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what if we get cought

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No body's (OFV)
It was Monday September, 11th
Taylor and Jessica have been living, with Kelly for a few weeks they walk, to school together every day Mr. Jackson said they was taking a class trip to Florida to go to Disney World Taylor,Jessica and Kelly couldn't wait Kelly's mom had already signed, the papers for them to go they was going today the girls had their stuff packed up and ready. at health class."every one ready to go to Florida" Mr. Jackson said with excitement every one cheered,and clapped, two hours later they got on the bus to go to Florida Kelly sat next to Mr. Jackson Taylor and Jessica sat by each other Jacob and Jessie sat with each other Jake sat by his girl friend Carli. "I love you Kelly" Mr. Jackson wishers, in Kelly's ear "I love you too Kelly whispered" back to Mr. Jackson.18 hours later they all got off, the bus grabbed, their things and walked,in the hotel Mr. Jackson counted, all the students."every one can I have your attention please?"Mr. Jackson said in a kind voice everyone looks at Mr. Jackson OK thank you I will a will partner you up on rooms OK Jessica, Taylor, and Carli,and Kelly you will be sharing a room Jake, Jacob,Jessie, Cameron, and Tommy you will be sharing, a room. They all went, to their rooms and put, on their pjs on and brushed, their teeth from eating McDonald's, before they got to the hotel . Everyone is asleep.

Kelly's (POF)
Everyone else is asleep,I can't sleep,I'll go talk,to Michael so I walked, down the hall to Michael's room I nocked, on the door Michael answered, the door. "Kelly why aren't you in your room sleeping? Michael says in a sleepy voice. "I can't sleep Michael can I come in please?". "Sure" Michael says with a half smile, on his face. Michael shuts, the door behind him and walks, over to the bed he pats, the bed to tell me to sit next to him. I walk, over to the bed and sit, next to him. "What seems to be the problem beautiful" he says with a are you OK? look on his face. "No I'm not I can't sleep can I sleep with you to night Michael?" I said with a half smile on my face "OK" he says as he walks, over to his side of the bed we both cover, up and he raps, his arms around me tightly and kisses me on the forehead

Kelly: "Michael what if we get caught? you would lose, your job and I would lose, you I don't want to lose, you I love you Michael" I started crying, Michael told, me to turn, and face him so I turn and face Michael and he starts talking, Michael:"Kelly I don't want to lose, you either but we have to try not to show it." Michael wipes, the tears from my eyes and we kiss, each other goodnight. The next morning Michael told, me to get up and go, to my room before the others wake up so I ran, to the room as fast as I could to act like I was sleeping, then I felt someone tap my shoulder when I opened my eyes and see Taylor with a big smile on her face. "Kelly Kelly get up we are going to the magic Kingdom"."OK OK I'm up" I say as I get up to go get dressed "Mr. Jackson we are waiting on you come on" every student said except me said. Mr. Jackson walks, out of the room he says "I'll assign you to two pairs OK Taylor and Jessica you will be paired up to go on rides to gather Carli and Jake you will be paired to ride rides together Jacob and Jessie you will be paired to ride rides together. Carlos and camroen you will ride rides together and the last student will ride rides with me and that means Kelly your the last so that means you get to ride rides with me". I smiled at him and he smiled back. We arrive at the magic Kingdom we all go, on the rides we rode,every single ride until day was over we get dinner and head back to the hotel. To sleep.

No ones (OFV)
Kelly went to sleep,and dreamed about what she and Michael had done at the Magic Kingdom. She was smiling, when she was dreaming but some interrupted her dream she woke, up to see that it was Jake her ex-boyfriend. Jake:I'm not happy with you hallway now or I'll drag, you to the hallway. Kelly refused to. So Jake grabbed, her arm and pulled Kelly out to the hallway "why are you doing this Kelly yelled?" "Beacuse Beautiful I want you back that's why" Kelly screamed and Mr. Jackson came out of the Hallway and saw Jake pushing, Kelly on the wall. "GET OFF OF HER"
Mr. Jackson yelled, at jake before Jake got off Kelly he twisted, her arm and punched, her in her face and ran, to call his mom. Kelly was laying on the floor past out Everyone came from their rooms Mr. Jackson what happened?everyone said "jake punched, Kelly and twisted, her arm go call the police and ambulance please" Mr. Jackson said in a sad tone everyone ran,to do as Mr.Jackson asked Mr. Jackson was holding Kelly in his arm crying, and rubbing, her head. Finally the ambulance had arrived,. Mr. Jackson told everyone to pack their things and go wait for your parents to come get you. The police got Jake in custody. Everyone's parents came and got them Mr. Jackson went in the ambulance to go to the hospital with Kelly finally they have arrived at the hospital. Kelly has a broken arm and a bruised face Mr. Jackson was crying,and saying "Kelly baby I love you please wake up" a few minutes later Kelly "woke up and said Michael I'm hear I love you I'm alright" Michael looked up and whiped,his tears away and kissed, Kelly and said "I love you too Kelly I will never let anyone hurt you".

To be continued........ Sorry it's short but I promise you that the next chapter will be long 😃❤❤❤

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