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Hue - Huong Vinh 180mins

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Time allotted: 180 minutes

PART ONE: PHONOLOGY ( 20 marks )

A. Pick out the word whose sound of the bold parts is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.( 10 marks )

1. A. food                   B. look                       C. took                       D. good

2. A. than                   B. theatre                   C. theory                    D. thorough

3. A. nourish             B. flourish                 C. courageous           D. courage

4. A. orchestra          B. orchard                  C. chasm                    D. chemical

5. A. mouths              B. cloths                     C. booths                   D. months

6. A. vanish               B. vapid                     C. valve                     D. various

7. A. bought              B. sought                   C. drought                 D. fought

8. A. comfortable     B. come                      C. some                      D. comb

9. A. whistle              B. little                       C. gentle                    D. battle

10. A. subtle              B. plumber                 C. doubt                     D. herbage

B. Underline the stresses syllable of the following words.( 10 marks )

demonstrative           preferential               extravagant               prejudice                   monopoly

personnel                   legitimate                   horoscope                  impetus                      sabotage


A. Multiple choices( 10 marks )

1.      The charges brought against the government official finally hurt nothing but his vanity.

A. family                   B. prospects              C. pride                      D. image

2. During the war, the shipping lanes proved vulnerable to be attacked.

A. susceptible           B. dangerous             C. futile                      D. feasible

3. The manager told the assistant to………….the mistake immediately.

A. restify                   B. maltreat                 C. sanction                D. banish

4. Peter, Harry and Chuck were first, second, and third………… the second cross – country race.

A. respectively         B. actively                 C. responsively         D. tremendously

5. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention……………..

A. limit                      B. span                       C. duration                D. time

6. The ticket…………….one person to the museum.

A. allows                   B. admits                    C. permits                  D. accepts

7. The lamp is……….to the ceiling by means of a hook.

A. attached                B. related                   C. connected             D. installed

8. The company director’s asked the government to……… the dispute and prevent a strike.

A. intervene              B. interact                  C. intercept                D. interpose

9. People believe there is a………between the two crimes.

A. joint                      B. chain                      C. link                                    D. connector

10. Some people feel that television should give less………… sport.

A. programs              B. coverage               C. concern                 D. invoivement

B. Word formation ( 10 marks )

Supply the correct form of the words in bracketss.

1.      Meilling signed up for the ……………..course. ( economy )

2.Various ………………by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry. ( practice )

3.   She took the job to be ………………..independent. ( finance )

4.   We can look forward to a period of ………………( prospects )

5.   You must forgive my …………… these matters.  ( experience )

6.   I’ve never known such a ………………person.    ( quarrel )

7.   She uses a good – quality oil for proper……………..     ( lubricate )

8.   Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a ……………..source of energy. ( renew )

9.   When Jean made up for the play, she was ………………   ( recognize )

10.Sam was accused of stealing some……………documents.   ( confidence )

PART THREE: GRAMMAR ( 25 marks )

A. Prepositions and particles

Fill in the blamks with proper prepositions or adverbials particles.( 10 marks )

1.    Write a pencil then if you make a mistakes you can easily rub it …………….

2.      She was…………..the point ………….saying something, but, changing her mind, remained silent.

3.      My name is William , they call me Bill ………………..short.

4.      The bus was held………….because a tree had fallen……………the road.

5.      You’ll have to work very hard today to make………….the time you wasted yesterday.

6.      The police broke ……………..demonstration

7.      A new magazine has just come………………

8.      She was converted …………….Catholicism ……………near death – bed.

9.      Don’t try to cheat in my class, it’s useless and you’ll never get…………it.

10.I was…………the impression that I had paid you …………the work you did……..for me.

Complete the following sentences, using the verbs and particles provided ( 5 marks )

Verbs:            show, draw, go, make

Prepositions:  through, up, for, off

1.   A red car has just………………… front of our house.

2.   Some women invited to a wedding party always try to ……………their figures.

3.   It was 10 o’clock when he finally………………..

4.   My father ……………….World War II.

5.   It’s getting late; we’d better turn round and …………….home.

B. Verbs tenses and forms (10  marks )

6.      By the time you ( finish )…………..your twelfth grade this summer, I ( graduate )…….from my university.

7.      I could tell from the ( frighten ) ……look on her face that something terrible ( happen )…….

8.      You ( know ) ………..nothing ( move )………..since you ( send )………away ( cure )……

9.      He resented ( ask )……..( wait )………… He ( expect )……the minister ( see )……him at once.

10.Once ( bite )…………., twice shy.

11.I’d rather ( live )…………in the eighteenth century than in the nineteenth century.

12.The students requested that the test ( postpone )……………,but the instructor decided against a postponement.

13.Next time we go ( house – hunt )…………., remember ( ask )………..the agent for clear direction.

14.It was our fault to keep Mary ( wait )…………so long. We ( inform )…………her in advance

15. We’d rather you ( not / smoke )………………here.

PART FOUR: WRITING ( 15 marks )

A. Sentence transformation ( 10 marks )

1.      He is more a lecturer than a teacher.


2.      You won’t find a school anywhere whose pupils get such results.


3.      You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this.

No matter………………………………………………………………………………………….

4.      Even though I admire his courage, I think he’s foolish.


5.      They are soon accustomed to swimming.

It is…………………………………………………………………………………………………

6.      Customs officials are stopping more travelers than usual this week.

An increased……………………………………………………………………………………….

7.      The police are advising vigilance as there have been more robberies lately.

Due to………………………………………………………………………………………………

8.      I’m the only child in my family.

My mother gave……………………………………………………………………………………

9.      He never suspected that the money had been stolen.

At no time…………………………………………………………………………………………

10.I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly.

I object…………………………………………………………………………………………….

B. Key – word transformation (5 marks )

1. He got over his operation very quickly.  ( RECOVERY )


2.      I  find it easy to speak German.  ( EASY )


3.      Mr Misery was the only student who didn’t smile.   ( EXPECT )


4.      I assume you’re hungry.   ( GRANTED )


5. I don’t care whether you come or not.     ( DIFFERENCE )


PART FIVE: READING ( 20 marks )

A. Cloze test ( 10 marks )

Fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable word

            Some hundred years ago there was no equality between men and women because people then ( 1 )………….women to be the weaker sex. This ( 2 )…………..against women had its origin in the dawn of mankind’s ( 3 )………..when men lived in caves and went hunting for food. The task of food gathering and hunting needed great ( 4 )…………of body. Therefore, the best place for women was not in the forests, but at home ( 5 )…………they could satisfactorily do their job, namely ( 6 )……………their childrent and looking after them. Things have changed much since those early days. In the modern life of the 20th century, more ( 7 )…….are needed more strength of the muscle. It’s a consequence that women play an ( 8 )……important role in the ( 9 )………..society. They have proved repeatedly they are equal and often                 ( 10 )……to men in almost every field.

B. Reading comprehension ( 10 marks )


Rearrange the following sentences into the correct order to make a passage.

1.      It all started just six years ago with Birds. Since then, Eyewitness Guides have become a publishing sensation – 50 subjects covered, 40 countries conquered, 15 million copies sold.

2.      We live in an age of television, video and interactive computing, in which children are skilled at absorbing data from images at a glance. While this makes them respond favourably to visual learning, the disadvantage is that they sometimes lack confidence with words.

3.      One of the main reasons behind the book’s success is the discovery that, against a white background, even the most familiar objects can look wonderful.

4.      Eyewitness Guides are the outcome of a unique approach, in which photographs, models, maps and diagrams are specially produced.

5.      But the success of Witness Guides cannot be measured in statistics alone, for these high – quality reference books have established a completely original way of presenting information.

6.      Everything is done to make certain that they compete with the impact of television images.

7.      So, what the Eyewutness Guides have done is to combine the two elements, words and pictures, treating them as just one thing – entertainment.

8.      Often a single photographic image will take up an entire double page spread, grabbing your attention.

9.      But these books have one major advantage children can return to them again and again, finding something fresh to read every time.

10.Whatever the image, you’ll always find the text right along side, building your understanding of the subject.



PART ONE ( 20 marks )

A. ( 10 marks )

1. A                 2. A                 3. C                 4. B                 5. A

6. D                 7. C                 8. D                 9. A                 10. D

B.( 10 marks )

demonstrative           preferential               extravagant               prejudice                   monopoly

personnel                   legitimate                   horoscope                  impetus                      sabotage

PART TWO ( 20 marks )

A.( 10 marks )

1. C                 2. A                 3. A                 4. A                 5. D

6. C                 7. A                 8. A                 9. C                 10. B

B ( 10 marks )

1. economic               2. practices                3. finacially               4. prosperity                                      5. inexperience6. quarrelsome          7. lubricant                8. renewable

9. unrecognizable     10. confidential

PART THREE ( 25 marks )

A. ( 15 marks )

a.1. out           2. on; of         3. for               4. up; onto     5. up; for

6. down          7. out              8. from; to      9. through; with        10. under; for; out

b. 1. drawn up           2. show off                3. showed up             4. went through         5. make for

B.( 10 marks )

1. finish / have finished; will have graduated

2. frightened; had happened

3. know; has been moved; were sent; to be cured

4. being asked; to wait; expected; to see

5. bitten

6. have lived

7. be postponed

8. house – hunting; to ask

9. waiting; should have informed

10.didn’t smoke

PART FOUR ( 15 marks )

A.( 10 marks )

1. He is considerd a lecturer rather than a teacher.

2. Nowhere will you find a school whose pupils get such results.

3. No matter how intelligent you are, you shouls be careful about it.

4. Much as I admire his courage, I think he’s foolish.

5. It is easy for them to get used to swimming soon.

6. An increased number of travelers are being stopped by customs officials this week.

7. Due to the recent increase in robberies, the police are advising vigilance.

8. My mother gave birth to only one child.

9. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen.

10. I can’t make out a single word of this letter.

B.( 5 marks )

1. He made a very quick recovery from his operation.

2. I speak German with great ease.

3. All the students smiled except for Mr Misery.

4. I take it for granted you’re hungry.

5. It makes no difference to me whether you come or not

PART FIVE ( 20 marks )

A.( 10 marks )

 1. considered           2. prejudice               3. history                   4. strength                  5. where

6. feedind                  7. brains                     8. increasingly          9. modern                  10. superior

B.( 10 marks )

1- 5- 2- 7-3-8-10 -4 -6 -9

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