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Buzzing Bombardier

There was still several hours of sunlight left before nightfall, with all the tests done, and with a little bit more help to find the Medical records on Beirah Lyst, they figured out everything they could about her before she vanished. Mandalay was standing next to her with the report in hand, letting her read off it while they waited.

Her name was there, which she already learned, but it also turns out she was eighteen, and her birthday was July 17th. Mandalay next to her sighed, almost looking saddened at the documents.

"Well, looks like you're too old to enter into Hero schools now..."

"Those will be unnecessary."

"What do you mean by that?"

Beirah looked to her shoulder, one of her rocker pods popping out. "My specialties involve fighting, and I am almost entirely inept in the rescue half. I would fail as a student due to this fact."

"I'm sure you can figure out a way."

"It's not possible, not with my weapons."

"Speaking of your weapons..." They both turned to look at Eraserhead, or as he introduced himself to Beirah as, Shota Aizawa. "We need to see them in action before we can take this any further. We can't have someone with unregistered weapons roaming around, especially if it involves your new Quirk."

Beirah turned to him fully, which he learned is her way of showing you have her attention. He turned around and walked back to the car where Nezu is still in, the Chimera smiling happily as he was still in a daydream about her weapons of possible mass destruction.

"Mandalay, any chance you can take her to UA for now? We want to check what she has with all we have there."

"Course I can! Though..." She spied a glance at Beirah for a moment. "Can me and her talk privately for a moment?"

"Do whatever you want, just don't drag it on." He went back to the car, starting it up and driving off with Nezu, who was waving out the car at the two as they drove off.

With the two all alone in the Clinic's parking lot, Mandalay...actually looked slightly nervous. Beirah was never one to start conversations, so she took a steadying breath before speaking.


As usual, Beirah turned to her, but didn't speak. Mandalay gave her a small smile, holding up one of her Paw gloves that she took off due to the no weapons rule in the Clinic.

"Since you don't really have anywhere to go home to...and you might have a tough time really trying anywhere you want to stay with The Wild Wild Pussycats?"


"I know that it's a tough decision to decide to live in the mounta-...huh?"

Beirah looked to the truck, the decals on it clearly mismatching it from the rest with all the cat pictures taped onto it. "The Swarm trusts you, and so I will too. It is important to stick with those who you can rely on to watch your back."

For a moment, Mandalay was silent, before smiling and bringing her in for a hug. "I'm glad you decided, you're really uncomfortable to hug."

"My armored body is designed with power and defense in mind, not comfort."

"I know that, but I wish it was at least a little huggable..." She pouted and poked her see through stomach, seeing the ripples happen each time she did in the green fluid inside. "What is all that stuff anyways?"

"The main storage unit for my Nannites. Rupture it, and I assure you that the area around me would soon be completely destroyed."

"Okaygotit!" She basically teleported away from her stomach after the warning, already waiting next to the truck. "Come on! We have to get you to UA!"

While Mandalay got in the Driver's seat, Beirah jumped into the flatbed of the truck, a few dozen Swarmers landing in with her to follow her to UA. Most of the Swarmers were still back in the mountains, but she was fine with that as she would be returning.

The engine started up, and soon, they were on the way to UA...



"Going to watch and make sure everything goes well!" All Might was in his usual Hero suit, standing with his arms to his hip with that same infectious smile he always had.

Mandalay was secret happy to be seeing the ever boisterous man, her eyes spying a glance at Beirah to...yet again, see no change in that eye of her. 'I really hope she's not emotionally dulled...'

"Young Lyst, today, you will be showing off your moves!" He dramatically pointed towards a massive, yet empty, city. "Earlier today, the new students went through their Entrance Exams, but in the Mock City we didn't use, is where you'll get to show us your heroic MIGHT!!"


All Might flinched at the word, fully not expecting such a deep and powerful booming voice to come from her. 'That's actually kind of scary!'

He cleared his throat to center himself. "Now, when you're ready, you'll be stationed just behind those massive gates over there! When the Buzzer goes off, it's on you to take down as many of those Bots as possible! Also, take this!"

In his massive hand was a tiny earpiece, one Beirah gingerly picked up between her sharp fingers. "This test will have us speaking to you and asking you to commit to different styles of battle! When we ask you to do something in a fight, do your best and adapt to the situation!"


All Might went quiet again, soon leaning down to Mandalay and putting his hand in front of his mouth, as if to muffle himself. "Does she always talk like that?"

Mandalay only nodded, before All Might stood up straight and posed again. "That's all from me, so go out there and do it heroically! Now say it with me...PLUS!! ULTRAAA!!"


"A-Alright then! I AM LEAVING TO THE OBSERVATION DECK!!" He blasted away at full speed, forcing Mandalay to cover her face from the wind while Beirah did nothing to stop it, closing her eye to shield it.

Mandalay gave her a word of confidence and another hug, before quickly running off to join the rest of the Teachers in the Observation Deck. Beirah put the Earpiece in, forced to slot it underneath her metal helm that was grafted to her body in order to hear them.

"Hello again Beirah!"

"Greetings Nezu."


"If you tried speaking to us, know that we can't hear you. Just give us a good show down there, and you'll be fine!" She heard the Chimera laugh on the other end again before it went silent.

Soon, she made her way to the Gates they talked about, seeing the massive room was entirely empty of people. Since she knew the Buzzer would sound and raise the gate, she decided to prime herself to launch.

She bent to the ground, a hand on the floor while the other was off to her side, her Thrusters heating up with the whirrs of a Jet Engine. Flames sparked out from it, first a deep blue that quickly changed to a bright neon green.

Her one visible eye soon vanished from sight, as a compound goggle, much like the one over her left eye, came down to cover it. Her stomach, usually half filled with the Nannite swarm, filled entirely to the brim, leaving a green film over her torso that even reflected in the green highlights across her body glowing brighter.


The sound rang out, and the doors opened, and not a second was wasted, as Beirah's engines roared.

"So much incredible talent from all angles of life this year!" Nezu, alongside every other Observer, were standing in the Observation room with a massive screen following after the movements of their latest tester.

Everyone remained silent as they watched her power herself up, some in slight awe at the color changes that were surprisingly beautiful despite knowing it meant she was ready to fight. Then, that awe washed away as the buzzer rang, and the Camera switched to the outside POV.

From the gates, she blasted out at insanely high speeds, banking up into the air with a green afterburn trail left behind her. "First we had the student examiners with their magnificent Quirks, and now we have this young lady who may very well be a living Fighter Jet!"

"There's more to her than that Nezu." He turned to Mandalay, eyes still glued to the screen and watching Beirah fly. "She's got the Swarm...uh, Plague with her to help. If there's anything in her kit that should be considered her main tool, it's the Plague."

"Still, how will this Plague fare against the test robots?" Midnight was also watching the spectacle, her words encouraging Nezu to start sending in the bots.

On the screen, they soon noticed Beirah begin to circle a certain area from above, one quick look confirming that there was a large gathering of 1 and 2 pointer bots in the area below her. Although, the fact she wasn't going down yet brought a proud smile to Nezu's face.

He clicked a button on the console, clearing his throat. "Now, use whatever means necessary to take down the faux villains."

At his words, Beirah swooped down towards the group, the camera zooming into the girl as they watched a second helmet seem to appear over her original visor. This helmet was more aerodynamic and far longer, with small tusk like protrusions framing her face.

They didn't know what it was for...until she arrived into the thick of them. All the Teachers watched as Beirah rammed into the robots, tearing many in half from the sheer force she was traveling at, and the second mask had proved itself to be a sort of Battering Ram for her.

Aizawa hummed, the others not knowing if it's out of disapproval or satisfaction. "She's using her speed and momentum alongside that mask to be one massive Bullet..."

"Not to mention her weight with that. Whenever she got into the back of the truck, I swear I could hear the truck groaning from her weight. That thing is meant to carry a load of people too, and her alone is causing it issues."

Nezu also hummed, scratching his chin again as Beirah clotheslined one more robot, clearing them all out and sending that one's head flying into a building. "Beirah, locate another group. This time, use your Ranged options."

She landed and slid along the floor, digging a trail where her long, dagger like legs dragged along. She spun around and shot forward, banking into the air again as she went to locate another group.

"Young Lyst is quite capable! So far she's proven she has good strength in close quarters!"

"Hardly, it was just literally throwing her weight around. If she was grounded and in an actual engagement, she might not have the edge other than her weight and strength."

"Don't be a downer Eraser, she can be taught that!"

Aizawa grumbled at the man's enthusiasm, but redirected his gaze to the screen as she hovered above another group, this time with several 3-pointers in as well. These ones levitated off the ground, but not to the same height as Beirah was at, high above the buildings.

The camera zoomed in on her, and they watched as she put her arms forward, a compartment opening up to reveal several large, sharp rods dipped in bright green goo, the Plague, all ready to fire. They raised up and out of her body, before they were flicked by her wrist movements, sending them hurtling towards the robots.

Mandalay was glued to the screen, pointing at the objects. "Those are Stingers! She can still use those?!"

"It would seem so. Not only that, they are dipped in the Plague..." Nezu had another creepy smile grow onto his face. "Now let's see what it looks like in action! AAH HA HA HAAA!!"

Everyone backed away from the psychotic Chimera, but remained glued to the screen. The Stingers stayed true to their flight path, and pierced right into the metal of the Robots, no doubt in thanks to the Plague.

Speaking of it, the robots soon deactivated, and mere seconds later did they start to collapse in on themselves as the metal and machinery inside was eaten away by the Nannites, tearing them apart from within. Frankly, it was terrifying how fast the Plague worked, and it brought up an entirely new fear in them all.

"...We need to teach her to not use that stuff on people."

"Yes, it would be unfortunate if someone were to be killed by it...then again, who knows when such a thing would be useful against flesh as well."

Everyone shot to Nezu, who was as calm as ever. "Before you shout, please listen to my reasoning."


"Thank you. Now, all of us here know of many dangerous Villains, the kind that, no matter how many times we put them away, no matter how much damage they take or deal, they will continue to wreak Havoc on the world with no change in Heart."

He pointed at the Screen, Beirah's shoulder mounted rockets firing and spiraling down to the group, detonating and creating large craters of destruction with Plague Nannites scattered everywhere, eating apart everything they touched. "This girl was clearly modified into a weapon, one designed not for Peace, but for War. By who remains unknown, but the intent is as clear as a Sunny Day."

"W-What are you even saying Nezu?"

The Chimera turned to Mandalay, the one who spoke up to him. "I'm saying that we leave the use of the Plague to her discretion. She seems like a calm and reasonable girl, so if she decides a threat needs the Plague...then we have a few less dangerous Villains on Earth."

No one responded to him, as he clicked another button on the console with a smile. "Beirah, the next obstacle is one I leave to your choice. You can run, or you can fight, it's up to you."

The girl stayed hovering in the air, and soon, she was able to see an absolutely massive robot being risen out of the ground by a lift. The giant robot scanned the city, eventually raising it's head to the sky and catching Beirah in it's vision.

The eyes of the giant glowed red, indicating to her that she was in it's sights. Though, being faced with the chance to run, she was debating if she should.


Her eyes behind the eye goggles shined, illuminating said goggles a bright red as she decided her next plan of action. She raised a hand up to the sky, holding it there while hovering in place.

The Teachers were all silent and wondering what she was doing, until eventually, certain parts of the camera's feed began to blot black. At first, they thought there was a mechanical error happening, but upon zooming closer on Mandalay's request, the truth was revealed.

The Swarmers, numbering in the thousands that had followed behind her into the city, were gathering up and around her in the sky. They quite literally blotted the Sun, and when she lowered her hand, pointing at the giant robot...

Hell was let loose.

The Swarm fell onto the Robot like a Tidal wave, completely covering the robot and erasing it from sight of the Camera. Everyone in the room was staring with their jaws dropped, equal parts horrified as they were mystified.

That's when they heard the Principal begin to laugh again.

At first, it was a calm, methodical laughter, then, it erupted into the single most terrifying cry of joy they've ever heard. Nezu kept it up for an astonishing amount of time before finally calming enough to speak what was on his mind.

"Unbelievable! Magnificent!"


He spun around, facing every hero together with a wide smile on his face. "Tell me, does anyone know Christian Myth?"

They all shook their heads, and he turned back to the screen to still see the cloud of Swarmers covering the Robot. "In the end times of the Bible, when the first four Seals of God are broken, the Horsemen of the End ride out to cleanse the World! They come in order, from what begins the end to what truly ends it all to start a new beginning!"

He pointed at the screen, the Swarmers beginning to dissipate and reveal that the Robot was no longer exactly standing, so he began to pan the camera down. "The Horsemen all have names, the last is Death, the third is Famine, the second is War...but the first, and the one to start it all..."

Now, they were able to see what had remained of the robot...nothing but a massive pile of goo, the Nannites that were within the Bees having left them to annihilate the Robot into nothing but slag on the ground that continued to eat away at it. Nezu practically jumped onto the console, raising the camera back up to Beirah, who was only visible in the Swarm thanks to her glowing green body parts and her bright red eyes.

"The first of the Horsemen to come, and the one who lets the others follow behind him, is Pestilence! The lord of Plagues!"

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