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First Journey's Step

Today marked a special day for Beirah, one that Shino, Ryuko, Tomoko, and Yawara all got up bright and early to help her with. Kota was fast asleep still, made extra sure by giving him a nice filling meal the day before so he would be out like a light.

That important thing is...

"Your first Hero patrol!" Tomoko posed dramatically, the rest of the Pussycats clapping at her theatrics.

Beirah was standing opposite the group, staring on with her dull gaze as usual for her, even if there was a hint of amusement with the subtle raise of her eye. She turned away from them, looking out to the forests around their home base.

"How will Patrols end up working here?"

"About the same as you would expect anywhere else really." Shino raised her hand, a finger going up at each word. "Walking, scouting, talking to Hikers, the works really."

"I am not entirely suited for patrols."

"Whaaat? Of course you are!"

"I am likely to be seen as a Villain."


Ryuko scratched her head. "Okay, that's a good point..."

"I got it!" Yawara raised a finger. "Why not have your first patrol be in a more populated area? Head to a bigger city and have your first patrol around to meet the locals and let yourself get out there!"

"A good idea, but I still need a Hero name beforehand."

Tomoko immediately pulled out a list, with comically large reading glasses. "Not to worry! I got a bunch of them lined up here!"

She cleared her throat. "Wasp?"

"Not accurate."


"Merely a small time weapon. Negative."

"Witch Doctor?"

"Negative, for many reasons."


"Cat breed names are your gimmick."

"Hmm...yeah, I got nothing now." She crumpled the paper, keeping it in her pocket for now cause Heroes never litter.

They all continued trying to figure out a name for Beirah, the girl herself going through some options in her head. After a few minutes of the Pussycats and her brainstorming, Beirah clapped her hands, getting their attention.

"Did you think of one?"

"I did."


Beirah's Thrusters hummed to life, her stance squaring up so she could stand tall and powerful as she spoke. "Plaguebringer."

"W-Woah! You're flying a little too fast for my taste!

"We are a few meters above the ground and flying at eight kilometers per hour, you're fine."

Since they were going to do Beirah's first patrol in the city, and also due to how heavy she was, the Pussycats opted to use her as the method of transportation for that day. Yawara and Shino were both held by her legs, while Ryuko and Tomoko were both held around the waist in her arms.

Ryuko though, was somewhat freaking out over being suspended above the ground without a harness. "Can't you be a little safer then?!"

"I am. The two on my legs are forced to hold with their own strength, so I must be cautious."

"Hmm...actually." Yawara used his Quirk, Pliabody, and grabbed Shino with his legs, tying her to him while his arms formed a knot around Beirah's legs. "There! We should be fine to go faster!"

Ryuko's eyes shrunk, as Beirah's Thrusters began to heat up more. " no no..."

"We are Heroes Pixie-Bob, be use to it."

"Oh you motherfu-AHHHH!!" She screamed as they took off at much higher speeds, the trees blurring past as they travelled towards the main city.

Tomoko was laughing like a child at the high speed flight, both Yawara and Shino just smiling at the situation between the two most rambunctious in front. Unlike Tomoko, Ryuko was screaming at the top of her lungs, horrified at the speed and the chance that she would drop to her death.



Under the mask, Beirah held a small smile the entire trip, genuinely enjoying the reactions of the two. It took a few minutes of fast flight, but the edge of the bordering city, the very same city that housed UA in the bordering Prefecture, was soon underneath them, to which Beirah slowed her flight and began to hover down to land.

As soon as they touched Earth, Ryuko collapsed to the ground, almost hugging it. "I missed you, sweet sweet soil..."

"Even if I did drop you, I would have caught you before you hit the ground."

"It doesn't make the experience any less terrifying!"

Ignoring the angry woman, Beirah turned to look at the edges of the city. The area they landed in was somewhat near Tatooin station, which if she remembered the logs of her "students", is also fairly close to both the Midoriya residence and the Katsuki residence.

"—so next time we go here, we're taking the damn tru-"

"I'm going to begin my patrol."

"Huh?! Have you been ignoring me this whole time?!" Ryuko pounced on her back, Yawara quickly tearing her off so Beirah can continue on without the civilians around watching one of the Pussycats try and beat up a girl.

Especially with her appearance, they might think Ryuko was trying and failing to apprehend a Villain.

Stepping away from the alley they landed in, she began to walk along the sidewalk, her eyes roaming idly as she kept vigilant for any activity from Villains or Vigilantes. Of course, as she moved closer and closer to the city center, she was bound to begin attracting attention from the masses.

The Pussycats were quite a bit behind her, making sure she was doing okay, but not intruding entirely as to take her spotlight, so to say. Though, they had to worry about recognition as well, and it was something that held them up occasionally.

"Mandalay! It's amazing to meet you!"

"It's wonderful to meet you too!" She had a smile on her face, always happy to see the people she was tasked with protecting being so happy. "How's your day so far?"

"It's going great! Though, if it does help..." The person pointed ahead, towards Beirah as she turned a corner. "Im sorry, but did I accidentally ruin your tailing of a Villain?"

" You see, we're actually here to help her on her first patrol."

"First patrol? That girl's a Hero?! She's terrifying!"

"That's what I thought!" Ryuko butted in. "She is terrifying, but she's still really kind! Other than a...few issues...she's going to make a great Hero!"

Shino smiled and patted Ryuko's back, looking ahead and seeing Beirah had vanished already. "Sorry, but we have to keep up with her."

"It's okay, thanks for speaking to me!" The person walked off, happy to have met the Heroes on their commute.

"Alright, let's catch up to her before we lose her." The group jogged up to the turn, going around it to...


"Where did she go?"

Beirah was already gone from the sidewalk, no sign of her anywhere around. They knew she took long strides, but for her to move that quick...

Shino sighed. " we have to go searching for her since she's also our ride home."

"You know, we can take a Bus."

They all looked to Ryuko, who shied away from the glares they were giving her. "Okay okay! Let's go then...jeez..."

"I-Is that...?"

"Mommy, she's scary..."

Beirah expected these reactions from the Public eye, especially since her registry has been a recent thing, and the reports of her status have yet to make news. Wandering through the streets looking like she did was a danger for her, seeing as she was basically a walking horror show.

Her armor and design was as beautiful as it was terrifying, and the mask didn't help to make it easier. Add to the fact she's well over a head taller than everyone else, and you have the deciding factor to auto assume she's a Villain.

Her tapping legs came to a stop, and she turned her gaze to an alley near Tatooin station, where she saw several men sitting around in a small Semi-circle, sharing around a bag. Narrowing her eyes, she looked past the men, seeing another man unconscious or dead, whatever it was she didn't know as of yet, but she could see the blood pooling next to his face.

A frontal injury, possible nose fracture that led to bleeding. Beyond that, skull or jaw fracture, could lead to Brain damage.

Beirah turned to the alley, walking in as her loud footsteps alerted the men. They turned to her with hard expression, which all recoiled as they saw her approaching them.

"Oi, what the hell do you want?"

"That man behind you, did you beat him?"

"What's it to you?" The man who was speaking was presumably the leader, and he had a long nose with a strange little hole at the end.

The rest appeared to have no Quirk, but she couldn't assume before seeing it. Her forearms opened up, exposing two long and sharp Stingers that immediately set the men on edge.

"Drop any weapons you have and put your hands up. Resist, and I will use force."

" a Hero?"

"Despite appearances, I am a Pro Hero."

Her goggles popped out, both eyes now covered and giving zero sight of her face. "I am the Swarm Hero: Plaguebringer."

The leader clicked his tongue, standing up with his boys. "Well, tough shit girlie. You look scary, I won't lie, but I've never heard of you before, so who's to tell me that armor ain't made of Papier-mâché?"

"You are welcome to test that Theory."

The man smiled, his cheeks puffing up before a thin dart shot out of his nose. "Why not a little pointer? My Quirk is Blowgun, and depending on what I'm touching with my fingers, I can take in that material and make it a dart!"

The dart was fairly fast, flying straight for Beirah's mask. "I'm holding a steel pipe right here, so good luck if that hits ya!"

She didn't move from the path of the dart, letting it slam against her mask and shatter on contact, leaving no damage to it. The man was temporarily taken back by that, but continued firing at her with Steel darts, his friends all holding their pipes and bats firmly if she got close.

She began walking towards the five men, the constant ringing of broken steel echoing into and out of the alley, where several bystanders were watching and recording. Beirah herself had no weapons deployed beyond her Stingers, keeping them to her sides while using her natural size in attempt to intimidate them into backing down.

She was getting closer, the group getting worried as the darts did jackshit against her armor. "Fine! Darts don't work, but what about getting hit?!"

He and his buds yelled as they ran at her, all jumping together to attack her while she stood in place. Their weapons whistled through the air, all aiming at different parts of her to overwhelm her.



"H-Huh?" The guy looked at his steel pipe, seeing a massive dent in on it's end. "What the..."

He looked to his boys' weapons, seeing pipes done in, bats dented and broken, and above all that, they were all wincing in pain, the blowback of hitting tough material against tough material messing their hands up.

"Surrender, last chance." He looked up to Beirah, seeing a Stinger pointed right between his eyes.

"O-Okay! I give up!"

They all dropped their weapons, all equally terrified of her as they raised their hands up. She forced all of them out to the streets, where two Police Officers were waiting.

"We got a call from someone that an assault was happening here, I assume you're a Pro?"

"Swarm Hero: Plaguebringer."

"...Darndest name I've ever heard."

The man and his partner brought the men along and put them into a car, realizing they needed two of them, so his partner drove off to deal with the first three. He turned and looked up to Beirah, giving her a smile.

"Thanks for the help. We'll get paramedics to help the victim in there, did you figure out what happened to him?"

"Broken nose, most likely from a punch rather than a weapon."

"Alright then, thanks." He held out his hand for a handshake, Beirah looking down at it with her usual gaze.

In her mind, she realized that she needed to be more open as a Hero, knowing the Public opinion was as important as your prowess. Although she didn't really care for image too much, especially considering her role as a Striker, she still desired to maintain a positive look.

She took the man's hand, shaking it and minding her claws as she did. "Have a good day Officer."

"You too Plaguebringer."

Knock Knock

"Coming~!" A voice behind the door soon clicked the lock, opening the door to greet the house guest. "Hell—AHH!!"

"Mrs. Midoriya." Beirah was standing on the other end, towering over the woman, Midoriya Inko.


"I mean no harm. Is your son home?"

"W-Why should I t-tell you?" Even though she was shaking like a leaf, she was still worried more about her son than herself.

The thought brought a small smile to Beirah's face, which vanished soon after. "I am a Student Teacher at UA. Izuku would know me."

"Mom? Who's at the door?" Rounding a corner in the house, Beirah and Izuku locked eyes, the green haired boy immediately smiling. "Lyst! I didn't know you were coming over!"

"I was in the area on patrol and decided to stop by."

Hearing them talk so casually almost made Inko deflate from all the fear and stress leaving her, Izuku quickly grabbing her before she could faint fully. He invited Beirah in, the girl wiping her points on the rug before closing the door behind her.

"Sorry about the mess, I've been hard at work studying for the sports festival." He was motioning to the table in the living room, which was littered with papers and notebooks.

Beirah looked between every book, seeing some open with pictures of Heroes and long descriptions of their Quirks. She picked one up, turning to Izuku with it held tightly.

"I see you like to examine and improve upon other's Quirks."

"'s a hobby I've had since I was younger..." He was being extremely bashful, embarrassed that his hobby was the highlight she mentioned.

She put the book down, closing it softly. "Keep at that hobby. Improving yourself is one thing, but improving others is a trait not many can boast."

The boy nodded rather enthusiastically, before she sat down...and broke the chair she sat on. She fell to the floor, staring up at the ceiling with her usual blank look.


"I apologize."

"I-It's fine..."

For the next while, the two spoke about many things, notably the USJ attack and the battle she had with the Nomu. The thing was said to be strong enough to beat All Might at 100%, and yet, she defeated it surprisingly easily.

Izuku had a deep look on his face, staring ahead into Beirah's eyes, the girl sitting on the floor. "Since it was meant to fight him at full power...and you took it down..."

She raised a hand, stopping him. "I can see where this is going. While the Nomu could take on All Might as such, it was because it had Quirks specifically meant for challenging the Hero."

She raised a hand, extending her Baghnakhs. "None of it's Quirks mattered against me, as I could easily counter everything it could dish out. Nomu was All Might's counter, I was it's counter."

"Then...from your perspective, how would you fare against All Might?"


Beirah held a finger to her chin, falling into thought. "Against the Symbol of Peace, I believe I stand a fair chance of victory, but it is mostly in his favor."

She met Izuku's gaze again, the boy holding a pen and notebook. "All Might is faster than I, and stronger, just like with Nomu. However, unlike Nomu, All Might is intelligent when in battle, and he could most definitely think of a way to disable my weapons long enough to finish the fight."

"Well, why not use your body itself as weapon?"

"I can, but against All Might, I might as well keel over and die." Her Baghnakhs retracted, before she stood up again. "Now I should get going, the Pussycats used me as their ride to get here."

"Alright, goodbye."

She went to the door and opened it, and right before she closed the door as she left, she heard Izuku scream from inside.



"I can't believe you left us all alone out there! Why can't you just get a phone so we can call you?!"

Beirah looked at Ryuko and patted her legs. "Do you see any pockets?"

"...Fine, you're off the hook for that one." She stomped inside, infuriated enough for one day.

Shino sighed and shook her head. "To think you've actually started to get sassy..."

"Isn't that good? I suppose it could mean I'm slowly getting accustomed to emotion again."

"You're right, but I wish it wasn't that one."

Beirah simply shrugged, another normal gesture that she picked up from others. Shino couldn't help but smile, heading inside after Ryuko and the others.

Beirah was about to go as well, before hearing something move behind her, a Stinger already exposed to fire. She spun around, aiming the Stinger at...


"Y-Yeah..." He was shaking a little, being at the end of her insanely dangerous Stingers. "C-Can you put that down?"

She obliged and lowered her arm, Toshinori sighing with relief. "For a second, I thought you were going to shoot me..."

"It has been only a day since we last met, what brings you here?"

"Well, I came to congratulate you on your first successful case as a Hero."

She titled her head to detail her confusion, Toshinori remembering that she doesn't have a phone to look at the News with. He pulled out his and spent a few seconds scrolling through, before turning the phone over so she could see.

Newest Pro Hero to the scene: Plaguebringer

Earlier today, near Tatooin Station, Plaguebringer engaged with a small group of armed thugs who had assaulted a bystander in a mugging.

"A video?"

"It's a recording someone took of your engagement. I gotta say, you really know how to intimidate people into backing down."

"It is the safest option. Even my weakest movements and weapons can severely hurt or kill a man."

Toshinori nodded at that, remembering the test they gave her with the robots. "Now come on, there's more."

This new Hero stands at an impressive height, estimates say around 213 1/2 centimeters. Her body also seemed to be covered in a metal alloy, or if the bits and design of it implies further, the metal is in fact her own body.

There is no known information on her Quirk as of now, but some have assumed it relates to her mechanical appearance, and the large Jet Engines on her back. We will keep updated once Reporters are able to meet with her.

"See? You're already making waves with your physique! I'm sure you'll grow popular soon enough, or maybe even outdo Hawks and make the youngest Pro Agency ever!"

"What is this?" She pressed onto another list, which pulled up a category that made Toshinori's eyes shrink.

Heroes that look like Villains

"U-Uh...y-you don't need to read tha-"

She snatched the phone right from his hand. "I am curious."

"Hey! You aren't going to like it! I'm telling you!" He was trying to take it back, but wasn't able to as she read through it.

Number 4 was Endeavor, understandable.

Number 3 was Gang Orca, also understandable.

Number 2 was Ectoplasm, and she has met the man before now, and can agree that she almost tried to apprehend him.

Number 1 was...


She turned to Toshinori. "Am I really that scary?"

"No! Absolutely not! Just...well...first impressions are..."

"You're not helping."

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