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Kick Into Gear

Another week or so had passed since her first patrol, and the UA Sports Festival had finally rolled around. As per her job description, she would act as security for the event, incase any Villains decided to try and muck it up with thousands of people around.

The stadium was already beginning to fill with people, so she stood on her point, at the very top of the massive dome where the main festival takes place in. Beirah was standing at attention, keeping an eye on all inside, with a radio clipped around her neck to give reports or hear things from other Heroes working security.

Overall, she thought this tournament would be nice.

The blowing of wind sounded nearby, and she turned to look and saw someone approaching her from the sky. She extended a rocket pod, ready to fire, before she saw the face of the person once they drew close enough.

It was Hawks, the Number 3 ranked Hero in Japan.

After waiting for a little longer, he landed next to her, looking into the arena before turning to look at her...and having to crane his neck up pretty far. "How's it up there?"

She said nothing, staring him down with her dull eye. Hawks shrugged, turning his attention back to the arena below.

"So, heard you're the Head of Security for the event. How old are you again Plaguebringer?"


"Eighteen and already a big wig, we're pretty in common you know?"

"I do not have an Agency."

"You'll get there someday, just gotta get the grind on like I did. Maybe you could even take up my old number 3 when the day comes around hm?"

Beirah looked down to the much smaller Hero, who was giving her a small yet cocky smile that was meant to trigger a response in her. Since she isn't keen on such, she merely looked back down to the stadium, Hawks doing the same.


"So. Who's faster?"

"In top speed, I am faster than you. However, in overall aerial maneuverability, you are the superior."

He blinked, humming as she finished. "Huh...that makes sense I guess."

Their eyes went back to the arena, seeing the stadium now filled to the brim with people and Heroes alike. The announcers of the event, the staff of UA themselves, have yet to make any sounds, meaning they're still waiting for people to fill up the seats.

Hawks rubbed his chin, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Yo, Plaguebringer."

Her eyes went back to him, and he offered a playful smile. "Wanna give the Audience a nice welcome to the Festival?"

"Depends on what you mean by that."

"You know, an Airshow. You and me flying high speeds around the coliseum for the people to say hello too."

She went quiet, a few minutes passing before she clicked a button on the radio. "Nezu, I have a question to ask."

"What question Lyst?"

"Hawks is here with me, and he wishes to hype up the audience with an Airshow between me and him."

"I see, and you're asking my permission?"

She looked to Hawks, who was lazily smirking with a thumbs up. "I am."

'Wow...there's so many people here...' Midoriya Izuku, dressed in the standard training uniform of UA, walked out with both his and the other classes that attended the first years' Sports Festival.

All around him, thousands of people were cheering and screaming in excitement for the oncoming games. They were ready to see Quirks roar and sparks fly as students were pitted against one another in direct and indirect combat.

Needless to say, he was terrified.

'Not only that, but every other class is giving us the stink eyes!'

Sure enough, every other class was staring them down, anger and hatred burning in their eyes due to the fame that class 1A accrued thanks to the USJ incident. However, the Umpire stepped to the stage, clad in their usual tight garments and whip in hand as Midnight swiftly silenced the crowds, both student and civilian.

"Now, representing the First Year students, Katsuki Bakugo of Class 1A!"

At her announcement, the very boy walked away from his incredibly worried class, all of them knowing he was very brash and rude with the things he says. He made it to the stage, turning to face his fellow students with his hands in his pockets.

"I pledge..."


"That I'll be number one."

Immediately, all the classes screamed in rage at his declaration, while his own class was wallowing in grief knowing he would have said something like that. Although, they were quickly wrangled in again by Midnight, who was about to continue on with what was the first event of the Festival, before all the TV's turned on, showing Principal Nezu's face.

"Hello everyone! Before we begin this wonderful Festival, please direct your eyes to the sky!"

He pointed up from the Monitors, further helping push everyone's gazed upwards. Music began playing, something that Bakugo stoped on.

"Wait a second...they're playing this shit?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"It's Highway to the Danger Zone Shitty Hair, were you born under a rock?!"

Kirishima slammed his hand to his other's palm. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that one! But...isn't it well over a hundred years old now?"

They didn't get to speak further, Nezu's voice breaking them from it. "In comes our first flyer, the Number three Pro Hero of Japan, The Winged Hero: Hawks!"

The crowd went wild as Hawks' aerial figure snapped into view, flying into the coliseum at incredible speeds and committing to several spins and dives. He flew right over the Students below, letting his hand down and lowering his speed so he can offer out High fives to those he passed.

After that, the Hero banked high up into the air again, where another figure climbed up after him before zooming past, turning to fly down soon after passing him. "Here comes the second partner of this Aerial duet, one of the newest Heroes to the scene, and one who's fame is growing by the minute! In comes The Swarm Hero: Plaguebringer!"

At first, many were confused and cheering on mostly since Hawks' was still around, but that all changed once she made her entrance. The rushing sound of Jet Engines began to fill the Coliseum, and soon enough, Beirah flew through the open roof at speeds even Hawks couldn't have matched.

Moments before hitting the ground, she pulled up and immediately began to fly circles around the arena, flying meters above most of the spectators and blowing away many of their expectations and hats. The camera couldn't even keep up with her at the speeds she was at, and she soon slammed into a wall to stop her movement, as she and Hawks planned.

The Winged Hero flew back down into the arena, quickly dipping down and going to the other end from where she was at. Once there, they both sprang from their mounts, flying clockwise around the upper dome at equal speeds.

"Let's do this!"

"Very well."

Beirah's rocket pods opened up, the rockets at low power level, thus not containing the Plague. She shot several missiles at Hawks, who responded with firing his feathers at the bombs to meet them in the middle, a literally explosive show.

The feathers hit dead on, creating a massive explosion and smoke cloud that filled the dome's skylight, blanketing the interior in darkness. From that cloud, a flare crackled to life, Hawks' body illuminated as he swooped back down to the ground, flying to the opposite of the arena once more.

A green light appeared from the smoke, Beirah's highlights and engine smoke a neon green as she chased after Hawks through the arena. The walls just below the spectators acted as buffers, the two playing an odd game of Cat and Mouse that constantly swapped roles as they bounced around like Pinballs.

That's when they met in the middle.

They flew high speeds into one another, Hawks putting his hands up as Beirah caught his hands with her own, linking them into their next performance. Hawks' wings tucked in, and Beirah flew up again, slowly ascending while spinning.

Their vapor trails mixed together, the red flare and green smoke creating a yellow trail behind them that capped the helix pattern they created. The entire crowd was roaring in excitement over the display, but they weren't done yet, not by a long shot.

Theo unlinked hands, Hawks keeping in his position and spinning with Beirah as they ascended further and further, breaking through the smoke screen that was finally dissipating. A few moments later, it faded away and revealed what they were doing next high in the sky.

They were still parallel to eachother, Hawks' flare running strong as he nodded to her, Beirah pushing him away as they rose up in the form of a Giant "U". They flew back towards one another, crossing paths as Beirah cut her Engines, entering a brief free fall before starting once again, finishing the smoke design with a cross trail.

Everyone stared with awe and even took pictures, as they created a massive U and A with their combined efforts, the A placed atop the U with their combined effort. The song was reaching it's peak, as they flew back around and re-met in the middle.

"Ready Plaguebringer?"


They linked their legs together, entering free fall once more and spinning, gaining quite a bit of force as the green engine smoke and red flare shot their respective colored smoke out in a spiral, leaving a massive multicolored spiral that was quickly running down towards the Coliseum.

They kept it up until they reached just a few dozen meters off the floor, where Hawks spread his wings to slow his decent, snd Beirah angled her Jets down to finally stop their descent, safely landing them both to the ground. They split away just as the song hit the last note, and Hawks' flare also died right then too.

"Give it up for these two wonderful Performers!"

The crowd went absolutely wild, Hawks putting his hands in his pockets and smiling up at them all. Beirah was, as usual, staring ahead with no emotion, but inside, she was happy she did this and made such a grand entry for the Sports Festival this year.

"That was pretty fun. We should see about working together sometime you know?" Hawks raised a hand, the back of his hand pointed towards Beirah.

She stared at it for a moment, before he looked up to her after getting no response. "Hit it with the back of your hand too."

She raised her left hand, curling it into a fist before tapping the back of her hand to his. He smiled, waving two fingers at her before walking off a bit, spreading his wings and flying off and away from the Coliseum.

Beirah, looked to Midnight, nodding to her and letting her continue on, as she flew back up to the top of the Dome, getting back to her watch spot with many people now knowing that she was standing up there the entire time. Midnight wrangled the spectators back in, before announcing the first event of the Sports Festival.

"Now, the first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Each year, many drink their tears here!" She cracked the air with her Whip, as a holographic screen appeared behind her with a slot machine type of display.

"The first game is..."


"The obstacle race!"

Beirah zoned out the rest of the drabble, turning her eyes to the outer edge of the Stadium where the race would be taking place. Her eyes took note of the many obstacles that dotted the area, with some of the massive robots she fought in the Quirk test, plus a large pit and a minefield of sorts nearing the end.

She knew the kids were going to have a rough time in this event, but thankfully, she would be here to prevent having to worry about Villains attacking. Ever since the USJ incident, she knew she was on someone's list to murder, but whoever it was, she would happily let them come.

May the best killer win, after all.

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