To her too.

It was an oath made by the Haruno clan, not to reveal one of it's biggest secrets to outsiders, even to their loved ones, it's prohibitted."

Sasuke didn't know much if her former clan was really a clan or not. He thought it was just a family of civilians with Sakura being the first in the generations to be a kunoichi.

He moves closer to her and touches her cheek gently with his sole hand. He reassure her that he will never leave her, no matter the circumstances.

"You don't need to hide anything anymore, Sakura.

I love you just the way you are, no matter what. There's nothing could stop me from loving you, even your family that we, that i just discovered."

"Even if i'm not a human but a supernatural hybrid offspring of unknown creatures?"

Sakura whispered in a hopelessly tone. Sasuke widens his eyes to their fullest.

Of course, he'd still be with her, he didn't care where she came from or what forms she took. As long as their family and friends safe and loved, happy and carefree, they'd still be together, forever.

"Absolutely. You still love me after everything i'd done to you in the past. So i'd still love you even if you're not from this world.

Anyway, what's the letter about?"

The pinkette takes a look on the said item, and hides it from her husband's view, not ready to said it to him yet.

"Nothing, just a letter from a comrade back then in war. I'll tell you when we reach my hometown. You can wait for it, right Sasuke-kun?"

The Uchiha Patriarch pouts childishly, but gives in anyway to his wife's demands.

He gives her a small smirk at her though.

Sakura smiled gently back at him, her eyes gleaming with tenderness and love. They were about to kiss when the door opened. They turn to see their daughter was standing there.

"You better explain what's the meaning of it, Mama. I don't want people to hide things from me, anymore."

Sakura walked to her daughter and pat her on the head. She pokes her forehead and said.

"I'm sorry, Sarada. I'll explain to you when we get there. Plus, there are a few people at my homeworld who are eager to meet you."

Sarada was surprised. There are people from her Mama's world who wants to meet her?

"Really? Who is it, Mama?"

She asks her mother, curious at who was expexting her. Sakura just had grin adorns her face and says in her excited voice, she couldn't wait for it to happen.

"Let's just say, you'd get some playmates to play with. They're your maternal cousins, the same age as you."

Both Sarada's and Sasuke's face were shocked. The young Uchiha asked again. Was all of this the truth?

"I have cousins, Mama?"

Sakura nodded her head, she couldn't contain her glee any longer. Both sides of her families and friends are going to meet officially together, just like she always wanted to.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Pack up a few of your personal things. We don't have much time let, she must be here by now.

I'll call your grandparents, and inform the others to met the unoccupied gate. This is going to be exciting."

Sakura dashed to her closet and decides to choose something for the trip. The other two just look at her and also pack their things.

The three families are at the gate where there were no guards. Kuiru, one of Sakura's best friends, to Ino's dismay will come to pick them up. Sakura's parents, Kizashi and Mebuki were also there, taking their time to fussing over their granddaughter and asking questions to their son-in-law.

They heard movement under the ground, a loud, slow thumping sound. Then there is something big ahead of them, looks like an animal.

"What's that, Dattebasa?! Is it a panda?"
Boruto asks first.

"No, i think it looks more like a bear."

Sarada argued. Deja vu, i guess?

"It's a giant panda bear." Himawari giggles at the thought of hugging the large furry teddy bear.

Indeed, there was a six feet height giant panda bear like thing running toward them. But it wasn't an ordinary bear.

It's fur looks as if it was coated by  galaxial ink that glimmering with millions of constellation. It's own two eyes are also like pair of planetary orbs looking back. It moves with the wave majestic grace.

The bear stops when it nearly reaches their faces, to everyone's relief.

It lowered it head down slowly, to let the person atop of it down to face the group up close.

"Sakura-chan? Long time no see since the Academy, huh?"

Sakura waves her hand to the woman up there, overshadowed by the light. She jumps down from the bear's head with the agility of a cat and greet everyone that she secretly knows.

The woman reveals herself to be a tall woman wearing a minty uniform that of a ranger with a white star in the middle of her vest, on her hat there is a jade quill attached on. She has olive green hair that tied into two side-way, wavy ponytails that clipped with glistening feathers hairclips, the ponytails were braided with starry hairties. She has round, pea green eyes shine with fierceness and joviallity, like a goddess.

"Kurui-chan. I'm glad to see you again."

Sakura enveloped her friend in a bone- crushing hug. Kurui hugged her the same tightness as well.

"Kurui-chan, haven't seen you in ages. Still look as heavenly as ever."

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Kizashi-san, still like your puns by the way. Hi to you too, Mebuki-san."

"Nice to see you too, Kuiru."

Kuiru turns to the group facing her, she greets them in a seemingly friendly way, at least what they expected, they didn't know her at all, asides from the fact that she's one of Sakura long time best friends.

"Greetings, everyone, my name is Padasu Kuiru. You may not remember me, but we used to studied at the Ninja Academy, before my family had sudden business that we had to move out before Genin Graduation..

I befriended Sakura-chan during her...friendship break up with Yamanaka. Me, along with three other girls had been friends with her for a while then."

Ino went out from the group and up to her and said in her loud voice.

"How come i hadn't seen you after Sakura and i broke up our friendship?"

Kuiru looks at the Yamanaka with disdain. The boar woman was a head shorter then her, and yet she still so demanding about her.

"A true friend is to ask their best friend what the problem is, not pondering about it in mind while trying to be mean with her, by using the same name those bullies used on her, Ino-shishi. How's that?"

That had taken Ino aback. It's true she had never once asked Sakura what had seperated their friendship apart. Inmense guilt appeared on her face."

With that done, she asked the magenta haired man a question.

"Kizashi-san, do you still have it with you? I want to have the legal proof."

Everyone, even Ino turns to the elder bulky man. Kizashi's eyes widened, then they suddenly brightened when realization hit him.

"Of course i do, i'd kept it with me for my entire life. See?"

He reached into the open space of his closed yukata shirt to pull out his necklace. The five petal cherry blossom pendant with four pink and one magenta petals, glowing in it's glory.

Ino pointed to it when a memory popped up in her head about the same thing that happened 17 years ago.

"That looks familiar."

She whispered when amemory in her teen days appears in her mind about the encounter with the unknown Sakura that came from another world.

A boisterous laugh boomed, and everyone else turn to the ranger woman. She stopped her laughter and said out teasingly, her ride also seems to be roar out in laughter, as it opened it's jowl to let out amused sounds.

"You still have it, alright. That's enough proof for me. Now, let's go everyone. And one other thing, is that guy behind you going to follow us or not?"

They turn behind them to see Hakate Kakashi, the former Hokage and teacher of the former team 7.


Naruto shouts, the Haruno elderly couple bows respectfully and Sarada happens to reply also.


Some of the others in the team 7 group family also exclaim the same, and the masked retired Jonin just scratchs the back of his head awkwardly, uncomfotably due to the formality.

"I know i just unexpectedly arrived at the wrong time. But can any of you tell me what's going on here? And who's this woman who appears to know Sakura?"

The former Hokage asks curiously, putting his book to it's place behind his vest. Kuiru gladly answered it, knowing clearly who this middle-age guy is.

"Well, to answer it shortly, i'm Padasu Kuiru, and it's nice to meet you, former Hokage, Hakate Kakashi.

If i remember correctly, you used to be Sakura's squad teacher. I was about to bring Sakura, her own family and the rest of her teammates and their families back to the Haruno clan's homeworld."

Kakashi had his mouth gaped, he remains his pose and nodded his head, understanding the situation. If all the informations he had, about Sakura during days before the group arrengment days with the Sandaime were falsed, he definitely has to know about Sakura's secret past life.

"Oh, if it bothers you or not, Padasu-san. Could i also come with you on the trip to my former student's hometown?"

"Why yes, of course, Hakate-san. It would be better if every person Sakura knows and had come to contact with, to be here and to come along with us discover and learn more about her life before her career as a Konohagakure kunoichi.

But i'm afraid the village, or the whole Five Nations would get suspicious of the shinobi shortage.

So it had to be another day, then.

Someday we would come to visit Sakura-chan after all of this was over, and show everyone that our beloved Sakura-chan is beyond all the things you have thought about her in all these years, whether you were there or not."

Most of the group, and Kakashi was speechless of her. They're about to know all of Sakura's mysterious secrets that had yet to known.

Kizashi and Mebuki nodded, approving of her words for their daughter who was waving her hands embarresed, being modest, is one of her new self that she didn't boast about her worth.

"You know it's not entirely true, Kuiru. Being myself is enough."

The said ranger woman chuckled at her friend's words. She would always be her old Sakura-chan. And she'll forever serve her as her guardian.

"Well, enough with the hustle and bustle. Let's go, everyone. Goguru-chan may open the portal at anytime, and i don't want to be one of those to recieve her lectures about tardiness."

Another new name is said, and Ino suspects it could be one of Sakura's unknown friends she yet to met.

As soon as that line left from her mouth, a big mystifying vortex opens behind them, the size as the gian panda bear creature. Kuiru grins at it and look back to the team 7 group who looking at the vortex before them.

"That Goguru-chan, as puntual and predicted as always. Welp, can't let her waiting.

Afterall, i'm the one who had volunteered to retrieve Sakura-chan for that tough cousin of hers.

And it would be bad for them if i keep them waiting too long for the return of their Hime, after nearly 30 years. What kind of guardian would i be?"

Sai, one those in the group who hadn't say anything so far asks.

"Nearly thirty years of waiting all only for Sakura-san's return?"

As Kurui climbs on her pet Panda bear, she nods to him to clarify his question. She then had a sad look for a brief moment, before a smile breaks on her face, back to her normal behavior.

"Yes, Sai-san. It took us that much to find and wait for Sakura-chan and her parents to come back to us.

They're the most important aspect that our people, back from the homeworld couldn't live without. It's unbearable to us, you know."

Both Naruto and Sasuke had also known about Sakura's experiences back in the past about waiting for them. Sakura herself was also saddened a bit when hearing about.

Her daughter notices this and grabs her hand, to Sakura's surprise and reassurement.

"We better go now, that vortex wouldn't be there all day. So let's walk forward, people, you can trust me. I hope Goguru won't throw a tantrum on me for taking too long, eventhough how unnerving she is."

The last part the brave ranger said to herself with no one heard it.

Kuiru led the group toward the big vortex on her trusty panda. And the whole team 7 dissapears behind the colorful portal as it closed in completely.

Now, they are walking through what looks like a crystalized kaleidoscope tunnel, with many odd symbols belongs to astrology and have connections to the Haruno clan, since they saw a few white looped circles.

"This is amazing, Dattebasa! This tunnel is so cool."

Boruto was impressed by how magical this tunnels posseses. Sarada, Himawari and Inojin also agreed to this, also interested like little toddles enter a space convention.

Sarada was amazed, her Mama has many cool friends besides her aunties that let them know more about Mama's mysterious past.

"Nii-chan, look. There's even some rare sea creatures floating through us. You saw it too, right?" Himawari points.

To which her brother nods excitingly and points more at the symbols. Sai takes out his drawing book to draw some of the most exotic sceneries he had ever seen. So is Inojin.

"I may found some inspirations to draw about stars and space.

This is something for sure. I wonder if there would be more of this? What do you think, Inojin?

His son looks besides him and replies.

"Yes, Tou-san. This is the first time i got to experience things beyond shinobi knowledge and i'd keep them for my drawings."

"Would you two be quiet about arts for once?"

Ino snarls at them, to which they shut their mouths, afraid of her fury released on them.

Kakashi walks behind them the last, just shake his head in sympathy. He knows why Ino would lash at her family for no reason. Knowing Sakura had friends way before her would take her anger to brew inside her attitudes.

Hinata walks besides Naruto with their kids and their friends ahead of them, pointing at cool symbols. She was looking at the surroundings that were out of this would.

"It must had taken Sakura-san this long to tell us all of her secrets. It's like she's afraid how we would react to them."

Her husband nods, his eyes softened down in pained sadness.

"Yeah, Sakura-chan was used to be like you, Hinata-chan. She had insecurities once, due to being bullied by other girls in our class. It took a toll on her to bring herself out, if it weren't for Ino."

Hinata looks down at the ground before her. She and Sakura have many incommons, that includes loving their men that took a while to reprociate their feelings for them. And she's grateful for Sakura for helping her to get to Naruto.

She'd always regarding Sakura as one of her most precious friends, no matter her backgrounds.

Sasuke was walking behind his wife and his in-laws chatting from a close distance. His daughter and his teammates' kids were behind him. He glances up at the woman that claims to be one his wife's friends back in the Academy.

He remembers seeing Sakura a few times back then. But he had never once seen her hanging out with the said woman, or any other friends besides Ino. This he has to ask it himself.

Things that imvolves to his wife in the past, he has his reasons to know.

Making sure that no one pays much attention to him, Sasuke cautiously jumps on the back of the giant panda bear. Kuiru turns to look at him, knowing he has a couple of questions to ask her.

"I know you want answers, but i'm not sure if you're comfortable enough to know. I'm just trying to warn you, pal."

"I dind't care if it affects me or not.

I want to know how you and Sakura became friend and yet i'd never seen you once, not even a glimspe."

Kuiru shook her head, she couldn't avoid the suspicious look on her friend's husband. She had to say it now, since the Uchiha was as demanding as ever, just like back in the Academy.

"That's because you don't pay attention to annoying girls, Uchiha.

Geez~ for a clan prodigy, number one rookie and one of the smartest person in our class, you're sure dense."

Sasuke scowls at the green-haired woman. She has the guts to say what she thinks about him without being afraid of him.

"Besides Hinata-san, not every girl has their heart set on you upon seeing your what, good looks and cool attitudes? To me, your just above everage compare to guys i'd seen.

I should know, since i'm a goddess' apprentice."

Now Sasuke was confused, the woman keeps saying things that may sounds too mythical and out of his leauge of knowledge.

Then what she said shakes him out.

"If you looked more into it, instead of waiting for you brother, you'd had known Sakura-chan had loved you before she even known you came from a prestigious clan---"

"Wait, what did you just said?"

Kuiru narrows her eyes a little at him, her mouth strains into a smeared pout.

"You're know it's rude interrupting one's sentences when they tried to explain to you. What would Mikoto-san think when i inform her that her son had become worse than she thought?"

Sasuke stiffened at the mention of his long deceased mother. And wait, what did she mean by informing his mother?

Did that mean his mother was possibly somewhere that this woman, sitting on the shoulders of the huge bear could go? He hestianly asks.

"Did you just sa---"

"Sorry for cutting in, but i can't tell you beyond my allowence to. This whole trip is like the waiting line for a long great movie, never telling spoilers.

So you just have to wait, be patience. You wouldn't want to upset them or upset her, would you?"

Sasuke grunts in frustration and begrudgingly nods. He can wait, though his patience and tolerance were nearly slim. If Sakura can wait for him for years, then it won't hurt him to wait for minutes for this tunnel trip to end.

Kuiru smiles and nods her head, glad for his cooperation to be aceptable.

She then gives him an advice on love.

"Sakura-chan would had love you even more from the start if you had been opened up, and not attacthed to your brother or trying to gain your father's acknoledgement."

Sasuke looks at her, his mouth hangs down a little. Kuiru elucidates more.

"Think about it, you thought being comitted in a relationship, would be a hindrance to your training in order to surpass you elder.

But you eventually realized that no other clan in the Shinobi cherishs love more than the Uchihas. You brother wouldn't be there with you all the time like you expected.

But Sakura-chan would, she's always honest and very loyal.

If it wasn't for one of those girls in that Ino-shishi's group of friends blurted her mouth that you're popular and from a clan, she would had gotten more chances to get to know you, not because of your fame, but yourself, and not become one of those lackies of the Yamanaka, or one of those pests they call fangirls. How piteous it came to.

But it was her plan too. To blend in."

The black-haired man understands now, Sakura didn't know about his clan before she had a crush on him. And that was even before the massacre occured. How ignorant had he become.

"Wait! What do you me---?"

A sound comes from the bear below the two of them, signalling something.

Kurui looks ahead of her and saw three figures that she recognizes well. She calls out to the people walking down besides her ride.

"Attention, everyone. The person i had mentioned before has arrived. She's also brought along two other women whom both Sakura-chan and i befriended with.

Don't be so fuming, Ino-shishi. You're not the only one who is Sakura-chan's best friend like you thought so. You have other friends back then too, you know."

"I do NOT!"

The blond woman screams at her. Kurui rolls her eyes boredly as she came down her panda bear to greet her three other friends.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you said, little Ino-shishi."

The green-haired ranger drags Sakura by the hand with her parents toward the three woman. The group meets them and check their appearances. They're look nothing like what ninjas wear, like from other worlds.

The first person on the left seems to be the shortest, with a visor attatched to a fabric band around her head, with the light hides her eyes, in the middle of straight, pigeon blue hair reaches through her ears. She wears a yarn hat that has two tops with two glowing blue orbs attached on and tilted down. She adorns a midnight blue button up shirt with long sleeves, a bow on her collar shirt, and puffed shoulders and a plaid skirt that went through her knees a little. She wears battle boots and a high-tech tablet thing clasped on her arm, she looks like a librarian .

The second person in the middle is another woman taller than the former. She has egg shell colored hair that swept to her right and at the end reaches pass her collar bone, and parted at the left to the outside looks. A cotton veil covered half of her face, only her nose and her mouth was visible. She wears a long sleeved chiffon shirt with beads on her shoulders. And long, thin, daisy, hafl-transparented leggins at the bottom dress. She wears linen high-heels. She maybe is a fashion desighner.

The third and final person was shorter than the second, but taller than the first. She has redwood eyes and straight carmine hair. A cylindary white frabric hat with a candy red ribbon stripe on top of her head. She wears a silky long-sleeved wine red shirt, a golden cross necklace on her neck. A short merlot skirt and amber leggins. She wears cardina high boots. She's possibly an exorsist.

The first woman was the one to talk upon their arrival, she spoke in a proffesional and robotic tone that freaks the most of group out.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to meet the people who had been with Sakura-san, and the Harunos in our absence.

I see you had brought them in time, Kuiru. No one back there wants their ruler to arrive late, do they?"

The ranger woman scratches her cheeck and replies sheepishly as she had Sakura in an arm-locked hug. Her parents watch them with a warm atmotsphere.

"I'm sorry, but Sakura's new family seems too curious of why they were here in the first place. I have to tell them to wait to the end.

I was sent by one Sakura's cousin, Raimuga to pick her up. I didn't think they'd tag along."

"Reason accepted. Allow me to introduce to those outside the Haruno household, my name is Gayashi Goguru, the other two is...

Fantotsupi Beiru."

The second woman do a light curtesy.

"And Heru Kurossu."

The third woman puts a hand to her chest and do a slight bow, a small grin on her pale complexion.

"You're already met Kuiru, correct? The four of us are Sakura-san's Guardians.


Ino whispers audibly enough to reach Goguru's keen ears to catch. The visor still had the light hiding her eyes from other's view yet she has her eyes on the blond woman.

"Yes, guardians, Yamanaka-san. We were selected by the Four Deities to watch over Sakura-san in their places occasionally in your world."

The second woman, Beiru replies for her friend, her voice is soft-spoken but eerily.

"We four are spereated in two groups of two. Two would go with Sakura-san to the Academy, while two would stay with her in the civilian district. We had to, in order to survey her status both inside and outside the Shinobi World." Before that, we were kunoichis from the other villages of four other Lands outside the Land of Fire.

The third woman also explain, her asccent is slight raspy and chilled.

"We need informations to know that if our Sakura here, showing signs of re-arising. It's top time that she has to bloom back to her originate form."

"What do you mean, originate form?"

This time, Naruto asks them. Goguru switches her head to his direction. She then strides pass the Haruno and replies monotonously.

"There's reasons for the Harunos to land on your world, ninjas. Because they're not what you think. They aren't just simply people that you rarely met.
They had chosen this world to live a simply life as mortal citizens of a village, hidden in leaves.

But it appears that, it was a gravely mistake, seeing Sakura-san had taken the path of a ninja instead.

Sakura reaches her hand a bit to Goguru to touch her shoulder.

"No, Goguru-chan. It was my choice, i just want to get stronger and more independent. I don't want to be a burden to any of you, that's all."

The woman side-glances to one of her best friend. She taps back her hand on the hand on her right shoulder.

"Indeed, Sakura-san. For it was a way to regain back your powers after they had been sealed, just like your past memories."

"Sakura-san has past memories?"

The two women, the other three guardians and the Haruno couple looked to the question from the former Hyuuga heiress. Kuiru steps beside Sakura and Goguru, along with Beiru and Kurossu. Kuiru answers first.

"Each of a Haruno, their birth is like a seed. And the seed grows as their life happens and store their memories inside the cores or the roots.

It mostly starts in forgotten dark days, like how the seed was buried deep underground. "

Beiru explains next.

"As a child, the plant from the seed, could be like a bud or a sprout. When a Haruno found their potential powers, or their one true love, the small plant would bloom into a beautiful flower.

And it would keep growing until it reaches it's limitation as a grown tree.

Kurossu cloncludes the explaination.

"You guys may know Sakura's childhood, but you don't know how it starts, or where it occurs. A Haruno's past is like the roots of a tree, as to represent the begining of their life.

Sakura's past was little to none to you, one of you had seen her as a bud, but you didn't know how her roots take places when she was a seed."

Goguru says a note goes with it.

"The Haruno clan isn't the only clan, that needs the seed metaphor to explain for you to know."

It's true, none of them, not even Ino knows how Sakura's past came into being. The only clue was that she was the class target of bullying for being abnomal than the rest.

"If i ask to make sure of my assumption, who was the first person to met, and befriended Sakura-san, during her childhood?"

Team 7 was shocked to hear that question. Ino raised her hand and replies to Goguru's question.

"I was, i saved her from a bunch of bullies making fun of her forehead."

Sakura's parents look down, saddened that they couldn't do much help for their daughter back then. Sakura, herself was washed by the aching waves of pain. Sasuke and Naruto was also angry at themselves for not knowing or doing anything at this. Goguru nods once and said, confirm her researches.

"Yes, you'd given her the Red ribbon of Fate. You changed her view on herself. And you had done the job of being her guardian, her best friend. A job well done, at first."

The Ribbon of Fate?

Ino wondered, so was the adults, minus Sai in team 7 group. Oh, she meant the ribbon they usually saw her wearing, back in the Academy.

"But in the middle and at the end, you'd done a terrible job in realizing whether Sakura-san's feelings were mattered at all. Even today you still have daily rivaly fights with her, over petty things.

It's illogical if your friendship still so stablized, if you keep bringing up things that could damage your sisterly bond with Sakura-san."

The blond Yamanaka martriarch opens her mouth weakly, her pompous self shatters. She stutters faintly.

"I-i didn't mean t---"

Kuiru said, following her friend's statement.

"You'd overtreating her as if she was another of your achivements. You showed her to your other friends, you unintentionally made her acted like a second you, and you turned her into one of your lackies.

What kind of best friend would use the same insulting nickname to her friend, without asking her personal problems and solving them first?

That made you no less than those snotty nose bullies.

More pathetically, you even hang out with them once, after you met Sakura-chan at her hideout.

What worse is, you denied being her friend when one of them asked. On the same day you tried to redecorate her one place that held many memories of her family.

What kind of best friend you are?"

The team 7 group flinches. Ino widens her eyes in remorse and guilt, her mouth trembles a little apart. Sakura looks at her, eyes furrowed down sadly.

"Ino, is that true? You denied being my friend once, and you'd even hung out with them?"

She has a suspicion that her best friend would help her out of pity. And it may  true if she realized Ino had hung out with those girls who had made her childhood miserable.

"N-no, Sakura. Of course i'd wanted to be you frie---"

"Then why would you met the same group, who had tormented me for all my childhood?!"

"It was just a confrontation. I wanted them to no longer bother you anym---"

Ino was cut up again by the loud clicking of someone's tounge. She looks to Kuiru, shaking her head as if what she said was a lie.

Beiru explains further.

"Not until the Chunin Exams did you make up with Sakura-san. Yet you never once asked her the details for the break up.

After that, you still teasing her, taunting her, finding ways to provoke her despite knowing her burdens, like the one time when team 7 met the new artistic teammate."

She was refering to the time team 7 first met Sasuke's replacement, Sai.

Furthermore, you even used her idea of being a medic nin to you advantages, just to fantasizing, about treating your own CRUSH. Even after the fourth War you still insulting her what, chest size and feminity? How crueller could you ever be?!"

Inojin gasps, Sai looks paler, Ino bites her lips, trying to conceal her tears from leaking through her eyes.

Team 7 see this was getting out of hand, but couldn't do anything, since it resolves to Ino only. Hinata looks sympathetically at her other friend besides Sakura.

Kurossu signs awkwardly and said.

"As much as it hurts to rub salt to your wounded pride, but it's true.

You like a little girl, saving Sakura as a doll, from being teared completely by other lousy brats. You'd sewn her, dressed her, and showed her to be as pretty as herself.

But you'd ignored her inner feelings as soon as that reckless, dumb, foolish boy came into the picture."

Sasuke knows sourly that woman just refered to him. Naruto snorts a bit when Kurossu just called his best friend dumb, to the elder Uchiha's irritation.

"You used her like your personal puppet, sheltering her from the cruelty of the social circle inside the Shinobi world. You bended her to your fitting tastes, like she was bubblegum made out of rubble. Until she couldn't take any longer and became broken.

So it's reasonable for Sakura to break her friendship with you.

You'd not only defended her, you'd also caused a bad influence on her. You're not the best modelly best friend, you know. Hinata-san would had made a better best friend for Sakura, and she sucessfully had.

If it weren't for your good sides to boost in, Sakura would have hated you for her entire life."

That broke the emotional dam.

Ino's brows furrowed down in regret, cheeks reddened with tears streaming down. She bursts into hurtful sobs with her hands covering her face.

She was comforted by her husband and son. Both of them glared at Sakura's guardians, but they glared back at them harder, scaring them. Hinata also comes to pats her sobbing friend's back.

Sasuke gulps soundlessly. They knew Sakura's history related to her friendship with the Yamanaka.

But he's different, he had done far worse than Ino could ever had.

It's terrible enough that Sakura's parents had known their son-in-law had almost killed their own daughter twice. What if they're not the only ones that know his past relationship with Sakura? Would there be others that know what sins had he struck on his own wife?

"Hey now, no need to critisize her for that, people make mistakes sometimes."

Kizashi defends his daughter's best friend. Mebuki looks to Ino, who was suttering tearfully that she was the reason Sakura broke their frienship in the first place.

"Ino, you know what they had said isn't entirely true.

Even though i'm still upset that, at one point you'd hung out with my childhood bullies. I should had known."

All attention directed to Sakura. The said woman glances at her best friend, face still tear-soaking.

"If it weren't for you, i wouldn't had found the confidence to stand up for myself, or the support to move forward. Without you, i's still be a shy little girl with no hope to survive in this world.

So please, don't take what they said seriously, ok? I'd still be your friend no matter what it takes."

Ino nods, she managed to bring out a small, weak smile of herself.

"Well, that's all done, things go smoothly again. We'll continue the trip. Don't mind if we go first. But please, lead us again if we get lost."

The jolly elderly man marches forward with his wife and daughter in tow. The team 7 group was about to move again, when they heard Goguru's voice.

"You're fortunated to escape this, Yamanaka. But we're warning you.

Call Sakura 'Forehead' again, and you'll regret it once you see her truest form. And you'll have to talk face-to-face with the harshest one of the Deities for insulting his loved one."

Ino nods her head in fear.

Kuiru also warns them about their high prices of harming, or affecting any parts of Sakura's life.

"That goes to you too, Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Sasuke.

You won't like it when the Deities want to confront you. Believe us, no one manages to get away with it safely and still have their sane intacted, or alive."
They all gulp, some even sweating buckets, fearing for their life.

Beiru continues for them.

"Uzumaki, possibly since he caused the least damages to Sakura's life. But you, Uchiha, we highly doubt that."

You'd caused pain, sadness and misery to her, both physically and mentally. So you're have a very low chance, almost to zero percent, maybe even lower."

Kurossu ends the somewhat one-wayed conversation, but still warning.

"Prepare for this to come, Uchiha. You better hope that Sakura's still there besides you. Or else, you'd experience something far worst than death itself.

The same goes to you too Uchiha Sarada, or should i said little miss Ginen. Like i said, never ever doubt your own Mama. Or you'd also end up like your Papa.

Birds of a feather, typically."

With that the four guardians turn their back on team 7 group and walk up to the Harunos to catch up on their chat.

Sasuke's face was as white as a sheet. Naruto would had laughed if this didn't so serious. Ino hadn't said a word since the guardians' cold voices still echoing somewhere in her mind.

Sarada was afraid whether they know the time she doubted her Mama.

"You're so dead, Sasuke. I feel so sorry for you. Sakura's guardians could be so scary, and two of them had attended in the same Academy as us before."

The Uchiha man just nod his trembling head, mortified by those factual stunts.

Up ahead of the team 7 group, the Deity Guardians and the Harunos were chatting as if from old times.

Goguru ask them first, curiousity written on her face, eventhough it was still hidden behind her visor. Haruno Kizashi was her idol, second to her Deity she's working under.

"Kizashi-sama, Mebuki-sama.

It's nice seeing you in good and healthy conditions to go with Sakura-san back to your homeworld."

"Aw, it's no big deal. Still getting used to this old mortal body.

I'll never refuse a chance to go back to the homeworld, since both my wife and i also miss our family.

So this is the interdimesional tunnel, huh? Your works are getting more improved beyond my expectations, Goguru-chan."

Keep up the good work, and you'd surpass even me in the near future."

Goguru readjusts her visor to hide the joyful gleam in her silverly blue eyes. She takes it as if a new mission.

"I'll take your words as my honor. So had you been doing any of those forbidden high-tech projects, during your staying in the Ninja World?"

Kizashi nods, beaming at her question.

"Why yes, certainly. Mebuki and i had been traveled for as long as we could remember.

And we'd found many rare fortunes that could be useful for our inventions. Important people would come visit us sometimes, and we keep hiding those maybe illegal artificial undone technos, so there won't be any suspisions.

But to be fair, we wouldn't want the villagers to think of us as freaks. It was also unfair of us to hide all the modern inventions from them.

So, i'd contributed a few of my creations for today's modern world. So they could explore more, about future."

Goguru stores all the information she had recieved in her calculating mind.

"I see, Sakura-san had also taken part in them, too. I suppose her husband, Sasuke didn't know any of this, correct?

Seeing him usually absented, i was a little feared, that he'd discovered our dimesion.

But my calculations had predicted to prevent it from happening.

His Rinnegan did have all the abilities to travel through time and space, but ours is an exception. With his abcence for more than 10 years, it's a big advantage for us to take and use it to restore Sakura's sealed memories.

Such an ignorant husband to leave his wife to do all chores for years."

Mebuki complied in.

"Oh no, Sasuke may not show it often, but he loves our Sakura to a great extend, through thick and thin. It's my mother instincts to know that if that boy was worth of my daughter.

Besides, he wouldn't had left for his top-secret mission in the first place, without reasonable answers to us too.

So a man like him would go to a great extend to proctect his family."

Honey eyes behind the veil of the phantom beauty flickered with slight compassionate. She hums lowly in understanding of her mistress's daughter she was escorting.

Sakura was in a conversation with Kuiru the most, with a few occasional lines from Kurossu.

"This is the teleporting tunnel that could lead you to anywhere in the whole Multiverse? All four clans must had built faster than i could remembered."

"Indeed they had. The motivation for it is to bring you and your parents as fast as we could. The whole planet was dying out of boredom without you there, not much but still.

Bringing you back would surely bring their spirits back!"

Goguru glances to the group behind her. She brought out a pad, then she makes it float to them. The Team 7 group was confused of the object in front of them.

"Here are somes of my fav moments with Sakura-chan during Academy days, that you'd missed!"

The pad's screen shows pictures and videos of Sakura with Kuiru and Goguru in their childhood days. Kuiru in a black three-hole t-shirt with a white star in the center and shorts. Goguru has her yarn hat perching on her head, adorning her white jacket and baggy pants. They were taken in secluded places or during lessons or recesses.

There were glimpses of the members of the rookie 9 in the back ground but they didn't even bother to pay attention of it.

Ino could still see herself back there with her other friends after her break up with Sakura. She looks mournfully at how happier Sakura is with her very own two friends.

Naruto had spotted himself with Kiba, Chouji and Shikamaru behind Sakura and her friends. And he knows he too didn't give Sakura a token of friendship then due to a misundersatnding.

Sasuke was nolgalistic when he spots his Nii-san picking him up. He had also ignored Sakura's childhood state back then. How ignorrant he was.

"The planet? It was recreated?!"

Sakura asks hopefully. Kuiru has an earnest smile on her face.

"Yeah, took a lot of time evnthough it's infinite there, but we managed to located all the pieces and place them back to reformed it's glorious form. And we's love you to see it."

Sakura hopes so. But what the Team 7 ninja group didn't know fully is that they will face much more than an extended family from another universe.

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