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Chapter 25: No do, will die.

Fun fact: I think this book is based on the author, Gu Xi Jie's own life so Xiao Di and Xu Wei Yu are in fact very real! Gu Xi Jie sure is lucky!

On the first day of the holidays, Wei Yu was phoning his friend, "I got a little machine part on my car changed and they want 4000 dollars, the part that's been replaced can't even sell for 40 cents as recycled iron!"

Afterwards, his friend said something and he laughed coldly, "I have no money." Then after thinking about it, "But my wife does, hehe."

I was thinking, I was always walking in the dark, when did I turn rich? When I heard him continue: "That's right ah, I'm saying this just to make you angry that you have no wife to ache over you, how about it? Hahahahaha! Feels good!"

The car needed servicing so Xu Wei Yu phoned the shop to book a time: "Hello, a xxx model, the plate number is ...... I'm coming tomorrow afternoon."

The other person paused for a while then said, "Sorry, you have phoned the wrong number. This is the call centre for administration services, do you need any services?"

I thought he'd hang up but he immediately asked, "What kind of services do you have?"

"Hourly labourers, nannies etc."

Thus, he called an hourly worker to come tomorrow and do general clean of the house. Satisfied, he hung up.

I looked at him for a long while and couldn't help but be suspicious, this guys' 'wrong phone number' is intentional right? How lazy.

The next day, after the labourer had left, Wei Yu was watching TV when his co-worker called. He was too lazy so he pressed the speaker mode and put the phone on the table. A girl on TV was just shouting, "Don't leave, I was wrong, please don't leave!!"

The caller asked in a small voice: "Are you fighting with your wife?"

Wei Yu: "Nope."

Caller: "Oh, scared me to death. I had wanted to say, if you were fighting with your wife, then you don't need to come to work tomorrow and save us from being vented on and suffer from life threatening danger."

Me, who was sitting next to him was completely speechless.

Afterwards, I asked Xu Wei Yu: "Have you vented out anger at work?"

"Nope." He said, "I just said that if one day I got a divorce, you guys have to remember to lock all the weapons, I just said this one line."


For Notional Day, my family went to a restaurant to eat with Xu Wei Yu's family.

When we walked in the restaurant, I heard Wei Yu say to his father: "Can you help me settle my fine?" His father resolutely said: "No."

Afterwards, he started pouring his father alcohol. When his father was drunk, he patted his son's shoulder and said: "Even when drunk, we only help order, not family."

We Yu put down the bottle resolutely and turned to my dad, "Dad, is it still possible to adopt a son?"

This punk really isn't scared of any elders. My dad was usually stern but even he laughed.

What a funny fellow.

On the road home, I said to him: "I saw you drink, let me drive, you lie back and rest."

"It was only two cups. Plus, it's no problem in the city area."

"More than half of your fines are from the city area okay?"

Wei Yu turned gloomy: "Don't be so direct. Oh yeah, darling, can you lend your license to me? I don't think I have enough points to deduct......"

"......" I sternly criticised him, "Next time be more careful!"

"Definitely will!"

"What will you do if you get fined again?"

"Borrow from you again!"

"......" After talking so much, it was a waste.

In the holidays, I accompanied Wei Yu and his friend to look at cars. Wei Yu had already established in his friend circle and mine, a 'car professional' nickname. When we walked in, we walked around. In the end, Wei Yu stopped in front of a black, fierce looking car, and asked, "How about this car?"

The car dealer: "It can definitely be driven!"

Everyone around us became quiet. Even that car dealer realised his mistake but Wei Yu continued to pretend to be serious and nodded, "Mhm, not bad, notbad."


At night, we went to bathhouse for a bath. I finished my bath first and waited in the big hall for Xu Wei Yu. After waiting for half an hour, he still didn't appear.

Later, I found out that this guy had fainted......After he fainted, he was brought to the changing rooms. A male worker was holding an electric fan next to him. After he woke up, he shouted in a muddle: "I don't want any special services!" Apparently everyone around him laughed like crazy.

After we got on the car, he leaned over and used my sleeve to wipe his pretend tears, "Someone was seen through by others, wife, after we get back you have to comfort my heart."

"I didn't see anything."

"Usually it's only you who sees!"


On the road, he kept complaining: "I was completely seen, sigh, what to do, I was completely seen, I feel so weary of the world, what to do, I was stark naked, so embarrassing ah, I feel like I'll never be loved again......"

I said: "Is it really that exaggerated?" Being world weary and never loved again......

He immediately raised his voice: "Yes, my body is originally only for you, now......" I cut off his words, "Your mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and some other elders, there's probably been quite a lot of people who have seen you completely bare right? Although it was when you were little but when you've grown up, didn't you say before that during university, you'd take showers while comparing that with others? Heh, didn't you suffer a blow when you compared it with Westerners?"

Wei Yu: "Speak! Who are you?! Where's my wife?!"


Intermittently, I would be very lazy and not move at all. I didn't want to wash clothes or cook, but when I didn't wash my clothes after taking them off, my insides would be tied up in a know so I called Xu Wei Yu into the study and said, "I'll give you 100, go wash the clothes."

Xu Wei Yu paused, I thought he would say he wasn't happy but instead, he said: "I'm not that cheap."


After washing the clothes, he ran back and said, "This customer, do you also want an additional bed service ah, only 100 is fine."

Me: "No need."

"50, 50!"


"Negative, negative!"


When Xu Wei Yu woke up one morning, he started searching around in my pockets. I asked: "What are you doing?"

Wei Yu: "Darling, give some money."

I thought, he couldn't be so poor ah, so I asked, "Did you go and do something I didn't know about?"

Wei Yu looked at me meaningfully, "You finally found out?"

My brain immediately flashed the words, "wining, whoring and gambling." But I heard him continue, "Didn't I sneak my wallet to you? I've been working hard to be a modern good man and didn't even leave myself a single cent. Then, one day when you suddenly find out, you'll hug me and say, 'husband, you're the best'! But, when I woke up, reality told me that our cafeteria at work needs to be paid for ourselves so, boss, please give me ten dollars food money. "

After being speechless for a long time, "Which clothing did you put it into?"

Hence, the two of us searched through coats early in the morning.

My cousin in law was teaching in university. I had nothing to do so I went over to listen to her lesson. That day, I didn't tell her beforehand when I went to class. I sat in the last row and a classmate beside me quietly asked, "You seem to have skipped a lot of classes ah classmate."

I didn't know how to reply so I smiled but didn't say anything. This male classmate had a lot of perseverance and continued to ask: "You're not from our class right?"

I said, "I'm listening in."

He determinedly said, "Then how about you give me your number, you can help me tick my name on the roll call and I'll treat you to a meal."

Someone beside us laughed out, "He wants to date you!"

That male blushed, "No I don't."

He probably really wasn't, he just wanted me to tick his name for him but I still clarified it for that person beside us, "I have a marriage license."

A day later, I heard my cousin in law tell me in surprise that apparently, there is a student in their school who has already gotten married!

Me: "......"

I went to the cinemas to watch a movie with Wei Yu and a married couple (that guy was Wei Yu's bro).

In the middle of the movie, that bro said, "Pft pft, this is a crime of high intelligence ah."

Xu Wei Yu slowly said, "I can see the crime, but not the high intelligence part."

Bro: "Brother, don't you think that this film has a lot of depth?"

Wei Yu: "It varies from person to person, perhaps it really has depth to you."

Bro: "I say sister in law, is your husband giving me a personal insult?"

Me: "......" As someone who didn't really understand the movie, I didn't want to voice any opinion.

Chapter 26: Their Life.

It was my middle school friend's wedding. I saw a bunch of old classmates that I almost didn't remember any more. That day, I brought Wei Yu along (he went to a different middle school). Just as we sat down in the restaurant, someone walked over to greet me, "Are you Gu Qing Xi? I was saying how familiar you looked. I heard you got married?" Xu Wei Yu was beside me, "She got married to me!"

That classmate laughed: "A fine couple, a fine couple." And then, they asked us, "How about going sitting over there, all us old classmates are there."

Wei Yu: "But I'm not close any more ah." I couldn't help but be sarcastic inside, you were never close before okay?

That classmate said: "Doesn't matter, we'll become close after eating a meal, let's go go go."

Thus, we changed tables. There was a guy who I remember was very skinny in middle school but was now round, a girl who back in the year was very small who was now tall......I couldn't help but be a bit awkward, everyone has changed. Who knows how they see me in their eyes.

Watching them made me realise how fast ten years flew by.

After my middle school classmate's wedding, it was Wei Yu's high school classmate's wedding. I said that we probably shouldn't go. That person moved provinces for work and has now settled down there. Going out of the state just for a meal was too much hassle but Wei Yu said "There are some brothers who are also going over, we'll carpool. Plus, it's the weekend so think of it as going for province, Let's go, let's go have fun."

However, the day before we went, that brother injured his hand so I drove. Xu Wei Yu's speeding ticket had just been settled a while ago but if he got any more points deducted, his license would be revoked so I didn't dare let him drive on highways. On the drive back, it was originally planned that I would take turns driving with that brother's wife. However, that girl got too happy and had too much to drink. Hence, I drove back.

Fun? I nearly died of exhaustion that day.

After we got back, I soaked my feet in hot water. Wei Yu came over to wash my feet and said, "Wife, I'm sorry, let me rub your feet."

I was extremely ticklish, as soon as he touched, my whole body was shaking. I begged him in laughter, "Please, let me go." And then I wiped my feet with a towel and went to bed.

He went to pour out the water and then came back and said: "I'll help massage your waist?"

I was scared of him, "Go play yourself, I'm going to bed."

I woke up after sleeping for a while to discover that the person beside me was massaging my legs, they really felt so much more comfortable.

I said: "You should also go to sleep."

"It's still early."

"Then stop massaging."

"I'm not tired."

"Then I'm going to sleep."


My desk mate from high school gave birth to a girl so in the weekend, I went with Xu Wei Yu to visit.

Wei Yu looked at the baby for ages and asked, "How come she doesn't look like anyone?"

I dragged him away, "She's was just born, you can't tell yet."

Later, my good friend lay on the bed chatting with me which Xu Wei Yu chatted on the side with the baby's dad.

The baby's dad asked: "When are you two going to have a baby?"

Wei Yu: "We don't want any currently."

The baby's dad: "What, it's not early any more right? You can start considering it now."

Wei Yu: "Sigh, I feel like a child will become the barrier know......that night life."

Can this person see what occasion it is?!

During International Woman's Day, the supermarket's sanitary pad section was completely packed full. Of course, ninety nine percent were all female but occasionally, there would be a guy squeezed in there to help his lover grab some.

Seeing this from a distance, I decided to give up but my friend refused and shouted, "Seeing how I get it for two weeks at a time, let me go try!" And then she rushed in.

After a long time, she came out, "So hot."

I saw that her basket was half full with sanitary pads and laughed, "You probably have enough to last half a year."

My friend laughed, "I'll give you half. Let's go, let's get some fruit and veges and then go back. It's so unwise to come out today."

Me: "Xu Wei Yu wants me to help him get some mouth rinse."

Friend: "He can't be so lazy that he doesn't even want to brush his teeth right?"

Me: "He wants to rinse his mouth after eating at work."

Friend: "I say, you coddle him too much."

I didn't understand, "What does a bottle of mouth rinse have with coddling him?"

Friend: "You're being so attentive. But honestly though, in that period when he chased you in high school, I really didn't think it would work out."

I was surprised, this was the first time this friend told me about it, "Why?"

Friend: "When he stood outside the door of our classroom, calling you out to eat, you said that us classmates were going to eat together. He called everyone out just so that you would come along to sing but you said that you couldn't sing. He asked if you wanted to study together in the weekend but you said that you were used to studying at home. He brought you breakfast but you said that you've already eaten......That time, I really thought that he'd throw his hands up and ignore you forever. Truthfully speaking, if I was Xu Wei Yu and you were being this frustrating, I would definitely ignore you."

Me: "......"

My friend continued: "So I thought all along that you two wouldn't be able to get together. Plus, later he went overseas so it was even more hopeless. I was even saying to someone that probably ten years later during our class reunion, you'd be bringing your daughter and him his son and you two would say a "hi" then walk past each other."

Me: "At the time, I didn't really dare thing about such things, we were too young......"

Friend: "To hell with your too young excuse, that time, there were quite a few people in our class who yeah, I know you don't care because you didn't listen to gossip. As for you and Xu Wei Yu being able to be together, its really shattered quite a few people's glasses."

Me: "Yeah, we have to thank them for us being able to be together."

Friend: "Speaking of which, during high school, there were quite a few girls in our class who liked Xu Wei Yu. However, they're all married now."

Me: "Oh."

Friend: "Aren't you going to ask who?"

Me: "It was easy to like someone in that age, as long as they look good or they're good at P.E. or they're good at speaking, or, they sit close to you. Actually, that kind of like is far from 'love', at most, it's admiration. Go as them now, they probably don't even remember who Xu Wei Yu is."

"They definitely remember!" My friend laughed loudly, "You have to have confidence in your husband. Last time, I bumped into someone on the street and she said, Xu Wei Yu seems to have married you, sigh, although she wanted to say congratulations, but after having a crush on him for so many years, it was still a bit sad. This woman was pregnant."


Recently, Dorm Leader resigned from the bank. She decided to go into seclusion for the civil servant exam and vowed to take the exam until she was thirty five.

I asked: "Why until thirty five?"

Answer: "Because after thirty five, you can't take it any more." She really wants to fight until the last second.

But for the Dorm Leader who has no learning nor skill and loves pretty men more than she loves her country, she wants to take the civil servant exam?

Lan Lan deeply expressed that every time she thought about Dorm Leader taking the civil exam, she would feel worry for our government and if she passed, she would discredit the government!

How much are these two against each other?!

One day, Dorm Leader phoned me and roared in anger, "It was hard for me to finally like a guy again but as soon as we got close, he wanted me to introduce a girlfriend to him! Am I really that manly? But I didn't give up and bashfully asked him, what about us two then? He said, I really enjoy your attitude as a single woman! Attitude his sister!"

Dorm Leader: "Qing Xi, how do I go from here!?"

Me: "Didn't you say you didn't want to date recently and focus completely on the civil exam?"

Dorm Leader: "Yeah, but the problem is, I am forever talking more than I act. Being a civil servant seems out of reach. After thinking about it, it seems better to find a good man to marry."

Me: "Then it's up to you ah."

"Qing Xi you don't care about me!" Just as Dorm Leader wanted to be vexatious, Xu Wu Yu took my phone and said, "Enough, we're going to sleep now, I'm hanging up." And then he hung up, grumbling to me, "Why is she so annoying?"

Later, after half an hour, Dorm Leader phoned again. I picked up, "Hello?"

"Hello hello?"


"Cough, you guys aren't doing that ah, luckily I chose the right time to phone."


Xu Wei Yu who had been nursing a stomach ache all day coldly said, "Blacklist this woman's phone number!"

Expert went on a blind date. She said she asked the other person if they had a house, had a car and how was their job? The other person asked, "Then how about you say what you have first?"

Expert: "I have eggs."

Unsurprisingly, the blind date failed.

Expert: "On a blind date, you can judge a person's appearance in three seconds. When you ask about their finances, whether or not they answer is up to their personality and how much they have is up to their skill. People have different skills but how good or bad your personality is, is a reflection of your quality and you can grasp it yourself. Like this man, as soon as I asked, his expression changed to that of someone owing him. Does he have no confidence or does he think that women are gold diggers? Traditionally speaking, after a woman marries a man, they have to do the house cleaning, give birth to a child and later, they'll have to work while raising the child and slowly become old. He'll think she's become ugly and look for other women but as soon as he's caught, he'll say that his stress is too high ah, earning money isn't easy ah, why don't you switch and see ah! Heh, then if he needs to give birth, raise a child and work, then wouldn't this stress make him want to commit suicide?"

Me: "Darling, are you a bit pessimistic lately?"

Expert: "Perhaps. I know that there are happy families, for instance, you and Xu Wei Yu."

Me: "Over here, raising a child isn't even worth mentioning."

Expert: "......"

My childhood friend was doing her PhD overseas and after she completed it, she phoned me once, saying, "If we could start life over again, I want to get leave school and get married after middle school."

I thought, there's always wins and losses. Perhaps if you leave school after middle school and get married, you may say to me today, "If we could start life over again, I should've studied hard back then."

No one knows which path is the best right?

So, my friend, no matter what path you choose to take, please walk well. On the path, there will be good scenery and bad ones, when it's good, please appreciated and when it's bad, please keep walking leisurely. When you meet different things and people, think of them as enriching your life.

Chapter 27: After marriage day to day life- where is your moral integrity?

When Xu Wei Yu is being very shameless, I'd ask him, "Where is your moral integrity?"

He'll glance back with a charming smile and say, "I lost it all when I fell in love with you."

Then, when his co-workers and friends get provoked by his arrogant manner under his refined air, they'd say to him, "Brother Yu, you've lost your moral integrity!"

He'd turn back and smile, "No, it's your moral integrity."

All in all, I've received numerous called related to Xu Wei Yu's moral integrity.

"Sister in law, you have to act on my behalf, yes, I am his co-worker in the same department, surname Liu. I've been suffering from his inhumane encroachments! I can't protect myself and I want to jump off a cliff but my family......"


Later, I asked him, "How did you encroach on co-worker Liu?"

Wei Yu: "Pft! He has nothing to do all day so he rocks around in my office. It's so annoying so I got someone to get a pair of handcuffs and cuff him to his seat to let him stop it for a bit."


Xu Wei Yu's department organised a trip to go play real person shooting. I was brought along after much unwillingness. Luckily, a lot of men also brought along their families.

Before the game started, we were divided into two teams through drawing lots. Xu Wei Yu and I were on the opposing teams. He held my hand and said, "Wife, I am someone with discipline so please don't take to heart whatever I do to you later on and make me kneel on the floor when we get home ah."

In the front, someone shouted, "Brother Yu, what are you doing? Hurry up and get back to the team!"

Wei Yu: "What are you shouting for, I'm just checking my fellow soldier's character!"

Not long after the battle began, I was held at gunpoint.

Xu Wei Yu ran over from afar, "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Let me capture the prisoner!"

I stared at the sky. After Xu Wei Yu ran over, I only saw him stare deeply at his team mate then extinguish them.

Team mate: "......"

Me: "......"

Wei Yu: "I can't do it to a beautiful woman ah."

Me, who was not a beautiful woman, sincerely said, "You should shoot me, I really want to get out and drink tea."

Xu Wei Yu's indecent quotes.

After rolling around in bed for one and a half weeks, he stared softly at me, exuding tenderness and love, "Lady passing by, please come and help me get rid of my poision......oi, don't leave ah, lady!"

When I was busy on the flower, he ran over and said, "Please deflower me."

When I was hanging up the laundry, he walked around in a circle then said with a cute expression, "This kind contractor, please contract me! As long as you work hard and cultivate well, I promise that next year, you'll have a big reaping."

Me: "......"

Of course, he was just groundlessly kicking up a racket.

Outside, when we were with his friends and he saw them looking at pretty ladies, Wei Yu would coldly snort, "Where is your character?" He'd continue, "If you want to look then look at your own, if you look at other people's, it's like not looking at all!"

Once, I couldn't resist asking him, "Don't you men have better values?"

Wei Yu smiled lewdly, "......values......I have them ah, of course, I only have them towards you!"

I wanted to call Dorm Leader but I pressed the wrong person. However, I didn't realise after they said "hello" so I continued talking, "Do you want me to introduce you a match? Although they are an only child, their personality is really good and they also look quite good. Their height didn't meet your 180cm requirements by just a bit, what do you think, do you want to take a look?"

Other person: "But......I like women."

I looked at my phone and realised that it was a male friend with the same surname as Dorm Leader. His name was just under Dorm Leader's.

I quickly said in embarrassment that I called the wrong number.

The other side laughed, "I believe you, because I don't have a requirement for girls to be 180cm. Right, your husband said that he was still growing, how come? What are you feeding him? Please give some advice, if I grow another 5cm, then I'll be well developed!"

I also really wanted to know what was going on so that night, I asked Xu Wei Yu, "You're still growing?"

"Yeah! These two nights, I keep feeling like I'm losing my footing."

Me: "Isn't that because you lack calcium?"

Wei Yu: "......"

When I was chatting online with Xu Wei Yu, I had to attend to some matters so I told him, "I'll talk to you after I come back."

Then, after I came back, I saw on my screen, "Coming back after advertisements and whatever are the most annoying!"

"If you leave then don't come back!"

"Leave! Leave! After you leave this door then don't come back!"

"I knew that between us it's always me who is giving!"

I replied, "How come you didn't type that popular line, 'I feel like I'll never love again'?"

Xu Wei Yu: "Has your immunity growing stronger......"

After dinner, we went out for a walk. When we were crossing the road, a car sped through the red light and drove straight past me. Xu Wei Yu immediately pulled me back and stared at the car's plate number, "Wait to receive a double fine you bastard!"

After we crossed the road, I asked him, "If a car really crashed into me, what would you do?"

Wei Yu: "Do I even need to think about it, I'll push you away and I'll fall on the floor. Then you come back and extort money from him!"

I was speechless, "It's not good to blackmail someone right?"

"We were crossing the road lawfully. People who crash into us have no eyes, if they don't have eyes then why be polite, we'll extort them to death! Even better if he pays for all our life expenses in the future, when we're sick, we'll phone him, when we want to eat something, we'll phone him, hmph hmph."

"Is this considered dating?"


Friend: "Use one word to prove you're the head of the house!"

Wei Yu: "I hold the power over the household's finances!"

Me: "......Whether you're happy or not is up to me."


Chapter 28: Some Memories

Second to last chapter!!! We're nearly there!

During high school, one night after night revision class, Xu Wei Yu and I were walking innocently along a small road when suddenly, a group of students from another school holding pocket knives said, "Classmate, how about taking out some money for us to spend?"

Xu Wei Yu immediately said, "Run!" then ran off. I was still dazedly standing there looking for money, I really got a fright. I had only heard of street robbery but this was my first time experiencing it.

Xu Wei Yu turned back and saw me still stupidly standing there so he ran back, grabbed my hand and ran away again. I heard them shout after us, "You rascal sure is brave ah, you even dare to run back!"

I held back my laughter, in that kind of situation, I wasn't brave enough to laugh.

They chased after us for a while until we got to the main road.

I always thought there would be a cruel follow up to this but up to now, when I'm nearly 30, there still hasn't been a follow up.

Later, I asked Xu Wei Yu about this, "Back then, did you secretly do something? To prevent them from finding us for payback." Did he secretly give them money? Or called upon a group of people to scare them back? Anyhow, he'd be able to do those things.

Xu Wei Yu replied in earnest, "You're thinking too much, wasn't the day after the incident the weekend? You went to cut your hair with your friend and got a short hairstyle whereas I broke my glasses by sleeping on them so I went to get a new pair. Hence, they weren't able to recognize us......did you know? I heard those idiots went to look for us, 'a girl with long hair and a boy wearing glasses', hahahaha let them search to death!"


Once during my first year at high school, there was a small maths test. Maths was a subject I was pretty good at.

After I finished, i saw that there was still half an hour left. It would be too eye catching if I handed it in early, it didn't suit my style plus I didn't sleep well the night before so I put my head down to sleep.

Then, five minutes later, I heard someone walking around me.

Xu Wei Yu's sound: "Go away, go away, there's no air to breathe."

"Did she faint again? Brother Yu, hurry up and carry her to the nurse ah."

"I know, I know."

"Brother Yu, don't you first need to do CPR?"

"Let me see, let me see."

I raised my head, "......"

I was only resting for a bit after finishing earlier ah.

After dividing students into streams in high school, Wei Yu, together with a group of guys in his class, would skip school and go play games. Apparently, they were caught trying to flip back over the wall. The next day, they were made to repent over the school loudspeakers.

When it was Xu Wei Yu's turn, his sound seemed to carry a smile, "hehe, I'm sorry! I am Xu Wei Yu, yesterday I made a mistake due to my impulsiveness. In the future, I promise to never repeat the same mistake. I will study hard and work hard to learn Marxism-Leninism and Mao Ze Dong's ideologies. I will learn to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and continuously build on my abilities to serve the people......"

Someone muttered behind him, "Xu Wei Yu you egg, you directly copied my enrolment application!"

Wei Yu: "Stop it! This time, my repentance is deep, I hope the teachers can believe me. Also, to someone in the humanities stream, happy valentines day!"

Someone behind him mocked, "Teacher, someone is officially announcing that they're dating!"

Wei Yu: "Did I say who? I am wishing the humanities teachers a happy valentines day, of course, to the science teachers too! Okay, who's next? Hurry up!"

During university, I was chatting on the phone with Xu Wei Yu.

Xu Wei Yu said, "Recently, I've been wondering about our future child's name."

Me: "Aren't you thinking too far ahead?"

"No ah, the earlier I get this sorted, the more at ease I will be ah."

"Then did you think of a name?"

"No ah, that's why I'm discussing it with you."

Then, he said in a serious tone, "First, I have to confirm that their last name is Shi. Qing Xi, are you marrying me or making me live off my wife?"


Chapter 29: Happy New Year

Thank you so much to all my readers! To those who have been with me from the start of this novel and to those who have just jumped on board, it's been a super fun ride with you all!

(Message continued at bottom)

I missed my mother's call so I called back. Me: "Hello, mom, did you just call?"

Mother: "Mm."

Me: "Is something the matter?"

Mother: "Nope."

Me: "Oh."

Mother: "Is there something the matter with you?"

Me: "There's nothing too."

Thus, we both hung up.

During last year's spring clean*, my mother, grandmother and two of my aunts all came to help.
*[It is a tradition to spring clean the house before Chinese New Year.]

Xu Wei Yu was also busy wiping ornaments that were high up. I heard my mother shout, "Be careful!"

I looked back to see Xu Wei Yu wiping a blue and underglaze porcelain vase that we bought from a stall. It wasn't expensive but it was quite pretty, and also quite big......I watched as the big vase fell. I thought that Xu Wei Yu would immediately grab that vase but that guy, he tilted to the side and did a half roll in the air......

The vase smashed onto the ground whereas he landed with his back to the shattered pieces in a very natural and unaffected posture.

The four elders stared at this idiot with astonishment.

I was also dazed.

A long time later, my mother started laughing and then my grandma and two aunties also burst into laughter.

That night, Wei Yu hugged me and wailed, "People who have to take military training from time to time are angels with their wings snapped!"

During New Year's, we went to visit relatives. We went to see a distant relative who we didn't see often. My parents and Xiao Di went first so when Wei Yu and I got there, everyone was already seated.

Xiao Di waved as soon as he saw me, "Sis, over here!"

Wei Yu went over to greet my parents and then, said to Xiao Di, "Your clothes today sure are stylish huh?"

Xiao Di turned his head ignoring him, and said to me, "Sis, why'd you come so late?"

Wei Yu: "Traffic."

Xiao Di looked at me and asked, "Are you coming home tonight?"

Wei Yu: "Of course we're going home, if we don't go home, where do we stay?"

Xiao Di finally looked at Wei Yu and then intentionally said, "Oh? You're also here?"

Wei Yu used a trembling voice to say, "Yeah- I've been here for over a thousand years- Finally someone sees me- After you eat, I'll go home with you-"

Xiao Di's face turned red.

All our relatives, including the host family, looked over.

Xu Wei Yu smiled, "I'm joking around."

Everyone laughed, including my stern father.

During New Year's, I won a thousand dollars playing cards.

Friend A: Qing Xi your luck sure is good ah.

Friend B: I lost so much this year, my luck is all kinds of bad! Speaking of which, Qing Xi, whenever we ask you to come play cards, you always refuse so who are you playing with ah? Winning over a thousand dollars?

Me: Xu Wei Yu ah.

Friend A and B: Shit!

I feel like I have to explain it, his hand is always bad.

During fireworks. Xiao Di was on the balcony and Xu Wei Yu was outside. Xiao Di shouted, "Light the fire ah!"

Xu Wei Yu: "Light what, tell my wife to come out first ah."

I was standing inside the window, "It's too cold, you guys play."

Xiao Di: "My sis thinks it's cold so she doesn't want to come out, hurry up and light it, why are you being so slow ah!"

Wei Yu: "You speak so much, why don't you come down!"

Xiao Di: "I'll come down!"

Then. Xiao Di ran downstairs. I waited for a long time but didn't see anything. I was worried that they might've started fighting, but as soon as I pushed the door open, I heard a sound and then, the sky was lit up with multi-coloured fireworks.

Downstairs, a guy shouted: "Happy New Year! Wife!"

"Happy New Year! Sis!"

"Gl u ckiches neues Jahr!"

"Nuovo Anno Felice! Sis!"

"What kind of bird language are you speaking ah?"

"Yours is bird language, my classmate taught me this!"

"What kind of classmate ah?"

"He's Italian!"

"They're tricking you!"

"You're tricking me! Looking down on me!"


Me: "......"

In this life, I don't wish for riches, I just wish that every year will be like today and that every day will be just as happy.


I never thought I'd be able to get to this day, but here I am, with my first completed novel translation!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has supported me through it all! Your comments always make my day and bring a smile to my face. I've been worried about getting very critical and harsh comments about my translations (because I don't edit through them so there are often a whole heap of mistakes) but to my surprise, I've been getting so much positivity and support that it's really made translating (what can often be quite hard, tedious and long) really fun for me!

I like the relaxing slice of life of Full Of My Love To You even though there are quite a few times where I don't get the jokes haha. It's quite different to the normal novel style which I found refreshing.

I also quite enjoy translating two books at once because it allows me to jump between one and the other and I think it's been great mixing the often serious tone of A Book Dedicated To Our Youth with the light-hearted fun of Full Of My Love To You. Hence, if time permits, I plan to translate another book alongside A Book Dedicated To Our Youth. I'm currently deciding between two or three books (and I'd really like to slowly get across to translating all of them) so I might make a separate post soon just to hear your thoughts!

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