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Tuyển tập thành ngữ & tục ngữ Anh-Việt

Posted by: mai1tyeu


- Absence makes the heart grow fonder = ???? (nghĩa "Càng xa càng nhớ" đúng nhưng cần equivalent Vietnamese idiom)

- A blessing in disguise = Trong cái rủi có cái may

- A drop in the bucket = Muối bỏ biển

- A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf = Suy bụng ta ra bụng người

- A watched pot never boiled = Cẩn tắc vô áy náy

- Actions speak louder than words = Hành động hay hơn lời nói

- Add fuel to the fire = Đổ dầu vào lửa

- All good roads lead to Rome = Đường nào cũng đến La Mã [ câu cửa miệng của dân học Toán :blush: ]


- Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder = ??? (định nghĩa của cái đẹp tùy thuộc vào người nhìn)

- Beat around the bush = Nói vòng vo tam quốc

- Beauty is only skin-deep = Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn

- Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own = Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp

- Beginning is the difficulty = Vạn sự khởi đầu nan

- Behind every cloud is a silver lining = Trong cái rủi có cái may

- Bettter comes with ages = Gừng càng già càng cay

- Bitter pill to swallow = Sự thật phủ phàng

- Blood is thicker than water = Giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã

- Born with a silver spoon = Đẻ bọc điều (nghĩa: sinh trưởng trong giàu sang nhung lụa)


- Can't judge a book by its cover = Đừng nên xem mặt mà bắt hình dong


- Diamond cuts diamond = Vỏ quýt dày có móng tay nhọn

( Nghĩa: người này tài sẽ có người khác giỏi hơn)

- Different as day and night =

(1) Như nước với lửa

(2) Như mặt trời với mặt trăng

(3) Như chó với mèo

(Nghĩa: khác nhau như ngày với đêm)

- Do unto others as you would have them done unto you = Thương người như thể thương thân (Nghĩa: Muốn người ta xử tốt với mình, trước hết phải xử tốt với người ta trước )

- Don 't trouble trouble till trouble trouuubles you = Sinh sự, sự sinh


- - Easy come, easy goes = ???? (Nghĩa: Dễ được, dễ mất)

- Easier said than done = Nói dễ, làm khó

- Every cloud has a silver lining = Trong cái rủi có cái may


- Follow in someone's footsteps = ???? nghĩa có thể là "noi gương" hoặc "tiếp bước truyền thống" nhưng chưa tìm được thành ngữ tương tự trong tiếng Việt (In English means "To carry on the behavior, work, or tradition of" so "dẫm lên vết xe đổ" không phải là thành ngữ đúng nghĩa)

- Flesh and blood = Máy chảy ruột mềm (Nghĩa: máu mủ ruột rà)

- Fortune smiles upon fools = Thánh nhân đãi kẻ khù khờ


- Giving is better than receiving = ??? (Nghĩa: cho đi thì tốt đẹp hơn nhận lãnh)

- Go with the flow = Đi với bụt bận áo cà sa, đi với ma bận áo giấy

- Grasp all, lose all =

(1) Tham thì thâm

(2) Ăn cả, ngã về không

- Great minds think alike = Tư tưởng lớn thường gặp nhau


- Hard times show whether a friend is a true friend = Trong khốn khó, mới biết bạn hiền

- He who excuses himself, accuses himself = Có tật thì hay giật mình

- He that knows nothing doubts nothing = Điếc không sợ súng


- Impossible is nothing = Không có gì là khó

- In for a penny, in for a pound = Được voi đòi tiên

- It is a small world = Quả đất tròn

- It never rains but it pours = Họa vô đơn chí



- Kill two birds with one stone = Nhất cử lưỡng tiện


- Let bygones by bygones = Hãy để cho quá khứ là quá khứ (Nghĩa: quên những rắc rối và những điều không hay trong quá khứ, hòa giải và làm lại từ đầu)

- Like father like son = Cha nào con nấy (Nghĩa: con giống cha Grin )


- Money talks = ??? (Nghĩa: tiền là tất cả)

- Man propose, god dispose = Mưu sự tại nhân, thành sự tại thiên

- Money makes the mare go = Có tiền mua tiên cũng được


- Nothing venture, nothing gain/win = Không vào hang cọp sao bắt được cọp / Phi thương, bất phú

- Neccessity knows no laws = Túng thế phải tùng quyền


- One swallow does not make a summer = Một con én không thể làm nên mùa xuân (câu trên thì lại là summer mới chết chứ, tại Việt Nam và châu Âu thì khác nhau về thời điểm chim én cư trú mà Giggling )

- Other times, other manner = Ăn theo thuở, ở theo thời

- Out of sight, out of mind = Xa mặt cách lòng


- Put ourselves in someone's shoes = ??? (Nghĩa: Đặt mình vào vị trí của người khác)

- Pain in the neck = Cái gai trong mắt

- Pay someone back in their own coin = Ăn miếng trả miếng (meaning: to treat someone in the same bad way that they have treated you)

- Pay your money and take your choice = Tiền trao cháo múc

- Practive makes perfect = Làm hay tay quen

- Prevention is better than cure = Phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh

- Pride comes/goes before a fall = Cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười :(



- Reap what you sow = Gieo gió gặt bão

- Rome wasn't built in a day =

Có công mài sắt, có ngày nên kim; hoặc

Có chí thì nên


- So far, so good = ??? (càng xa càng tốt - Kat không nghĩ đây là nghĩa này . In English, this phrase means until now, things as gone well)

- Silence is golden = Im lặng là vàng

- Seeing is believing = Trăm nghe không bằng một thấy (Nghĩa: thấy mới tin)

- Slow but sure = Chậm mà chắc

- Somebody's eyes are bigger than their stomach = Con mắt to hơn cái bụng / No bụng đói con mắt

- Something better than nothing = Có còn hơn không

- Spare the rod and spoil the child = Thương cho roi cho vọt, ghét cho ngọt cho bùi


- Teach an old dog new tricks = ??? (chắc dịch là già quá học không vô nữa hả, ai dịch ra Vietnamese idiom dùm chick đi)

- The bigger they come, the harder they fall =

(1) Trèo cao, té nặng

(2) Cây cao gió cả

- The grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence) = Đứng núi này trônng núi nọ

( Nghĩa: Lúc nào cũng cho cái khác, cái mình không có tốt hơn cái mình có)

- There's no smoke without fire = Không có lửa làm sao có khói

(Nghĩa: chẳng có điều gì xảy ra mà không có nguyên nhân hết)

-There is not time like the present = Việc hôm nay chớ để ngày mai

- Through thick and thin =

(1)Chia ngọt sẻ bùi

(2) Có phúc cùng hưởng, có họa cùng chia

- Turn over a new leaf = Làm lại cuộc đời




- Wonders will never cease = Không có gì là mãi mãi Cryin ????? (cần tìm câu đông nghĩa, vì theo bản tiếng Anh, không phải là như vậy)

("Cease" means "stop existing" and "wonders" means "things that impress us and surprise us."==> there will always be things to impress us and surprise us in this world and never give up hope)

- We stand from where we sit = ???? (hiểu nhưng không biết diễn tả thế nào thôi giải thích bằng tiếng Anh nha: someone speaks from their own perspectives and beliefs)

- When in Rome, do as the Romans do = Nhập gia tùy tục

- When the cat's away, the mice will play = Vắng chủ nhà gà mọc đuôi tôm / Vắng chủ nhà, gà vọc niêu tôm

- When the going gets tough, the tough gets going = Cùng tắc biến, biến tắc thông

- While ther's life, there's hope = Còn nước, còn tát

- Wear your heart on your sleeves = Ruột để ngoài da (Nghĩa: ý nói người ăn nói không để ý, bộc tuệch)

*Biết được lỗi thì dễ, nhưng sửa mới khó. (Everyone can find fault, few can do better.)

* Mỗi thời, mỗi cách (Other times, other ways)

* Mạnh vì gạo, bạo vì tiền (The ends justify the means.)

* Trèo cao té nặng (The greater you climb, the greater you fall.)

* Dục tốc bất đạt (Haste makes waste.)

* Tay làm hàm nhai (no pains, no gains)

* Phi thương,bất phú (nothing ventures, nothing gains)

* Tham thì thâm (grasp all, lose all.)

* có mới, nới cũ (New one in, old one out.)

* Của thiên, trả địa. (Ill-gotten, ill-spent)

* Nói dễ, làm khó. (Easier said than done.)

* Dễ được, dễ mất. (Easy come, easy goes.)

* Túng thế phải tùng quyền (Necessity knows no laws.)

* Cùng tắc biến, biến tắc thông. (When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.)

* Mưu sự tại nhân, thành sự tại thiên (Man propose, god dispose)

* Còn nước, còn tát. (While ther's life, there's hope.)

* Thùng rỗng thì kêu to. (The empty vessel makes greatest sound.)

* Hoạ vô đon chí. (Misfortunes never comes in singly.)

* He who excuses himself, accuses himself (Có tật thì hay giật mình.)

* Tình yêu là mù quáng. (Affections blind reasons. Love is Blind.)

* Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp. (Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own)

* Yêu nên tốt, ghét nên xấu. (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder)

* Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục. (Better die a beggar than live a beggar

Better die on your feet than live on your knees)

* Có còn hơn không. (Something Better than nothing

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have)

* Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã. (Blood is thicker than water)

* Lời nói không đi đôi với việc làm. (Do as I say, not as I do)

* Tham thực, cực thân. (Don 't bite off more than you can chew)

* Sinh sự, sự sinh. (Don 't trouble trouble till trouble trouuubles you)

* Rượu vào, lời ra. (Drunkness reveals what soberness conceallls)

* Tránh voi chẳng xấu mặt nào. (For mad words, deaf ears.)

* Thánh nhân đãi kẻ khù khờ. (Fortune smiles upon fools)

* Trời sinh voi, sinh cỏ. (God never sends mouths but he sends meat)

* Cẩn tắc vô ưu. (Good watch prevents misfortune)

* Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương. (Good wine needs no bush)

* Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây. (Gratitute is the sign of noble souls)

* Chí lớn thường gặp nhau (Great minds think alike)

* đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu. (Birds of the same feather stick together)

* Đánh chết cái nết hong chừa.(?) (Habit is the second nature)

* Đèn nhà ai nấy sáng. (Half the world know not how the other haaalf lives)

* Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp. (Handsome is as handsome does)

* Trong Khốn Khó Mới Biết Bạn Tốt. (Hard times show whether a friend is a true friend)

* giận quá mất khôn. (Hatred is as blind as love)

* Điếc không sợ súng. (He that knows nothing doubts nothing)

* No bụng đói con mắt. (His eyes are bigger than his belly)

* Liệu cơm gắp mắm, liệu con gả chồng. (Honesty is the best policy

If we can't as we would, we must do as we can)

* Miệng hùm, gan sứa. (If you cannot bite, never show your teeth)

* Lắm mối tối nằm không. (If you run after two hares, you'll catch none)

* Đã trót thì phải trét. (If you sell the cow, you will sell her milk too)

* Vạn sự khởi đầu nan. (It is the first step that counts)

* Xem việc biết người. (Judge a man by his work)

* Dĩ hoà vi quý. (Judge not, that ye be not judged)

* Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ. (Laugh and grow fat.

Laughter is the best medicine.)

* Cha nào, con nấy. (Like father, like son)

* Xa mặt, cách lòng. (Out of sight, out of mind

Long absent, soon forgotten)

* Thắng là vua, thua là giặc. (Losers are always in the wrong)

* Đen tình, đỏ bạc. (Lucky at cards, unlucky in love)

* Ăn miếng trả miếng. (Tit For Tat

Measure for measure

An Eye For An Eye

Tooth For A Tooth.)

* Việc người thì sáng, việc mình thì quáng (Men are blind in their own cause)

* Không vào hang cọp sao bắt được cọp con. (Neck or nothing)

* Trăm nghe không bằng mắt thấy. (Observations is the best teacher)

* Con sâu làm sầu nồi canh. (One drop of poison infects the whole of wine)

* Sai một ly đi một dặm. (One false step leads to another)

* Ở hiền gặp lành. (One good turn deserves another)

* Thời qua đi, cơ hội khó tìm . (Opportunities are hard to seize)

* Ăn theo thuở, ở theo thời. (Other times, other manner)

* Đi với bụt mặc áo cà sa, đi với ma mặc áo giấy. (Pay a man back in the same coin)

* Im lặng tức là đồng ý. (Silence gives consent)

* Chín người, mười ý. (So many men, so many minds)

* Lực bất tòng tâm. (So much to do, so little done.)

* Người thâm trầm kín đáo thường là người có bản lĩnh hơn người. (Still waters run deep)

* Càng đông càng vui. (The more, the merrier)

* Không có lửa sao có khói. (There is no smoke without fire

Where ther is smoke, there is fire)

* Đoàn kết thì sống, chia rẽ thì chết. (United we stand, divided we fall)

* Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn. (Travelling forms a young man)

* Tai vách, mạch rừng. (Two wrongs do not make a right

Walls have ears)

* Bụng làm, dạ chịu.

* Gieo Gió Gặp Bảo

We reap as we sow

* Máu chảy, ruột mềm.

When the blood sheds, the heart aches

* Vắng chủ nhà, gà mọc đuôi tôm.

When the cat is away, the mice will play

* Dậu đổ, bìm leo.

When the tree is fallen, everyone run to it with his axe

* Chứng Nào Tật Nấy.

Who drinks, will drink again

* Suy bụng ta ra bụng người.

A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf

* Lòi nói là bạc, im lặng là vàng

Speech is silver, but silence is gold

* Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã.

Blood is much thicker than water.

* Chớ để ngày may những gì mình có thể làm hôm nay.

Makes hay while sunshines.

* Những gì mình mong đợi ít khi nào xảy ra, Những gì mình không mong muốn thì lại cứ đến.

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.

* Đừng điếm gà trước khi nó nở.

Don't count your chicken before they hatch.

* Việc gì làm được hôm nay chớ để ngày mai.

Make hay while the sun shines.

* Lính già không bao giờ chết. Lính trẻ chết.

Old soldiers never die. Young ones do.

* Thùng rổng thì kêu to.

The empty vessel makes greatest sound.

* Tứ cố vô thân, Họa vô đơn chí

Joy may be a wiser. But sorrows sure is free

* Gậy ông đập lưng ông / ăn miếng trả miếng

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

* Cơ hội chỉ đến một lần.

Opportunity knocks but once.

* Cười là liều thuốc tốt nhứt

laughter is the best medicine.

* Trèo cao, té nặng

The higher you clime, the greater yoy fall

* It is a small world = Quả đất tròn

* Rome wasn't built in a day =

Có công mài sắt, có ngày nên kim; hoặc

Có chí thì nên

* Reap what you sow = Gieo gió gặt bão

He knows most who speak least

Nói ít hiểu nhiều

Slow and steady wins the race

Chậm mà chắc

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today

Đừng dể làm ngày mai những gì bạn có thể làm hôm nay

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Gian truân mới biết bạn hiền.

It is never too late to correct your mistakes

Không bao giờ quá muộn để sửa lỗi

Eat to live but do not live to eat

Ăn để sống chứ không phải sống để ăn

Boys will be boys

Chứng nào tật đó.

That goes in at one ear and out at the other

Nghe tai này lọt tai kia

There is no rose without a thorn

Hồng nào mà chẳng có gai.

aching heart

- a feeling of sadness that one has when love has been lost or has faded

The young woman spent the weekend alone with her aching heart.

after one's own heart

- to be well-liked for agreeing with one's own feelings/interests/ideas

My new boss loves to go fishing. He is a man after my own heart.

at heart

- basically, essentially, what one really is rather than what one seems to be

The man seems to be angry all the time but actually he is a very gentle person at heart.

bleeding heart

- someone who feels too much sympathy for people such as poor people or criminals etc.

The man is a bleeding heart and he is always asked by other people for money to help others.

break (someone's) heart

- to make someone feel sad or hopeless (usually from love or a similar loss)

It broke my heart to see the boy who had just lost his dog.

close/near to (someone's) heart

- an idea or something that is important to you and that you care about

The plan to improve the downtown area was very close to the mayor's heart.

cross one's heart and hope to die

- to say or promise that what you have said is true (often used by children)

"I promise that I will meet you tomorrow. Cross my heart and hope to die."

die of a broken heart

- to die of emotional distress, to suffer from emotional distress (from a failed romance)

The man almost died of a broken heart several times when he was a teenager.

do (someone's) heart good

- to make someone feel good, to make someone healthy

It does one's heart good to get a reasonable amount of exercise every day.

do (something) in a heartbeat

- to do something almost immediately if you have the chance

I would change jobs in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

eat one's heart out

- to suffer from excessive longing or envy

"You can eat your heart out but I will not give you a piece of this chocolate cake."

find it in one's heart to (do something)

- to have the courage or compassion to do something

I could not find it in my heart to tell the young woman that she could not continue to work at the company.

follow one's heart

- to act according to one's feelings

The boy followed his heart and decided to study music at school.

from the bottom of one's heart

- with great feeling, sincerely

My sister thanked the man from the bottom of her heart for saving her dog's life.

from the heart

- sincerely, honestly

The speech by the politician was right from the heart.

get to the heart of (something)

- to understand the most important/essential thing about something

It took a long time but we finally got to the heart of the problem with the new computer.

go (somewhere) in a heartbeat

- to go somewhere almost immediately if you have the chance

I would go camping in the mountains in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

have a big heart

- to be very kind/generous/helpful

The man has a big heart and he will always try to help other people.

have a change of heart

- to change the way one feels/thinks about something

I had a change of heart and I decided to go to the movie with my friend.

have a heart

- to be a generous and forgiving person

I wish that our boss would have a heart and try to help other people.

Have a heart!

- Don't be unkind or do something mean or cruel!

"Have a heart," I told my supervisor when he said that I must work during the weekend.

have a heart of gold

- to be kind/generous/friendly

My grandmother has a heart of gold and she is always willing to help a stranger.

have a heart of stone

- to be cold and unfriendly

The man who murdered his wife and children has a heart of stone.

have a heart-to-heart talk with (someone)

- to have a sincere and intimate talk with someone

I had a heart-to-heart talk with my girlfriend last evening.

have a soft spot in one's heart (for someone or something)

- to be fond of someone or something

My grandfather always had a soft spot in his heart for his youngest daughter.

have one's heart set on (something)

- to want something very much

The little boy has his heart set on getting a dog for his birthday.

heart and soul

- the core or total person

The girl loved her boyfriend heart and soul.

heart bleeds for (someone)

- to feel sympathy for someone

My heart bleeds for the family who lost their father in the accident.

heart goes out to (someone)

- to feel great sympathy for someone

My heart goes out to the victims of the recent hurricane.

heart is dead set against (something)

- to be totally against something

My mother's heart is dead set against my plan to go to art school.

heart is in one's mouth

- to feel very nervous or frightened or have strong emotions about something

My heart was in my mouth when I saw the little boy standing on the ladder.

heart is in the right place

- to be kindhearted/sympathetic, to have good intentions (even if the results may be bad)

Although the girl makes a lot of mistakes her heart is in the right place.

heart is not in (something)

- to not really want to do what you are doing

The boy's heart was not in the swimming club so he quit the team.

heart is set against (something)

- to be totally against something

Our principal is set against expanding the music program in our school.

heart is set on (something)

- to want something very much

The little boy's heart is set on getting a dog for his birthday.

heart misses/skips a beat

- to be startled or excited from surprise/joy/fright

My heart skipped a beat when I heard my name on television.

lilac is offline

heart stands still

- to be very frightened or worried about something

My heart stood still when the truck on the highway almost hit our car.

heart to heart

- candid, intimate

Our conversation was heart to heart and we both felt very good afterwords.

heartbeat away from (something)

- to be the next person to take over someone's position if they die

The young prince is a heartbeat away from becoming the next king of his country.

heavy heart

- a feeling of being weighed down with sorrow, a sad feeling

We left the meeting with a heavy heart when we heard that our boss would soon leave the company because of illness.

in one's heart of hearts

- to know something is true although you may not want to admit it or believe it

In my heart of hearts I knew that I would soon have to change jobs although I did not want to.

know (something) by heart

- to know something perfectly, to have memorized something

The little boy knows many stories by heart.

learn (something) by heart

- to memorize something

The children were forced to learn the poem by heart.

lose heart

- to feel discouraged because of failure, to lose the hope of success

I tried not to lose heart even though I had failed my driver's exam for the second time.

not have the heart to do (something)

- to be unwilling to say or do something that may hurt or upset others

I did not have the heart to tell the woman that soon she may lose her job.

60 Things That Are Happening Right Now While You Are Reading This Page

* *

1. Somebody is very proud of you.

2. Somebody is thinking of you.

3. Somebody is caring about you.

4. Somebody misses you.

5. Somebody wants to talk to you.

6. Somebody wants to be with you.

7. Somebody hopes you aren't in trouble.

8. Somebody is thankful for the support you have provided.

9. Somebody wants to hold your hand.

10. Somebody hopes everything turns out all right.

11. Somebody wants you to be happy.

12. Somebody wants you to find him/her.

13. Somebody is celebrating your successes.

14. Somebody wants to give you a gift.

15. Somebody thinks that you ARE a gift.

16. Somebody hopes you're not too cold, or too hot

17. Somebody wants to hug you.

18. Somebody loves you.

19. Somebody admires your strength.

20. Somebody is thinking of you and smiling.

21. Somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on.

22. Somebody wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.

23. Somebody thinks the world of you.

24. Somebody wants to protect you.

25. Somebody would do anything for you.

26. Somebody wants to be forgiven.

27. Somebody is grateful for your forgiveness.

28. Somebody wants to laugh with you.

29. Somebody remembers you and wishes that you were there.

30. Somebody is praising God for you.

31. Somebody needs to know that your love is unconditional.

32. Somebody values your advice.

33. Somebody wants to tell you how much they care.

34. Somebody wants to share their dreams with you.

35. Somebody wants to hold you in their arms.

36. Somebody wants YOU to hold them in your arms.

37. Somebody treasures your spirit.

38. Somebody wishes they could STOP time because of you.

39. Somebody praises God for your friendship and love.

40. Somebody can't wait to see you.

41. Somebody loves you for who you are.

42. Somebody loves the way you make them feel.

43. Somebody wants to be with you.

44. Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.

45. Somebody is glad that you're his/her friend.

46. Somebody wants to be your friend.

47. Somebody stayed up all night thinking about you.

48. Somebody is alive because of you.

49. Somebody is wishing that you noticed him/her.

50. Somebody wants to get to know you better.

51. Somebody wants to be near you.

52. Somebody misses your advice/guidance.

53. Somebody has faith in you.

54. Somebody trusts you.

55. Somebody needs your support.

56. Somebody needs you to have faith in them.

57. Somebody will cry when they read this.

58. Somebody needs you to let them be your friend.

59. Somebody hears a song that reminds them of you.

60. Somebody needs you to send them this to them.

.::To be Continues::.

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