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A Core Memory

Midoriya Izuku, an aspiring young man who has taken on a heavy burden to become a Hero. Only a short time ago was he fearing for the life of his classmates and friends, as their Teacher faced off against dozens of Villains alone.

Then, the roof of the USJ was blown open, and the girl he saw in the Cafeteria some time ago dove from the smoke and joined his Teacher in combat. She was ruthless and efficient, and every time she attacked a Villain, he could feel the want to hurl at how brutal she was being.

He couldn't doubt her strength though, as she easily took down all the remaining Villains...besides the large one that soon stood against her.

Her battle against the Nomu was...amazing. The punches the thing was throwing out against her were insane, not to mention how fast it was.

There was no doubt about it, it could have, and would have, matched All Might. Yet...she still took it down.

He was ecstatic at their survival, and seeing every one alive and kicking only made his appreciation grow more for the girl. His eyes ran through the crowd of Heroes around them, eventually spotting the figure of her with...handcuffs?!

"H-Hey! Hold up!"

"Huh? Midoriya, where are you running?" Kirishima called out to him, getting no answer as he looked up to se what he had. "What the?! They're arresting her?!"

He ran up with him, alongside one more student that watched her battle, Tsuyu Asui. Tsuyu was a frog like girl, and thanks to that, she used her jumping strength to vault over many of the Heroes and used her tongue to pull along both Izuku and Kirishima, all three landing in front of Beirah and the Detective.

"Hey man, what gives?! She saved all of us!"

"She's not a registered Hero, and even if she was, she would have been arrested anyways due to the violent and brutal acts shown today."

"Sir!" Izuku spoke up and took the Detective's attention. "She risked her life to defend not only us, but also Eraserhead! She did everything here to protect us from harm, and the entire time she was here, no one grew more injured!"

The Detective sucked on his teeth, before looking up to meet Beirah's gaze. Her right eye shield retracted already, her entire body having gone back to it's usual calm state.

"I was given specific permission to do this by Principal Nezu of UA."

"If that's true, then I would need to take this up with him. But how am I to know you're telling the truth?"

"Why not ask me?" Their eyes all went to the voice, seeing Nezu walk from the crowd of Heroes towards them. "Detective, she's telling the truth. I allowed her to do this in order to give us a greater chance of saving lives."

"Nezu Sir, she nearly killed eight people today, and did kill that large Villain. She has every reason to be sent to prison."

"Yes that's true, but that's not necessary." He reached into a pocket on his vest, pulling out a small folded sheet of Paper. "Please read this, it will clear up everything."

The Detective took the paper and opened it, spending the next minute reading through what it said before checking, then double checking the Seal at the bottom to ensure it was authentic. He sighed, handing the Paper back to Nezu as he reached for the keys on his belt.

"You do realize the public will respond to this change negatively right?"

"Of course, but it's for the betterment of all of us!"

Beirah's cuffs were taken off, the Detective offering an apology before continuing on back to the Scene. Nezu walked up to Beirah's side, that smile of his turning slightly brighter.

"Good thing I decided to come, otherwise you may have been in far worse trouble than before!"

"Thank you Nezu."

"You're very welcome. Now, here's the paper I showed him, I'm sure it will interest you quite a bit."

He passed the paper up to her, Beirah gingerly opening it before seeing the contents written in fine print, like in days of old. The general gist of it was fancy talk that she didn't fully understand nor care for, but the important bits were still there, and she understood them all clearly.

"Yo, what's it say?" Kirishima tried reading it with her, but was unable to due to her holding it much higher than he was tall.

She finished with the paper and passed it to him, Kirishima skimming the page before stopping on the key moments with shock on his face. "NEW HERO CLASS?!"



"I-It says here that Lyst is now apart of an experimental new classification of Hero, serving as both the first member of it and as the test runner to see if it should stay or be disbanded!"

Izuku rushed to his side, reading the paper and seeing one word highlighted over the others. "Strikers? They're called Strikers?"

"They are!" Nezu held his hand up, Kirishima passing the paper to him as he put it away. "As a Striker, Miss Lyst will serve a role almost identical to a normal Heroes, with one key difference."

The three students leaned in as he held the silence, before a big smile erupted on his face. "She can kill!"


Izuku looked up to Beirah with apparent fear in his eyes, flinching and squealing as she met his gaze. "Y-Y-You can k-kill...?"

"Within reason."

"Imagine her much like a Police officer. They have weaponry and the means to kill, but they mustn't do that unless the action is necessary."

"I have given many chances for them to Surrender. The Nomu would not go down through incapacitation, thus I killed it."

Tsuyu and Kirishima both backed up a little, unnerved at how easily she talks about death and having killed a person. Izuku watched the entire thing with the knowledge of All Might's condition, so he at least knew of what she had to deal with and what choices she had.

That being, she had none.

Nezu clapped and broke the tense atmosphere, looking up to Beirah. "We should be getting you back home now, Mandalay and the rest have already been informed, and I'm sure they're waiting for you to get home."

"Understood. Is there anything else needed of me?"

"Just a warning." His expression fell, the smile vanishing. "Once word of your new position gets around Beirah Lyst, the public may not be so friendly for a long time, if at all. Are you sure you want to shoulder that kind of burden?"

The two held a brief staring contest, Beirah eventually putting a hand to her chest and bowing lightly. "Affirmative."

Nezu only nodded, turning to leave. "You still have a test to complete before you're set off, so please come by at your earliest convenience tomorrow."

He walked away from them, Beirah turning to the group as the two in the back flinched under her gaze. "I shall get going."

"H-Hold on!" Izuku grabbed her hand, immediately pulling away after poking himself on her sharp finger.

"Be careful."

"I know, but...I wanted to thank you for coming to help us Lyst. Without your help...I don't even want to think of what would have happened to us."

He had his head down as he spoke, probably too afraid to look Beirah in the eyes. Eventually though, he felt a rough object touch gently onto his head, Beirah having laid her hand in his hair as a response to what he said.

"You did save us, ribbit." Tsuyu spoke up next, staring up at Beirah. "Mr. Aizawa would have died against that thing but you took it down instead. You're strong, but you're also scary."

"I do know that."

"Man..." Kirishima was scratching the back of his neck, looking a little guilty. "You two here praising her and I'm acting like she gonna lash out at no manly on my part."

"It is natural to be afraid of someone with such killing potential. I do not blame you for it Kirishima."

"Well...if you say so! Besides, you saved our butts here today, so whenever you get yourself stuck somewhere, you can count on me to bust you out. Trust me on that!"

"Trust me?"

"Huh? Oh, you don't know?" He smiled and pointed his thumb at his chest. "Trust is something you put in a person that you believe in. You put your life in their hands to protect you when you can't do the same yourself, or that you know they can handle something without you having to worry about them."

"I see. I shall trust you on that then Kirishima."

"Call me Eijiro!" The boy's big smile helped the other two calm fully after the events of today, something they truly did need.

Under that mask she always wears though, Beirah had the faintest of smiles appear. "Then call me Beirah."

Many hours passed, and night had crawled into Japan. The Mountains were quiet and solemn as they always were, the sounds of Owls and other nighttime wildlife kept a certain aspect of life even in these dark times.

The Pussycats were all asleep in their rooms, leaving only two members of the house still awake, the two youngest ones. Kota was staring out into the wilderness, looking gloomy as he generally did while Beirah was sitting in the corner with her head down.


"Hey, Beirah?"

She lifted her head, her red eyes catching some of the light of the moon. "Have you thought about getting back at any Villains?"


Over the time she has spent here, Kota has learned to rely on her for the many things happening to a young boy like himself. It truly wasn't healthy for him to bottle up everything he had in him, and when Beirah came into his life as well as the Pussycats', things really began going up for him.

Whenever they were home, he usually stuck close to her, or the other way around when they were out in the woods. Her Swarmers were much more plentiful up in the Mountains than down in the city, so he would always see a few of them flying around now and then, knowing it meant she always had an eye on him to keep him safe.

Then there were moments like these, where Kota was beginning to wonder as a child would. "Like...getting payback on the Villains that did that to you."

"I do not even know who did this to me. I cannot enact revenge if I am uncertain of the target."

"Well, what if you did?"

"If I did. I would most likely do so."

"Even...if it means killing them?"


She said nothing more, Kota sighing and dropping the question knowing that she wasn't going to speak about it no matter how much he asked. He was going to ask another question, but she raised a sharp finger and silenced his words in his throat.

"You should head to bed. It's late."

He was going to protest, but he knew better than to go against her when it comes to bedtime. "Alright...goodnight Beirah."

"Goodnight Kota." She stood up and left the room behind, gently closing the door before going to the steps and carefully making her way down.

There are many downsides to being as heavy as she was just as there are many benefits.

She made it to the first floor without braking a stair, and she sat down in the little cubby they made for her with a steel stand that can easily support her weight. Thanks to her body being entirely mechanical, comfort is unneeded save for the head, which is why there was a comfy pillow for her with a casing that had the Pussycats posing on it.

She laid on the steel bed, putting her head on the pillow before letting her second goggle pop out. She always slept with her face completely covered, as she felt that if she was ever ambushed in her sleep, she could play it off as if she was still asleep until the moment to strike comes.

But now wasn't the time for that, now was the time to sleep. She closed her eyes, laying unmoving as she slowly felt her mind go dark, a stimulation that is always welcome to her.

Afterall, it's one of the few things that still reminded her she was Human.

With that, the night passed her by.

Brown eyes snapped open, soon looking around the room they were locked in. They were panicked and hyperventilating, their arms and legs not moving to their wishes.

"Oh? Looks like you finally woke up dear." From behind a foggy plane of glass, there was the silhouette of a man who had just stood up from a chair. "Good thing too, any longer and I would have woken you myself."

"W-Where am I? Where am I?!" They struggled to get out of the bonds, their golden hair occasionally swaying in their eyes as they shook around.

"You can't break those young one. Those are meant to hold men much bigger and stronger than you are, you won't find any luck."

Even after he said that, they kept trying, the man simply waiting as he looked over whatever it was he had behind that glass. They couldn't see the guy at all, but whoever it was clearly didn't have good intentions, especially since they didn't remember coming here.

"Let's see...Queen Bee hm? Quite the name for a Quirk. Now let's hope that will be what we need for this...would hate to throw out another bucket of slop."

He must have pressed some sort of button in there, as the lights inside the room immediately turned a bright red as a warning bell sounded out.

"Warning. Warning. Nannite Swarm unleashed."

"W-What..." They looked up to the ceiling, eyes shrinking in terror as they saw a massive cloud of green slowly coming down towards them.

They were too young to understand what Nannites were, but there were enough documentaries about old warfare around, and that looks like the Gas used long ago to hurt someone badly.


"Quite the spirit for a child! Don't worry, from what I've seen, the Nannites are painless."

It didn't do anything to alleviate their worries, as the cloud was almost on them. "M-Mom...Dad..."

It was almost seemed like the cloud was alive, as it all began to gather together right above them. "H-Help..."

The green gas flew down at high speeds, slamming into their face and working it's way down their throat. It was this moment that they realized this wasn't gas, but it was something else entirely...and it was trying to do something to them.

Struggling in their bonds did nothing, the cloud of...whatever it was forcing more of itself into them through their nose and even ears. Their eyes were shaking in their sockets, tears running down their cheeks at the traumatic event happening to her.

After a long while of this, the cloud finally vanished fully into them, breath ragged after not having any for some time. "So far so good..."

"I-I wanna go home...I wanna go home..."

"Don't worry young one, you'll be happy in your new home if this works right."

Their body froze, all joints locking up before they began twitching uncontrollably. First it was small shakes and shivers, but they slowly grew more and more violent, soon moving their body with such force that the chair they were strapped to began to rock with the tremors.

"This hasn't happened before...maybe your Quirk was truly the right one for this!" He went right up to the glass, watching them shake and convulse while in clear agony.

"Yes~...young one, let it join with you! Join with my greatest Masterpiece!"

Their eyes were going completely haywire, looking in any direction at anytime, not even working together to do so. Sometimes they would cross, other times one eye was staring up while the other was rolled into their skull, and many more horrific positions.

That's when their body began to grow hotter, and through the Seizures and tremors, they could occasionally spot glances of their body...melting. It was too much for their mind to handle, seeing everything about them coming to an end.

Their eyes turned red, and they screamed at the top of their lungs before feeling everything begin to go dark. The tears in their eyes slowly turned green, the burning sensation the final thing they felt before nothing more...

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