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UNO Guidelines for Consumer Protection


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The General Assembly adopted guidelines for consumer protection by consensus on 9 April 1985 (General Assembly resolution 39/248). The guidelines provide a framework for Government, particularly those of developing countries, to use in elaborating and strengthening consumer protection policies and legislation. They are also intended to encourage international co-operation in this field.

The origins of the guidelines can be traced to the late 1970s, when the Economic and Social Council recognized that consumer protection had an important bearing on economic and social development. In 1977, the Council asked the Secretary-General to prepare a survey of national institutions and legislation in the area of consumer protection in 1977,the Council requested a comprehensive report containing proposals for measures on consumer protection for consideration by Governments. In 1981, the Council, aware of the need for international policy framework within which further efforts for consumer protection could be pursued, requested the Secretary-General to continue consultations with the aim of developing a set of general guidelines for consumer protection, taking particularly in to account the needs of the developing countries.

Accordingly, the Secretary-General carried out consultations with Government and international organization and submitted guidelines for consumer protection to the Economic and Social Council in 1983. During the next two years there were extensive discussion and negotiations among Government on the scope and content of the guidelines, culminating in their adoption in 1985.



1. Taking into account the interests and needs of consumers in all countries, particularly those in developing countries, recognizing that consumers often face imbalances in economic terms educational levels, and bargaining power, and bearing in mind that consumers should have the right of access to non-hazardous products, as well as importance of promoting just, equitable and sustainable economic and social development, these guidelines for consumers protection have the following objective:

(a) To assist countries in achieving or maintaining adequate protection for their population as consumer;

(b) To facilitate production and distribution patterns responsive to the needs and desires of consumers;

(c) To encourage high levels of ethical conduct for those engaged in the production and distribution of goods and services to consumers;

(d) To assist countries in curbing abusive business practices by all enterprises at the national and international levels which adversely affect consumers;

(e) To facilitate the development of independent consumer group;

(f) To further international co-operation in the field of consumer protection;

(g) to encourage the development of market conditions which provide consumers with greater choice at lower prices.


2. Government should develop, strengthen or maintain a strong consumer protection policy, taking into account the guidelines set out below. In so doing, each Government must set its own priorities for the protection of consumers in accordance with the economic and social circumstances of the country, and the needs of its population, and bearing in mind the costs and benefits of proposed measures.

3. The legitimate needs which the guidelines are intended to meet are the following:

(a) The protection of consumers from hazards to their health and safety;

(b) The promotion and protection of the economic interests of consumers;

(c) Access of consumers to adequate information to enable them to make informed choices according to individual wishes and needs;

(d) Consume education;

(e) Availability of effective consumer redress;

(f) Freedom to form consumer and other relevant groups or organizations and the opportunity of such organizations to present their views in decision-making processes affecting them.

4. Governments should provide or maintain adequate infrastructure to develop, implement and monitor consumer protection policies. Special care should be taken to ensure that measures for consumer protection are implemented for the benefit of all sector of the population particularly the rural population.

5. All enterprises should obey the relevant laws and regulations of the countries in which they do business. They should also conform to the appropriate provisions of international standards for consumer protection to which the competent authorities of the country in question have agreed. (Hereinafter reference to international standards in the guidelines should be viewed in the context of this paragraph.

6. The potential positive role of universities and public and private enterprises in research should be considered when developing consumer protection policies.


7 The following guidelines should apply both to home-produced goods and services and to imports.

8 In applying any procedures or regulations for consumer protection, due regard should be given to ensuring that they do not become barriers to international trade and that they are consistent with international trade obligations.


9 Government should adopt or encourage the adoption of appropriate measures, including legal systems, safety regulation, national or international standards, voluntary standards and maintenance of safety records to ensure that products are safe for either intended or normally foreseeable use.

10 Appropriate policies should ensure that goods produced by manufacturers are safe for either intended or normally foreseeable use. Those responsible for bringing goods to the market, in particular suppliers, exporters, importers, retailers and the like (hereinafter referred to as "distributors") should ensure that while 9in their care these goods are not rendered unsafe through improper handling or storage and that while in their care they do not become hazardous thorough improper handling or storage. Consumers should be instructed in the proper use of goods and should be informed of the risks involved in intended or normally foreseeable use. Vital safety information should be conveyed to consumers by internationally understandable symbols wherever possible.

11 Appropriate policies should ensure that if manufacturers or distributors become aware of unforeseen hazards after products are placed on the market, they should notify the relevant authorities and, as appropriate the public without delay. Governments should also consider ways of ensuring that consumers are properly informed hazards.

12 Government should, where appropriate, adopt policies under which, if a product is found to be seriously defective and or to constitute a substantial and severe hazard even when properly used, manufacturers and/or distributors should recall it and replace or modify it, or substitute another product for it, if it is not possible to do this within a reasonable period of time, the consumer should be adequately compensated.


13 Government policies should seek to enable consumers to obtain optimum benefit from their economic resource. They should also seek to achieve the goals of satisfactory production and performance standards, adequate distribution methods, fair business practices, informative marketing and effective protection against practices, which could adversely affect the economic interests of consumers and the exercise of choice in the market place.

14 Government should intensify their efforts to prevent practices, which are damaging to the economic interests of consumers through ensuring that manufacturers, distributors and others involved in the provision of goods and services adhere to established laws and mandatory standards. Consumer organizations should be encouraged to monitor adverse practices, such as the adulteration of foods, false or misleading claims in marketing and services frauds.

15 Government should develop, strengthen or maintain, as the case may be, measures relating to the control of restrictive and other abusive business practices, which may be harmful to consumers, including means for the enforcement of such measures. In this connection, government should be guided by their commitment to the set of Multilaterally Agreed Practices adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 35/63 of 5 December 1980.

16 Government should adopt or maintain policies that make clear the responsibility of the producer to ensure that goods meet reasonable demands of durability, utility and reliability, and are suited to the purpose for which they are intended, and that the seller should see that these requirements are met. Similar policies should apply to the provision of services.

17 Government should encourage fair and effective competition in order to provide consumers with the greatest range of choice among products and services at the lowest cost.

18 Government should, where appropriate, see to it that manufactures and/or retailers ensure adequate availability of reliable after-sales services and spare parts.

19 Consumers should be protested from such contractual abuses as one-sided standard contracts, exclusion of essential rights in contracts, and unconscionable condition of credit by sellers.

20 Promotional marketing and sales practices should be guided by the principle of fair treatment of consumers and should meet legal requirements. This requires the provision of the information necessary to enable consumers to take informed and independent decision, as well as measures to ensure that the information provided is accurate.

21 Government should encourage all concerned to participate in the free flow of accurate information on all aspects of consumer products.

22 Governments should, within their own national context, encourage the formulation and implementation by business, in co-operation with consumer organizations of codes of marketing and other business practices to ensure adequate consumer protection. Voluntary agreements may also be established jointly be business, consumer organizations and other interested parties. These codes should receive adequate publicity.

23 Government should, regularly review legislation pertaining to weights and measures and assess the adequacy of the machinery for its enforcements.


24 Government should, as appropriate, formulate or promote the elaboration and implementation of standards, voluntary and other, at the national and international levels for the safety and quality of goods and services and give them appropriate publicity, National standards and regulations for product safety and quality should be reviewed from time to time, in order to ensure that they conform, where possible, to generally accepted international standards.

25 Where a standard lower than the generally accepted international standard is being applied because of local economic conditions, every effort should be make to raise that standard as soon as possible.

26 Government should encourage and ensure the availability of facilities to test and certify the safety, quality and performance of essential consumer goods and services.


27 Government should, where appropriate, consider:

(a) Adopting or maintaining policies to ensure the efficient distribution of goods and services to consumers; where appropriate, specific policies should be considered to ensure the distribution of essential goods and services where this distribution is endangered, as could be the case particularly in rural areas. Such policies could include assistance for the creation of adequate storage and retail facilities in rural centers, incentives for consumer self-help and better control of the condition under which essential goods and services are provided in rural areas.

(b) Encouraging the establishment of consumer cooperatives and related trading activities, as well as information about, them especially in rural areas.


28 Government should establish or maintain legal and/or administrative measures to enable consumers or, as appropriate, relevant organizations to obtain redress through formal or informal procedures should take particular account of the needs of low-income consumers.

29 Government should encourage all enterprises to resolve consumer disputes in a fair, expeditious and informal manner, and to establish voluntary mechanisms, including advisory services and informal complaints procedures, which can provide assistance to consumers.

30 Information on available redress and other dispute-resolving procedures should be made available to consumers.


31 Government should develop or encourage the development of general consumer education and information programmes. Bearing in mind the cultural traditions of the people concerned. The aim of such programmes should be to enable people to act as discriminating consumers, capable of making an informed choice of goods and services, and conscious of their rights and responsibilities. In developing such programmes special attention should be given to the needs of disadvantaged consumers, in both rural and urban areas, including low-income consumers and those with low or non-existent literacy levels.

32 Consumer education should, where appropriate, become an integral part of the basic curriculum of the educational system, preferably as a component of existing subjects.

33 Consumer education and information programmes should cover such important aspects of consumer protection as the following:

(a) Health, nutrition, prevention of food-borne diseases and food adulteration;

(b) Products hazards;

(c) Product labeling;

(d) Relevant legislation, how to obtain redress and agencies and organizations for consumer protection;

(e) Information on weights and measures, prices quality, credit conditional and availability of basic necessities; and

(f) As appropriate, pollution and environment.

34 Government should encourage consumer organizations and other interested groups, including the media, to undertake education and information programmes, particularly for the benefit low-income consumer groups in rural and urban areas.

35 Business should, where appropriate, undertake or participate in factual and relevant consumer education and information programmes.

36 Bearing in mind the need to reach rural consumers and illiterate consumers, government should as appropriate, develop or encourage the development of consumer information programmes in the mass media.

37 Government should organize or encourage training programmes for educators, mass media professionals and consumer advisers, to enable them to participate in carrying out consumer information and education programmes.


38 In advancing consumer interests, particularly in developing countries, government should where appropriate, give priority to areas of essential concern for the health of the consumer, such as food, water and pharmaceuticals. Policies should be adopted or maintained for product quality control, adequate and secure distribution facilities, standardized international labeling and information, as well as education and research programmes in these areas. Government guidelines in regard to specific areas should be developed in the context of the provisions of this document.

39 Food. When formulating national policies and plans with regard to food, government should take into account the need of all consumers for food security and should support and, as far as possible, adopt standards from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization Codex Alimentarius or, in their absence, other generally accepted international food safety measures, including inter alia, safety criteria, food standards and dietary requirements and effective monitoring, inspection and evaluation mechanisms.

40 Water. Government should, within the goals and targets set for the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, formulate, maintain or strengthen national policies to improve the supply. Distribution and quality of water for drinking. Due regard should be paid to the choice of appropriate levels of services, quality and technology, the need for educations programmes and the importance of community participation.

41 Pharmaceuticals. Government should develop or maintain adequate standards, provisions and appropriate regulatory systems for ensuring the quality and appropriate use of pharmaceuticals through integrated national drug policies which could address, inter alia, procurement, distribution, production, licensing arrangements, registrations systems and the availability of reliable information on pharmaceuticals. In so doing Government should take special account of the work and recommendations or the World Health Organization on pharmaceuticals for the relevant products, the use of that organization's Certification Scheme on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International Commerce and other international information's systems on pharmaceuticals should be encouraged. Measures should also be taken, as appropriate, to promote, the use of International Non-proprietary Names (INNs) for drugs, drawing on the work done by the World Health Organization.

42 In addition to the priority areas indicated above, government should adopt appropriate measures in other areas, such as pesticides and chemicals, in regard, where relevant, to their use, production and storage, taking into account such relevant health environmental information as government may require producers to provide and include in the labeling of products.


43 Governments should, especially in a regional or sub regional context:

(a) Develop, review, maintain or strengthen, as appropriate, mechanisms for the exchange of information on national policies. And measures in the field of consumer protection;

(b) Co-operate or encourage co-operation in the implementation of consumer protection policies to achieve greater results within existing resources. Examples of such co-operation could be collaboration in the setting up or joint use of testing facilities, common testing procedures, exchange of consumer information and education programmes, joint training programmes and joint elaboration of regulations;

(c) Co-operate to improve the conditions under which essential goods are offered to consumers, giving due regard to both price and essential goods, exchange of information's on different procurement possibilities and agreements on regional products specification.

44 Government should develop or strengthen information linked regarding products, which have been banned, withdrawn or severely restricted in order to enable other importing counties to protects themselves adequately against the harmful effects of such products.

45 Government should work to ensure that the quality of products, and information relating to such products, does not vary form country to country in a way that would have detrimental effects on consumers.

46 Government should work to ensure that policies and measures for consumer protection are implemented with due regard to their not becoming barriers to international trade, and that they are consistent with international trade obligations.

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