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Horseman's Steed

The cycle continued for a few days, Beirah heading out with one of the four members of the Pussycats to go to UA and get Tutoring lessons to catch up to speed before she's able to continue with adult life at her wanted pace. Obviously, she was told several times that the path of a Hero is always open to her, but she always refused with the same reason every time, which she was about to use once more.

"Heroes refuse to kill, I do not hesitate."

"Can you please state a legitimate reason beyond being willing to kill?" Aizawa was getting extremely annoyed with her constant repeat of the same answer, but even he knew it was the truth.

He'll always remember that day they watched her in action. The blotting of the sky and the glow of her red eyes and green body in that tidal wave of was something out of a movie.

Although, the cause of said movie like event was in front of him now with the dumbest stare he's ever seen. How can someone look so done with it with just one eye?!

Aizawa sighed and stood up, noticing the time. "Alright, enough times passed. Get back to Nezu, I need to get back to the problem children."

"You are rather affectionate with them Aizawa. You are more fond of them then others."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

Her one visible eye looked up to him, her classic indifference on full display. "You care enough to return to them somewhat on time."

He huffed and said nothing more, leaving the room with her alone in it. Soon after, she stood as well, the heavy tapping of her legs echoing in the room before she too left.

Now, as it is brought up a lot, I believe I should share a picture of a Bee's foot

You see, her leg is essentially a mechanical version, with a sharp point at the bottom which is how she walks. She can actually use her legs as skewers if she's flying or falling or even kicking.

Now back to your regularly scheduled story.

"Welcome back Miss Lyst, did Aizawa finish interrogating you?"

"It was not an interrogation. He has tried to get me to stop killing to be a true Hero."

"That makes it the...?"

"Fourteenth time."

"He's more persistent than I thought! No wonder he can handle that class so well." Nezu laughed and took a quick sip of Tea, before continuing to work. "Now Miss Lyst, today will be your next step forward towards ending this Tutoring."

"It has only been five days."

"And you think all they teach you in school is important? I taught you all the essentials and then some, you're simply a quick learner."

He turned away from his computer, looking at her from behind his comically large desk. "Today, I'll have you take a test that will affirm all the knowledge you've accrued thus far. If you pass it, you're good to go out in the world and learn through experience, if you fail, we'll have another week of Tutoring."


"Good, then le-"

An alarm cut him off from speaking, the two of them silencing as it rang through the room and halls of the building.

"There has been a Level 3 Security Breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

"A Level 3? That hasn't happened in a long time."

He noticed Beirah's continued stare into the ceiling, clearing his throat to bring her gaze back to him. "A Level 3 means someone broke into School grounds."

"How long until they're apprehended?"

"Not to worry, it seems it's only the Media." Nezu pointed at his screen, showing a camera's view of the gates. "Strange...the gates are completely destroyed..."

He stood from the desk, walking around it and past Beirah. "Please stay here and continue working diligently Miss Lyst, I'm sure this won't be long."

He left the room and went off, Beirah sitting in the room and continuing her studies even with the alarm blaring around her. It didn't take long for the alarm to quiet down though, so it was soon back to silence.

Nezu didn't return for quite a while, but when he did, he had a smile returned to his face. "You really are a hard worker! I thought you would have taken the time to do other things."

"My studies are most important in the moment. Once finished, I am free to continue my life as fit to me."

"Like Hero work?"

"Negative. I am not fit for Hero work."

"Oh believe me, I know that. Someone with your power is wasted trying to hold it all back...which is why I've been hard at work these last few days trying to get something done with my colleagues in Office."

He hopped back into the chair, spinning before stopping at his computer. "They're extremely reluctant to let this happen, but considering what I told them about you, and your inability to change from this, I do think I'm beginning to have a breakthrough."

"What have you decided with them?"

"It's been well over a century since the first Quirk appeared, and since then, Quirks have become more diverse and powerful than ever. Thanks to that, and the entire lack of killing involved and expected of the profession, I am attempting to push an idea onto them that will allow a...volatile and possibly necessary branch of Heroing, per say."

"Are you attempting to create a variant of Heroes that can kill?"

"Within proper jurisdiction of course. This entire branch is only available to already registered Heroes, and will require much stricter regulations and requirements in order to join. Not only that, but you are still a Hero, and the only major change is the ability to chose if your opponent needs to die and commit to said act."

"Many failsafes, but still dangerous."

"Which is why I'm pitching the Idea with you in mind. You are almost entirely an offense fighter, with your armor serving as the only defense available. If they agree to this and you serve as the first of this new category Hero, you'll be under heavy eyes for some time to see if this is a good addition to the Hero business."

"And what of a name?"

Nezu put a finger to his chin, going into thought. "I haven't had a proper name chosen. I've been tossing between Heralds, Jurys, and Strikers."


"Hm? You like that name?"

"It is direct, and it is distinct. Heroes and Villains are both self explanatory names that all know, so sticking to simplicity is the best choice."

"I see your reasoning...very well! I'll pin the name and see how they respond to the rest of my Emails. You're dismissed Miss Lyst!"

Beirah stood from her seat and quickly left, the day only half done so she really had nothing to do beyond roam around Campus and wait for the early afternoon for someone from the Pussycats to pick her up. She then decided to stop by a window, and look out to the world just beyond UA's walls.

A lot had happened within a short time for her, but almost everything had been meant to push her forward and towards a life that is shining in duty and responsibilities. Even then, she knew she now had people she could fall back on, with the staff of UA as close acquaintances and the Pussycats as the closest thing she had to family anymore.

She heard a buzz to her left, seeing one of her Swarmers flying next to her. "You're here. Did you sneak into the building through a ventilation shaft?"

The bee landed on her shoulder and buzzed it's wings, speaking to her in a way only she understood. She continued on down the hall, with the Swarmer keeping her company as she...noticed several staff members moving rather quickly outside.

Sensing a dangerous situation, she picked up her pace, jumping down the stairs and cracking the tiles under her legs with each landing as she made it quickly to the door. She passed by several other members of the massive School's staff, stopping by some familiar faces.


"AHH!!" The woman in question jumped hearing her voice, turning to her with her hand on her chest. "Don't startle me like that!"

"Apologies. What is happening?"

"Well, from what I heard, Iida Tenya from Class 1A just arrived on foot. The USJ is under attack with the rest of his class still trapped inside."

"USJ as in The Unforeseen Simulation Joint?"

"Yes...I'm actually surprised you said that and not the Universal Studios Japan."

"Is All Might on route?"

"Not from what I've heard no...we could really use his help too."

"Then why is everyone standing here if they're under attack?"

Midnight sighed, looking very frustrated. "It's because we need to wait for transport. If I was able too, I'd use my car, but it's not going to be fast enough to get there compared to waiting and getting in the transports!"

Beirah stepped back and looked at all the Heroes, every one of them looking nervous and worried about the situation. Beirah's eye ever so slightly sharpened, as she bent her knees to-

"Miss Lyst, I wouldn't recommend you do that." She stopped what she was doing, turning to see Nezu walking over to them. "You're not a Hero, and can't use your Quirk nor weaponry in public."

"Their lives are at stake."

"The rules are the rules."

It was barely visible, Nezu barely catching it, but he was able to see Beirah's hands twitch, as if she was going to curl them into fists. He smiled, taking a sip of his tea before chuckling.

"However, I suppose I can turn a blind eye in their great time of need. What about you all?"

Beirah turned to look at all the gathered Heroes, looks shared between them before they all eventually nodded, worried more about the well-being of the students than the laws. "Well, there you have it. Please be quick about it, otherwise things could go more south than they may already be."

The wind was howling past as Beirah flew through the skies, clouds below her covering parts of the city filled with civilians that had no clue of what was happening mere kilometers away. She had only left UA a minute or so ago, but her maximum speed was incredible, easily outpacing many others with both speed and flight.

Although, maneuvering was another factor entirely...

She kept her gaze straight, both goggles up so she can keep her eyes open during high speed flight. If she was traveling the speed she was going, the USJ should be fast approaching.


She was right.

The building was massive, easily seeable with it's shape and size, so that wasn't an issue once she reached the area. Now was the entry she needed.

The door may have been locked or heavily guarded, so that's a no go. Although, the dome was made of Glass, toughened Glass no doubt, but not enough to stop her.

Her shoulder rocket pod sprang up, firing a single missile that flew faster than she did towards one of the panels of glass on the roof, the impact was fierce and even shattered some of the other panels near it, the Plague eating away at the supporting Metal Beams before a mental command ceased their destruction once a hole wide enough was made.

Her Thrusters cut out, and she entered a free fall towards the hole. There was a small smoke cloud in the way of the hole, but again, that wouldn't be an issue with her already having set her path properly.

In she went, piercing right through the cloud and dragging some of the smoke with her as she noticed the interior of the USJ, a plaza with a fountain ahead of where her expected drop zone was.

Before hitting the ground, she flipped and re-oriented her legs to the floor, slamming into it with incredible force and sending a cloud of rubble up from the shattered tiles and ground underneath her. Rising from her literal crater impact, she dulled the Plague in her body, the levels of the liquid in her stomach dropping as the green highlights of her armor faded to almost black.

It was time.

For everyone else in the building, they experienced a different reaction for the event that just went down. All of which varying wildly depending on where they were when it happened

For many of the Students and Villains that were in the other sections of the building, they only noticed the sound of shattering glass and a loud explosion, but beyond that, nothing more. For the rest in the main center of the USJ, it was much different.

A large group of people, many with varied appearances and weapons, were backing away while staring at it, having caught a glimpse of something big falling from the Skylight. One person not backing away was Aizawa, who was cradling his right arm, which had skin falling off like broken Porcelain.

Off in the distance near the Water zone, three kids were watching the fight from afar, the smallest between them having nearly screamed when the thing crashed into the ground. Then there was the two in the back, one a man covered in hands and the other a hulking monstrosity, who didn't do anything.

The dust soon began to settle, the figure standing tall and unmoving as the red lights of the eyes shone through the cloud. More of their body began to show before they moved, each step echoing a loud tap as they left the cloud.

"W-What the...?!"

"Is that even a person?"

The comments of all the people never fazed them, and they turned their head to the panting and in pain Hero. "Eraserhead, you're injured."

"I noticed..."

"Allow me to take it from here."

He quickly stood, stepping closer and turning to the Villains. " shouldn't be fighting, not yet..."

"You're weakened and injured. Sit this out, I am meant for this." They put their hand on his shoulder, moving past him and covering his frame with their larger body.

The man covered in hands looked up to Beirah's gaze. "You...I don't remember a Hero like you..."

"I am no Hero."

"Oh? A vigilante then? That's a surprise..."

"Not that either. I am only here to protect the Students, and now extending to Eraserhead."

The Hands man scoffed, raising one of his actual hands and pointing at her. "So you are a Hero. Don't you know Heroes aren't suppose to lie...?"

"I shall say it once more. I am no Hero." Beirah's right arm came up, a dry Stinger popping out as she aimed at the Hands man. "Heroes will avoid killing at all costs, I hold no such restrictions."

"A murderer'd fit right in with us."

"Not possible. Surrender now or I will begin to hurt you all, further noncompliance will be met with Lethal force."

Her eyes shined brighter for a moment, startling many of the Villains. "This is your only warning."

Some of the Villains were actually starting to back down, before the Hands man stepped up. "If any of you back down now, I'll kill you myself!"

Despite many of them showing fear towards Beirah, they were definitely more terrified of their boss than her, and charged in with their weapons and Quirks ready. Not two seconds in, and Beirah had already begun to fight, launching non-Plagued Stingers in rapid succession.

The results were extremely effective.

The first Villain to get hit didn't know what truly hit him, the Stinger stabbing right into his eye and sending him to the floor howling in pain. Another three found their ways into three more Villains, the size and strength of the Stingers incapacitating all in a single shot while severely injuring others with unlucky hits.

'Amazing...' One of the three Students to the side, the green haired boy, was watching Beirah fighting with awe written on his face. 'Mr. Aizawa was handling them all, but was struggling with the numbers after some time.'

Another Stinger was launched into a Villain's knee, piercing it and sending him to the floor unable to stand. Finally, the Villains were able to get close, and the smiles they had quickly faded as the Stingers went back into her arms and were replaced by large, very sharp Baghnakhs.

'Mr. Aizawa said that you can't be a Hero with only one trick, and it's like Beirah is the definition. She flew, she had Stingers for range, and she has those claws...she's a monster.'

One Villain tried tackling her into another's claws, but barely managed to move her due to her weight. She stabbed her Baghnakhs into his back, lifting him off the ground and hurling him behind her, nailing the one with claws.

Two more announced their presence with shouts, one wielding a metal staff and the other with sharp points for hands. She raised one hand to let the spike Villain cut his own hand to ribbons while her other cleanly cut the pipe in two, her Baghnakhs long enough to cut deep into the man's stomach as well, taking both out of the fight due to injures.

She looked up from the two of them, blood splashed on her from her actions. None of the Villains were dead, but some were clearly close to it looking at their faces and wounds.

The rest of the Villains that didn't attack yet decided wisely, and all ran off into different parts of the USJ screaming in fear. With them all gone, it left her and the two Villains in the back, clearly the Hands one being the Ringmaster of this operation.

Her Baghnakhs vanished back into her armor, her Stingers coming back out as she pointed at him. "Surrender."

"Mmmh...nope. I don't think I'll be doing that, not when there hasn't been any good checkpoints..."

Beirah immediately fired a Stinger, the sharp barb flying straight for his face...before a large hand blocked it and took it instead. The massive bird thing next to him let the Stinger hit his hand, barely penetrating into it's flesh before crushing it to dust.

" with her."

The beast, Nomu, stepped in front of him, staring down Beirah as it seemingly mirrored what she did: stand unmoving, and unflinching.

Beirah took the first step, and Nomu followed suit. It was strange, seeing the two walking towards one another with zero true intent able to be seen in either their posture nor their expressions. It was almost like they simply didn't see each other, the other just didn't exist.

But they all knew just what kind of battle was about to go down. Soon, both stopped moving, Beirah looking up as the Nomu looked down.

Their eyes locked, the World standing still as both of the Villains and Heroes quite literally were staring the other down. The Hands man grumbled, opening his mouth to yell just as the green haired boy did the same.



The Nomu's muscles flexed, and Beirah's highlight's began to glow as liquid poured back into her stomach. The Nomu opened it's mouth and cackled, a demonic sound that Beirah didn't respond to beyond the deep groaning of her Thrusters as a return call.

Today, a Titan would fall.

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