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STT Đáp án

Câu hỏi

Ghi chú


What regular exercise does David to at the moment?

Đi bơi


What should suzie take to Emma’s house ?

Cái kéo + cây bút


Which Kind of T-shirt did the boy choose ?

Áo ngắn tay hình vuông + chữ nhật đen


What frightened the man ?

Con rơi


Where is the man calling from?

Gọi điện trong phòng có 1 bàn 1 lọ hoa


Where will the friend meet?

Có 2 người đứng


What has the girl forgotten to bring?

1 Cây bút


Which T.V program is on at o’clock tonight?

Cái chảo


How will the man book tickets for the show?

Chiếc điện thoại phone


What will the man do this winter ?

Người trồng cây (hoa)


Which dish did Mark cook in the competition ?

Đĩa rau


Where is the girl’s book now ?

Bàn có ngăn kéo


Who lives with Jonh in this house ?

3 bà cháu


What will the girl take with her on holiday ?

Balo nằm ko quai đeo


What time will the train to Manchester leave ?



Where will they sit in the theatre ?

Góc bên phải gần nhất


Where does the pollution come from ?

Lùm cây rậm


Where are the photographs ?

Cái bàn 4 chân


What did ben break ?

2 đĩa, 1 cốc


How did the woman cook the onion ?

Lò vi sóng


What was damaged in the storm ?

Nhà cửa sổ kính


What present does the man decide to take ?

Hộp chocolate


Which is the woman’s Jacket ?

Áo 2 túi, 2 cúc


Which sport is not included in the price of the holiday ?

Lướt sóng


Which postcard will they send ?

Quảng trường đông người


Which sport will the woman learn on holiday ?

Lướt buồm


What does the girl’s penfriend look like now ?

Tóc ngắn


Which aninals did the children see ?

Vẹt, ngựa, khỉ


Which TV programme is on first ?

Cô gái hát = micro


What does the boy decide to buy for his grand mother ?

Cái hộp


What is the weather forecast for tomorrow ?

Trời mưa âm u


What will they buy at the Supermarket ?

Thỏi bánh biscut


Which T-shirt does the woman buy ?

Áo đen ngắn tay


What will the girl take with her on holiday ?

Balo đứng có quai đeo


What exercise is the teacher describring ?

Tay trc mặt, 2 chân vuông góc chạm đất


Which of Maranda’s things will lucy be able to use ?

Hộp bóng tenis


What can’t the Woman find ?

 Cái búa


Which ring has the Woman lost ?

Nhẫn 1 mắt vuông to


What time did the girl arrive ?

7h kém 15


What will be on televition at 10 o’clock this evening ?

Đá bóng


What did the thieves steal ?

Cái tủ 4 chân


What present will they take ?

6 cái ly, 1 cái bình


What will the woman eat tonight ?

Bánh mì tam giác


How much will the girl’s ticket cost ?

$ 10,45


What is the qrand mother’s job now ?

Giáo viên viết bảng


What was in the woman’s bag ?

Chìa khóa , cái túi


Which film is the man talking about ?

Đứng nhìn mặt trời lặn


What should the woman do first ?

Cô gái, quần áo


What is David going to do at the weekend ?

Cánh buồm


How did the man get to work to day ?

Người lái ô tô


How did the film end ?

Cảnh sát áo đen bắt Trộm


What time does the train to Rome leave ?

Đhồ tròn 3:25


What is broken ?

Cái đĩa


Where are the Man’s shoes ?

Đôi dầy , cái thùng


What will Paul get at the shop ?

1 đu đủ, 2 cà rốt


How did the Woman get to work today ?

1 nam, 1 nữ ngồi taxi



Lùm cây rậm


When must the boys get on the coach ?

Đhồ tròn 1h kém 10


What fruit do they take ?

Nho và chuối


Which present has the man bought ?

Quyển sách


What time will the flight leave ?

Đồng hồ dây 11:35


Which is the photo of the girl’s father ?

Ông già ko đeo kính


What must the Woman wear at work ?

Tay phải sau lưng, tay trái thẳng



Góc bên phải gần nhất



Lò vi sóng


Which activity will the family do this year ?

Xe đạp


Which is the Woman’s house ?

Cây cao sát cổng


Why will drivers have problems this morning ?

Xe cẩu gầm cầu


What time will Robin leave the house ?

Đồng hồ tròn 6h30


What did Simon do this morning ?

Gọi điện thoại


Where will the girl meet ?

Có 2 người


Which chair does the man want ?

Ghế xoay tựa lưng cao


Which picture shows what the girl need ?

Ca nước, bơ, bình sữa, 2 trứng, 1 quả chanh


Which piture shows what happened ?

Trong phòng có cái ghế


What is Sarah’s mother doing ?

Làm bánh có bình và cốc 2 bên




When anh Where are they meeting ?

1Cô gái 1ng đàn ông


What will chris get for his birthday ?



What does Mr.Jones look like ?

Đeo kính có ria mép


Where is the going to plan the tree ?

Ngôi nhà có cây thông bên trái sát tường bao


What is the man going to buy ?

3 quả chuối




Where is the station ?

2 tàu ở đường // thứ 2


Where did the woman put the calculator ?

Bàn có đóng sách vở


Where is Halen ?

2 nam, 1 nữ


Which building was his by lightning ?

Nhà máy, khách sạn, nhà thờ


What does the Woman want to buy ?

Đôi giầy lười trắng




Where are the Woman’s glasses ?

Cô gái đeo kính


What damage was done to the car ?

Tay cầm chai


What did she bring ?

Khăn mặt, xà bong, nhíp đánh răng


What did Sally buy ?

Quần dài, áo cổ tròn


Where are the man and his grandma ?

Trạm xe bus



























TEST 2.1

Frogs spend their easly life in water…..from water (6) throughout…; …..where the (7) First…;… young frogs (8) Hatch…;…look more like (9) Fish…;...but they have (10) Long…;…is used for (11) Swimming…;… they are called (12) Tadpoles…;…six to (13)Nine (9)…;…and the gills (14) Disappear. After three (15) Months, ……air on land.


TEST 2.2


Restaurant Group

6. Tom Baker; 7. 19 (nineteen); 8. A waiter;

9. Any shifts hoặc both shifts hoặc 7am-3pm, hoặc và 3pm-11pm

10. Saturday and Sunday (two day);                Sunday;

12. 3 months working for Mc Donald;                      13. Speak Spanish; 14. (5 5 9 3 0 4);

15. Evening (between 5 and 8)

TEST 2.3

And that’s the weather forecast. And now….you tomorrow on (6) TV31.......taken up with (7) children…….under fives to (8) teenagers……at 7.00 with (9) cartoons……We have a (10) film…… was first (11) shown…….had lots of (12) requests………The film is (13) based…….…continue with a (14) magazine……art sport, the (15)countryside…………and the results of last week’s competition.

TEST 2.4


Lecturer…..Royal, life – saving (6) society……..

…is better than (7) cure…………..pool as young as (8) 3 months…….supervised by trained (9) life-guards…….to every two (10) children…….to Britishs to safety (11) standards…………the child is (12) supervised……….is the red flag (13) flying……..the beach is very (14) clean……..matter of commom (15) sense.


TEST 2.5


Bill wrote this letter to Mary:

We’re talked on the phone and in my apartment,…….. my thought and (6) feeling……..with you for the (7) rest………you are not the (8) Trouble………these problems more (9) easily…………problems and happiness (10) instead ……….are smart, brave and (11) independent……..I have found the (12) perfect……the long walks we (13) used…………… sit on the (14) grass……………………. (15) wrong...I don’t want to lose you.

TEST 2.6


Thomas Edison was (6) born in 1847…….about engineering, physics, and (7) mathematics…….one day, Edison (8) saved…………….father was very (9) thankfull….. Morse code and the (10) telegraph……….at the age of (11) 16 (sixteen)…………….in the office, this (12) device…………… Edison finally (13) settled……….. helped him with his (14) invention……….a day. He said, (15) genius…….became the inventor of the age.

TEST 2.7


Hello, I’m Sarah Brown, and I’m here to tell you about my job as a weather forecaster….

We all take turns to (6) work………. Ten or twelve  (7) forecasts ………………There isn’t much time to (8) learn……………He is a pilot on (9) long distant………….than I do. We  (10) moved……………..flying as a  (11) hobby…………….I haven’t been to the  (12) flying……………running in the London (13) marathon……………Because I’m on (14) world………….to say that my  (15) smile…………..ask me to marry them!

TEST 2.8

Man:…..and finally Marry Jane…..


………..everything is (6) enjoy able …………….It costs (7) $ 3.70………………and less for over  (8) 60s (sixties)……… December, Special (9) attractions………………here from the most (10) enormous…………in the sea life (11) theatre………..The latest (12) attraction ………view of the world (13) beneath……….Near the main (14) entrance……………..and there’s also a (15) souvenir…….information phone 01743 564219.

TEST 2.9


Message 1:…Hello Ann…It’s Saral Smith…

Message 2:...Hi mum, It’s  Alex…

I think I left my (6) glasses………….if you can find (7) them………………and get me from the (8) station ……………..I have got lots of (9) luggage ……….If you can’t (10) Manage………………you to meet some (11) American …………….holiday tickets have (12) arrived………… means (13) checking ……………….Hello Ann, sorry to (14) trouble………………….to speak to you (15) urgently……..after 7.00. thanks a lot.

TEST 2.10


This week in the local activities part of…….and now let’s look at

About all the latest (6) development ………………This is no (7) ordinary …………….chance to do some (8) experiments …………….going to talk about (9) space …………….though, with an (10) entrance ………………then, book your tickets (11) derect ……………….you will be able to (12) enjoy………………..…It has a lovely (13) view…………….world on this (14) program…………………ticket to next months (15) exhibition….And now let’s look at.

TEST 2.11

Well good morning, this week’s programme is a bout the city of glasgow………If you visit for a (6) weekend……………….if you arrive by car, the (7) motorway …………….city and there’s an (8) excellent ………….catch the next bus to  (9) continue…………………..5 and ticket are (10) available ……………….you can get (11) information …………. To help you with your (12) sight seeing …………..cafes and lots of small, (13) fashionable …………….you can find a lot of (14) bargains …………..and the (15) glass houses…………..the gardens are also a good place-to have a picnic. Well….

TEST 2.12


This week programme is the city of Glasgow. We are going to give you some

(6) ideas ……………… Britain’s third (7) largest ……………It is well worth a (8) Visit……………..If you arrive (9) by…………….the city centre. Don’t (10) park …………….somewhere a way (11) from ……………..public transport (12) System …………….Square every half (13) hour …………….next bus to continue your (14) trip ……………the tour costs £ (15) 5 (five) and tickets are available from the bus driver.

TEST 2.13


When settlers in thi united States spread west in the 1800s they thought nothing of cutting down (6) Forests and killing (7) wild life ………………people one a better life, but  (8) Scientists ………………...the rain forest are (9) home to half of the world’s (10) Species undiscovered rain forest (11) plants …………….two of today’s most (12) powerfull ………………..from a single rain-forest (13) flower ………………destroyed at the rate of (14) 50 (fifty) …………..wrong for people who (15) destroy….forest long ago to tell them not to develop.

TEST 2.14


Listen to a man talking to a group of student

Hello, I’m John, Rogers, the manager of the student (6) book store ……………I need two pieces of (7) information………………the hours you are (8) free ………….you will be assigned (9) 20 ……….that the bookstore is (10) open ………………in the evening, or on (11) weekends …………….hour When you have (12) classes …………..Most of the jobs that are (13) Available …………….possition working in the (14) business ……………..will get the first (15) choice. When I make the schedule, but I will do what I can.




TEST 2.16


The Jersey company is looking for student aged (6) 18 to 24…….

There are two types of work available in (7) Catering….are needn at least

(8) Twice a week………..setting and (9) clearing …………..the office work of involves taking (10) booking ………….Experience in (11) computer …………..want to do delivery work, a (12) driving ……………..The rate of payment is (13) 8 pounds ………………Student can expect to work (14) 30 (thirty) ……….During the academic year, a (15) part - time evening job in the farm restaurant is available.



1. It was smaller than all other phones in the shop.

Ø  It was …the smallest… phone in the shop.

2. Her friend has a similar one.

Ø  A friend of. ..hers… has a similar one.

3. There’s a silver cover on her phone.

Ø  Her phone …has…a silver cover.

4. She had a really old phone before.

Ø  She …used… to have a really old phone.

5. She was given that phone by her brother.

Ø  Her brother… gave her… that phone.

6. Last months, Dina’s friend suggested joining a dance class.

Ø  Last months, Dina’s friend said, “Why …don’t you…join a dance class?’’

7. It was the first dance class they had been to.

Ø  They …hadn’t been …to a dance class before.

8. They both like moder dance more than ballet.

Ø  They both prefer moder dance… to… ballet.

9. They know they won’t get better if they don’t practices.

Ø  They know they won’t get better… unless… they practices.

10. It was such a good class that they decided to go regulary.

Ø  The class was …so… good they decided to go regularly.

11. The Sahara is much a huge desert that it crosses twelve countries.

Ø  The Sahara is…so…huge that it crosses twelve countries.

12. It is possible to drive through some parts of the desert.

Ø  You… are able to…drive through some parts of the desert

13. Over 8,000 years ago, food was grown there.

Ø  Over 8,000 year ago, people… grew… food there.

14. There is too little water  now.

Ø  There isn’t …enough…water now.

15. The Sahara still has 1,200 different kind of plants, however.

Ø  There …are… still 1,200 different kind of plants in the Sahara, however.

16. Jake became a journalist because he lived writing.

Ø  Jake liked writing …so… he became a journalist.

17. Jake is such a good writer that he won a prize.

Ø  Jake writes so …well… that he won a prize.

18. Jake started working at the Dally news for a year.

Ø  Jake …has been working… for a Dally news for a year.

19. The newpaper is bought by half a million people every day.

Ø  Half a million people…buy…the newpaper every day.

20. On Sunday the Dally news costs more.

Ø  On Sunday the Dally new…is…more expensive.

21. Ricky was taugh to surf by his cousin.

Ø  Rich’s cousin…taught him…to surf.

22. Rich usually surf at Woolacombe Bay, which is near his home.

Ø  Rich usually surf at Woolacombe Bay, which is not …far from…his home.

23. It is often too cold to surf there without a wetsuit.

Ø  It often isn’t …warm enough… to surf there without a wetsuit.

24. Rick last surfed at Woolacombe Bay two weeks ago.

Ø  Rick…hasn’t… surfed at Woolacombe Bay for two weeks.

25. Rick told his friend he would invite him next time.

Ø  Rick said “I …will invite… you next time”.

26. The Globe is more famous than most other theathres.

Ø  Most other theathres are not …as famous as…the Globe.

27. Many of Shakespeare’s play are shown at the Globe Theathres.

Ø  The Globe Theathres…show is…many of Shakespeare’s play.

28. The Globe Theathres open in May and closes in September.

Ø  The Globe Theathres is open from May…to…September.

29. The Globe Theathres does not have a roof.

Ø  There …is… no roof on The Globe Theathre.

30. Visitors musn’t smoke in The Globe Theathre.

Ø  Smoking is …prohibited… in The Globe Theathre.

31. Theathre tickets are more expensive than last year.

Ø  Last year theathre tickets …were cheaper… than they are now.

32. The booking office telephone is often engaged.

Ø  It is often…engaged to…phone the booking office.

33. Peter said, “Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself”?

Ø  Peter said, “How …about going…to the booking office yourself”?

34. Many theathres accept credit cards.

Ø  At many theathres you …can use …credit card.

35. You can’t smoke in the theathres.

Ø  Smoking …isn’t been able to …in the theathres.

36. My sister has borrowed the novel from me.

Ø  I…have given.borrow..My sister the novel.

37. She hasn’t read a novel by Joan Brady before.

Ø  This is …the first time…novel by Joan Brady that she has read.

38. The novel is longer than Joan Brady’s other books.

Ø  Joan Brady’s other books are not as …long as… this one.

39. How much does the novel cost?

Ø  What is … the cost of …the novel.

40. I hope my sister returns the novel to me soon.

Ø  I hope my sister… gives…back the novel soon.

41. Last year wasn’t as cold as this year.

Ø  This year is …colder than…last year was.

42. How much is it to go skiing?

Ø  What …is the cost …to go skiing?

43. Do you know who these skis belong to?

Ø  Do you know …whose…these skis are?

44. James can ski well.

Ø  James is …good at… skiing.

45. Driving in heavy snow isn’t easy.

Ø  Heavy snow makes it …difficult to…drive.

46. A family ticket costs £10.

Ø  The cost of a family ticket…is…£10.

47. Entrance at weekends is more expensive than on weekdays.

Ø  Entrance on weekdays is … cheaper… than at weekends.

48. You don’t have to pay to visit the zoo on Thursdays.

Ø  You can visit the zoo …without…paying on Thursdays.

49.There aren’t any elephants at the zoo now.

Ø  The zoo doesn’t… have elephants… any more.

50. The new zoo restaurant has been open for a week.

Ø  The new zoo restaurant… opened… last week.

51. The guesthouse is called ‘Sunshine Cottage’

Ø  The name …of the guesthouse… is Sunshine Cottage’.

52. I haven’t stayed here before.

Ø  This is the first time that …I have stay… here.

53. I was told about it by my sister.

Ø  My sister …told me… about it.

54. It is essential to book your room in advance.

Ø  You… need to book … your room in advance.

55. My room is bigger than my friend’s room.

Ø  My friend’s room isn’t … bigger than…my room.

56. The cinema opened two years ago.

Ø  The cinema … has opened… here for two years.

57. It has twelve screens.

Ø  There… are… twelve screens.

58. The ticket cost less during the week.

Ø  The ticket are …expensive… at weekends.

59. My sister told me she had seen a great new film there last week.

Ø  My sister said, ‘I… did see… a great new film there this week.

60. My boyfriend advised me to book tickets.

Ø  The boyfriend said I …should…….. book ticket.

61. The hairdresser last cut my hair six months ago.

Ø  I … had… last my hair cut six months ago.

62. When I phoned, she asked What time I wanted to go.

Ø  When I phoned, she asked, “What time … do you want … to come?”

63. My brother cuts his hair himself.

Ø  My brother cuts … his own…hair.

64. He says the hairdresser is to expensive for him.

Ø  He says he …can afford …to go to the hairdresser.

65. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do it very well.

Ø  Unfortunately, he’s not very … good at…doing it.

66. My family has lived in this house for two months.

Ø  My family … moved… to this house two months ago.

67. It was formarly my grandperent’s home.

My grandperents used … to live…here.

68.They said they didn’t need so much space.

Ø  They said,’’…We don’t… need so much space”

69. They were bought a new flat by my parents.

Ø  My parents …bought them… a new flat.

70. It isn’t necessary for me share a room in this house.

Ø  I … don’t need… to share a room in this house.

71. Sarah asked me if I was still a member of the sports centre.

Ø  Sarah ashed me, ‘… are you… still a member of the sports centre?’

72. Non-members can not enter the sports centre without a ticket.

Ø  Non-members aren’t …allowed… to enter the ports centre without a ticket.

73. Trainers must be worn in the sports centre at all time.

Ø  You must … wear… trainers in the sports centre at all time.

74. Football is the most popular sport at the centre.

Ø  Football is … more popular than any other sport at the sports centre.

75. Sarah thinks the sports centre is too small for the town.

Ø  Sarah thinks the sports centre is not …big enough…for the town.

76. None of my friends enjoy reading as much as I do.

Ø  I enjoy reading … more than… any of my friends.

77. I borrowed a very good book from my teacher.

Ø  My teacher … lent… me a very good book.

78. It doesn’t matter to me if a book is long or short.

Ø  I don’t …. Mind/ care. Worry… if a book is long or short.

79. My mother finished War and Peace in only three weeks.

Ø  It only… took… my mother three weeks to finish War ang Peace.

80. I am often given book as presents.

Ø  People often …give… me book as presents.

81. The Park entrance ticket was cheaper than I’d expected.

Ø  The Park entrance ticket wasn’t as… expensive as …I’d expected.

82. A lot of people were there in spite of the rain.

Ø  Even though it … rained …,a lot of people were there.

83. I liked the water slide best, and my brother did too.

Ø  I liked the water slide best, and……… did my brother.

84. ‘Who does this towel belong to?’ my mother asked.

Ø  My mother asked, ‘… Whose… is this towel.’

85. We stayed until the activity park closed.

Ø  We…. Didn’t … leave until the activity park close.

86. The campsite was not far from the sea.

Ø  The campsite was quite … near… the sea.

87. Sebastian asked the manager where the showers were.

Ø  Sebastian asked the manager, Where … are the ….showers?

88. Sebastian succeeded in putting up the tent on his own.

Ø  Sebastian was able …to put… up the tent on his own.

89. Sebastian and his friends went swimming every day.

Ø  Every day Sebastian went swimming and …. So…… did his friend.

90. The sea was warmer than they had expected.

Ø  The sea was not …. as cold as…. They had expected.

91. After seeing and advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go.

Ø  Daniel… saw…. An advertisement for Italian lessons and then decided to go.

92. There are fifteen other students in his Italian class.

Ø  His Italian class … has… fifteen other student in it.

93. Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it.

Ø  Daniel doesn’t think that speaking is …as difficult … as writing Italian.

94. Daniel’s teacher is Italian and her name’s Chiara Paolozzi.

Ø  Daniel’s teacher is Italian and she’s … called… Chiara Paolozzi.

95. The students are given two hours of  homework each week by Chiara.

Ø  Each week Chiara … gives… the students two hours of homework.

96. It’s six months since I last went swimming.

Ø  I … haven’t… been swimming for six months.

97. The new pool is near to my home.

Ø  It’s not … far from … the new pool to my home.

98.If you can’t swim, you’re not allowed in the deep end.

Ø  You’re not allowed in the deep end … unless… you can swim.

99.My friend Sam wanted me to go swimming with him.

Ø  Why … don’t you … come swimming with me? Suggested Sam.

100.I didn’t go swimming with Sam because I was very busy.

Ø  I was … too… buy to go swimming with Sam.

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