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Life Finds a Way

After the...Biblical lesson from Nezu and display of power from Beirah, the test was called off, Mandalay hurrying out of the room to go and grab her since she still only really listened to her. That left the 4 who were watching in there besides her: Nezu, All Might, Midnight, and Eraserhead.

As soon as Mandalay closed the door and her footsteps stopped being heard, Midnight quickly stepped up to the screen. "Are you telling me there's a child who can do THAT?!"

"She's eighteen Midnight, no longer a child."

"I don't care! She's barely an adult, and she's able to recreate the Bible!" The woman was almost in hysterics over the scene she watched, half excitement and half terror of what the young adult is capable of.

All Might's massive hand fell onto her shoulder, bringing her attention to him. "Calm yourself. Her power is terrifying sure, but for the entire time that Mandalay has known her, the only time she was aggressive was when they first met."

Even Aizawa stepped up alongside him. "He's right, the kid is freakishly strong, but she's steady in the head. I'm sure that she wouldn't cause many problems so long as she's got good hands to guide her...which I wish was someone better than the Crazy Cats, but she chose herself so that's out of the bag."

Midnight took a moment, breathing in before pushing All Might's hand off. "Sorry...but that display was just..."

"It was fascinating is what it was." Nezu hopped down from the console, already beginning his walk back to his office. "Beirah Lyst is surely a powerful girl, which means that she must be lead on the path of a Hero."

"I can help!"

"No, no you can't." Aizawa shut down All Might immediately, the giant of a man crying in the corner at the instant turn away. "Besides, you're only halfway decent at teaching a Heroics class, and if she even did a come to this place, that's the class I would 100% keep her away from."

"Hmm..." Aizawa turned his attention to Nezu, who was in his classic thinking pose. "Maybe..."

"Oh no..."

One week has passed...

"Bye Beirah! I'll be back to pick you up later~!" The famously cheerful voice of Ragdoll sounded her off as Beirah was left alone, the woman driving off in the truck to do...whatever it was she does.

Apparently, even though she's too old to officially attend UA, the Principal decided to personally tutor her on the many years she has missed in school due to her disappearance. At first, Beirah assumed it was due to her show of strength the week prior, but that was cleared away when Mandalay told her it was, and she quotes: "Because he likes her."

A Swarm Bee buzzed on her shoulder, her one visible eye seeming to dull even further from whatever it said. "Beastiality is a criminal offense, and a public taboo. Committing such acts is deplorable."

"Who are you speaking to?"

Beirah turned around, looking to see a boy with sharp teeth and spiky red hair. She only pointed at the Bee on her shoulder, who buzzed its wings.

"You speak to those new Bees?! That's so manly!"

"Correction, I am female."

"Woah! Could have fooled me with that voice of yours..." He shook that off, smiling and offering his hand. "Kirishima Eijiro! Nice to meet ya!"

She turned to him fully, not returning the handshake. "Beirah Lyst. I say my name in Western form, so know my last name is Lyst."

"You're a foreigner?"

"Half-Japanese, Half-Dutch."

"Awesome! No wonder you're so tall!" He looked back to the building, seeing the time on his phone really quick. "Whoops, gotta go before I'm late! Hope I see you again!"

She was left alone at the gates again, waiting there for a few seconds before deciding to head in herself. She's only been through a small part of the building so far, so she would need to ask someone else for directions.

The front door was massive, and thanks to that, she didn't need to enter sideways like with most doors. Before she could even begin to look around for help, she noticed a map of the building right there in a portrait in front of her.

"Convenient. Students can take pictures and keep record of it."

She quickly studied the map, seeing the most direct route to the Office and setting off on it. She wasn't sure when the classes started, but she was sure that time limit didn't really matter for her.

All she did know though, was that the lessons were probably going to be difficult.

"I hope this has helped you somewhat Miss Lyst!"

Beirah had been sitting with Nezu for the better half of a few hours, doing some schoolwork that he tutored in while working on whatever he usually did. Hell, with the speed he was moving on the keyboard, she believed he relished every opportunity to help her so he could actually get to slow down.

She couldn't lie about the effectiveness though. The Chimera was absolutely an incredible Teacher.

"Now, while I do know you don't eat and only Photosynthesize, you should head on to the Cafeteria and meet the students. Even if you aren't enrolled officially, you'll be meeting them quite often, so run along and enjoy yourself."

She pushed the paper away from her and stood up for the first time in hours. Never having to crack your neck or stretch has many benefits in this setting.

"Thank you for the lessons Nezu."

"I should be thanking you! It's been a long while since I could try my hand at this, and I almost forgot why I like this job so much!"

She quickly left the room, Nezu already giving her directions to the Cafeteria so she wouldn't get lost trying to find it. It took a few minutes of walking, but she eventually made it to the room, and upon opening the doors, she was met with a wall of sound that blew right trough her ears.

She was extremely unused to this many people, but she didn't really care for that and walked right in, moving past many of the kids as she went directly towards the windows. The sounds of the Cafeteria somewhat quieted down as she made it to them, sitting herself on a chair she found nearby before putting her arms out to the light, opening her Panels to recharge.

It took only a few minutes for someone to come up to her and tap her shoulder, her eyes turning to look and seeing the familiar redhead smiling at her. "Looks like we did see each other again!"


A lot of people flinched at her voice, with Kirishima and another select few remaining unaffected. In fact, Kirishima only got closer, taking something from his pocket and putting it down on the extension right below the window: a Packet of Yogurt.

"I didn't see you with any food in hand, and since I didn't eat that yet, I was thinking you could use some food."

"I cannot eat."

That made him freeze for a moment. "Wha...can't eat?! That's horrible!"

"Negative. I gain my nutrients through absorbing the Sun's Rays."

He looked to her arms, seeing the little panels opened on the ends. "'re like a Mecha Plant! That's so manly!"

"I am female."

"It's a thing I say, don't worry about it! Just means I think it's cool!"

Beirah blinked and looked him up and down, before returning his gaze. "If you are cold, I recommend standing in the Sunlight to heat up."

Everyone was collectively thinking she was an idiot.

"Excuse me." Both turned their attention to another girl, one with long green braided hair. "Does your Quirk need sunlight as well?"

"Both my Quirk and I need sun to survive."

"I Quirk only involves my hair, which I am thankful for." She smiled and bowed. "My name is Shiozaki Ibara, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss...?"

"Beirah Lyst."

"Ah, before you go on, she says it first name last name." Kirishima made sure to clear that possible misconceptions, which Ibara thanked him for.

"Lyst, how long can you go without Sun?"

Beirah looked ahead and up to the very star in question, looking away soon after cause...well, it's the Sun. "I can function optimally for three days. Beyond, I begin to move sluggishly, I am weaker, and the swarm is less united. I am uncertain of a true limit."

"I truly hope you don't ever have to learn that. I pray that the Lord will always give you wonderfully Sunny days." Ibara put her hands together and prayed for a few moments, bowing to her and returning to her friends and class soon after.

Beirah went back to Sunbathing, until she heard Kirishima tapping on her stomach. "Woah...what is this stuff?"

"My Nannites. I recommend you take your hand away."

"Why's that?"

"The glass is powerful and strong, but if ruptured, I can easily cause this school to crumble down along with everyone in it."

Like with Madalay, Kirishima immediately backed away like lightning. "G-Got it. Say, wanna join me and my buds at the table?"

"I am recharging my Panels."

"We got sunlight kicking through a spot, I'm sure they'll move for you!"

She contemplated that for a second, remembering that Nezu wanted her to socialize before closing her panels and standing. "Lead on"

"Awesome! They're gonna love you!" He grabbed her arm and tried dragging her, physically straining to move her much beyond the lifting of her arm. "W-Wow...sorry to say but you're really heavy..."

"My armor is an alloy with Titanium mixed in, it is natural." She walked over with Kirishima instead, soon arriving at the table with most of his class.

"Yo Sero, can you move from that spot? She needs the Sun."

"Oh, sure!" The boy he called out, Sero, quickly stood up from his place, taking his food and moving to another chair.

Beirah soon sat on his chair, the seat audibly groaning from her weight before she put her arms on the table and reopened the Panels to recharge. The other students all looked up to her, the girl being utterly massive compared to every one of them.

Thanks to where she was sitting, there were two boys next to her, one with yellow hair and a lightning spark in it while the other had a beak and bird like head. The one with yellow hair spoke first, leaning on the table to look at her more directly.

"Yo! So you wear your armor every wear or something?"

"My body is entirely mechanical, save for most of my head."

"So this is how you look normally?! You look awesome!" He pointed a finger at himself. "Names Kaminari Denki, bird face right there is Tokoyami Fumikage."

She looked over to Fumikage, who looked right back and started a silent staring contest with her. Both didn't move a muscle, somewhat making the others feel awkward.

Eventually, he nodded, and she returned her gaze back to her arms.

""Are they telepathic?!'""

Before they could continue to speak to her, the bell rang, marking the end of the Lunch period. Beirah stood up, retracting her Panels and already leaving without speaking to them.

"Hey! Before you go, what class are you in?" Kirishima called out to her, but she never looked back.

"I am in no class. I'm tutoring with Nezu."

She left the Cafeteria, hearing them yell in surprise at her response before she walked off and back to Nezu's office. As usual, the Chimera was behind his desk, working away at speeds she couldn't comprehend.

"Welcome back! Did you make any new friends?"

"Kirishima Eijiro is one who approached me. He brought me to his class group."

"Looks like you got adopted by an extrovert then! Come sit, we still have quite a bit of material to go over before the end of the day."

Just like that, the two continued their relative silence, one working on catching up to normal academics people their age should know, the other working on whatever needs to be done, be it allocating funds or consulting with different people.

Although, there was the moment the windows shook, which Nezu laughed off. Other than that, it was a relatively peaceful first day for her."

" was your first day?"

"Good. I have caught up on several subjects to the 6th grade level."

"You're a quick learner if that's the case! You'll be done in no time flat!" Ragdoll was yet again her driver back to the Mountains, the two of them speaking through the open rear window. "Now that you've been in the school, any boys that caught your eye~?"

"Negative. No one has sparked a hostile response."

"...Not what I meant, but I'll take that as a no."

They had small idle talk as they drove, the entire trip taking about an hour before they finally made it back to their "home base" as Ragdoll usually said it. The truck skid to a stop, the engine cutting as they both got out of the truck.

"Welcome back!" Pixie-Bob was the first to come over. "How was school?"

"Good. I have caught up on several subjects to the 6th grade level."

"Uh huh, and did you say the exact same thing to her?"


She sighed, scratching her hair. "We gotta figure out how to get you out of that Robo-speak..."

Together, the three went inside and said their greetings to the rest of the group, Beirah sitting herself in her usual spot near the windows so she can constantly top of her Canisters. Hearing footsteps approach, she turned to see Mandalay coming towards her, chair in hand as she sat down next to her.

"Is Nezu teaching you well?"

"Affirmative. He is an excellent Teacher."

"I honestly thought he was a bit to loose in the head to teach." She went quiet for a minute, before she seemed to find a question stored deep away. "Beirah, how do you replenish your weapons?"

"My weaponry is entirely devised of my Nannites. Some will form together and create the casing, others will become the Ordinance."

"Is that why you always soak in so much sun?"

"Affirmative. The Nannites self-replenish when given energy."

Mandalay nodded to that, the two then sitting in silence together as Mandalay looked over her body. So much of her was fake that you could barely tell if she was human or not.

Especially when her mask fully covered her face, then it was impossible to tell. Her fist wound tight, eyes narrowing as she felt anger at what this young girl had to go through to become this...machine.


"Hm?" She looked out the window, seeing a small figure standing out there and playing with a ball, bouncing it up and down. "What's Kota doing out there...?"

"Shall I retrieve him?"

"No, no need...actually, why not go out and talk to him? This could be your first act as a Hero."

Beirah turned to her, Mandalay continuing on what she meant. "See, Kota isn't my son, he's my nephew. His parents were...they were killed a few months back by a Villain."

Beirah's eye seemed to shine for a moment, Mandalay catching it before it vanished as she smiled. "Yeah...he's just like you. I wish he didn't need to see that happen, or if it didn't happen at all, he was once such a cheery kid..."

Beirah looked back to the boy, staring for a few seconds before speaking. "I will speak to him."

They shared no more words, Beirah's Panels going back into her arms as she stood to leave. Mandalay stayed near the window, hoping to see if it went alright between the two of them.

Beirah's sharp feet stabbed into the ground with each step, announcing her presence to Kota as he looked up to her. "What..."

"You look lonely."

Clearly, that wasn't the best way to start the conversation, as he clicked his tongue and looked away. Beirah stood there unmoving for a time, before sitting down on the soil next to him.

"Go away, I don't wanna talk."

"It is unhealthy to push others away."

"I don't care!" He was throwing the ball a lot harder now, eventually hitting it too hard as it went past his reach and started bouncing off.

He was about to get up to grab it, but Beirah was on it first, standing quickly and grabbing the ball. "You are angry easily."

"Don't talk to me like you're my mom!"

"I merely state facts. You should calm down before you hurt yourself."

"Why should I care?"

"Your parents wouldn't wa-"

"DON'T...don't talk about my parents..." The boy was giving her a death glare, but she was completely unfazed.

"I apologize. I shouldn't have brought them up."

"Stupid Hero..." He looked away again, bouncing the ball, though he was noticeably sadder than before.

Beirah sat back down, letting the silence hang for a while until Kota eventually turned back to her. "Why are you still here, didn't I say to go?"

"You need company."

"I don't want company! Especially not from a Hero!"

"You have a hatred of Heroes?"

He went silent, before frowning as he lowered his cap. "I hate them all...Heroes, Villains, Quirks...I hate all of it!"

"Does this relate to your Parents and their deaths?"


Beirah gently laid a hand on his back, which he shook off. "I don't want your help."

"You may not want it, but you need it."

"No I don't! I don't need a Hero's help!"

"I am not a Hero, merely an Orphan."

He looked like he was going to shout again, but stopped and stared at her as she said that. "I too lost my parents, but due to circumstances, I am not able to remember them."

"You...don't remember them?"

"No. I was taken away at a young age, most of my memories of those years are gone, including my parents. I am unable to even remember their faces."

Kota looked away again, staying silent as Beirah once more put her hand on his back. "I am alone. There are no relatives in my family anywhere nearby, and I am an adult, meaning there is no place for me to simply go. You are different Kota."

He looked up to her, seeing her one unmoving red eye staring at him. He tried looking grumpy again, shaking off her hand, "What would you don't feel anything."

"It is not easy being like this. I am unable to connect with people easily, as I am insensitive, as you have already seen." She moved to the side, kneeling in front of him. "However, I am able to help others, and so, I shall do what I can."

"So you just wanna be a Hero..."

"No, I simply wish to help people. Hero or no, it's what Humans do, and I will fight to remain as such."


"You have family Kota, you have Mandalay and the Pussycats. You will always have someone at your back, do not throw it away in anger."

That's when she noticed him jump, the sounds of his breath choking out already telling her he was beginning to cry. "B-But...what if they leave...l-like Mom and Dad...?"

Beirah didn't know how to respond to that, and she ran every possible thing she could say through her mind to figure out what. Eventually, she came up flat...but was left with an action.

She gently reached to Kota, careful of her sharp fingers as she pulled him close, hugging him to her shoulder. "If they cannot, know that I will. We have both lost family, but together, we can ensure the ones we do have left stay alive to see you grow, to become a great man."

Kota froze up when she hugged him close, slowly returning the hug as he began crying into her shoulder. Beirah held him close the entire time, her eye as impassive as ever, but her actions spoke loud enough, especially for Mandalay, who was smiling with tears dancing in her eyes at the scene.

'She can't show it easy, but she has the Heart of a Hero...' She looked to the other Pussycats, who had all joined her in watching after a few minutes.

'Looks like they agree too...Beirah, you'll go far in life, I know you will.'

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