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Jigsaw of ♥

Chapter 1

-- The Beginning

Yuri looked at the sleeping Jessica and back at her drawing block again. She did that back and forth a couple of times. She carefully drew the curves of her lips meticulously. Occasionally, she would pick up the eraser and carefully erase the little mistakes she had made then back to her wooden pencil again. 

“Done!” Yuri exclaimed as she lifted up her drawing block and admired her own work for little awhile. 

It wasn’t long before Jessica was woken up by her loud voice. 

“Yawns! You woke me up from my beauty sleep, Yuri!” Jessica opened her eyes and snapped at Yuri.

“I am so sorry Sica baby! Do you want to go back to sleep?” Yuri asked apologetically.

“Nah. It’s okay. What were you doing when I was asleep?” Jessica looked at Yuri with suspicion.

“Nothing!” Yuri quickly hid the drawing drawing behind her back and smiled sweetly at Jessica. 

Jessica grinned as she stretched out her hands towards Yuri, still lying on her bed. 

“Come on Yuri, give it to me!”

“No! Get it from me if you can!”

Just after she completed her sentence, Jessica jumped out of her bed swiftly and both girls were running around in Jessica’s room which reminded Yuri of herself playing catching in the playground after lessons when she was really young. Jessica tried to stretch her hands to reach for the drawing behind Yuri but Yuri dodged and both ended up in an awkward embrace. 

“Alright, you win. Here it is.”

Jessica released her grip on Yuri and smiled. Yuri took out the drawing block from behind her back and gave it to Jessica. Jessica took it from her hands and shifted her eyes slowly from Yuri to the drawing. 

“Drawing me while I was sleeping again?!” Jessica laughed. “How many ‘me’ have you drawn already, Yuri?” Jessica grinned.

“You will know soon!” 

“Why are you so secretive recently huh?” Jessica asked, arms akimbo.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out!” Yuri said jokingly.

“Fine!” Jessica pouted.

Yuri smiled and brushed Jessica’s hair gently. 

“Alright Sica, I’ve got to go home.” Yuri sighed as she started keeping her pencils and drawing blocks.

“So soon? Mom and dad are out of town again and I will be so lonely.” Jessica pouted and twirled her fingers around.

“I am so sorry, Sica. Yoona is ill. I need to be home early to take care of her. Mom is working the night shift today.” Yuri said as she zipped her bag.

“Why don’t you ask your mom to quit her hotel job and stay at home to look after your sister? I can provide for your family.”

“Don’t be silly Sica! What will my mom think! Don’t worry, I can handle this.” Yuri messed Jessica’s hair and gave her an assuring smile. 

Jessica stared at Yuri for a moment before giving her a faint smile and nodded. She knew Yuri was tired, but she just liked to put up a strong front.

“Come on, let’s get going. I’ll get my chauffeur to send you home.” Jessica stood up and stretched her hands towards Yuri.

“Thank you Sica.” Yuri said as she grabbed Jessica’s hand for support and stood up.

Jessica and Yuri walked down the stairs and to the entrance of her mansion where her chauffeur was already waiting with a black Mercedes, ready to kick off.

“Hey and don’t forget about our date tomorrow. But if you cannot make it, it is okay, just let me know alright?”

“How can I not make it, Sica! Tomorrow is our 2nd anniversary!” Yuri whispered.

Jessica heaved a huge sigh of relief and smiled at Yuri.

“Don’t worry Sica, I will see you tomorrow at seven! Cafe 101!” 

Yuri smiled at Jessica. The chauffeur opened the door of the black Mercedes for Yuri and she hopped on before the Chauffeur closed the door shut. Jessica walked down the steps, bent down to look into the car and waved. Yuri waved back and smile. The Mercedes then drove off.


Yuri rushed back home after receiving a phone call from her mother on the way back from Jessica’s home. Yoona’s condition has worsened. Even before the car halted to a stop, Yuri opened the door and rushed up to her apartment. She searched her bag for her keys frantically and with shivering hands, slid the key into the keyhole and turned the knob. 

Yuri rushed into Yoona’s room and saw her lying on her bed. Their mother was sitting next to her. Yuri went forward and grabbed Yoona’s hands. 

“Yoona, are you feeling okay?” Yuri asked with voice full of fear and concern.

“I am okay, unnie.” Yoona replied in her weak and frail voice before giving Yuri a faint smile. 

Since young, Yoona has been like this. She doesn’t like people to worry for her.

“Come on Yuri, let Yoona rest.” Yuri’s mother patted her shoulder.

Yuri released Yoona’s hands reluctantly and went out of the room with her mother. She knew that her mother had something to say to her that Yoona must not know. She closed the door gently so as not to disturb her sister who was resting. 

Both of them walked towards the living room with heavy footsteps and sat down on the sofa. The atmosphere was solemn. Then Yuri’s mother finally broke the awkward silence. 

“The doctor said the operation cannot be delayed any further. Her transplant must be as soon as possible and she needs to be hospitalised. But I have yet to raise the money for the operation and her hospital bills…”

“Don’t worry omma, I will find a way to raise the amount of money. I won’t let Yoona and you suffer. Everything will be fine.” Yuri placed her hands on her mother’s and gave her an assuring smile. 

It always hurt to see her mother like this.

Yuri’s mother nodded as the first drop of tear started to stream down her tired face. Yuri gently brushed the tears off with her thumb. Her heart ached.

“Alright Yuri,” Her mother patted her hands. “I am late for work. I need to go now. Take care of Yoona okay?” Her mother sighed as she stood up.

“I will omma.”

Yuri’s mother headed towards the door. She watched as her mother put on her shoes and leave. Just as the door clicked, her facial expression took a sudden change. She looked fearful and worried unlike how calm she looked when she consoled her mother. Yuri pondered for a long time, thinking about how to raise such a huge sum of money in such a short time. Finally, she was left with the one and only choice. 

“Sica, I guess you are the only one that could help me now...” Yuri sighed.


Chapter 2

-- Bloody Affair

The very next day, Jessica woke up super early and a parcel was waiting for her in the living room. Jessica jumped off her bed as her alarm rang and skipped happily downstairs to her living room, something so unlike her. Usually, it would take hours to wake the sleeping beauty up.

“Miss Jung, there is a parcel for you and it is on the dining table.” An elderly woman with white hair bowed and greeted her.

“Yes I know! Thank you Aunt Kim!” Jessica replied as she bowed back to her housekeeper.

“You are welcome, Miss Jung. And you parents will be back tonight.” She added.

“Okay I got that!” 

Jessica skipped happily towards the dining table and there was a small parcel wrapped beautifully in a golden wrapper, completed nicely with a silver ribbon. On top of the box was a slip of paper that wrote: 

“Miss Jessica Jung

The Jung Residence”

Jessica grabbed the parcel and smiled to herself.

“Miss Jung, is that for Yuri ssi?”

Jessica turned around and saw Aunt Kim. She smiled to her and nodded.

“It’s a secret between you and me, Aunt Kim! Don’t tell Mom and Dad!”

Aunt Kim smiled and nodded. 

“Thank you!” Jessica ended the conversation and rushed back to her room.

Aunt Kim watched as Jessica skipped happily to her room.

“This child...” She said and laughed to herself.

Since young, Mr and Mrs Jung often left Jessica to the care of their housekeeper as they were usually overseas. In fact, Jessica was closer to her housekeeper than she was to her parents. Aunt Kim was also the only person whom she told about her relationship with Yuri. That was how close they were.

Back at her room, she placed the parcel on her desk and carefully unwrap it. When the wrapper was off, a small golden musical box shaped in a heart was revealed. Jessica opened the transparent box and took out the musical box. She twisted the knob a couple of times and then opened the musical box. A small little ballerina jumped up and it started rotating in circles. The song “Love Story” started to fill the entire room. Jessica closed her eyes and listened to the beautiful composition. It was Yuri’s favourite song and she used to play it on the piano and violin for her.

As the song ended, Jessica closed the musical box and placed it back into the transparent box. She took out some wrapping papers, cards and coloured pencils and started to rewrap the musical box. After which, she started making a card. After everything was done, it was already close to evening. Jessica placed the nicely wrapped musical box in a nice black paper bag. She went to her closet and chose her outfit. There, she was ready to leave home to meet Yuri.


Yuri placed all the drawings she had of Jessica and placed them in a black box and tied it up with a silver ribbon. She looked at the box and smiled to herself. But slowly, her smile turned into a frown as the thought of Yoona flashed though her mind.

“Sica ah... You have to help me this time.” Yuri sighed as she placed the box into her bag.

She didn’t really like the idea of having to loan money from Jessica, though she knew that Jessica as rich. But this time, it was kind of for an emergency situation.

Yuri got ready and left home.


Jessica was first to reach. She parked her black Porsche at the car park beside Cafe 101 and walked towards the entrance. She sat down at the small bench outside and waited patiently for Yuri. She took quick glances at her silver Rolex occasionally to keep track of the time. Not long after, Yuri was seen running towards Jessica. Jessica stood up and opened her arms. Yuri ran towards her and into her embrace. 

“Happy two years, Sica baby!” Yuri whispered to Jessica’s ears.

“Yea! Happy two years!” Jessica whispered back and they both let go of each other.

Jessica then led Yuri into the cafe. As they entered, they were greeted by a warm and friendly atmosphere. There were many display cupboards around and many beautiful and exquisite display ornaments were put up for show. But something else caught Yuri’s attention. Many pictures of celebrities who patronised the restaurant were also framed up and placed in the cupboard. 

“Pretty famous place to dine in huh.” Yuri giggled and Jessica nodded.

The waiter showed them to their seats and handed them the menu. Jessica and Yuri then placed their orders. They didn’t take a long time to think of what they wanted to eat as they were regulars at this cafe. The waiter got their orders and took his leave.

The girls chatted happily as their food was served.

“Hmm... So Yuri, what did you prepare for me?” Jessica smiled sweetly at Yuri. 

Yuri laughed. “You are so thick-skinned.” She said as she pinched Jessica’s checks jokingly. 

Yuri placed the fork in her hands on the plate and bent down to take out the black box in her bag. She handed it to Jessica. Jessica received the box with both hands and placed it on her lap. She lifted up the box which was rather light and shook the box gently as she placed her ear nearer to “listen” what was inside. Yuri could not help but to laugh at the silly Jessica.

“Can I open it?” Jessica smiled.

Yuri laughed and nodded. Jessica started to untie the box. She opened the box and there, she saw the pieces of Yuri’s drawing and most of them were drawings of her doing her favourite activity; sleeping. 

“Thank you Yuri! I really liked it!” Jessica exclaimed as she carefully closed the box.

“I am glad you liked it! So now where is mine?” Yuri asked jokingly as she stretched her hands out to Jessica.

Jessica bent down to pick up the paper bag on the floor. But just as she did so, Yuri’s phone rang. Jessica then placed the bag back on the floor. Yuri answered the phone. 

“Yes omma? What! Okay, I will be right there now!” Yuri ended the phone call and turned to look at Jessica.

“What happened, Yuri?”

“It’s Yoona! She has been admitted to the hospital and is in a critical condition! I need to go now! I am so sorry, Sica.”

“No it’s okay! I will drive you there now!” 

“Alright Sica thanks!”

Jessica grabbed the black box Yuri gave her and the both of them left the cafe frantically without finishing their food. The cafe manager was taken aback by their sudden departure and went over to their table. At their table, he accidentally kicked something light and picked it up. It was the black paper bag Jessica was holding on to when she entered the cafe.

“Hey ladies, you left something behind!” He shouted as he tried to run after them.


Yuri and Jessica almost ran to the car park where Jessica got her car. Both of them got into the car and Jessica sped off.

“Don’t worry Yuri, Yoona will be fine.” Jessica said as she grabbed Yuri’s hand.

Yuri nodded and looked out of the window. Jessica stepped harder on the accelerator and they were now running way above the normal speed. Just as the traffic light turned amber, Jessica dashed forward and to their horror, a car appeared out of nowhere. 

“JESSICA! LOOK OUT!” Yuri shouted.

Jessica saw the car incoming and tried to dodge it. She successfully avoided hitting the car but her car swerved and it crashed into a tree.


“Yoona! Yoona you have to stay strong for me and your sister you heard me?!” Yoona’s mother cried as she ran and held on to the hand of the unconscious Yoona who was lying on the moving gurney, pushed by several nurses and a doctor.

“Madam, you can’t enter the surgery room.” The nurse explained as she pushed Yoona’s mother aside.

She released her grip on her daughter’s hand and watched as the gurney wheeled into the surgery room. The “OPERATION”sign was lit up. Yoona’s mother sank into the seat and uttered a silent prayer. Then, her eyelids twitched...


Yuri slowly opened her eyes and she felt that her entire head was warm. Blood started to trickle down her face. Suddenly, she felt an excruciating pain in her eyes. She groaned in pain as she turned towards her left only to see an unconscious Jessica with blood all over her face and arms.

“Si- Sica..” Yuri said in a frail voice.

Yuri tried to move her hands but soon her eyes become blurry and she too was unconscious...


Chapter 3

-- Where it all started

Yuri started to hear voices around her. Though it wasn’t really audible and she could barely make up what they were saying, she was pretty sure she heard her mother’s voice. Yuri tired to open her eyes, but she could not seem to do so. Slowly, Yuri began to regain her energy. She first tried to move her little finger then her entire hand. 

“Yuri! Yuri can you hear me?” 

Yuri recognised that it was the voice of her mother. 

“Om- omma..?”

“Yah Yuri ah?” A lady spoke.

“Tae- Taeyeon?”

“Oh my… Are you feeling okay?” Her mother asked in a worried tone.

“M- M- My head… My head hurts very badly…” Yuri stammered as she spoke.

“You just had an operation yesterday. The doctor said it is normal to experience pain once the anaesthetic wears off.” Her mother explained.

Yuri wasn’t really listening to her mother. She slowly lifted her hands and moved it to her face. There, she felt a bandage around her eyes. 

“Omma, why is there a bandage around my eyes? How’s Yoona!? AND WHERE IS JESSICA!? IS SHE OKAY!?”

“Yoona is fine. The operation was a success and she is now resting in the opposite ward.” Her mother answered, ignoring the last question. 

“Then what about Jessica? Why did you ignore my last question!?” Yuri was starting to get frustrated.

There was a moment of silence.

“OMMA! Why aren’t you saying anything!?” Yuri asked in exasperation. “Taeyeon! Where is Jessica?”

“Calm down Yuri.” Taeyeon said.

Yuri felt a pair of warm hands on her shoulders.

“Yes Yuri you have to calm down… There are many things you need to know.”


“Yuri ah… I…” 


Yuri’s mother paused for a moment and then finally plucked the courage to tell her daughter. 

“Jessica... Jessica died in the crash...”

“No… You must be lying right??? Help me out of bed; I want to find Jessica right now!” 

Yuri pulled the blanket away and tried to move her casted feet. Pain engulfed her. Before she could move another inch, she was stopped by her mother and Taeyeon.

“Yuri! You can’t move right now! You just had the operation! Your wounds might open if your actions are too vigorous!” Taeyeon screamed at the struggling girl.



Yuri started to cry uncontrollably. Tears started to flow out of her mother’s eyes as she embraced her daughter.

“SICA!!!” Yuri wailed.

A drop of tear escaped Taeyeon’s eyes as she saw the scene. She gave Yuri’s mother a pat on the shoulders.

“I am sorry, Yuri…” Her mother whispered.


Jessica slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred at first but slowly, it became clearer. 

“Jess!” Mrs Jung cried as she grabbed the hands of her daughter and looked at her with full of concern. 

Beside her were her husband and a young dashing man who looked almost the same age as Jessica. 

“Jessica, are you feeling okay?” Mrs Jung asked.

Jessica looked at them feeling bewildered. Her mind was in a whirl.

“Mommy? Daddy? And…” Jessica paused as she turned to look at the man standing beside her mother. 

“Jessica, what’s wrong?” Mr Jung asked.

“Who is he?” Jessica asked with full of curiosity in her voice.

“He’s Donghae. Don’t you remember him? He is your childhood friend.” Mrs Jung answered, taken aback.

Jessica paused to think for a moment. 

“No… Mommy, Daddy, what am I doing here?” She asked.

“You met with an accident dear.” 

“I did?”

Mr and Mrs Jung looked at each other, bewildered.

“I think we should call the doctor.” Mr Jung suggested.

Mrs Jung nodded and Mr Jung hurriedly went out to call for a doctor. The doctor entered the ward together with a nurse and Mr Jung. The doctor requested the three of them to leave the ward while he did his check. After a few minutes, the doctor opened the door of the ward. The three of them jumped out of their seats and went towards the doctor. 

“Mr and Mrs Jung, I am afraid that the accident had caused a temporal memory loss for Miss Jung. But I can’t tell exactly when she will regain her memory again. It is unpredictable. But don’t worry; she might be able to regain her memory again if you trigger her to think of the past.” The doctor explained.

“Alright doctor. Thank you.” Mr Jung replied.

Mrs Jung then pulled her husband aside. Donghae was surprised. She then whispered something to her husband. Mr Jung nodded and then both of them looked at Donghae. 

“Donghae, we need to speak to you.” 

“Uncle Jung, what is it about?” 

“It’s about you and my daughter.” 

“Okay, Uncle Jung.” 

“Dear, I will take care of the transferring of hospital and the accommodation in the States. Why not you take Donghae to the café downstairs and speak to him first.” He turned to his wife and said.

“Okay dear.”


Chapter 4

-- Everything

Her wounds were not healing as fast as the doctors had expected. It was clear that she was still in trauma and that she hasn’t gotten over Jessica’s death. She appeared in trance when family members visited her in the afternoons at her ward , uttering less than five words a day. She would wail and whimper in the middle of the night when her family was gone.

This was how Kwon Yuri lived for two months after that faithful day.


“Unnie, have a bite.” Yoona said as she brought a slice of apple to Yuri’s lips.

Yuri did not move a bit.

“Please.” Yoona begged as she pushed the slice of apple closer to Yuri’s lips.

Yuri didn’t budge.

“Please unnie, you are hurting me!” Yoona shouted as she dropped the slice of apple on the bed and stood up to hug Yuri.

Yuri jerked. Her shoulders were wet. Yoona was crying. Her heart ached.

“Unnie, I am sure Sica unnie doesn’t want to see you like this! She would want you to be strong!” Yoona sobbed.

Yoona was right. Yuri fought back her tears. She did not want to hurt her sister anymore. The last person she would ever want to see crying would now be her mother and Yoona.

“You’re right Yoona, I am sorry that I’ve hurt you...” Yuri finally spoke as she placed a hand on Yoona’s back.

Yoona smiled and released the hug. Yuri felt for her sister’s face and wipe the tears off.

“Don’t worry, I promise you that I will be strong.” Yuri assured her sister.

Yoona nodded.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Yuri heard heavy footsteps.

“Dr Park?” Yuri heard her sister said.

“Good morning, I see you are very early today, Yoona ssi. You look better.” Yuri heard a male’s voice speaking.

“Yes I am feeling better. Thank you, Dr Park.”

“Your wounds are also healing fast. I hope you have a speedy recovery, Yoona ssi”

“Thank you, Dr Park.”

“Anyway, I am here to take your sister to the optometry department.”


“How is it, Dr Park?” Yuri asked as she got off the chair she was sitting.

Yoona rushed over to her side and helped her. She then brought Yuri to her wheelchair and pushed it towards Dr Park’s table.

“You need to be strong, Yuri ssi.”

“Just spit it. Even if you say I was going to lose my sight forever, I’ll take it.”

There was a moment of silence and Yoona looked at Dr Park intently, hoping that her sister did not hit the bull’s eye.

“So I was right?” Yuri laughed it off.

“Yuri ssi, your corneas were damaged during the accident. But you will still be able to regain your sight if we find a suitable donor.”

Yoona looked down. Her eyes become teary. Her heart ached knowing that her sister would lose her sight forever.

“I know you are trying to make me feel better... You don’t have to do that. Even so, how many people out there are on the waiting list to get their damaged corneas replaced? Will I even get a chance? Given my status and all...”

“Yuri ssi, regardless the situation you must stay positive.”

“I am staying positive, Dr Park. I accepted it as a matter of fact. Besides, losing my sight is nothing. I lost everything in the accident...”


The smiling faces of Jessica started to flash through her mind. Those drawings of her sleeping, her smiles, her blonde hair, her everything... She had lost them all. 

Chapter 5

-- Two Years later


[Seoul, Korea]

Yuri placed her fingers on the drawing block and used them to gauge the distance on the paper and then carefully drew some lines with her same wooden pencil. Yoona sat beside Yuri and silently watched her sister as she drew. A gentle breeze blew across the ocean and the scent of seawater filled the girls’ nostrils.

Despite losing her sight in the car accident two years ago, Yuri never gave up her passion for drawing. She started to use her sense of touch to draw instead. It was something so admirable about her.

“Unnie, let’s get back into the shelter. The wind is getting stronger.” Yoona placed a hand on Yuri’s shoulder.

“Alright Yoona, just let me finish this tiny bit here.” Yuri pleaded as she smiled. 


Yuri did her finishing touches and Yoona helped to keep the drawing blocks and placed them into Yuri’s personal file. Yoona stood up and dusted the sand that was on her pants. She then reached out to grab Yuri’s hand. Yuri stretched her other hand and felt for her blind stick which was lying on the soft bronze sand. She picked that up and then stood up. Yoona then dusted the sand from Yuri’s back and they both then headed towards the shelter. 

“Yoona, can we come back here often?” 

“Sure. Anything you say.” 

Yuri smiled and closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath and the smell of seawater filled her nostrils once more. Flashbacks of the accident started running through her mind. She could still remember how beautiful Jessica looked when they celebrated their anniversary and the motionless Jessica with blood all over her face. It was so painful. It hurts a thousand times more to lose Jessica than to lose her sight. Furthermore, it was all so sudden and unexpected. It totally didn’t occur to her that the last time she would ever see Jessica smiling would be on that faithful day. If she knew, she would have treasured her more, a lot more.

Yuri opened her eyes and tears started to trickle down her porcelain face. Yoona used her thumb and brushed those tears away. 

“Unnie, please don’t cry. It hurts to see you like that.” 

“Yoona I swear. I swear I would do anything to see her once again. There are so many things I want to say to her.” 

Yoona embraced Yuri and she broke down and started crying like a child in Yoona’s arms. 

“It’s okay, Unnie... I am here for you.”


[California, USA]

“Donghae! I am gonna get you, you skunk!” Jessica screamed as she pressed harder on her Wii controller, her eyes still kept glued to the television screen. 

“Hah! You’re dead!” Donghae jumped in excitement.

Jessica threw the controller on the sofa and scratched her head. 

“This game isn't fun at all!” Jessica pouted.

“That’s because you are so bad at it!" 

“Yah! You skunk!” 

Jessica picked up her controller on the sofa and started hitting Donghae playfully on his shoulders.

“Okay okay! I am sorry princess!” 

“That’s better!” 

Just as the scuffle ended, there was a knock on the door. Jessica stood up and walked towards the door. Just as the door flung open, a girl with shoulder length brown hair rushed towards Jessica and gave her a super tight huge that almost suffocated her. Jessica and the girl then fell on the sofa with the girl on top.

“Yah! Tiffany Hwang! Are you trying to kill me or something!?” Jessica exclaimed as she pushed the girl on top of her away.

Donghae sat there and laugh as the two girls struggled to get up. Tiffany giggled.

“I just missed you too much!” Tiffany said in her loud booming voice as she put her arms around Jessica.

Jessica then pinched her nose jokingly.

“Hey! What about me?” Donghae pouted.

“I missed you too, Donghae!” Tiffany exclaimed.

“That’s better!”

“How was Clara Song’s fashion show?” Jessica asked.

“Stunning. Gorgeous. You should have came! Paris is beautiful!” Tiffany clasped her hands.

“Yea, I know...” Jessica pouted.

There came a knock on the door.

“Mom?” Jessica said.

“Get down to the living room kids. Daddy has got something to say.”

Jessica and Donghae looked at each other and Jessica’s expression changed. She knew exactly what her mother was going to say.

“Come on let’s go.” Donghae said to the girls as he headed downstairs.

Tiffany patted Jessica’s shoulders and smiled.


Back at the living room, Mr Jung was already seated on the sofa. Mrs Jung came to join him followed by the three of them.

“The wedding date has been set. It will be next Monday. We will hold one wedding in Seoul for family members to attend and then we will fly back to the states and hold another one here." Mr Jung said as he took a sip from the cup of coffee in his hands.

Mrs Jung nodded in agreement.

“Everything has been laid out nicely. You two just have to follow accordingly. We will set off for Seoul tomorrow. I have already arranged for the private jet. So get yourself ready. Pack some stuff, not too much. We have most of the things needed in our house back at Seoul.” He continued.

“Yes, Uncle Jung.” Donghae said.

Tiffany nodded vigorously and smiled. Jessica wasn’t really paying attention. She sat there deep in her thoughts.


“Jess, don’t you remember Donghae?” Mrs Jung asked.

“No, not at all… Who is he anyway?” 

“H- He-- He is your fiancé-to-be, Jess! And both of you are planning to get married this summer! How could you forget that?”

“Mommy, I really don’t remember anything…” 

“It’s okay honey. You don’t have to remember those. You just have to know that he is your boyfriend and that you both are getting married.” 

“But mommy, I don’t even know or should I say I don’t even remember him! How am I going marry someone 

I don’t even know?” 

“Jess, you must be responsible. How could you break off your engagement just because you can’t remember him! Donghae is a nice person! And how are we going to explain to Donghae’s parents? We are business associates and it may affect our business you know that, Jess?” 

“I know mommy. B- But I really don’t… Okay, at least give us some time to build up this relationship okay?”

“Okay sweetheart.” 

{End of Flashback}

“Hey!” Donghae raised his voice a little at Jessica who was in a daze.

Jessica jumped up from her seat and got back to senses. Her parents were gone.

“Huh?” Jessica replied.

“Why are you spacing out?” Tiffany asked.

“I did?” 

“Yea, come on let’s pack some stuff. We are going back to Seoul tomorrow.” Donghae messed Jessica’s hair playfully and stood up, turning to the stairs to head upstairs. 

“Yah Jessi, what’s wrong with you?” Tiffany asked sounding worried.

“Nothing! Yah! You better get home to pack some stuff too.” Jessica tried to change the topic.

“You too! Wow, I am so excited! I have never been to your house in Korea before! Daddy told me how 

huge your house was!” Tiffany giggled in excitement.

“Really? My house is huge?” Jessica asked.

“It’s YOUR house, Jessica. How can you not know?” Tiffany asked in disbelief.

“When I woke up at the hospital two years ago, I was brought here. I couldn’t recall what my house in Seoul was like.”

“Oh yes... I forgot...” Tiffany pouted.

“So I guess you are as excited as I am right?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica smiled and nodded.

“Alright! I shall get going. See you tomorrow!”

Tiffany waved at Jessica and she did the same. As the door closed, Jessica was left all alone in the living room to ponder.

I really wonder how my past was like... Mom and Dad didn’t tell me much... Just that I was an average college student with good grades and a fair number of friends. Mom said my friends were not true friends and that they were only friends with me because I was rich... But I really wonder who I hang out with in the past and who were the people around me...


Chapter 6

-- Hello, Seoul

“Thank you! See you again!” Yuri smiled as she handed the change and a couple of paper bags to the customer.

“Ding dong”

The store bell rang and a short dorky-looking girl with brown hair and curls at the ends skipped into the shop and placed a brown paper bag on the counter.

“Chiang chiang! Noodles!” She exclaimed.

“Yah! Taeyeon ah, we have been eating noodles for the past few weeks. Don’t you get sick of it?” Yuri laughed as she felt for the paper bag in front of her and attempted to take out the plastic containers but she got scalded instead.


“Yuri ah! Let me do it!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she took out the two containers and opened the lids.

The smell of the noodles filled the entire convenient store. Taeyeon split the wooden chopsticks and rubbed them against each other. She took out Yuri’s hands and placed the chopsticks into her hands. She then did the same for herself. Taeyeon clapped her hands and smiled as the aroma of the noodles flooded her nostrils. Yuri sat there motionlessly. Her eyes were red.

“Let’s eat!” Taeyeon said as she brought the noodles to her mouth which was smoking hot. 

But as she did so, she realised that Yuri wasn’t moving. She looked up and saw the teary Yuri.

“What’s wrong?” Taeyeon said as she put down her chopsticks and grabbed Yuri’s hand.

“Taeyeon ah, thank you. Thank you so much for everything. Even though I can’t see, your parents are still willing to let me work at your convenient store and provide me with this job so that I could help my mother pay some of Yoona’s hospital bills. You are also so nice to me.” Yuri said as tears start to escape her eyes.

“Yuri ah, we are friends since college and we have gone through thick and thin together. This is nothing. Now, if you want to repay me then wipe your tears dry and eat up!” Taeyeon said as she patted Yuri’s hands.

“Okay, Taengoo.” Yuri said as she wiped the tears off her cheeks and started to slurp her noodles.

“Yuri ah...”


“How is your family coping with Yoona’s hospital bills?”

“We’re paying by instalments. We’re coping fine.” Yuri said and smiled.

“How about your own hospital bills?”

“Oh, omma said they were covered by insurance. So no worries.”

“Alright... If you need any help, just let me know okay?”

“Thanks, Taeyeon.” Yuri said and smiled.


Jessica massaged her forehead as she stepped out of their private jet. She moved slowly down the steps as her legs were feeling numb. She wasn’t feeling well throughout the journey from California to Seoul, coughing and sneezing along the way. She closed her eyes while waiting for the rest to alight. Then suddenly, she felt a warm pair of hands on her shoulders. She turned back.

“You look tired.” Donghae said as he massaged her neck.

“I’m fine.” Jessica replied and smiled sweetly at Donghae.

“Yah, stop your lovey dovey thing here!” Tiffany said jokingly at the two love birds as she took her final step off the stairs.

“Yah! Are you jealous?” Jessica teased.

“Me? Jealous? HAHAHA. NO! I am going to find one for myself soon!” Tiffany said confidently.

Jessica and Donghae giggled at the cute Tiffany who was now pouting.

“Kids, the chauffeur is here to pick you up. Go straight up in front.” Mr Jung said as he pointed up 


“Dad, stop calling us kids!” Jessica pouted.

Mr Jung just smiled at his daughter. Tiffany and Donghae looked at each other and giggled.

Donghae picked up his bag as well as Jessica’s and Tiffany got hers. Together, they headed towards the black limousine which was already waiting for them at the walkway. Donghae got their bags into the limousine while the girls hopped on. Mr and Mrs Jung boarded another limousine at the back. They were going for a meeting first before heading home.

As the limousine drove off, Tiffany plugged in her earpiece and started to entertain herself with her iPod touch. Donghae started browsing at some magazines while Jessica looked out of the windows throughout the entire time. Finally, she was back at the place where she once grew up. A place where she once lived but no longer contained memories of it.

“Hello, Seoul.” Jessica murmured to herself. 

Chapter 7

-- For the First Time

“I seriously don’t feel good about this, dear.” Mrs Jung whispered to her husband as the limousine kicked off from their personal airport.

“We have no choice; we need to hold their wedding here regardless what. All our relatives are here. How would omma think if we were to just hold her only grand-daughter’s wedding in the states?” Mr Jung rebutted.

“But, what if she fin-”

“I will end this as soon as possible and then we will leave Seoul for good alright?” Mr Jung cut his wife before she could complete her sentence.



The black limousine came to a stop outside a super huge villa. The gates slowly opened, leading to a wide and long road with potted plants lining it.

“Is this my house?” Jessica asked as her heart skipped a beat.

“Yes dear.” Donghae smiled as he placed the magazine down on the seat.

Jessica looked outside the window once more and started coughing.

“Are you feeling fine?” Donghae asked in concern as he moved towards Jessica and place his arms around her shoulders.

“I am fine,” Jessica smiled, “I think I am getting a little flu.”

“I’ll get you some medicine later.”

“Okay.” Jessica smiled.

Jessica looked at the beige building they were approaching. The runway to their house seemed to go on forever. She turned to look at her right and there was a golf course. On her left was a well maintained garden with many different fruit trees and in the middle of the lush greenery was a huge fountain. No doubt, her house was indeed huge. Jessica started to wonder how rich her parents were.

The limousine halted to a stop right in front of the beige building. There was a red carpet leading to the main door which was made of marble, completed beautifully with golden knobs. Jessica looked out of the window and saw an elderly lady standing in front of the steps just outside the house with her hands placed together in front of her abdomen. Two other men in black suits were standing at both sides of the entrance. The one on the left stepped forward to open the doors of the limousine.

Jessica picked up her bag and stepped out of the limousine.

“Welcome back, Miss Jung!” The two men in black greeted in unison as Jessica’s foot first hit the ground.

Jessica was taken aback by the treatment but bowed slightly in response. Donghae and Tiffany emerged from the limousine soon after Jessica.

Jessica looked at the elderly lady standing in front of the door. Something struck her. She seemed so familiar and when their eyes met, Jessica felt like there was something special between them.

The lady smiled and walked towards Jessica.

“Welcome back, Miss Jung.” She said as she held Jessica’s hands and patted them gently.

Jessica swore she saw a small bead of tear trickling down the woman’s face. But for whatever reason, she did not know.

“Come on in.” The lady said as she turned and led them into the house.

Jessica followed the lady into the house. Donghae and Tiffany followed closely behind. As Jessica set foot into her house, she was stunned by the size of the living room itself.

“Wow, this is triple the size of the studio apartment I live in the states.” Jessica said as she turned back to look at Donghae and Tiffany.

Donghae smiled and Tiffany nodded vigorously.

“My dad was right, you house IS huge.” Tiffany said.

“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Aunt Kim, the housekeeper for the Jung Family.” The elderly woman suddenly said and bowed slightly.

“Nice to meet you, Aunt Kim.” Jessica said as she took a little bow.

“Let me bring you to your rooms.” Aunt Kim said as she led them up the stairs.


“What?!” Mr and Mrs Jung said in unison as they heard the bad news.

“Two weeks is too long!” Mr Jung slumped back into his seat and lifted his hands up in the air to show his frustration.

“I am sorry, Mr Jung. But right now, Old Mrs Jung must be under the care of me and my team of nurses and she can’t be under home-hospitalisation because all the medical facilities and equipments are in the hospital itself.” A man wearing a white long suit with a golden name tag which says ‘Dr Park Jin Young’, who was sitting behind the table said.

Mr Jung heaved a huge sigh and Mrs Jung looked worried.

“Fine...” Mr Jung said as he left the room in a huff.

“Dea-” Mrs Jung looked back and forth at Dr Park and her leaving husband before standing up and following suit.

“Dear, two weeks is way too long!” Mrs Jung said as she tugged the sleeves of her husband’s black suit.

“We have no choice, the reason why we came back to Seoul to hold the wedding is because omma wanted it to be held in Korea. How can we go ahead with the wedding without omma? Besides, omma’s health is more important and I don’t believe we are that unlucky.” Mr Jung said as he rubbed his temples.

“I got your intentions. Don’t worry; I will call them to let them know that the wedding is postponed to a week later.” Mrs Jung sighed.


Jessica allowed her fingers to slide down the strings of the violin which hung from the side of the shelf.

I played the violin?

Jessica sighed and looked around her room. A queen sized bed, a study desk with a few books on top, a book shelf with more books, a dressing table, a music player attached to the wall with racks of CDs around it and then the closet. It was a typical teenager room.

How come nothing rings a bell about my past?

Jessica scrutinized every single object carefully. She was hoping that something would trigger her memory of her past since this was where she has lived for 19 years. She walked towards the closet and something caught her eye. Beside her dressing table was a glass display shelf with four levels and a glass door. Jessica stepped forward to take a closer look.

“Why is an empty display shelf doing in my room?” She asked herself.

Jessica looked at it carefully. Somehow, she found it a little awkward to be there. A knock on her door brought her back to reality from those deep thoughts.

“Jess, I swear your house is huge.” Tiffany said as she walked in and jumped onto the queen-sized bed, making herself comfortable.

Jessica laughed and went over to the bed to join her.

“How is your room?” Jessica asked.

“It’s smaller than yours, but it’s still very spacious.”

Then, another knock came on the door.

“Hey sweetheart.” Donghae smiled as he walked towards the bed and sat down beside Jessica.

“Hey.” Jessica ended her sentence with a long cough.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked as he stroked Jessica’s back up and down to make her feel better.

“What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked.

“I don’t know,” Jessica cleared her throat, “My throat hurts a lot. I think its flu or sore throat. Nothing big.”

“Drink more water and get more rest okay?” Donghae said.

Jessica smiled and nodded. She can’t deny the fact that Donghae was indeed very nice to her.

Chapter 8

-- Heroin

Jessica woke up from her nap feeling lethargic. Her throat was burning. She scratched her head and sat up.

“Seven thirty PM.” The clock said as Jessica hammered its head with her right hand, pushing the button on the digital clock.

Jessica walked along the corridor and down the stairs to the living room. There, she saw Donghae and Tiffany scribbling something on a piece of paper. She walked towards Donghae whose back was facing her and crept slowly behind him as she got nearer. Tiffany lifted her head and saw the mischievous look on Jessica’s face and kept quiet to play along. Jessica crept towards Donghae and slapped his shoulders hard with both of her hands.

“Hkkk~~!” Jessica voice sounded like there was something stuck in her throat and she could not speak.

Donghae jumped from the shock.

“Jess! What happened to your voice?” Tiffany asked with concern.

“Hk yak hkkk!?” Jessica tried to speak.

“I think you lost your voice. You should sleep more.” Donghae said as Jessica sat down on the chair beside him, ignoring his suggestion.

Jessica pulled the slip of paper that was under Donghae’s hand. She looked at Donghae and tilted her head upwards a little and then back down.

“Oh, Tiffany and I are planning on whom to invite to our wedding.” Donghae said with a big smile and continued to scribble more names on the piece of paper which Jessica did not know any of them. Tiffany did the same.

Great, I have got no friends besides Tiffany and there’s no one else to invite.

Jessica rested her head on the table with her arms folded. She was bored. Tiffany glanced at her best friend and understood how she felt.

“Hey, let’s go out for dinner!” Tiffany suggested.

Jessica jolted up from her position at the mention of ‘dinner’. She smiled and nodded eagerly at what she has heard. The two girls then turn their heads to look at Donghae.

“But Jessica is not feeling well! She should be staying at home to rest.”

Jessica tugged the sleeves of Donghae’s pullover and gave him an ‘Okay’ sign. Donghae turned and smiled at Jessica.

“Alright, I know this American restaurant whic-”

“American food again?! Donghae, we’re in Seoul! Let’s have some noodles at a road side stall!” Tiffany cut in.


“It’s okay Taeng, I will close up the store and go home safely. Don’t worry about me I am not a kid! Just go for your photo shoot!” Yuri said to the receiver. “Yes, yes, yes I am turning off the lights now.”

Yuri had one hand on the phone and the other feeling for the switch. Yuri’s fingers searched for the bank of switches on the wall adjacent to the door. She click the switches and the store became pitch dark. She then felt her way through to the counter top to retrieve her bag. Yuri sometimes wondered if there was a need to switch on the lights if she was alone in the store at night since it made no difference.

“Taeng! You are so naggy!” Yuri shouted to the phone. “I will call you when I get home. Yes. Bye!”

Yuri placed her phone in her bag and felt for the keys at the same time. She exited the store and knelt down to lock the glass door. Yuri then stood up and pulled the handle twice to make sure it was really locked. She sighed. It was really early and Taeyeon had forced her to close the store two hours before time because she had a photo shoot assignment and was unable to stay at the store with Yuri. She did not want Yuri to be walking home all alone at night since it was her who usually walked Yuri to the bus stop where Yoona would take her from there at times and she would wait for her bus to take her home.

Yuri reached for her bag and took out her phone. She pressed a red button at the side of the phone.

“Seven thirty PM.” The phone said.

Omma should be at work by now... Maybe I should get dinner for Yoona. Hmmm what should I get?


"Ommo, the noodle is good!” Donghae said as he slurped his noodles.

Jessica laughed at the sight of Donghae. She can’t deny that Donghae was indeed so cute at times.

“Told you! Forget those pastas, pizzas, steak and whatever when we’re here!” Tiffany swallowed and raised her hands in excitement.

Seriously, if people were to look at them, no one would ever expect that the three of them were actually born with a silver spoon in the mouth, spoilt and pampered.

“I miss Korean food! Since I moved to Cali three years ago, I only had Korean food once in a while.” Tiffany added.

“Me too~ since I went over to Cali with Jess two years ago, I rarely had Korean food.”

Jessica nodded in agreement.

The three of them chatted and laughed happily as they slurped their noodles.

“Hey, wanna try anything else? I heard the rice cakes here are good as well.” Tiffany said. 

Jessica turned her back too look at the menu which was written with a white chalk on a black chalkboard standing outside the stall which was just a table away from where they were seated. Donghae did the same by turning to his right.

Donghae was looking intently at the menu and reading the food aloud on the list. Jessica on the other hand was not looking at the chalkboard at all. Her eyes were fixed on this lecherous food stall owner who was ogling at the chest of this girl standing right in front of his stall.

What the hell is that lady thinking?! Why is she allowing a man to stare at her chest?!

“Jess!” Tiffany raised her voice.

“Hkkkk!” Jessica looked at Tiffany looking irritated.

“Have you decided on what to eat? You were staring at the menu for a little too long?” Tiffany looked at Jessica oddly.

Jessica shook her head and continued to eye the stall owner who was getting a little too obvious that he was staring at the girl’s chest in front of him.

Donghae raised his shoulders as Tiffany looked at him.

“I’m getting rice cakes.” Donghae said as he rummaged his bag to get his wallet.

“Make that two!” Tiffany said excitedly.

“Okay.” Donghae got his wallet and stood up. “Ah, let me go to the washroom first.”

Tiffany nodded and waved at him to go. She then continued slurping her noodles, ignoring the blonde sitting beside her who was still staring.

Jessica was fuming and yet at the same time confused. She lifted her butt from her stool and bent towards her right and then left as the crowd was building and people were blocking her view. Then, she saw the girl’s blind stick.

Ahhhhh... No wonder... She didn’t know that a perv was staring at her chest!

“Here are your noodles and your change!” The stall owner said as he handed the girl a brown paper bag and some dollar bills.

Jessica slammed her chopstick on the table and walked away from her seat.


Chapter 9

-- Jessica, I miss you

“Yah!” Tiffany was startled and at the same time puzzled as she saw Jessica walking towards the stall.

Jessica grabbed the dollar bills on the girl’s hand and slammed it on the counter top which startled 

the girl. She pointed to the amount of money and then walked towards the blackboard and pointed on the price, totally forgetting what happened before that.

“Wh- What’s going on?” The girl holding the blind stick said.

Jessica wanted to explain to the girl but then she realised that she has lost her voice. Then someone patted her shoulders.

“Jessi! What is going on?!” Tiffany whispered.

“Yah! Are you crazy or something?!” The middle-age man with a towel around his shoulder shouted.

Jessica then tried to use sign languages to explain to Tiffany. She pointed at the price on the blackboard and then the dollar bills on the counter top. Tiffany started to understand the situation.

“How can you cheat her?!” Tiffany shouted back at the man.

“Wh- What are you saying!? I didn’t cheat her!” The man defended.

“What’s going on?!”

“Donghae! You are back in time! This stupid guy here is trying to cheat this lady here!” Tiffany pulled Donghae to the front.

Donghae looked at the dollar bill on the table top and understood. The crowd around the stall grew bigger as well as the crowd behind them watching. People were whispering to each other and pointing 

fingers around.

“Sir, don’t you think you’re a little too despicable? Trying to cheat people like this?” Donghae said.

“Err... It’s just a few thousand won right? Just forget it okay?” The girl said, trying to stop the entire commotion.

Jessica stomped her foot on the ground and mumbled something inaudible.

“What did you say?” Tiffany lean closer to Jessica’s mouth, “Huh... What...? It’s not what? Principle? Did you say principle?”

Jessica nodded vigorously.

“Oh, Jessi said it’s not the money that matters its principles! We won’t let a swindler cheat his customer’s money under our nose!” Tiffany shouted at the man.

“For the last time I did not! Get away before I turn nasty!” The man then turned to take out his broom.

“HEY! PUT THAT DOWN OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE!” Donghae reached his pocket and took out his phone.

Before he could do anything, the man raised his wooden broom and tried to hit Donghae’s hand. Jessica rushed forward to grab the broomstick. Tiffany on the other hand was dumbfounded by the sudden happenings. The man pulled the broom away and the splints on the ends of the wooded stick pierced through Jessica’s skin on the palm.

“HKKKKK!” Jessica tried to scream but nothing came out from her throat. 

“Are you okay?!” The three of them said in unison.

The man saw the bleeding Jessica and dropped his broom.

“You!” Donghae walked over to the man and pulled his collar. “Get ready to receive my lawyer’s letter!”

“Come on; let’s just get out of here.” Tiffany said.


The girl sat beside Jessica and took out a small red pouch from her bag.

“Sorry where’s your wound?” The girl asked.

Jessica picked up the girl’s finger and brought it to the side of the wound. The girl gently touched her skin and move along the side of the wound.


“Do you need my help?” Tiffany asked as she squatted down beside Jessica and the girl.

“Hkk!” Jessica squeaked again and her two hands made an ‘X’ sign.

“What!” Tiffany protested.

She then remembered one occasion where Jessica had an abrasion on her knees. Tiffany helped her to dress the wound and somehow, the wound was later infected. Tiffany looked down and pouted as guilt engulfed her.

The girl opened the pouch and took out a packet of alcohol wipes. Jessica playfully took a peep inside the bag. She looked at Tiffany and mumbled something to her. Tiffany looked at her lips closer.

“Huh? Can your mouth like move a little bit more? I can’t decipher from your lips!” Tiffany grumbled as she tried to lip read Jessica.

Jessica rolled her eyes and then tried to speak, her mouth moving a little more obvious. Tiffany stared at her.

“Oh! Ah, Je-” Tiffany said as she looked at the girl. “Erm wait, what’s your name?”

“My name is Yuri.” The girl said as she started to wipe Jessica’s wound with the alcohol wipes.

“Ahhh Yuri ssi~” Tiffany said.

Yuri? This name sounds so familiar... I think I have heard it somewhere before...

Jessica stared at Yuri.

Those pair of eyes... her nose... her lips... They all look so... familiar? ...... Wait, why am I checking her out?!

Jessica snapped out of her thoughts and saw the alcohol wipes now brushing against her wound. She flinched and unknowingly pulled her hands away a little.

“It will sting a little. But bear with it because an infection would hurt even more.” Yuri said as she pulled Jessica’s hand towards herself.

“My friend was asking if you carry these with you all the time.” Tiffany asked. “Sorry, she lost her voice so I have to ask on her behalf.”

“Oh.” Yuri laughed. “It’s okay. You mean my first aid kit?”


“Yea, you don’t know when you may need it.” Yuri smiled. “Like now.”

“Hey! I can’t find any pharmacy around.” Donghae called out as he jogged towards where they were 


“It’s okay.” Yuri said.

Yuri wiped the wound carefully and placed the crimson stained alcohol wipes on the bench. She reached into her bag and pulled out a pink handkerchief. Carefully, she wrapped the handkerchief over Jessica’s wound and tied it nicely.

“There, here you go!” Yuri said.

“Thanks!” Tiffany said on behalf of Jessica.

“No problem!” Yuri said as she placed the first aid kit back into her bag.

“Oh yes! I forgot to tell you the most important thing! My name is Tiffany, she’s Jessica and my male friend is Donghae.”

... Jessica...?

Yuri flinched at the mention of ‘Jessica’. She felt a long and excruciating pain deep in her heart. It brought back so many painful memories...

“Ah... It’s er, nice to meet you all...”

Tiffany noticed a sudden change in Yuri’s tone but did not want to probe further.

Just then, Yuri’s phone rang.



“Are you home yet?”

“No, I’m not...”

“Why? It’s so late already. You should be home.”

“Long story, tell you tomorrow at Ahn Nyong...”

“Hmm, okay... Anyway, are you okay? You sound... weird?”

“Huh...? I am fine, don’t worry...”

“You sure?”


“Alright, call me when you get home. See you.”

“Yea, see you...”


“Thanks for the ride home, Donghae ssi.” Yuri said as she stepped out of the car and extended her blind stick in a flick.

“No problem at all. Oh and we will drop by to return you the handkerchief.”

“Ah, it’s okay.”

“It is okay, Yuri ssi, and we haven thank you for dressing Jessica’s wound.”

... Jessica... 

“Err... Yuri ssi?”

“Ah, yes. I was saying... Yah, I should be the one thanking you guys. You helped me earlier at the noodle store.” Yuri laughed.

“That was nothing! It’s only right that we help!” Tiffany interrupted.

Yuri smiled.

Jessica turned to Donghae and tried to make him read lip her. Donghae stared intently at Jessica’s lips, trying to make out what she was saying.

“Really?” Donghae looked at Jessica and she nodded.

“Ah, Yuri ssi, Jessica was saying you should not return to the stall anymore. She said the guy was 

staring at you lecherously before the commotion.”

“Really? Ah... I didn’t know. Yes, I won’t return to the stall anymore.”

“That guy is sick!” Tiffany added.

Yuri laughed.

“It’s rather late, I should get going. Ah, about the handkerchief... I won’t be home most of the time. You can drop by at Ahn Nyong Convenient Store which is just two streets across the noodle stall. I will be there from morning till night!”

“Okay, we will pop by some day.” Donghae smiled. “See you soon!”

“Bye-bye!” Tiffany waved, although she knew Yuri couldn’t see.

“Goodbye! Thank you!” Yuri smiled and waved back as the red Ferrari drove off.

Yuri turned around and walked towards the lift of her apartment. Her lips curved downwards.

Jessica, do you know how much I’ve missed you? It’s been two years already... Two long and dreadful years...And I so not over you...

Chapter 11

-- Double Coincidence

“Thank you!” Tiffany said and smiled as the waiter placed two cups of caramel macchiato on the table.

“Sorry, can I make a phone call first?” Tiffany asked apologetically.


Tiffany took out her phone and pressed a few buttons. The dial tone rang a few times before someone answered.

“Hey Jessi! I met an old friend and we have a lot of catching up to do. So I don’t think I would be able to meet you at the hospital.” Tiffany said to the receiver.

“It’s okay, I shall see you tonight?”

“Yep! See you tonight!”

Tiffany pressed the red button on her phone and smiled at Taeyeon.

“Sheer coincidence eh!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she took a sip of the caramel macchiato.

“Yea it sure is!” Tiffany did the same.

“What you doing in Seoul?”

“Me?” Tiffany laughed. “For two reasons actually. One, attend my best friend’s wedding and two, my fashion show.”

“Wow, your own fashion show?”

“Yea, it’s tomorrow!” Tiffany reached into her bag, pulled out a small black card with golden words embossed and handed it over to 


“Oh my god, so you are the Tiffany Hwang?! The top designer at Areith Apparels?” Taeyeon asked in disbelief as she looked at the card the girl handed her.

Tiffany nodded proudly.

“Are you free tomorrow evening?” Tiffany asked.

“Yea, I guess so.”

“Great! I need a photographer tomorrow! Would you like to come to my fashion show?”

“Are you sure?!”

Tiffany smiled and nodded excitedly.

“I would love to!”

“Great! Give me your number!”


“Who called?” Mr Jung asked.

“Ah, it’s Tiffany. She said she won’t be coming over to the hospital.” Jessica replied.

“I see.” Mr Jung said. “Jessica, why don’t you company your grandmother for a little while? Your mother and I needs to head down to the company for a meeting.”

“Sure daddy.”

Mr Jung smiled. “Donghae, I need you to come with us as well. We need to talk about the fabrics your dad mentioned.”

“Yes sure, Uncle Jung.”

“Come on dear, let’s go.” Mr Jung said to his wife.


“We haven’t been here for a very long time, Yoona.” Yuri said as she sat down on the soft bronze sand.

“Yea...” Yoona replied as she sat down beside her sister.

As usual, Yoona took out her sister’s drawing block and her same old wooden pencil and handed it to her sister. Yuri smiled and took those from Yoona’s hands. Yuri started drawing. But this time, it wasn’t the scenery she drew. She drew a person’s face. Yoona stared at the drawing block. She knew who her sister would draw.

After some time, the face of a lady emerged. Yoona recognised the girl.


“Jessica unnie...?” Yoona asked.

Yuri nodded as a tear drop escaped her eyes.

The drawing of Jessica looked exactly like her. For two years, Yuri has never forgotten her face. Every feature were drawn to much resemblance.

“Unnie, it’s been two years already. You should let go.”

“I know Yoona. I know. It’s difficult. You knew how much I loved her.”

“I know...” Yoona said as she placed her arms around her sister.

The ambience was melancholic. Yuri leaned her head towards her left and rested on Yoona’s shoulders. Yoona tighten her grip. There was silence. Only the waves of the ocean and the sound of the blowing wind could be heard. Then, the silence was abruptly broken.

Yoona’s phone rang.

She pressed the button and placed the phone to her ears.

“What? Now? But I am- Hello? Hello?” Yoona removed the phone from her ears. “Ah, seriously...”

“What happened?”

“It’s Seohyun!”

“What is it about?”

“My project deadline is shifted to tomorrow! What am I going to do?!” Yoona cupped her face and closed her eyes.

“Well then get going to Seohyun’s house and finish it! Is that why she called you?”

“She asked me to go over to her place now but what about you?”

“Yoona!” Yuri laughed. “Just go. Please, I am not a kid. You are exactly like Taeyeon nowadays!”

“Bu- But, I don’t feel safe leaving you out here alone...”

“Come on! You don’t trust me?”

Yoona’s phone rang again.

“Just get going!”

“I am really sorry, unnie...” Yoona said apologetically. She knew she couldn’t screw her year-end project which could determine her graduation and of course, her future.

“It’s okay~” Yuri sighed and smiled at her sister.

“You’ll be okay right?”

“Yes, now go!” Yuri sounded frustrated already.

Yoona stood up and pressed her phone. “I am coming Hyunnie! Stop rushing me!”

Yoona walked away but her voice could still be heard. She was grumbling on the phone. Yuri giggled at her sister.


“You are still at the meeting? Grandma needs to rest. Hmmm, Fany is out with her friend! It is okay, Donghae. I’ll entertain myself. Alright, see you tonight for dinner!” Jessica said to the receiver.

Jessica sighed as she walked towards the car park.

“Nobody wants me!” She complained to herself.

Jessica sat down on the driver’s seat and started the engine. The black Porches roared to life. She placed her hands on the steering wheel.

“Hmmm, where can I go?” Jessica asked herself and she leaned back to ponder. “Ah, the beach!”


Yuri placed the drawing block on the sand and turned to her left to pick up her file. A strong wind blew across her face. She turned back to her right and felt for her drawing block. The paper was gone.

Ah, damn! It must have flown away! Silly me!

“Miss, I think this is yours.” A voice approached from behind.

Th- that voice... It’s so famililar... It’s.... It’s... Isn’t it Sica’s voice???

Chapter 12

-- Slap

Yuri was dumbfounded. The voice she heard; she knew it was Jessica’s. Her voice was so easily distinguishable. For two years, she has never forgotten every single bit of Jessica.

Yuri heard footsteps walking towards her and then a pair of hands lifted her right hand and gently shoved a piece of paper into her hands.

“Oh it’s you! Yuri ssi! We met at the noodle stall before and I lost my voice the other day. Remember?”

“Je- Jessica ssi?” Yuri’s voice was trembling. She clenched her fist.

“Wow you remembered my name?”

No, Yuri, it’s impossible. It’s just you and your stupid imagination again. Jessica is DEAD. Jessica Jung is DEAD. You were in the same car as her two years ago and it crashed. She died in the crash. Everyone knows it. The doctors confirmed her death. She’s just another girl whose name is Jessica and whose voice sounded like Jessica. She’s not Jessica Jung, Kwon Yuri. WAKE UP YOUR IDEA!

“Yuri ssi?” Jessica said.

Yuri slowly got back to her senses. She was still trying to convince herself.

“Ah... Yah? I am sorry what did you say?”

“Oh I was saying, you actually remembered my name?” Jessica laughed.

“O- Oh yes... I do.” Yuri gave a faint smile.

“You adore drawing?” Jessica asked as she pulled the piece of paper she handed over to Yuri earlier from her hands.

Jessica stared at the drawing hard.


She could never believe what she has just seen on the piece of paper.

A reflection. 

The girl in the drawing looked exactly like her. For a moment, Jessica was totally lost for words.

... Ho- how on earth... how could she possibly draw me when she hasn’t seen me before? What’s going on???

Jessica’s mind was in a whirl. She couldn’t comprehend what has just happened. It just didn’t make any sense to her.

“Yea, I love drawing.” Yuri smiled.

Jessica wasn’t listening. She was still staring at the piece of drawing block.

“Jessica ssi?”


“Jessica ssi???”


“Erm... Je-Si-Ca sii?”

“Ah yah...” Jessica replied. “Erm, may I know, who is this girl you have drawn?”

“Er... She was a friend of mine... But she passed away two years ago...” Yuri forced herself to hold back the tears which was brimming in her eyes.

“Oh... I am so sorry, Yuri ssi... I don’t mean to-”

“It’s okay...” Yuri replied solemnly.

Why does her friend look exactly like me? Why do I get this weird feeling every single time I see her? Like there are butterflies fluttering in my stomach. What’s going on? Somehow I think that something is really wrong... Or is it just me being paranoid? Ah, snap out of it Jessica Jung! She’s just another person who looks like you.

“The wind is getting strong. We should get some shelter, Jessica ssi.”


Taeyeon waited nervously at the lobby of the hotel as instructed by Tiffany. She hoped her dressing was appropriate as people walking past her were wearing suits and gowns. Taeyeon looked at herself. She wore a pair of Converse sneakers, a pair of charcoal skinnies, a grey t-shirt with a black vest over it. She walked towards the lifts and looked at her reflection on the lift doors.

“I hope I look okay.” Taeyeon bit her lips as she continued to stare at her reflection, turning her body left and right.

The lift doors suddenly separated, and Taeyeon was taken aback.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany emerged from the lift. “I am sorry for being late.”

“It’s okay! It’s just a few minutes anyway!”

Wow, she look stunning.

Tiffany was wearing a black gown which totally revealed her slender figure. Taeyeon felt under dressed suddenly.

“Why are you looking so gloomy?” Tiffany asked.

“Er... I think I am a little under dressed?” Taeyeon scratched her head.

Tiffany laughed. “No, I think you look perfect!”

In fact, you look really handsome. Wait, did I just say handsome!?

“Really? But everyone here is dressed so formally including you!”

“I am wearing this gown because I will be walking down the runway last, silly! I am the designer!” Tiffany laughed. “And those people wearing suits and gowns, they are either business partners of Areith Apparels or designers from around the world. But you, you are a VIP personally invited by me; Tiffany Hwang. Tell this to them! See if they would laugh at your dressing!”

Taeyeon laughed. “Okay!”


Taeyeon had a perfect view of the runway. Despite entering the venue late, she was standing right in front with many reporters and other cameramen from various fashion magazines behind her, squeezing to get a good view. Tiffany has actually specially arranged for a space to be empty at the photographers stand just for Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiled to herself, she felt privileged.

Music started to boom from the speakers and the models came out to the walkway one by one. Taeyeon lifted up her DSLR and started to snap pictures of the models wearing the dresses Tiffany designed.

And finally, after an hour, all the models emerged from the backstage and posed for the final time on the runway. Then, Tiffany was seen walking down the runway with the black gown. Taeyeon lifted up her DSRL and started snapping pictures of Tiffany. People started moving down to the runway to give Tiffany a handshake. Some even handed her bouquets of flowers. Tiffany and the models then gave the crowd a big bow and the crowd applauded.

Taeyeon smiled at her friend’s success.


“Congratulations Tiffany!” A man in his forties, wearing a suit hugged Tiffany.

Taeyeon watched as she slowly walked towards Tiffany.

“Thank you, Mr Choi!” Tiffany exclaimed in excitement.

The man patted her shoulders and walked away.

Taeyeon tapped Tiffany’s shoulders gently.

“Ah, Taeyeon!” Tiffany turned around and hugged her.

“Great job!” Taeyeon returned the hug and patted her back.

Tiffany released the hug and smiled sweetly and Taeyeon.

“I saw the dresses you designed. They were beautiful! I took loads of pictures of them!”

“Thank you!” Tiffany clapped her hands and smiled.

“Oh! So you are Jessica, the new leader for the Designing Team?!” A lady shouted.

Taeyeon looked at the lady behind Tiffany who has just said those. A girl with blonde hair with a pair of black plastic spectacle walked towards the lady and gave her a nod followed by a handshake. Taeyeon couldn’t really see who the girl was because she was blocked by Tiffany.

“Taeyeon, what are you looking at?” Tiffany saw where her eyes were looking and turned back to see who was behind her. As she did so, Taeyeon had a full view of the girl.

No, it’s impossible. It must be my eyes playing tricks on me...

Taeyeon rubbed her eyes and shook her head.

“Taeyeon, are you okay?” Tiffany placed a hand on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Tiffany, who is that girl?” Taeyeon pointed to the blonde girl who was chatting away happily with the lady.

Tiffany turned around to see where Taeyeon was pointing to.

“Oh, you mean Jessica?” Tiffany turned back to face Taeyeon.


“Er... Yea, who is she?” Taeyeon asked.

“She’s the daughter of Areith Apparel’s CEO Daniel Jung.” Tiffany smiled.

“Tell me more about her.”

“Erm... She is the newly appointed leader for the Designing Team?”

“More. Like how you met her and stuff.”

Tiffany wasn’t sure why Taeyeon was so interested in her friend but she continued anyway.

“She went to California two years ago to start a new life and to learn how to take over her father’s business. That was how I met her through our parents. She is now engaged to the son of Tycoon Ricky Lee who is also the CEO of a fabric wholesaler. You know right? This is how business works. Their parents want them to get married so that there will be more collaboration between the two companies and like what Mrs Jung said, it combines both family wealth together.”

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon whose expression has changed.

"When was she engaged to this Tycoon whatever lee's son? She is the daughter of Daniel Jung, her engagement should have media coverage right? How come there isn't any?"

“Two years ago they were already engaged! Bu-"

"Two years ago!?" Taeyeon cut Tiffany.

Isn't then when the accident happened?

"Yea, but they didn't want to hurry with the wedding be-"

“Is she Jessica Jung?” Taeyeon cut Tiffany again before she could complete her sentence.

“Erm, yah?”

“Jessica Jung Soo Yeon?”

“How did you-”

Before Tiffany could finish her sentence she heard Jessica’s voice from behind.

“Hey Fany, I was looking for you!” Jessica called out as she walked towards Tiffany who was standing next to Taeyeon.

“I was wondering where you were!” Tiffany laughed.

Jessica hugged Tiffany. “Congratulations!” She whispered into Tiffany’s ears.

Taeyeon stared at Jessica the entire time.

I couldn’t be wrong this time...

“Ah, let me intro-”

“Don’t bother! We know each other!” Taeyeon cut Tiffany.

“Excuse me? We- We know each other?” Jessica looked at Tiffany who was equally puzzled.

Before there could be anymore clarifications, Taeyeon swung her arms and her hand landed on Jessica’s cheeks. Jessica cheeks were now burning in pain.

“Taeyeon! Why did you do that for?!” Tiffany shouted.

“Why did you do this to Yuri?!” 

Chapter 13

-- Working Together

Jessica gritted her teeth. She lifted her right hand and felt her cheeks.

It hurt.

Never in her life, has anyone slapped her. Never in her live has she been humiliated like this before. Never...

This was a bolt from the blue; unexpected and sudden.

Tiffany had both of her hands on Taeyeon’s shoulders, trying to calm the girl down. She was expecting Jessica to scream at her friend right in her face and then get the security to drag this crazy girl out of this place, but to her astonishment, Jessica didn’t.

Jessica and Taeyeon stared hard at each other. Taeyeon’s eyes were filled with anger while Jessica’s was filled with curiosity. The silence in the backstage was piercing to the ears. Everyone has left, leaving the three of them standing in the middle of nowhere.

“What’s your name?” Jessica finally broke the awkward silence.

“Yah, my name is Kim Taeyeon! Don’t try to feign ignorance!”

Kim Taeyeon... This name seems to ring a bell...

“I think there is some kind of misunderstanding.” Tiffany looked back and forth at Jessica and Taeyeon, her hands still on the latter’s shoulders.

“What misunderstanding can there be?!” Taeyeon turned to face Jessica. “I thought you were different from those other rich kids in college. Poor isn’t a crime, Jessica Jung.”

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders and Tiffany released her firm grip on them. She took a few steps backwards, her eyes still staring at Jessica’s. She then turned around and walked away.

“Taeyeon ah!” Tiffany called out. “Jessi, what’s going on?”

“I am as puzzled as you are. But for one thing I know I must have known her before I lost my memory.” Jessica said calmly.


Taeyeon was mad furious. She kicked the mental framed rubbish bin on the way out of the hotel.


Damn, it hurts!

She lifted up her right leg and held it with both hands, skipping around with one leg like a total dork.


Taeyeon placed her foot back onto the ground and quickened her pace. She limped towards a small wooden bench which was situated at the far left of the hotel entrance. She lifted her feet up and took off her shoes.

“Stupid me.” Taeyeon mumbled to herself as she examined her swollen toe.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!”

Taeyeon looked up and saw Tiffany running towards her with her super noisy high heels which was clocking away. She looked back at her toes, ignoring the girl.

“What’s with your toes?” Tiffany asked as she took a seat beside Taeyeon who was now blowing her toes.

“Thanks to Jessica Jung!”

“Wait Taeyeon, I think there is some kind of miscommunication or something. Why are you so upset with Jessica? Do you know her?”

“Two years ago, I thought she was dead. She left my friend all alone, lonely and heartbroken. Two years later, it turned out that she did not die in the crash; instead, she got engaged to a tycoon’s son. How am I supposed to keep my cool?!” 

Taeyeon rubbed her toes and wore back her shoes. She stood up, wanting to leave but a pair hands grabbed firmly onto her arms.

“KIM TAEYEON! You are not going anywhere until you tell me the full story!”

Tiffany pulled Taeyeon back to her seat and she reluctantly sat down.

“What did you say? You thought Jessica was dead?” Now Tiffany was getting confused.

“Two years ago, Jessica Jung and my friend Kwon Yuri were celebrating their two year anniversary at-.”

“Wait wait wait! You mean Jessi was dating your friend Kwon Yuri?” Tiffany cut Taeyeon like she did earlier.

“Yes, and please don’t cut me!”

“You did that just now!”

“Okay fine!” Taeyeon folded her arms.

“I sense something amiss... Never mind, you tell me your side of the story and I will tell you mine.”

“Okay, where was I? Oh, they were celebrating their anniversary at Cafe 101 when something cropped up and Jessica was driving Yuri to the hospital and that was when the accident happened. When I rushed to the hospital, I went to look for Jessica and Yuri. Yuri's mother then told me that Jessica didn't survive the crash. Yuri lost her sight as a result of the accident... I spoke to the nurses after that and they told me Jessica's parents have taken her away.”

“Ah! So that’s how Yuri lost her sight...”

“Wait, you said Jessica Jung is the daughter of Daniel Jung, right?” Taeyeon asked. She was getting a little confused as things don’t seem to fall in the right place.

“Yes she is...?” Tiffany sounded confused as well.

“So, Jessica didn’t die two years ago; obviously. But if like what you said she was engaged two years ago, won’t there be media coverage?” Taeyeon rubbed her chin. “I didn’t know she was the daughter of the CEO of Areith Apparels until today. Despite being so close to her during college days...”

“Ah, Mr Jung told me before. He didn’t want his daughter to lose her private life like he did when he was young. As you know, Mr Jung’s father was the founder of Areith Apparels. So, he didn’t expose daughter to the media as yet. That’s also the reason why he sent Jessica to a normal college instead of the one that only the rich attends. Probably that’s also the reason why Jessica didn’t tell you her real identity.” Tiffany explained.

Taeyeon was listening earnestly. Too much information was being fed to her and she was trying to digest them. Her mind visually pieced the little information together to get a full picture of the situation, just like a jigsaw puzzle. On the other hand, Tiffany was utterly surprise why Taeyeon has concluded Jessica’s death two years ago.

“I still don’t get it.” Taeyeon finally spoke.

“Okay, look, I seriously don’t know why the hell the nurses or whoever told you Jessica is dead but she isn’t! Obviously! Two years ago, my dad introduced me to Jessica when I was in California. He told me Jessica met a car accident in Korea and has totally lost her memory so he wants me to befriend her.”

“You mean Jessica lost her memory?”


“Then why did the nurses tell me she was dead?”

“Hmmm... Something is really wrong.”

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other. Both of them had no idea what had happened. But it was for sure, someone wanted to separated Jessica and Yuri. Taeyeon folded her arms and leaned onto the bench.

“Yah!” Tiffany snapped.

“Hey, you gave me a shock!”

“Which means you misunderstood Jessica!”

Taeyeon lowered her chin and bit her lower lip.

“Okay fine, I will find an opportunity to apologise to her alright?”

“You better!”


“Well, it’s kinda obvious someone wanted to separate Jessica and Yuri?” Tiffany asked.

“My gut feeling tells me so.” Taeyeon said. “Someone wanted Yuri to think that Jessica is dead so that Yuri could sort of leave Jessica.”

“Hmmm... So?” Tiffany turned to look at Taeyeon.

“So? So we must do something about it!” Taeyeon jolted up from her position and sat up straight.

“How are we going to do so?”

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany. “We?”


“You said we?”

“Yah! Jessica is my friend! I want to get to the bottom of this!”

“Good! Because Yuri is my friend and I won’t let anyone hurt her!”

“So we are in this together?” Tiffany stretched out her right hand.

Taeyeon looked at her hand and then back at Tiffany.

“Yes we are.” Taeyeon placed her hand on top of hers.


Jessica was silent throughout the car ride. She went straight up to her room once she reached home. 

Of course, Tiffany knew the reason why. But Donghae didn’t. He kept asking her the entire time but the girl did not budge. Taeyeon and herself have made a promise that they will not let anyone know about it as yet because the main suspect for the entire confusion somehow links to the Jung family. 

Who else will want to separate them?


Jessica threw her bag on the floor and slammed herself onto the bed face down. A few moments later, she got up and sat down because she was slowly suffocating.

Images of Taeyeon and Yuri started to flash in her mind.

Who are they? They look so familiar... I think I know them... Why isn’t my memory coming back?! The pieces of drawing Yuri drew and the slap Taeyeon gave me... Yuri’s friend that looked exactly like me that has passed away... Is it me? What the hell is going on? Those words Taeyeon said... What do they mean? What have I done to Yuri? And those recurring dreams of Yuri...

Clearly, Jessica’s subconscious was telling her something. 

Jessica felt that the whole world was crashing down onto her. Her mind was boggling and now, she was experiencing excruciating pain in her head. In the midst of all these, there was a knock on the door.

“Hey Jessi, it’s me Fany. I need to talk to you.” The voice behind the door said.

“I am sorry Fany, I need some time alone. Can we talk tomorrow instead?” Jessica shouted towards the door.

“Okay, rest well Jessi...”

Jessica cupped her face with her hands. She wanted to know the truth, she wanted to know who Taeyeon and Yuri is. She somehow wanted to see Yuri...


Chapter 14

-- Bogus

“So how was the fashion show yesterday?” Yuri asked as she took out two packets and sugar from a box and placed them on the shelves.

Taeyeon was helping her with the salt which was beside.

“Er...” Taeyeon suddenly remembered about Jessica’s sudden appearance after two long years yesterday.


“It was good! Tiffany is really a talented designer!”

Yuri smiled. “Really? To think that you actually knew Tiffany and she was the one who helped me at the noodle stall the other day. The world is so small.”

“Yeah, the world is indeed very very small...” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off at the thought of meeting Jessica again at Tiffany’s fashion show. 

Such coincidence is hard to believe.

“Taeyeon, are you okay?” Yuri asked as she placed the last packet of sugar on the shelf.

“Yea, I’m fine. It’s just that...”

“What’s wrong Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon kicked the box of salt aside and dragged Yuri to the counter. It was really early in the morning and she doubt anyone would enter the store this early. She decided that this was the best time to break the news to Yuri. She couldn’t contain it any longer.

“Yuri, sit. I need to tell you something.”

Yuri walked to the back of the counter and took a seat. She looked confused.

“Taeyeon, what is it that you want to tell me?”

“Yuri, I know you may think that I am losing my mind or you may think that I’m seeing things, but this is real. I am not lying. You have to believe me.”

Yuri gulped. 

It sounded severe. 

“I will believe you. What is it?”

“Yuri... Jessica Jung isn’t dead.”


It was 8am in the morning and Jessica was already in her car, driving around the streets of Seoul. There wasn’t any destination in her mind. She just wanted to sort out her thoughts. Jessica pulled over at the petrol kiosk and one of the employees greeted her as her black Porches halted to a stop.

“Good morning, Miss!”

“Full tank.” Jessica said as she stepped out of her black Porches.

“Coming right up!” The man wearing the Shell uniform said as he stared hard at Jessica.

Wow, damn! A rich and hot chick!

The man handed Jessica a receipt and she walked into the mart to pay for her petrol. Jessica folded her arms and waited. There were another three people in the queue ahead of her and she was getting impatient.

“Yah! Choi Sooyoung, let’s get going! The queue is building up!” A short girl shouted to a taller one behind her who was carrying a basket full of potato chips and sodas and was still looking at the racks for more food.

“It’s not me, Hyoyeon wanted these!” The taller girl protested.

“Yea yea it’s me, just get into the queue, Sunny. We will reach the counter before you do!” Another girl with long hair said.

Jessica ignored the commotion behind her. It was her turn at the cashier.

“43300₩, miss” The cashier said.

“Give me one of those too.” Jessica pointed to the bottle of Vodka Absolut which was behind the cashier.

“That would be 120300₩” The cashier handed her a brown paper bag.

Jessica grabbed the bag and headed towards the door.

“Jessica? Jessica Jung?” A voice said.

Jessica heard her name and turned over to see three girls staring at her with smiles on their faces. She removed her sunglasses and stared at them.

Do I know them?

“Yah! Jessica! It’s really you!” The tallest girl amongst them placed the basket of food down as she walked towards her. The other two did the same.

“Where have you been yo! You suddenly disappeared and there were rumours like you were dead or you went for some plastic surgery that went terribly wrong.” The shorter girl exclaimed. “It’s so funny right!?” She dissolved into laughter.

“Yah what nonsense are you talking about!” The girl with long hair feigned a punch at the shorter girl.

“Excuse me, but do I know you?”


Yuri dropped the pen she was holding and breathed heavily.

“Yuri, I don’t know how to explain this. But somehow, she didn’t die in the crash two years ago. Her death was bogus. She went to the States after that. According to Tiffany, she lost her memory in the accident and I am speculating that someone used her memory loss as a tool to separate the both of you.”

“Je- Sica isn’t dead?” Yuri’s voice was trembling.

“Yes, Jessica Jung isn’t dead. This, I can confirm because I saw her yesterday at Tiffany’s fashion show. Turned out that the Jessica Jung we knew all these while is none other than the daughter of Daniel Jung, CEO of Areith Apparels.”

“Taeyeon, I- I- I don’t know... This is coming to me too suddenly.”

“I know Yuri, I know. I was stunned when I saw Jessica yesterday at the fashion show.”

“How is she now?” A tear escaped Yuri’s eyes.

“She... Well, she is... Doing fine? She is now the leader for the Designing Team in her father’s company and...” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off.

“And what?”

Taeyeon hesitated for a moment. “And she is... She is engaged to tycoon Ricky Lee’s son, Lee Donghae...”

Taeyeon voice became softer unknowingly. She looked at Yuri and this was exactly what she expected. Yuri was going to flood Ahn Nyong... 

Chapter 15

-- Class Gathering

Jessica stood outside Cafe 101. She removed her sunglass and hung it over her necklace. She stared intently at the exterior of the cafe.

This place... It’s so familiar... I think I have been here before...

Suddenly, images of Yuri and herself surged in her mind. Jessica clenched her fist and pressed them hard against her forehead. She was thinking hard, trying to recall something. Then, her shoulders felt something warm.

“Jessica, are you alright?” Sunny asked with one hand squeezing her shoulders gently.

“I am fine.” Jessica let her hand fall by the side again. “Let’s go in.”

Sunny nodded and the duo entered the cafe followed by Hyoyeon and Sooyoung at the back. Jessica looked around the interior of the cafe. She knew she had been here before. The feeling... It just feels familiar.

“Table for...?” The waiter smiled.

“4!” Sooyoung exclaimed. “I am hungry!” She turned to look at Sunny who was glaring at her.

“This way please.” The waiter stretched his arms, allowing the girls to enter.

Sooyoung smiled and rushed into the cafe with Hyoyeon behind. Sunny shook her head and followed the pair. She turned to her left and then right. Jessica wasn’t there. She stopped in her tracks and turned back. Jessica was still at the entrance of the cafe. She was staring at the display shelf. Sunny turned back. Sooyoung was already flipping through the menu. She ignored them and walked towards Jessica.

Sunny walked up to Jessica and saw where she was gazing. She gave a confused look and turn to the display shelf.

“Wow, this musical box is gorgeous.” Sunny exclaimed.

Jessica skipped happily towards the dining table and there was a small parcel wrapped beautifully in a golden wrapper, completed nicely with a silver ribbon. On top of the box was a slip of paper that wrote: 

“Miss Jessica Jung

The Jung Residence”

Jessica grabbed the parcel and smiled to herself.

A figment of her memory surfaced.

Jessica stared harder at the golden musical box which was shaped in a heart.

“Jessica, are you okay?” Sunny asked.

“Yea... I am fine.” Jessica snapped out from her thoughts. “Come on let’s get going.”


Yuri sat behind the cashier in a daze. Obviously, she hasn’t gotten over the fact that Jessica isn’t dead. Worst of all, she doesn’t even remember Yuri and she is engaged some tycoon’s son.

Taeyeon was wiping the shelves in front of the counter. She peaked through the shelves and observed Yuri carefully. Unknowingly, she has been wiping the same spot over and over again. She mentally kicked herself. 

Yah, Kim Taeyeon, what’s the difference between peaking at Yuri and staring at Yuri? Either way, she won’t know right?

Taeyeon sighed.


“Here’s your cafe latte.” The waiter placed the last cup on the table. “Enjoy.”

“Hey! Where’s my garlic bread, minestrone soup, beef Bolognese and Hawaiian pizza?” Sooyoung snapped at the waiter.

“Er, the food will come in a while.” The waiter said.

Sooyoung gave a frustrated look and signalled for the waiter to leave.

“CHOI SOOYOUNG! If you don’t have enough money to pay for those, I’ll leave you alone here to wash the dishes!” Sunny snapped.

“Yah! I am hungry you know! It’s been an hour since I ate my last meal!” Sooyoung complained.

“Exactly! It’s ONLY an hour and you are eating so much already!”

“Cut it out will ya?!” Hyoyeon screamed. She then turned to Jessica. “Don’t mind these two, they are always like this.”

Jessica smiled and nodded.

Sooyoung stuck her tongue out at Sunny and the latter glared at her viciously.

“So... Jessica! How have you been?” Sooyoung asked.

“I have been... good...” Jessica hesitated.

“Seriously, where have you been? It’s like after college graduation, we didn’t see you anymore.” Hyoyeon took a sip of her coffee.

Hyoyeon looked at Jessica, expecting an answer. Jessica looked at Hyoyeon and then to the rest.

“Actually...” Jessica finally spoke. “Well, let’s just say, I need you guys to help me.”

The trio exchanged weird glances. They were curious as to what Jessica would say next.

“Two years ago, I was involved in this bizarre car accident. After that, I lost my memory; every single thing.” Jessica paused for a moment and stared at the trio. 

Somehow, their bewildered expression tells her that they were totally unaware about the accident.

“I tried to recall those memories every single day when I was in the States, but nothing came back to me. I felt like a lost soul, someone without any memories of her past.” Jessica lowered her chin and breathed out loudly.

“So... So you want us to?” Sunny asked bluntly.

“Restore my memory.”

Sunny looked at Hyoyeon then at Sooyoung. The both of them were looking at each other with confused looks.

“How?” Sooyoung asked.

“Tell me about my life. Everything you know.”

“Jessica, you should ask Yuri or Taeyeon! They were your best friends in college.” Sunny said excitedly.

“Agreed!” Hyoyeon exclaimed.


Jessica looked down at the mention of her name.

“Hmm...” Sooyoung started. “You were kinda popular back at college-”

“Yeah!” Sunny cut Sooyoung before she could complete her sentence, earning herself a glare from the latter. “So many boys were queuing up to go on a date with you!”

“Ah I remember that! Then there were rumours floating that you were actually dating Kwon Yuri!” Hyoyeon added.

“Yea! Kwon Banjang!” Sunny clasped her hand, “Our handsome Banjang!”

“Yea! She looked so suave when she played the piano and the violin during graduation night!” Sooyoung jumped up from her seat in excitement.

“Yes!” Sunny looked at Sooyoung and they nodded their head vigorously.

Violin? Well, there’s a violin in my room... Could it have been Yuri’s?

The trio were busy chatting and the initial sombre atmosphere was taken away by their giggles and laughters. It was exactly like a class reunion where they shared their past memories and reminisce together. Jessica listened intently to whatever they have said. It was all so familiar. 


That was what is building inside her as she listened. Jessica hated herself. She tried to piece bits of information together. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t conjure any memory from her past.

“Thanks...” Jessica threw a dollar bill on the table. “My tab.”

Jessica picked up her bag and stood up. She put on her sunglasses as she walked towards the entrance, leaving the other three dumbfounded.

She walked towards her Porches, swinging her Prada in her left. She clicked onto the car keys and the headlights blinked. Throwing her bag on the seat beside her, she slammed the door shut and pressed her forehead against the steering wheel with her hands on the back of her neck.

Come on Jessica! Think harder! Just think! There is bound to be something that you would recall!

She looked up and turned to the bottle of Vodka sitting nicely on the seat beside.


It has been ten hours since Yuri found out about Jessica’s bogus death. There hasn’t been a single word exchanged between the two girls. Throughout the entire day, Yuri just served customer in a daze while Taeyeon wiped shelves after shelves which were already sparkling clean. 

It was nine o’clock and the girls were finally packing up to get home. Taeyeon wasn’t sure of what to say to Yuri to make her feel better. That’s the reason why she couldn’t find anything to say to Yuri. 

Yuri turned the sign hung on the door and the ‘CLOSED’ sign was now facing the outside. Taeyeon switched off the air conditioning.

Piercing silence.

She looked at Yuri who was still standing motionlessly at the glass door.

Taeyeon sighed.

Suddenly, Taeyeon’s phone rang which startled the two. She answered the call.

“Hey Taeyeon.”


“Jessica has been missing since eight in the morning and she is not back yet. I have yet to explain everything to her. Did you happen to see her or something?

“No, I am afraid not, Fany.”

“I can’t think of any place she could be. We just arrived in Seoul a few days back and this place is still a mystery to Jess. I am worried, Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon was thinking hard. Where could Jessica possibly go?

Yuri walked towards Taeyeon. “Taeng, what’s wrong?” She whispered.

Before Taeyeon could reply Tiffany or Yuri, they heard a loud bang on the glass door followed by the shattering of glasses.

“Hello? Taeyeon? Where do you think she is?”

Taeyeon walked towards the door, her phone still on her ear. She pushed the door outwards and looked.

No one?

Taeyeon was puzzled. She lowered her chin a little and something caught her eye. She looked down and saw a motionless body lying face-down on the ground just at the foot of the entrance. Shocked, she bent down and turned the girl over.

Ahn Nyong!”

“Huh? Hello? Taeyeon? Why are you saying hello to me?!”

“Ahn Nyong! My convenient store!”

"You think she's at your convenient store? Taeyeon, please dont't fool around now!"

"NO! She IS at my convenient store!"


Chapter 16

-- Getting the Picture

Taeyeon slid her phone into the side pocket of her skinny jeans and pulled the girl into the shop before closing the glass door.

Yuri walked slowly towards the door. “Taeyeon, what’s going on?”

“Jessica.” Taeyeon dragged the girl and laid her in front of the counter.

She was dead drunk.

Yuri’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Jessica.

“Yuri, watch her. I am going to get some hot towels.” Taeyeon’s voice became softer as she walked into the store room behind the cashier.

Yuri squatted down slowly. She folded her arms and her fingers unknowingly played with the ends of her sleeves. Her heart was pounding so vigorously against her chest she felt that it might just pop out anytime. She slowly moved towards Jessica. With trembling hands, she felt for her head and gently stroked her soft golden hair. Yuri felt volts of electricity run through her body. It has been two years since she touched her hair like this. Yuri couldn’t believe that something that seemed impossible for these two years has now become possible.

Is it really you, Sica? My Sica baby?

For the first time in two years, Yuri wished she got her eyesight back. She wanted to see Jessica so badly.

Taeyeon emerged from the storeroom with a basin of lukewarm water and a towel and went to where the girls were. Looking at Yuri’s teary eyes, she couldn’t help but to tear up as well. She squatted down beside Yuri and Jessica.

There was silence for a moment.

Taeyeon hold back her tears as she squeezed the towel dry that was soaked in the warm water and wiped Jessica’s face. Jessica groaned as the warm towel touched her face. She turned her head to the other side before lying there motionlessly once again.

Yuri took the towel from Taeyeon’s hands and nodded. Taeyeon released her grip on the towel and allowed the latter to do the job while she sat and watched the couple appearing together once again before her eyes.

It was like a reunion for the trio.


Jessica was sleeping like a baby in Yuri’s arms. They were sitting on the sofa that was in the storeroom. Yuri’s arms were around Jessica’s shoulders. It has been a while since they were seen like this again.

Taeyeon folded her arms and leaned on the door frame with one leg on it as she watched the duo.

There was a knock on the glass door.

Taeyeon pushed herself off the door frame and headed towards the entrance. As she emerged from the storeroom, she saw Tiffany at the glass door. She had both of her hands beside her face, squeezing the sides of her face and peaking into the store like some idiot. Taeyeon couldn’t help but the giggle at the girl.

She’s so cute...

Taeyeon unlocked the door and allowed Tiffany to enter.

“Don’t tell me she’ drunk, because there was a bottle of almost shattered Vodka Absolut outside your store.” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon nodded slowly.

“Great.” Tiffany had her arms akimbo, “She can’t hold liquor!”

“Don’t worry, she’s fine now; sleeping like a baby in Yuri’s arms.”

Tiffany sighed.

“Are you here to take her back?” Taeyeon asked.


“Good. Let Yuri have some time with her.”

“Sure. I need some time alone with you too.”

Taeyeon gave a puzzled look.

“Yah! I meant I need to talk to you regarding the incident!”

Taeyeon blushed. “Ah, okay, let’s go somewhere.”

Taeyeon pulled Tiffany to the front of the counter and they sat down.

“So what is it that you want to tell me?” Taeyeon asked.

“You told me Yuri used to draw pictures of Jessica and she gave them to her right? You also said Jessica and Yuri have this memory album full of Polaroid which is red in colour?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon nodded.

“There was none.”

“What? You searched her room?”

“Yes,” Tiffany rolled her eyes, “But that’s not the main point!”

“So what’s the main point?”

“You pabo! I kinda think that it was Jessica’s parents who are up to all these and they probably threw all those stuff away to prevent Jessica from knowing about Yuri’s presence.”

“Ah! You mean her bogus death?”

“You finally got it huh?” Tiffany sighed. “I thought of it the entire night. The only ones I can think of who probably wants to separate the both of them would be Mr and Mrs Jung.”

“But, Yuri’s relationship with Jessica was not known to them.”

“You never know right? Maybe they have long found out and were secretly trying to separate them?”

Taeyeon nodded in agreement. She was slowly getting the picture.

“I just realised something. Two years ago when the accident happened, there was totally no media coverage of it.” Taeyeon suddenly recalled.

“And the only ones who have the ability to shut the mouths of the media?”

Taeyeon pasued. “Mr and Mrs Jung...”

“Yeah! That was how I linked things up!” Tiffany snapped her fingers. “All they have is money and more money. They can easily bribe the media, the doctors, the nurses and everyone else to lie to Yuri that Jessica is dead!”

“So, two years ago when the accident happened, Jessica didn’t die. She just plainly lost her memory and Mr and Mrs Jung made use of this to their advantage by lying to Jessica about her past and then sending her off to the States.”

“They then bribed people to lie to Yuri about Jessica’s death to make her think that she is really dead so that she can get over her.”

“So Jessica lived her two years in lies while Yuri lived her two years like an idiot?”

Tiffany nodded slowly.

There was a moment of silence. The both of them crossed their legs as they leaned on the counter.

“Ah!” Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed.


“Did you tell Mr and Mrs Jung that you were coming to my store to pick Jessica? What if they see Yuri or me?”

“Don’t worry. I told them that Jessica has met one of my acquaintances, so Donghae and her parents wanted me to come over to company her.”

Taeyeon nodded. “Phew, I thought you have told them.”

“Don’t worry,” Tiffany yawned, “I am not silly like you.” Tiffany then leaned herself towards Taeyeon and laid her head on her shoulder.

Taeyeon became stiff.

Why is my heart pounding so fast???

“Meanwhile, just get some sleep, Taetae~ we’ll have a lot of talking to do tomorrow.”

Tiffany closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around Taeyeon’s. 

Taeyeon watch as she did so and smiled to herself.

She looks cute when she sleeps...

Taeyeon moved to sit closer to Tiffany and her head rested on Tiffany’s. Unknowingly, she fell deep asleep...


Chapter 17

-- Lies, lies and more lies

Jessica was lying on something soft and warm. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a dim light glowing. She rubbed her eyes and slowly realised she was not in her bed. 

Jessica jolted up from her position and turned her face backwards.

“Feeling better?” Yuri asked.

“Ah, Yuri ssi.” Jessica turned back and shut her eyes.

Ah, this is so embarrassing!

“Erm... You were drunk last night and you landed up in front of Taeyeon’s convenient store.” Yuri explained.

“I am so sorry...” Jessica slapped her forehead.

What the hell was I doing!

“There’s still some time before the store opens. Do you want to go back to sleep? You can have the whole sofa, I am going to prepare.” Yuri asked.

“No it’s okay... I guess I will make a move now... I am... Very very sorry about last night...”

Yuri smiled. “No worries.”

Jessica smiled back although she knew Yuri can’t see. 

Yuri walked towards the cashier to get her keys and Jessica walked out of the storeroom to the front of the counter.

“Fany!?” Jessica exclaimed.

Taeyeon slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head off Tiffany’s. Tiffany did the same.

Gosh, what were we doing?!

Taeyeon immediately released Tiffany’s hands and stood up. She dusted her shirt awkwardly.

“Er...” Taeyeon scratched her head. “Sorry, we fell asleep yesterday.”

Taeyeon and Jessica’s eyes met.

“Erm... I am sorry, Jessica.”


“For that day... At the fashion show...” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off.

“Ah, it’s okay. It was a misunderstanding, I guess.”

Tiffany stood up and stretched. Scratching her head, she looked at Jessica with her sleepy eyes.

“Yah, TIFFANY, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Yah, JESSICA, I should be the one asking you this question! What the hell are you doing at Taeyeon’s convenient store!?”


I came here because... because I wanted to see Yuri...? No, I can’t say that!

“I came here because... because I wanted to see Taeyeon and Yuri...” Jessica’s voice trembled.

“For?” The trio said in unison.

“Clarifications.” Jessica said.


“Yea mom, I am fine. Tiffany is with me. NO! Its okay, you don’t have to pick us up; we are driving. Yea, we will be home soon. Don’t worry! Bye!”

Jessica slid her phone in her jeans and walked towards the table where Tiffany, Taeyeon and Yuri were seated.

“So, what clarifications do you have?” Taeyeon asked as she took a sip of coffee.

“I met up with a few college friends yesterday; Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Sunny”

“Oh” Taeyeon laughed, “the three musketeers.”

Yuri gave a faint smile as she nibbled her sandwich.

“How did you meet them anyway?” Taeyeon asked.

“Let’s just say, its coincidence. Anyway, they told me about my college days. But it was vague. They told me I was closer to you and Yuri. So I thought I can find out more about my past from you two.” Jessica said as she looked at the duo.

“Great. I was about to tell you something regarding your past as well.” Tiffany raised her hands.

“I’m listening.” Jessica said.

“Well, the three of us used to be a clique in college. And you were... you were...” Taeyeon looked at Yuri.

“And I was...?”

“You were actually dating-”

“Yah, you were actually dating a lot of guys. You are so popular in college.” Yuri smiled.

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other before turning their heads to look at Yuri. They were both confused as to why Yuri has lied to Jessica about their past but they kept silent anyway.

“Actually...” Yuri tried to hold back her tears, “Actually there was really nothing much about your past. We were just college friends and that’s all. What else do you want to know?”

“Yuri...” Taeyeon looked at Yuri.

Yuri placed her hand on Taeyeon’s knee under the table and gave it a light squeeze and Tiffany caught that. She knew that Yuri wanted to hide the fact that they were once together though she didn’t know the reason why.

“Is my past that simple?” Jessica asked.

“Yea, it’s that simple. Well, we didn’t hear from you after college graduation and so we thought you passed away because there were rumours.” 

Yuri laughed.

Taeyeon arched her eye brows.

“But actually, you just went to the States.” Yuri laughed again, “Stupid rumours.”

“I know it’s not true.” Jessica looked at Yuri with teary eyes, “My recurring dreams about you, the slap Taeyeon gave me and the girl you drew that looked exactly like me. How could you explain that?”

The trio looked at Jessica intently, waiting for her next sentence as she opened her mouth slightly.

“Why!? Why is everyone telling me lies! What’s in my past that I cannot know?! I had enough of all these! Why can’t someone just tell me what exactly happened in nineteen years of my life! Why isn’t my god damn memory coming back?! I HATE THIS!” Jessica grabbed her bag and walked hurriedly towards her car which was parked at the side of the cafe.

“GO! Go after her!” Taeyeon yelled at Tiffany who was too shock to react.

Tiffany nodded and ran after the girl who was already in her car.

Taeyeon watched as Tiffany’s car drove off. She then turned to face the teary Yuri.

“Yuri, why did you lie to her?”

“Isn’t she better off without me now?” Yuri sobbed, “Why bother telling her all these.”


“She’s getting married, Taeyeon! Just let her go!”

Chapter 18

-- Confrontation

Why?! Why must they lie to me??? Why is everyone telling me lies!

Jessica stepped harder on the accelerator and her grip on the steering wheel became firmer. She was driving at full speed on the highway which fortunately has lesser cars than usual. A white BMW was tail-gating her.

Her cell phone rang.

Jessica looked at her phone which was lying on the seat beside. She hesitated at first; looking back at forth at the blinking phone and the road. Eventually, she picked up her phone.

“Jessica Jung! Pullover at the side right now!”

“Tiffany, stop following me!”

“Pullover right now!”


“Hello? Hello? Jessica!”

Tiffany removed her phone from her ear and saw a blank screen.

Jessica hung up on her.

“DAMN!” She cursed as she threw her phone on the seat beside and stepped harder on the accelerator.


Jessica looked back and forth at the rear mirror and the road. The white BMW was still in sight and was getting nearer and nearer to her black Porches. The traffic on the road was getting heavier and Jessica was driving in a zigzag manner, cutting cars that were in her way. Jessica glanced at her speedometer and then at the mirror again.

She became worried for her friend.

Jessica released the pressure on the accelerator and turned to the right for the nearest exit. 

Tiffany followed suit.


Jessica was now driving slowly on a narrow road with less than ten cars in sight. Tiffany was right behind her, driving at the same speed. But she kept a distance. Jessica was finding a place where she could stop. She looked at the rear mirror again to check if Tiffany was there.

Suddenly there was a loud honk.

Jessica looked back on the road and saw a red car coming in her way. There was no time to think. She speedily turned her steering wheel to the left and her car spun.


“Oh my god... NO! Jessica looked in front!” Tiffany shouted.

There was a loud honk and Tiffany stepped on her brake.

She saw the black Porches spin to her left.

Tiffany shrieked and covered her face with both of her hands.



Jessica was breathing heavily. She looked down at her legs, her hand grabbing the steering wheel tightly.

That shock, she felt it before. 

Beads of cold sweat started to trickle down her forehead.

Jessica felt an excruciating pain in her head. She released her hands on the steering wheel, grabbed 

the back of her head and leaned back on her seat.


Jessica looked up at the rear mirror and saw a teary Tiffany running towards her car.

Tiffany grabbed the knob and pulled the car door open.

“JESSICA! ARE YOU HURT!?” Tiffany asked as she cupped the shocked Jessica’s face.

Their eyes met.

The pain in her head never went off. Figments of memory flashed rapidly in her mind. 

Jessica’s past came crashing into her like a waterfall. It was fast and pounding, crystal clear like water. Every single detail was so vivid.

She remembered it all.

Everything was triggered by that shock.

“Tiffany... I... I...” Jessica’s voice was stammering.

“What is it, Jessica???”

“I...” Jessica looked down, “I remember... I remember everything!” she grabbed Tiffany’s wrist.

“You...” Tiffany swallowed hard, “You remembered?”


“Aunt Kim, get me a glass of water.” Mr Jung commanded.

“Yes, Mr Jung.” Aunt Kim bowed and scurried off to the kitchen.

“Ah, Donghae, I was saying, this shipment of fabrics-”

The marble door swung open and two girls emerged.

“Jessica!” Mrs Jung stood up and walked towards the door, “Next time let us know where you went! We were worried sick.”

Jessica stood there motionless.

Donghae walked up to Jessica and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked as he lifted Jessica’s chin with his finger.

“Mom, Dad, I want the truth.” Jessica suddenly said.

Mr and Mrs Jung froze.

Could she have found out?

There was a moment of silence. 

Aunt Kim was standing at the doorway of the kitchen. Her hands were grabbing the glass of water tightly; so tight that the whites of her knuckles could be seen.

“Je... Jessica, what are you saying?” Mr Jung finally spoke.

“I remembered everything, every single thing.” Jessica said; her voice full of angst.

Donghae released his hands on her shoulders and looked at Mrs Jung.

“Jessica, what truth is there? What are you talking about?” Mrs Jung smiled and placed her hand on her daughter’s cheeks.

Jessica gently pushed it away. “Mom, just stop lying! I know what you and dad did! I want all of this to end right now!”

Although Jessica didn’t exactly know what happened, she wanted to inveigle her parents into telling her the truth.

“Jessica! Is this how you speak to your mother?!”

“ENOUGH! STOP IT!” Mr Jung threw the file he was holding on the floor and stood up.

Tiffany and Aunt Kim jumped at the loud thud.

“Yes, you are right. We lied. We lied to you, we lied to Yuri, and we lied to everyone! So what?” Mr Jung shouted and lifted his hands in frustration before resting them on his hips.

“Dad, what did you say?” Jessica’s voice was trembling as she fought back her tears.

“We lied to Yuri that you were dead and we lied to you about your past. Now, you’ve heard it all? Stop making a big deal out of everything, Jessica. Yuri has been living fine and so has you-”

“FINE!?” Jessica shouted, “You said Yuri was living fine and so am I?” she gave a sarcastic laugh.

Mr Jung stared at his daughter.

“Yuri has been living in hell for two years because of me and I have been living in all your god damn lies!”

“Jessica, calm down. They did all this for you and-” Donghae tried to ease the tension.

“FOR ME!?” Jessica cut him, “I guess it’s for themselves!”

“JESSICA! YOU!” Mr Jung pointed at his daughter, “You are the only daughter of the CEO of Areith Apparels Daniel Jung! No way is people gonna know that my daughter is gay! It’s not socially acceptable and I did this because I didn’t want you to be criticised and looked down upon because of your sexual orientation!”

“Dad, just stop justifying yourself.” Jessica’s tears started streaming down her cheeks.


“I am disappointed in you, mom and dad. I couldn’t believe you actually did this to your own daughter. I have let down Yuri... I had allowed her to suffer too much... I won’t watch her suffer like this anymore. All these will stop and it will stop today.” Jessica walked towards to stairs but was stopped by her father.

“Where do you think you are going?” Mr Jung grabbed Jessica’s shoulders.

“To find Yuri.” Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

Mr Jung tightened his grip, causing Jessica to stop. “What for?”

“To get back together with her.” Jessica stared at her father, “I will not marry Donghae.”

Donghae and Tiffany’s eyes widen.

Somehow, guilt crept into her heart when she mentioned Donghae’s name. But Jessica was too pique to think of anything except for Yuri now and she quickly brushed off that feeling.

“You think it’s as easy as you say?” Mr Jung laughed, “Jessica Jung, you have to marry Donghae and you WILL marry him. All my hard work for two years will not go down the drain because of your sudden recollection of memories and a girl named Kwon Yuri!”

“Yes it will! All your hard work will go down the drain today!” Jessica pushed her father away and went up to her room.

Mr Jung smirked.

Jessica Jung, I swear you will never get to see Yuri again...


Chapter 19

-- Trapped

“Jessica!” Tiffany yelled as she watched her friend ran up the stairs.

“Uncle Jung-”

Mr Jung raised his hands to stop Donghae from speaking. He closed his eyes. He was panting real hard. Mrs Jung went over to sooth him by rubbing his back with her palm. Aunt Kim walked over and handed him the glass of water which he gulped down quickly and handed the empty glass back to Aunt Kim.

“No more words.” Mr Jung said.

Mr Jung walked towards the entrance and opened the marble door.

“Taecyeon! Wooyoung!” Mr Jung screamed at the two body guards who were standing at either sides of the entrance.

“Yes, Mr Jung?” They both said in unison as they turned around.

“Your duty now is to prevent Miss Jung from getting out of this house. Is that understood! If she sneaks out, you two will be fired!”

“Yes, Mr Jung!”

Mr Jung placed his hands behind his back as he walked back into the house.

“Uncle Jung, please don’t do this to Jessica.” Tiffany begged.

Mr Jung turned to look at Tiffany with his bloodshot eyes, causing her to jump in fright.

“I have no choice, Tiffany.” He paused, “I know what you’re thinking.”

“Huh?” Tiffany tried to conceal her thoughts.

“Don’t even think of trying to help Jessica out of the Jung Mansion. Your career is now at its peak. If you want to maintain the title as Areith Apparel’s top designer, you should jolly well know what to do.” Mr Jung warned.

Tiffany clenched her fist and looked away.

He turned to stare at Donghae.

“The wedding will proceed without disruptions, Donghae. It was an agreement between your father and I. Don’t worry about Jessica’s side. I will deal with it. Meanwhile, you should just focus on the company.”

“Ye- yes, Mr Jung.”

There was a loud slam. Jessica emerged from her room with a bag in her hand. She dragged the bag down the stairs to where her father was standing.

“I’m leaving this place for good.” Jessica said as she walked towards the door.

Mr Jung smirked.

Jessica walked towards the entrance but was stopped by the two men in black. They had raised their hands and made a human barrier, preventing Jessica from walking any further.

“I am sorry, Miss Jung, but you are not suppose to leave the Jung Mansion till your wedding date.” Wooyoung said.

Jessica looked away and breathed out loudly, ignoring the man. She then tried to walk past them but they gently pushed her backwards.

“Do you know what you’re doing? Is this how you treat me?” Jessica asked.

The two men kept silent and looked down.

Jessica again tried to walk past them. This time she used her hands to push the two men. But they were too strong for her.

“I’m sorry, Miss Jung!” Taecyeon said as he grabbed on to Jessica’s hand.

“Let me go!” Jessica screamed.

Soon, it became a scuffle and Jessica was screaming like nobody’s business.

Mr Jung intervened. He walked to the entrance.

“Enough! Taecyeon, Wooyoung! Drag Miss Jung back to her room! Get her phone!”

“Yes, Mr Jung!”

“NO!!!” Jessica screamed.

Swiftly without a drop a sweat, the two men lifted Jessica from the ground. Taecyeon was holding Jessica by the arms and Wooyoung was gripping firmly to the struggling Jessica’s leg. She was struggling and kicking furiously. But nothing of that stopped the men. Together, they carried her all the way up the stairs to the room.

Jessica never stopped screaming and kicking. Her mind was all about Yuri. She used up all her energy but to no avail. 

Tiffany stepped forward as the awkward trio past her but withdrew as Mr Jung stared at her. And so, that was how Tiffany watched as her friend was being carried to her room against her will.


Taecyeon and Wooyoung threw Jessica on the bed. The former pinned her down on the bed as Wooyoung proceeded to rummage her bag for her phone. Wooyoung drew the phone from the bag and they both exited the room before Jessica could even sit up. Taecyeon held on to the door knob outside and pulled it hard. Wooyoung was holding on to his hand.

Jessica ran towards the door and tried to turn the knob. But no matter how hard she tried, the door never opened.

“LET ME OUT OF HERE!” Jessica screamed as she banged the door furiously. Tears started to stream down her cheeks.

Mr and Mrs Jung walked up the steps to Jessica’s room. Wooyoung handed Jessica’s phone to Mr Jung.

“Good job.” Mr Jung said.

“LET ME OUT!” Jessica’s screams could be heard from outside the room.

“JESSICA! Stop defying me and I will let you out of your room! Be a good girl and listen to daddy! We are doing this all for your own good! Now, your wedding will be coming in three days time! I want you to stay at home!” Mr Jung shouted.

Jessica leaned on the door as she slid down and squatted on the floor. She cupped her ears.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANY OF THOSE!” Jessica shouted as she sobbed uncontrollably.

“Don’t be stubborn, Jessica.” Mrs Jung finally spoke.

“Let’s get back to our room.” Mr Jung then turned to the two men. “Watch her.”

The two men nodded.


Tiffany watched as Mr Jung tried to talk some sense into his daughter. She exchanged glances with Donghae. Both of them were equally flabbergasted. She took out her phone and typed a message.



“Yuri, listen to me. Tell Jessica the truth. Tell her you were together with her.” Taeyeon said.

“What’s the point, Taeyeon? Since she can’t remember me, ju- just let it be like this.”


“She is better off without me, Taeyeon! Her fiancé is rich. Just like her. They make a perfect pair.”

Taeyeon tired to speak, but was suddenly lost for words.

“Besides...” Yuri paused for a few seconds, “I don’t want her to be burdened by my eye condition...”

Taeyeon clenched her fist. A drop of tear escaped her eyes. Yuri has always been like this. Always putting others in front of herself.

Yuri smiled. “It’s okay Taeyeon. I’m okay. Knowing that she has found someone, I feel happy for her.”

“But, Yuri...”

“I see no point in getting back with her... It’s time...”

“It’s time...?”

“It’s time to end everything... After her wedding, everything will end... Two years of pain and agony will end...”

Taeyeon was processing what Yuri had just said. What did she mean? Was she going to let Jessica go just like that?

Vibration in her pocket brought Taeyeon back from her deep thoughts.

She took out her phone.

There was a text message from Tiffany.

Jessica is trapped!

Taeyeon widen her eyes brought the phone nearer to her face.


Chapter 20

-- Revelations

“Tiffany, what the hell actually happened?” Taeyeon said to the receiver.

“Listen, Jessica got back her memory.”

“Wh- what?”

“Yes. The thing is she went to confront Mr and Mrs Jung and guess what? They didn’t bother concealing their lies.”

“So it was really them?”

“Yes, and now, they are locking Jessica in the house after knowing that she got back her memory and that she wants to find Yuri.”

“Are you freaking serious?”

“Yes, Tae!”

“Where are you now?”

“On the way out of the Jung Mansion.”

“Let’s meet up.”


“My convenient store.”

“Give me ten minutes.”


Yoona held on to Yuri’s hand as they walked towards their apartment. Taeyeon had gone back to the convenient store herself.

Yuri was given the day off by her boss.

Before that, Taeyeon had contacted Yoona and the latter went to pick Yuri up at the cafe.

Yoona was totally unaware about every single thing. Yuri had refused to speak since she left the cafe.

Yoona slid the key into the keyhole and turned the knob.

“Yuri ah!” Her mother called out.

Yuri looked at her mother in a daze.

“What happened to you? Why did you stay at the convenient store last night?” Her mother placed a hand on her face.

“Because Jessica was drunk...” Yuri said as she walked towards the couch.

Yoona and her mother froze.

... Jessica unnie? Did she see a ghost...?

“Unnie, are you okay? What are you talking about?” Yoona walked towards the couch and placed her hands on her sister’s forehead.

Yuri’s mother looked away.

“What Jessica?” Yoona asked.

“Jessica. Jessica Jung.” Yuri said.

Yoona slowly opened her mouth. Yuri’s mother clenched her fist.

“So you know everything?” Yuri’s mother finally said.

“You knew?” Yuri asked.

Yuri’s mother walked towards the couch and sat down beside her daughters.

“It’s time you know the truth...”

Yoona stared at her mother. “What is it, omma?”

“Two years ago...”


Jessica stopped crying.

Not because she has gotten over it and accepted her cruel fate. But because she had no more tears.

She wasn’t eating nor drinking.

Jessica heard to door knob click.

“Miss Jung, you have to eat!” Aunt Kim said as she walked towards the dressing table where a bowl of porridge was left untouched.

Jessica didn’t move. She squatted beside her bed, her hands wrapped around her legs. There were tear stains on her face.

Aunt Kim took the bowl or porridge, walked towards Jessica and squatted down beside her. She scooped a spoonful and brought it near to Jessica’s cracked lips.

Jessica didn’t move either. She continued to stare at the blank space in front.

“Miss Jung, please.” Aunt Kim begged.

Tears escaped the corner of Aunt Kim’s eyes. She hurriedly wiped them with her sleeves.

Jessica turned to look at Aunt Kim.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jessica said. “You knew every single thing...” Her voice trailed off.

“I am sorry, Miss Jung...” Aunt Kim said as tears continued to stream down her face. “There was nothing I could do then...”

“What happened then? I just want to know the truth...”

“Two years ago...”

Chapter 21

-- Two Years Ago

“Yah, Yuri, you better explain to Jessica about that Seungyeon girl!” Taeyeon said as she popped an ice Popsicle into her mouth.

“Taeyeon ah, you should know that there is nothing between me and Seungyeon! She threw herself on me at Gyuri’s party last night! You saw that right! I did push her away!”

“Yes I saw that. Yah, and I even heard rumours that she has this huge crush on you!”

“But Jessica doesn’t believe me!”

“She does! She is just jealous!” Taeyeon laughed, “She just wants you to coax her, silly.”

“What should I do? She doesn’t pick up my calls and now she’s avoiding me in college!”

Taeyeon placed the entire Popsicle in her mouth and folded her arms. She pondered for awhile.

“Mmm!” Taeyeon removed the Popsicle from her mouth, “Write her a letter!”


Dear Sica Baby,

You know there is nothing between me and Seungyeon right? She threw herself on me at the party and I did push her away! You can clarify that with Taeyeon! She saw that too! Please trust me, my Sica Baby! There is no one else other than you that I would want to hug (: I promise you I will keep away from her okay? Don’t ignore my calls or messages and run away when I see you in school ): I‘ll be very very sad ): Trust me, Sica baby! You know I love you right? x3

With love,

Kwon Seobang 

Jessica smiled and placed the letter on her desk.

She took out her phone.

“Yah Kwon Seobang, I saw your letter!”


“Jessica?” Mrs Jung called out as she gently pushed open her room door.

Jessica was asleep.

Mrs Jung smiled and walked towards her daughter.

Jessica’s phone was beside her ear on the pillow and she was hugging a piece of paper.

Mrs Jung gently pulled the paper from Jessica’s hand.

It was a letter.


“Mr and Mrs Jung, Madam Lee, your daughters are fine.” Dr Park said as he stepped out of the operation theatre.

Three figures stood up and walked towards the doctor.

“Miss Jung lost a lot of blood we had to do many transfusions. But she is fine now.” Dr Park turned to face Madam Lee, “Miss Kwon... I’m afraid to say, she has damaged her corneas...”

“Wh- what...?”


“Madam Lee, I need you to proceed with the payment first if not the entire operation cannot proceed fully.” The receptionist at the hospital said.

“Please, my eldest daughter has just been admitted as well and I do not have enough money to pay now.” Madam Lee begged.

“I am sorry, then the second operation cannot commence. You still have many outstanding payments from the previous checkups.”

“I know I know, I will pay! I just need more time! Please, my youngest daughter needs the transplant!”

“Madam Lee, but this is the hospital regulation. We cannot proceed with another transaction if you have more than ten outstanding payments. Your youngest daughter condition is very bad and she needs the operation. I suggest you find a way to pay you-.”

“I’ll pay for it.” A voice suddenly said.

Madam Lee turned back and saw two people standing right behind her. She had seen them earlier outside the operation theatre.

The man walked forward.

“I’ll pay all of your outstanding payments; with one condition.”

“Please, I will do anything!”

The man smirked. “Let’s talk at the cafe.”


Yuri’s mother walked towards Yuri’s ward in a daze. She had come from the cafe. Suddenly, a girl came running towards her.

“How is Yuri!?” The girl asked.

“Taeyeon? I thought you were in Rome?” Yuri’s mother asked.

“After I got your message, I took the earliest flight back to Seoul. How are the girls?”

“Yoona is undergoing her final operation... Yuri lost her sight...” Yuri’s mother looked down.

“What...” Taeyeon tried to control her tears.

“And... Je- Jessica... Jessica died in the crash...”

Taeyeon slowly opened her mouth. She wanted to say something but it was as though something was stuck in her throat. Warm tears made their way through her face. Taeyeon knelt down on the floor and buried her face in her hands.



“What is it that you want to tell me, Aunt Jung?”

“When Jessica wakes up, I want you to tell her that you are her boyfriend and that you are going to be engaged to her.”

“Bu- but Aunt Jung?”

“Don’t you love my daughter?”

“Yes I do! I love Jessica!”

“Good. Then do as I say. She won’t know anything. It’s a good chance.”

“Aunt Jung... I-”

“Just do as I say. We’ll see how it goes.”

“Okay, Aunt Jung...”


“Mrs and Mr Jung, is Miss Jung okay?” Aunt Kim asked as Mr and Mrs Jung emerged from the marble door.

“She’s fine but she lost a lot of blood.” Mrs Jung said.

“Aunt Kim, pack some of Jessica’s clothes, we’re heading to the States tonight.” Mr Jung said as he walked towards the sofa and sat down.

“Bu- why?” Aunt Kim asked.

“Because she needs to stay away from some people,” He looked at Aunt Kim, “People like Kwon Yuri.”

Aunt Kim froze in her spot.

Had they found out?

“Ah,” Mr Jung stood up, “When you pack her clothes, at the same time, throw everything in Miss Jung’s room that has got anything to do with that Yuri girl. Do you understand?”

“Ye- yes...” Her voice trembled.


Chapter 22

-- Conspiracy

“I’m sorry...” Yoona cried.

“No, I should be the one apologizing... I’m sorry, Yuri...” Yuri’s mother spoke.

“No, it’s my fault... If it’s not because of my operation, you won’t have any financial issues and you won’t have accepted the offer.”

“No, Yoona, nobody is to be blamed... It’s me...”

“Just stop it...” Yuri finally said, “No one is to be blamed... It’s just fate...”


Yuri turned to face her mother with bloodshot eyes.

“Omma, you mean you knew that I was dating Jessica two years ago?”

“I only knew it when Mr and Mrs Jung told me...”

“You- you were okay with that?”

“I won’t have accepted the offer if not for the urgency of the money, Yuri. You have to believe me. I have no means of separating the two of you... Jessica and you have a positive relationship, that I am sure of it. Before you knew her, you were quiet and recluse. But after you got to know her, I realised you became livelier and optimistic. Your grades also improved. That’s what I felt, Yuri... And after she left, you revert back to your old self... That further corroborated my opinion. I am really sorry...”

“No omma, I don’t blame you; because if it was me, I would have done the same...” Yuri turned to Yoona, “I won’t want anything happen to Yoona.”

“Unnie...” Yoona placed her hands on Yuri’s.

“It’s okay... It will all end anyway...” Yuri said.


Aunt Kim disappeared behind the door and emerged again after a few moments with a brown box. She took the box and sat down beside Jessica.

“These are the things that Mr Jung had asked me to clear from your room two years ago... I don’t bear to throw them because I know it was of sentimental value to you...”

Jessica slowly turned her gaze to the brown box in front of her. She removed the lid.

Inside the box there was a Polaroid camera, which was a gift from Yuri on their first anniversary, a red photo album, many letters and a black file.

Jessica took out the black file and emptied the contents. Inside the file were all the drawings Yuri had drawn.

Jessica cried.

She slowly traced her finger on the pieces of paper.

“So you knew it all along?” Jessica asked.

“I am sorry, Miss Jung... I had to do it... I tried to talk sense into Mr and Mrs Jung... Bu- but they...”

“They what...?”

“They- I- I was in debt to them... If it’s not because of them ten years ago, my son would have died... It was Mr and Mrs Jung who paid for my son’s hospital bills when he was ill...”

Jessica laughed. “Everything just boils down to money.”

“Miss Jung...”

Jessica ignored Aunt Kim. She pulled out a pile of letters. It was a thick stack.

“I didn’t know Yuri wrote this much of letters to me when we were in college...” Jessica said as she looked through those envelops.

“Ah, those in front were the ones she wrote to you when both of you were in college and I suppose you would have read them already. But those at the back, she wrote them after she knew your death...”

“She what...?”

“After she thought you died, she continued to write letters to you...”

“Wh- what?”

“I went to her house a couple of times to visit her and there was once I saw her throwing all these letters into a dustbin. I picked them up and realised they were all letters for you. I was shocked at that time, so I decided to take them all back with me without her knowing. I didn’t read them because I thought that was between you and her. But now, I reckon it’s time you discover what is hidden behind those brown envelops...”


“Yuri, what is it that you want to tell us?” Tiffany asked as she tore the packet of chips she just took from the shelf.

“Fany!” Taeyeon glared at the girl.

“What?” Tiffany said as she popped a chip into her mouth.

Yoona laughed.

“I want to see Jessica.” Yuri finally said.

The three girls stopped what they were doing and looked intently at Yuri.

“I want to see her before her wedding.”

“Her wedding is the day after tomorrow!” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Which means you have to see her tomorrow...” Yoona said.

“Is it possible, Tiffany?” Yuri asked.

Tiffany looked down. “I don’t know, Yuri...”


“Her room is guarded by two big and buff men... I doubt I can ever trespass them...”

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany.

“What?” Tiffany asked her.

“I’m thinking...” Taeyeon said.

Tiffany arched her eyebrow.

“Ah! I got an idea!” Taeyeon said.

“What?” The trio said in unison.

“Hiak hiak hiak!” Taeyeon laughed as she rubbed her chin.


“Yah, Choi Sooyoung, you’re eating all our money away.” Sunny looked at the taller girl who was munching a packet of peanuts.

“Mhat?” Sooyoung said.

“Hey! Swallow your food before you speak.” Hyoyeon shook her head.

“Next time, you must marry a rich man. You know why?” Sunny asked.

Sooyoung tilted her head up and down.

“Because you are eating three person’s share!” Sunny snapped.

Sooyoung clenched her fist and fake a punch at Sunny, causing the latter to jerk backwards.

Sooyoung’s phone rang.

She licked her fingers and pulled out her phone from the pocket, earning glares from Sunny and Hyoyeon.


“Taeyeon!?” Sooyoung shouted into her phone.

Hyoyeon and Sunny looked at each other.

“Yea, it’s me Taeyeon ah.”

“Wow, I’m surprised! It’s been a long time since we’ve met up!”

“Yea I know. I was wondering if you would like to take up a part time job.”

“Part time job?”

“Yea, it’s just a day job.”

“What is the job scope?”

“Simple job. Two hours of rehearsal and then fifteen minutes Showtime. Call Hyo and Sun along too. I’ll tell you more when we meet.”

“Sounds easy... Where shall we meet?”

“Cafe 101. 3pm.”

“Perfect. See you.”


“What?!” Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Sunny said in unison, looking at Tiffany with bewildered looks.

“Yah, Sooyoung ah, it’s that simple you know. It’s easy money!” Taeyeon added.

“But... I’m not good at acting!”

“Come on! You always say you can’t do it but when the time comes, you naturally know how to!” Taeyeon said.


“Yah, Choi Sooyoung, you have no choice. You have to take up the job.” Sunny added.

“Why?” Sooyoung protested.

“Because you need money to buy food!” Sunny snapped.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes at Sunny.

“Please Sooyoung, we really can’t find anyone else. They know us. They know Yoona and me. We can’t do the job. We need people whom they’ve never seen before and whom we can trust.” Taeyeon said as she showed her puppy eyes.

“Yea, Sooyoung ssi. Yuri’s happiness is in your hands!” Tiffany added.

Sooyoung hesitated for awhile.

“Alright, for the sake of Kwon Yuri and Jessica Jung, I’ll do it!”

“YES!” Tiffany and Taeyeon slapped their hands together.

“Rehearsal starts now!” Tiffany clasped her hands.


Aunt Kim was washing the dishes in the kitchen. She was in a daze. She was still thinking about what Jessica had said.

It all boils down to money...


Yes, that was what that engulfed her.

Suddenly, she felt a light tap on her shoulders.

“Miss Hwang?” She said as she turned around.

“Aunt Kim, I really need your help this time.” Tiffany said in an urgent whisper.

“What is it?”

“I really hope you can help Jessica and Yuri.”

“Tell me. I will do anything to help them. I feel so guilty for everything already...” Aunt Kim looked down.

Tiffany whispered something in Aunt Kim ears.

“You sure it will work out?” Aunt Kim asked.

“We’ll have to try!”

“Okay, let’s do it then!”

“You’re the only one that can access Jessi room so let her know tonight. Tomorrow morning will be Showtime...”


Chapter 23

-- Dear Jessica

Jessica sat up on her bed and dragged the brown box closer to her. She took out all the letters from the box and started to re read them.

The first letter dated back to four years ago...

Dear Jessica,

Today, I realised that I might have developed feelings for you. So I thought I should tell you how I feel. I didn’t have the guts to tell you this so I decided that I should write a letter instead. Erm... Yah, that’s all I wanted to say.

Kwon Yuri

Dear Jessica,

I know I shouldn’t be writing this letter because I haven even sent out the first one! Although now that you and I together with Taeyeon are a clique in college, you’re still cold to me! Just what exactly did I do to you? Sigh.

Kwon Yuri

Dear Jessica,

My heart stopped when I heard that you were dating Lee Jinki from the opposite class... But thank god, it was just rumours... I feel that I am falling deeper and deeper for you each day but your cold and icy glares make me feel that the chances of me telling you my true feelings for you and sending out all these letters are slimmer... Sigh, I wished I had more guts.

Kwon Yuri

Dear Jessica,

After seeing what happen to our classmate Hyong Min, I decided that today will be the day I send out all my 27 letters including this one! I don’t want to lose someone important just because I don’t have the guts to confess. I don’t want to be like Hyong Min. It doesn’t matter if you don’t reciprocate my feelings. Most importantly is, I got the message across.

So, here is what I have always wanted to tell you.


Kwon Yuri

Jessica smiled as she placed the letter in the stack on her right. She took another from the stack on the left.

This time, it was a brown envelop instead of those white ones and it was tightly sealed.

With trembling hands, Jessica opened the first envelop.

She recognised the handwriting although the characters were weird looking and that the words were all not written in straight line. She figured out that Yuri must have written this after she lost her sight. There were also smears of ink here and there.

Tear drops.

Dear Sica,

This is the first letter I am writing to you after so many months... It is a totally different feeling from the first time I wrote to you in college. Because back then, although I didn’t have to courage to give them to you, I knew that the letters would somehow reach you. But now, as I write this letter, I know that this piece of paper would never reach your hands... But I feel so lost after you left me. So I decided to write you letters... I know it’s crazy. But it’s the only way to feel that you’re still around me... Sica ah, I really miss you...

With love,

Kwon Seobang

Dear Sica,

It is winter now and it’s so cold here. I wonder if you’re cold up there too... Today, Taeng and I went shopping. We went to get some coats because the weather is really cold these days. Taeng chose this black woollen jacket for me and I took two of them to the cashier. I have this habit of buying things in pairs when I shop with Taeng because I would usually buy for you too. Then Taeng stopped me... And then I realised you’re not with me anymore...

Missing you,

Kwon Seobang

Dear Sica,

I went to the beach today with Yoona. Remember how we used to go to the beach every Sunday when we were in college? It was the place you first learnt how to ride a bicycle. Hah, I find it so hilarious when you told me you haven’t rode on a bicycle. I even thought you were kidding me. Then when I saw you trying to balance a bicycle, I realised you didn’t joke about that. It’s so funny!


Kwon Seobang

Dear Sica,

Seungyeon came to look for me today. We had a nice chat. She told me still likes me. But my heart didn’t flutter. I thought of you instead. I guess in this life, I would only love one person; and that is you, Jessica Jung.

Yours always,

Kwon Seobang

Dear Sica,

Today is our third year anniversary... But I feel terrible... because it’s also your first death anniversary. It also marks one year of my mourning. The thought of not being able to see and feel you makes me go crazy... I feel that I am losing control of myself as the day gets by. Please guide me, Sica. I am really lost... Really really lost...



Dear Sica,

I have morbid contemplations recently.



Dear Sica,

I almost gulped down a bottle of detergent today at Taeng’s convenient store... She stopped me in time, of course. If not I won’t have to write this letter because I would have reunited with you... When she saw me putting the tip of the detergent bottle on my lips, she tried to snatch the bottle from me and we had a scuffle. She dragged me to the bathroom and pushed me into a corner. Then, I felt my entire body getting wet. She had the shower over my head with cold running water. She was shouting and screaming and I have never seen her like this before. Then, she turned off the tap and hugged me tightly. We cried together. 

Today, I realised that I have really lost you. Today, I realised that I have to let things go. Today, I realised that maybe, we weren’t meant for each other from the start. Today, you will no longer live in my mind. Today, you will live in my heart. Forever.

Signing off,

Your one and only

Kwon Yuri

That was the last letter that was found in the box.

Jessica wailed as she slammed her hands repeatedly on the bed.

Those letters had pierced her deeply.

Chapter 24

-- Kidnapped

“Miss Jung is not feeling well.” Aunt Kim said as she walked towards Mr Jung.

“What happened?” Mr Jung asked.

“She’s complaining that her body has been very itchy and her body feels very hot.” Aunt Kim explained.

Mr Jung placed the file he was holding on the table and took off his spectacles.

“Dear, what should we do?” Mrs Jung asked.

“I’m going up to see her.” Donghae said as he dropped the file he was holding on the sofa.

“I think we should call a doctor over, Mr Jung.”

“Alright, get it done then.”

Aunt Kim nodded.

“Come on dear, let’s go up to see our daughter.” Mr Jung said to his wife.


The doorbell rang.

Aunt Kim pressed the button on the security set. The screen showed a black car with three ladies inside.

“Is this Dr Choi?” She spoke into the speaker.


She then pressed a green button to activate the gates at the entrance.


The marble door swung open. Two girls were standing side by side. The taller one was wearing a white coat and a pair of thick plastic framed spectacles. She had her hair bun up neatly. The shorter one was holding on to a first aid box.

“You must be Dr Choi Sooyoung?” Mr Jung asked.

“Yes, and this is my assistant Sunny ssi.” Sooyoung smiled, “Ah, you don’t mind if my driver parks the car outside the entrance?”

“Sure. No problem. My daughter is upstairs.” Mr Jung said as he led the girls up the stairs.

“What happen?” A voice said.

“Ah, Miss Hwang, Miss Jung is ill.” Aunt Kim said as she bowed.

Tiffany walked down the stairs as the trio past her.

“Ahh...” Tiffany said as she winked at the taller girl.

Tiffany watched as the trio entered Jessica’s room.

She walked towards the entrance where Aunt Kim was standing.

“Tools!” Tiffany said.

Aunt Kim handed her a pair of silver scissors and a screw driver which she drew from her pocket.

Tiffany took the screw driver and walked towards the security set. She opened the white box and a mess of entangled wires greeted her.

“Okay, Yoona said Seohyun said it was a thin green and white wire...” Tiffany mumbled to herself.

She carefully pulled the wires to expose more that was under the entangled mess.

“Ah! Found it!” Tiffany whispered.

Aunt Kim stood by her side, consistently looked at Jessica’s room.


Aunt Kim took the screw driver from Tiffany’s hands and exchanged them with the pair of scissors.

Tiffany pulled the wire.


The wire snapped.

Tiffany grinned.

“Miss Hwang, here are your car keys!” 


“How’s my daughter?” Mr Jung asked.

“She seems to be running a slight fever. I need to do more checks. Is it possible if all of you leave the room?” Sooyoung said.

“Sure, but the guards stay.” Mr Jung insisted.


“Sure.” Sooyoung forced a smile.

Mr and Mrs Jung as well as Donghae left the room. Now, there was only Sunny, Sooyoung, Jessica and the two guards.

Come on Sooyoung, think of something quick...

Jessica laid in her bed. Her heart was pounding real fast.

Please, make this successful! Yuri, wait for me!

“Miss Jung, can I see your rash?” Sooyoung asked.

“Sure.” Jessica said as she sat up.

“I would need you to remove your clothes.” Sooyoung said calmly.

Sunny and Jessica looked at Sooyoung with much shock on their faces.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Sunny whispered under her breath.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes and Sunny.

Sooyoung cleared her throat. “Excuse me, if you don’t mind, gentlemen, could you just turn to face the other side.”

Taecyeon and Wooyoung groaned as they slowly turn to back face them.

Smart Shikshin...

Sooyoung rummaged the first aid box.

“Ah, Sunny ah, I think I left my syringe in the other box. Could you go to the car to get it for me?”


Sunny winked at Sooyoung before exiting the room. The latter watched as the puny girl hurriedly skipped down the stairs. She then turned to face Jessica.

They both nodded.

“NOW.” Sooyoung lipped.

“Yah, Miss Jung, this rash is quite bad. I think you need a jab. Could you remove your pants as well so I can see if there is any rash at the bottom of your body?” Sooyoung said as she turned to look at the two men who were still facing the other side.

On the other hand, Jessica has already gotten off her bed and was creping silently towards the door that was left unclosed by the smart Sunny so there weren’t any noises when they leave the room.

“Okay, let me see what I have got...” Sooyoung said as she crept behind Jessica. “Oh, silly me! The syringe is here. Alright, I am going to give you the jab now~”

Jessica and Sooyoung crept towards the stairs. Step by step, they walked down with tiny steps. In the living room sat Jessica’s parents and Donghae who were back facing the stairs. Aunt Kim was standing at the entrance.

Sooyoung felt vibration in her pocket.

“Now.” She whispered.

Sooyoung nodded at Aunt Kim who was intently watching them at the entrance.


Sooyoung and Jessica’s eyes were fixed on the entrance. At the cue from Sooyoung, the duo dashed towards the entrance without turning back.

Mr Jung caught sight of the two as they reached the entrance.


But it was too late.

Sooyoung boarded the black Mercedes in which Sunny was already inside. Hyoyeon stepped on the accelerator and the car sped off. Jessica on the other hand boarded the white BMW behind with Tiffany at the driver’s seat.

Everything was too fast.

Thanks to the rehearsal.

“Close the main gate!” Mr Jung shouted as he walked towards the security set and furiously hit the red button.

Nothing appeared.

Mr Jung cursed as he punched the security set.

“Jessica!” Donghae shouted as he watched the white BMW driving out of the Jung Mansion and out of his sight.

“What should we do?” Mrs Jung asked.

Mr Jung was fuming mad.

“Those fools! Taecyeon! Wooyoung!” He shouted.

Donghae walked back into the house looking disappointed.

The two men in black rushed down the stairs only to find that Jessica has long left the mansion.

Mr Jung felt vibration in his pocket. He answered the call and pressed the phone against his ears.

“Hello, Mr Jung.”

“Who are you?”

“Yuri. Kwon Yuri.”

“So you were the one who kidnapped my daughter?!”

“I didn’t kidnap her. She left on her own accord.”

“Bring her back now or the police will intervene!”

“Are you sure you want to do that, Mr Jung? With the police, the media will definitely intervene. Do you want people to know that your daughter is gay and that you locked her up in her room because of that?”


“Don’t worry, Mr Jung. I know the wedding is tomorrow.”


“I’m sorry, I can’t. I promise you, by dawn, your daughter will be back. Safe and sound.”


Mr Jung heard the dial tone.

Yuri has hung up.


Chapter 25 

-- Retrieval 

The white BMW halted to a stop at the side of the road.

“Jessica, I’ll just stop here. I need to meet Taeyeon and the trio at Ahn Nyong.” Tiffany said as she took out her phone to read a text from Taeyeon.

Fany, the musketeers have reached. Yoona and Seohyun are with me too. Yuri will be waiting for Jessica at Cafe 101. Come here ASAP!

“Then what about me?”

“You?” Tiffany laughed. “Find Yuri of course! She has been waiting outside Cafe 101 since they reached your mansion this morning!”

“Really?” Jessica smiled, “I shall get going then.”

Jessica opened the car door but she suddenly turned back.

“Hey. Thank you, Tiffany.”

Tiffany laughed. “Yah, Jessica, if I get dismissed from Areith Apparels, you better be prepared to look after me for the rest of your life!”

Jessica smiled. “Taeyeon will do the job!”

Tiffany blushed. “Yah, what are you talking about?”

Jessica merely laughed. “I know...”

“Get going!”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon?”


Jessica stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut.

“Yah! Jessica!”

Jessica looked into the car again.

Tiffany hesitated for a moment. “Nothing, see you tomorrow.”

Jessica arched her eye brows. She didn’t quite understand Tiffany.

“See you tomorrow.” Jessica smiled.

Tiffany watched as her friend jogged towards the cross junction. Jessica took a right turn and disappeared from her sight.

Tiffany sighed.


“Tiffany!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she waved at the latter who was entering the convenient store.

“Whao.” Tiffany opened her eyes widely.

There was a crowd at the convenient store.

“Tiffany, let me introduce. This is Seohyun, Yoona’s friend.” Tiffany said as she pulled Seohyun from behind to counter to where Tiffany was standing.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany!” Tiffany said as she gave her famous eye smile.

“Nice to meet you.” Seohyun smiled, “Did the wire work?”

“Ah yes. It worked. Thank you!” Tiffany giggled.

“Yah, and Sooyoung, I think you should get an Oscars award!” Tiffany pointed at the girl.

Sooyoung laughed as she took a bite from the bread she was holding. Sunny nudged her jokingly.

“Anyway, here’s the money as promised.” Tiffany took out a brown envelop from her bag and handed it to the trio.

Hyoyeon gently pushed it away.

“We will not accept it.” Sunny said.

“Why? But it was in the deal.” Tiffany looked puzzled.

“We did this for Yuri and Jessica.” Sooyoung smiled.

“Yea, not for money.” Hyoyeon added.


“Tiffany unnie, just take back your money” Yoona smiled.

“Yea, just take it back, Fany.” Taeyeon said as she took the brown envelop from Tiffany’s hands and stuff it into her bag.

Tiffany smiled. Suddenly, she felt so warm at heart. It was the first time she has ever felt like this.


Jessica almost ran Cafe 101.

She stopped at her tracks.

There she was, sitting at the bench outside the cafe, just like how she sat and waited for Yuri two years ago. Then, the blind stick caught her eye.

Jessica’s heart bled.

It was entirely my fault...

She sprinted towards the girl and stood in front of her.

Yuri smiled and stood up.

Jessica couldn’t hold her tears anymore. She started sobbing uncontrollably.

“What happened?” Yuri asked.

“Yuri!” Jessica said as she threw herself on Yuri.

Yuri returned the hug.

“It’s all my fault, Yuri! It’s all my fault! I didn’t know things would turn out like that, I really didn’t know!” Jessica wailed.

“Hush...” Yuri said as she rubbed Jessica’s back with her palm, “It’s okay now, my dear. It’s okay.” Yuri whispered into her ears.

Jessica cried even harder.

Two years ago, they shared a similar embrace. Then, they were young, spirited and full of hope. Two years later, here they are; standing in the exact same spot with the exact heartbeat of the two. But why did something feel so wrong this time?

Only the couple knew why.

Yuri began to tear up as well. She forced herself to smile as she released the hug.

“Sica, stopped crying.” Yuri smiled.

Jessica stopped crying and smiled at the mention of her pet name. It has been a long time since she has heard that.

Yuri used her thumb to gently brush the tears of Jessica’s face.

Finally, Jessica’s lips curved upwards.

“Forget all the unhappy things. We’re going to enjoy the day together, just the two of us.” Yuri smiled.

Jessica smiled. She gently pulled the blind stick from Yuri’s hand and folded it back into the compacted shape.

“You won’t need this anymore.” Jessica said.

Yuri gave a puzzled look.

“I will be your eyes forever.” Jessica said as she slowly slid her hand into Yuri’s and grabbed them tightly.

“Jessica...” Yuri said as a tear drop escaped her eye.

“Uh no...” Jessica brushed the tear with her thumb, “No crying.”

“Yea, no crying.” Yuri wiped her tears with her sleeves, “We’re gonna enjoy today, right?” Yuri smiled.


“Come on, let’s go.” Yuri tugged Jessica.

“No wait. I need to do something.”

“What is it, Sica?”

“Wait for me here.”

Jessica patted Yuri’s hand and walked hurriedly into Cafe 101.


“I want to retrieve my musical box.” Jessica said to the waiter.

“I’m sorry, but this belongs to the cafe.”

“No, it belonged to me. Two years ago, I left this golden musical box here and I left for the States. Now I want it back.”

The waiter laughed. “Two years ago? Miss, I really can’t help you.”

“Please, this musical box is very important to me.”

“It’s just a musical box. You can buy another one!”

“Sir,” Jessica said firmly, “this musical box is of sentimental value to me. I want it back. Just name me a price.”

“Any price?” The waiter smirked.


“How about 10,000,000 ₩?” The waiter rubbed his chin.

Jessica reached into her bag and pulled out her cheque.

“Hey miss! Don’t kid with me!”

“Miss Jung?” A voice called out.

Jessica looked up and saw an elderly man in his fifties.

“You... look familiar.” Jessica said.

“Boss, you’re here in time! This lady here insisted on having the musical box. She even jokes about giving me 10,000,000₩ for it!” The waiter laughed.

The man stared at his employee before turning to look at Jessica.

“I have been expecting you, Miss Jung.” He smiled.


“Yes.” The man walked towards the display shelf and opened the glass door. “I was the one who found this musical box two years ago. I waited for you to come back but you didn’t. After such a long time, I decided to put this on display, hoping that the owner will drop by some day and recognise it.”

Jessica smiled. “I remembered you.”

The old man smiled as he took the golden musical box from the display shelf and handed it over it Jessica.

“Bring it to her.” The old man smiled as he patted Jessica’s shoulders.

“Thank you!”


“Yuri!” Jessica called out.

Yuri stood up and waited for Jessica.

Jessica ran towards Yuri and placed the golden musical box in her hands.

“What is this?” Yuri asked.

“Our two year anniversary gift from me to you.” Jessica smiled.


“Remember, two years ago, we left the cafe in the rush and I left it there. After that... after that I never got to see you again...” Jessica looked down.

Unknowingly, Yuri clenched her fist tighter.

“Thank you...” Yuri said as she tried to hold back her tears.

“You’re welcome!” Jessica tried to sound as normal as possible. “It’s a musical box.”

“It must be very beautiful...” Yuri smiled.

If only. If only Yuri opened the box two years ago, she would be able to see the musical box...

Jessica forcefully smiled.

Yuri slowly felt for the knob and twisted it a few times. She opened the musical box and her favourite melody greeted her.

“Love story. You used to play this on the piano for me.” Jessica smiled as she looked at Yuri.

Yuri grabbed the musical box tightly as joyful memories of the past surfaced in her mind.

Yuri nodded, “I remembered.”

Jessica smiled.

“Come on Sica, we have loads of things to do today!” Yuri said as she closed the musical box and slipped it into her bag.

“Really?” Jessica smiled.

“Let’s go!”

Chapter 26

-- When in Rome

Taeyeon rested her head on her arms as she stared at Tiffany. The latter was twirling her phone with her fingers.

“Taetae~~~” Tiffany sighed, “I am so bored!”

“Me too... Yoona and Seohyun have gone to do what are they supposed to do and the three jokers left...”

“Yea, and Yuri is now enjoying her time with Jessica.”

“And now it’s left with me and you...” Taeyeon sighed.

Tiffany felt disappointed.

“Why did you sigh?” she asked.

“Because we’re bored?” Taeyeon replied.

“Well, we can always do something together?” Tiffany smiled as she walked towards the cashier where Taeyeon was standing.

“Like what?”

“Shall we go to the beach?”



Tiffany took a seat on the soft bronze sand and Taeyeon sat beside her. Tiffany took off her heals and stretched her feet to reach the waters. She shivered as the cold water touched her feet.

Taeyeon sat beside her and did the same.

They stayed like this for a while before Tiffany finally spoke.

“I’m so troubled...”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m worried for Jessica...”

“I know... Me too... But it is Yuri’s decision and we have to respect it...”


“I know Yuri too well. Once she has made a decision, no one can change it.”

Tiffany sighed.

“Yah! I’m more worried for you!” Taeyeon exclaimed. 

Tiffany laughed. “Why?”

“I wonder what’s gonna happen to you when you get back to the Jung Mansion... You betrayed the Jungs.”

“I’m not gonna go back today! I’ll tomorrow morning though...”

“I know, you’ll put up at my convenient store okay?”

Tiffany smiled and nodded.

“Yuri and Jessica’s incident taught me a lot of things.”

“Like?” Taeyeon smiled.

“I learnt that things can be so unpredictable.”

“Yea, one moment they were celebrating their anniversary, the next moment, one lost her memory and the other lost her sight and her everything...”

“That’s why we should always live life like there’s no tomorrow.”

Taeyeon nodded.

“Taeyeon ah...”



Taeyeon arched her eyebrows. “Just speak your mind!”

“I know if I say this, it might freak you out. But whether or not, I will still say it.”

“Fany ah, what is it that you want to say?”

“Pardon me, but I am known for speaking my mind.”

“Fany! Just say what you want to say!”

“I like you.”

Taeyeon felt her heart stop.

Wha... What did she just said? Did I hear wrongly?

“Tiffany... I...”

“Don’t have to say anything! I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you because life is so unpredictable. Who knows if I might just die tomorrow without telling you my true feelings? You don’t have to reciprocate or anything! Just... Just wanted to tell you how I feel...” Tiffany looked down and played the sand with her feet.

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany.

“Whe... When did that happen?”

“Two years ago in Rome... After bringing you around the city for a week, I realised that I have developed feelings for you. I wanted to confess my feelings for you but... But that night, you left you left abruptly...” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon.

“I’m sorry, Fany! I rushed back because of the accident! BUT I left you a note! I slid the letter under the door of your hotel room when I left!”

“I didn’t receive it!”

“I’m sure I did!”

Taeyeon pondered for a while.

“Could it be that I slid the letter into the wrong room...? At that point of time, I was so frantic... Maybe...” She mumbled to herself.

“Okay never mind, it’s not important anyway...”

“It is important! Because I wanted to see you again, I wrote my particulars and stuff and explained my abrupt departure in the letter enclosed. But since I got back to Seoul, I haven’t heard anything from you. So I thought maybe you didn’t have the intention of keeping contact with me and so I got over you...” Taeyeon tried to explain herself.

“You- you what? You got over me? What does it mean?” Tiffany felt butterflies in her stomach.

“It- It means...” Taeyeon looked away. “Itmeansilikedyouwhenwewereinrometoo!” Taeyeon said it quickly.

“Huh? What did you say?” Tiffany smiled. “But look, seriously, I didn’t receive that letter! After I got back to California, I tried different means to find you including Google-ing your name. I know it sounds stupid, but yes, I did it! But I can’t find you! There are like thousands of people in Seoul named KIM TAE YEON. After some time, I gave up too and I slowly forgot you... Then that day when I identified you at your convenient store, those feelings came back again!”

Taeyeon burst into fits of laugher. “You mean you actually tried using a search engine to find me?”

Tiffany glared at the girl. “I thought you will find it romantic! But I was wrong! Forget it!”

Tiffany pouted and folded her arms.

“Okay, I’m really sorry, Fany.”

Tiffany did not budge.

“I am sorry, Tiffany! I love you!” Taeyeon said as she used her hands to make a heart shape above her head.

Tiffany giggled. “I love you too, Kim Tae Yeon!”

Chapter 27

-- Euphoria

“Yuri, are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I am sure.”

“But, I am scared.”

“I’ve done it before. It’s fun!”

“I know but I am scared!”

Yuri laughed. “Don’t close your eyes later okay!”

“I’ll try!” Jessica’s voice was already trembling.

“Alright daredevil, you’re good to go!” The man said as he tighten the carabiner that was attached to Jessica’s waist.

“Go Sica! You can do it!” Yuri smiled.

“Yuriiiiiiiiiiiii!” Jessica stormed her foot on the ground as she pouted.

“Sica, go! Trust me!” Yuri laughed.

Jessica took a deep breath and walked to her spot.

Okay, let’s do this, Jessica Jung... 1... 2... 3...!

Jessica ran on the metal platform all the way to the end took a plunge.


Yuri laughed at the screams of Jessica.

It was her first time attempting a bungee jump.


Yuri could still hear Jessica’s screams even though she was metres below her.

She giggled.


Jessica felt the wind slapping her face furiously as she took a plunge. Fear crept into her heart and everything else went out.

She did the only thing she could do.


The rope extended to the maximum and Jessica sprung up again. The speed was getting slower and it got some momentum after some time.

Jessica stopped screaming. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the cold wind that was now gently brushing against her face.

For once, there was peace in her heart.

Thank you, Yuri...


“Yuri, why did you bring me here?” Jessica asked.

The couple was now standing right in front of their college; a place where they once shared beautiful memories.

“Because it has been a long time since we’ve been here.” Yuri smiled.

“But today is Saturday and the school is closed.” Jessica said as she tugged the padlock that was on the gate.

Yuri grinned.

She released Jessica’s hand and walked towards the gate with her hands raised up. She felt for the gate and then slowly she lifted up her leg and soon, both her legs were lifted off the ground.

“Hey! Get down, Kwon Yul!” Jessica screamed as she ran forward the grab the monkey.

But it was too late. Yuri was already out of Jessica’s reach.

Slowly, Yuri used her feet and felt for any gaps in the gate where she could fit her feet in and support her weight. Jessica watched as she guided Yuri’s feet using her hands.

Yuri landed on the ground safely with her feet and smiled.

“Kwon Yul! Don’t ever do that again!” Jessica had her arms akimbo.

“We have to do it one more time.”


“If not, how are we gonna get out?”

“Oh yea...” Jessica scratched her head and smiled.

“Come on in!” Yuri said.

Jessica did exactly what Yuri did.

Jessica landed with a thud and held Yuri’s hands.

Together, they walked towards the school compound.


Yuri laid beside Jessica.

The wind gently brushed across their cheeks.

They were now at the rooftop of the building where their home class was.

“How does the sky look like, Sica?” Yuri asked.

“It’s a cloudy day today.” Jessica replied.


“Uh huh.”

“Remember how we used to skip physical activities and run up here to the roof to escape the discipline master?” Yuri giggled at the thought of it.

“Yea! I remembered!”

“We almost got caught twice! And I was almost dismissed from my position as class president!”

Jessica laughed.

“You still dare to laugh? All thanks to you, princess.”

“I’m sorry, Yuri. But I really hate getting physical under the sun and sweating like some tap!”

“I know, Jessica. That’s why I always agreed when you said you wanted to skip physical activities.”

“Thank you, Yuri.”

Yuri smiled. “Do you still remember how we met?”

“Of course I do! I’ll never forget. I remember it was the first day of school...”


“Based on votes, Yuri, you are voted as class president!” Mrs Park announced.

The class roared into cheers and applauds.

“From now onwards, you’ll be in charge of attendance taking and the maintenance of the class discipline.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs Park, I’ll do my job well!”




“Sooyoung, no eating in class!”


“Tae Yeon?”






The entire class was now looking at the desk situated at the extreme right of the class.

“Yah! Jessica, put your book down! Stop acting like a nerd!” Yuri shouted across the class.

“Jung Jessica!”


“Jung Jessicaaaaa!” Yuri yelled.

Yuri walked towards the table and pulled the book away from her hands only to see a sleeping beauty.

Jessica groaned. “Get away from me...”

“Please respond the next time I call your name!”

“Yah, you already know I am here right? Just tick my name then...”

“I’m just doing my job!”

“Yea yea right...”

“Jung Jessica!”

“And it’s Jessica not Jung Jessica!”


Jessica stuck out her tongue at Yuri and returned back to her sleep.



“Yah Jung Jessica.”

Yuri stormed into the college’s gym where Jessica was doing her push-ups on three stools. One was supporting the tip of her feet and the other two for each of her hands. An earpiece was stuck to her ear.


Jessica ignored the girl and continued with her push ups.

“MRS PARK WANTS TO SEE YOU!” Yuri shouted.

Yuri was getting frustrated as she couldn’t get the message across. Angry, she playfully kicked one of the stools that were supporting Jessica’s hand.

To her horror, the stool gave way and Jessica fell flat on the floor with her arms landing first.


“Jung Jessica!” Yuri rushed to her side only to see a bleeding arm.


Jessica glared at Yuri as she touched her bandaged arm. Yuri looked at Jessica with guilt.

Mrs Park entered the sick bay.

“Jessica, your father is here to pick you up.”

Jessica nodded. She then turned to Yuri and rolled her eyes.

“Jessica, what happened?” Mr Jung asked as he walked towards Jessica.

“Nothing dad. I fell down when I was doing push ups on stools.”

“How did that happen?”

“I lost balance and I-.”

“I’m sorry, Mr Jung. It’s my fault.”

“Yea, it’s her fault!”

Yuri looked down.

“If only she came earlier to my rescue, I wouldn’t have lost so much blood!”

“Huh?” Yuri looked puzzled.

Mr Jung sighed.

“Thank you, Yuri for bringing my daughter to the sick bay.” He turned to face Jessica, “Be careful next time!”

Jessica nodded.

“Come on, I’ll get your bag. Get inside the car and wait for me.”

Jessica nodded and Mr Jung smiled at Yuri before leaving the sick bay.

“Yah, Jung Jessica, why did you help me?”

“Kwon Yuri! For the last time, please call me Jessica! Why call me a longer name when there is a shorter one!”

“Jung Jessicaaaaa! Jung Jessicaaaaa!” Yuri said with a weird accent jokingly “Sounds nice!”

Jessica glared sternly at Yuri.

“Whao, that glare is so icy, ice princess.”

“Stop calling me names!”

“Okay, then can I call you Sica? Since you like short names...”

“Argh! I said Jessica!”

“Okay. Sica, why did you lie to your dad?”

“... I give up! Call me anything you want!” Jessica folded her arms, “If I were to tell my dad that you were the one responsible for my arm, you’ll be dead! He’s bound to sue you or something... It’s gonna be a huge issue after that...”

“That serious?! But... But I was just fooling around...” Yuri bit her lower lip.

“Fooling around?! I don’t care. Now that my arm is fractured, you’re gonna be my slave in school until my arm heals!”

“What!? That will take at least a month!”

“Then so be it!”

“Argh! Fine!”


“Yuri, why are you seating next to Jessica? Return to your seat, beside Taeyeon.” Mr Cho their Biology teacher said.

“I will, but only after Jessica’s arm heals. I need to take care of her.” Yuri replied nonchalantly as she turned and rolled her eyes at Jessica.

“Jessica, what happened to your arm?”

“Some idiot pushed me when I was doing push ups on stools.”

“You can’t blame the person actually, Mr Cho. Who asked her to act smart by doing push up on stools? Just do it on the floor right? OWWWWW!”

Jessica’s Biology book landed on Yuri’s head.

“Mr Cho, she’s that idiot actually.”

“Hey! Was that necessary?” Yuri whispered.

“I protected your identity first but you forced me to say it!” Jessica whispered back.

Yuri stuck her tongue out at Jessica and the latter feign a punch at her.

Mr Cho glared at the duo.

“Fine, I’ll let you sit like this. But only until her arm heals.”

“Okay, Mr Cho! Let’s wish Jessica a SPEEDY recovery!” Yuri laughed.


Yuri looked at Jessica and gave her an innocent look.


“I want that slice of apple.”

Yuri groaned as she pierced the slice of apple furiously with her fork and placed it in front of Jessica’s mouth.

Jessica smiled as she took a bite.

“Ah, this apple tastes exceptionally sweet!”

“Really? Well, it tastes sour to me!” Yuri said as she fed herself.

Jessica laughed.

“Taeyeon! Look at her!” Yuri said as she slumped into her chair.

Taeyeon laughed. “Next time, keep your itchy legs to yourself!”

“See! Even Taeyeon is on my side!”

“Yah, Kim Taeyeon! What kind of friend are you?”

“I’m just speaking the truth!”


“Yah Kwon Yuri! Stop talking! I need to eat my salad!”

Yuri groaned again. This time, it was louder.

Yuri took another slice of vegetable and placed it in front of Jessica’s mouth.

Jessica’s face turned green when she saw what was in front of her.

“GET THAT THING OUT OF MY SIGHT! KWON YURI!” Jessica yelled as she pinched her nose and squirmed.

Taeyeon and Yuri exchanged glances.

“Come on, Jessica, it’s just a cucumber.” Yuri said as she popped the slice of cucumber in her mouth. “It’s refreshing! You should try!”


Taeyeon giggled.

“Come on just one piece!” Yuri said as she tried to put the cucumber nearer to Jessica’s mouth.

“KWON YURI! GO AWAY IF NOT I WILL GET MY DAD TO SUE YOU!” Jessica yelled as she waved her hands frantically at Yuri.

“Fine! I’ve never seen such a person! Getting so work up over a harmless green vegetable?” Yuri said as she finished the last piece of cucumber on her plate.

Jessica heaved a huge sigh of relief.

“I want apple!”


“Jessica!” Yuri said excitedly as she walked towards Jessica and sat down beside her.

“What...” Jessica answered coldly.

“Why weren’t you here for the past four days?”

“I was sick?” Jessica sneezed, “Aren’t you happier? That you do not have to copy notes for me or feed me during breaks?”

Yuri rolled her eyes at Jessica.

She removed her bag from her shoulders and placed it on the table. She rummaged her unusually big bag and pulled out four red apples.

“Apples?” Jessica asked in bewilderment.

“Yea, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! You weren’t here for four days so four apples for you!” Yuri smiled as she pushed the apples to Jessica’s table.

“Get well soon!”

Jessica giggled.


“Hey, Jessica, my name is Dave.” A student said as he sat down beside Jessica.

“What do you want from me?” Jessica asked coldly as she got up from her sleeping position.

“I was thinking if we could be friends?” He smiled.

“Go away, I want to sleep.” Jessica rested her head on her arms as she turned away.

“Come on. I’m just asking to be friends right?” The boy said as he nudged Jessica’s arm with his elbow.

“Get away!” Jessica sat up.

The boy grabbed Jessica’s bandaged arm. “I just wanna be friends!”

“Don’t touch me!” Jessica tried to pull her arms away but the boy was too strong.

“Jessica, please give me a chance! I really love you!”

“Ouch! You’re hurting me!”


“Yuri!” Jessica turned back and saw the latter running towards her.

“Get your filthy hands of her now!” Yuri yelled as she pulled the boy’s hand away.

“Are you okay?” Yuri asked as she examined Jessica’s bandaged arm.

Jessica nodded.

“Yah! It was none of your business!” The boy shouted at Yuri.

“If it’s Jessica’s business than it’s my business!”

Jessica arched her eyebrow as she looked at Yuri.

Yuri scratched her head, realising that she has just said something wrong.

“Just who the hell are you!”

“You don’t have to know. Just scram!”

“Kwon Yuri, just you wait!” The boy warned as he walked out of the class.

“I’m not afraid! Just bring it on, you brat!” Yuri shouted as the boy walked out of the classroom hurriedly.

Yuri turned back to look at Jessica’s crimson stained bandage.

“Your wound is bleeding again!”


“It’s okay, Jessica. It’s just a slight tear in the wound that’s why it bled. Don’t worry, the wound is healing fast. I think it will be fine after a week.” Dr Han said as he carefully tied the bandage on Jessica’s arm.

“Thank you.” Jessica said as she stood up to leave.

“You’re welcome.” Dr Han smiled.

Jessica closed the door and turned around only to see Yuri waiting outside the infirmary. As soon as the door shut, Yuri walked towards her.

“How’s your arm?” Yuri asked as she lifted Jessica’s newly bandaged arm.

“Dr Han said it will take a month more to heal!”


“Yea, so you better be prepared to be my slave for another month!”

“Fine, princess. Just watch your arm!”

Jessica smiled.

She somehow just wanted Yuri to stay by her side.

{End of Flashback}

“That was when I started to like you.” Jessica smiled as she closed her eyes.

“That was four years ago?” Yuri asked.

“Yes, four years ago... And it’s still etched to my mind...”

Yuri smiled. “Jessica...”


“What kind of person is Donghae?”


Guilt was written all over Jessica’s face. Ever since she has gotten back her memory, she was too angry and frustrated to think about him. All that occupied her mind was Yuri and her parents.

Wedding? Ah yes, the wedding is tomorrow.

The peace in Jessica’s heart disappeared.


Yuri listened.

“He is a nice person...”

“Do you like him?”

Do I?

Jessica was confused. Does she like him?

He did lie to me about my past as well... Didn’t he? But... He’s really nice to me.



“Do you like him?”

“I...” Jessica paused for a moment, “I do...”

Yuri smiled.

Jessica pondered for a moment. 

Yes, she indeed liked Donghae a lot. But the feeling she has for him was totally different from Yuri. When she was with him, she felt secured. When she was with Yuri, she felt like herself.


“Yuri, I do like Donghae a lot. Bu-”

“I understand, Jessica.” Yuri cut Jessica.

“You do?”

“Yes I do.”

Jessica looked up at the sky again. “Do you know what time is it?”

“No. What?”

“The sky is darker. I think it’s close to evening already.”

“Oh no wonder I’m feeling hungry.”

“Shall we have dinner?”



“How was dinner?” Yuri asked.

“Great!” Jessica smiled.

The duo continued to walk along the streets of Seoul. Jessica unknowingly grabbed tighter on to Yuri’s arm as they walked around aimlessly.

“Where shall we go now?” Jessica asked.

“Let’s take the train.” Yuri smiled.


Jessica and Yuri alighted at the very last station the train took them to. There wasn’t modern civilisation there and the place was so quiet.

“Where are we?” Jessica asked as she hugged Yuri’s arm tightly.

“We’re out of the city, Jessica.” Yuri laughed, “This is where I used to live before moving to Seoul.”

“So this was the place you kept telling me?”

“Yea, but I didn’t get the chance to bring you here.”

“It’s not too late right?” Jessica smiled, “I’m here now.”

Yuri smiled and nodded.

“I know this small little cafe which is just a few minutes’ walk from where I used to live. They sell the best strawberry cakes in town! Shall we go?” Yuri asked.


Yuri tugged Jessica’s hand, “Come on let’s get going before the sky turns dark.”


Jessica and Yuri held hands as they walked along the sides of the railway track, trying to balance themselves.

Although Yuri can’t see, she could surprisingly balance better than Jessica.

“When I was young, I used to walk along this railway track to get home; because I get lost easily when I walk along the big roads outside.”

“Isn’t it dangerous here? What if a train comes?”

Yuri laughed. “Silly, this railway track was no longer in use then.”

“And that’s why I balance better than you do!” She continued.

“You mean you walk on this all the way home?” Jessica asked in astonishment.

“Yea. Sometimes.” Yuri giggled.

Jessica looked at Yuri and smiled.

“Did you see a red signboard already?” Yuri asked, “It has been quite some time. We should be reaching.”

Jessica darted her eyes left and right. There, she saw a read sign board.

“Ah! Saw it!”

“Okay, now we shall turn right and we’ll reach in no time!”

Jessica and Yuri stepped out of the railway tracks and turned right.


“Yuri!” An elderly lady walked towards her and cupped her face.

An elderly man walked towards them as well.

“Aunt and Uncle Min, meet my friend Jessica.” Yuri smiled.

“Hello, I am Jessica.” Jessica bowed as she said.

“Nice to meet you.” The elderly couple said in unison and smiled.

“Yuri, it has been awhile.” Uncle Min said as he patted Yuri’s shoulders.

“Come, sit. I’ll get you your favourite strawberry cakes!” Aunt Min said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

“I’ll get you some vanilla tea” Uncle Min smiled.

Yuri smiled back.

Jessica led Yuri to the chairs and the couple took a seat.

“Aunt and Uncle Min own this cafe. I used to drop by here every day when I was in elementary.” Yuri smiled. “They know me very well.”

“Ah, I see.”

Jessica looked out of the window. The sun has set; which meant that the day is coming to an end.

Jessica wasn’t looking forward to the next day at all.



“We are not going home tonight. Are we?”

Yuri smiled. “No we’re not. Don’t worry too much. Trust me.”

“Then where are we staying?”



“Yea. I used to sleep here during the weekends with Yoona when I was young. There’s a bed upstairs. Not those comfortable spring beds you have at home but it’s still warm and cosy.”

“I don’t mind!”

“Great” Yuri smiled.


The sun has set and the sky turned dark. Uncle and Aunt Min had left the cafe.

Yuri and Jessica sat side by side at the porch of the cafe.

“Jessica, look up.”

Jessica obediently looked up into the skies.

“Whao!” Jessica exclaimed, “The stars here are uncountable!”

Yuri smiled. “I used to sit here with Yoona and count the number of stars when we were in elementary. But before we could finish counting, we fell asleep.”

Yuri and Jessica laughed.

“I wished I could see the skies...” Yuri sighed.

I wished I could see you once again, Jessica...

“Yuri... I...”

Jessica didn’t know what to say. She felt guilty as well.

“Ah, let’s not talk about unhappy stuff shall we?” Yuri’s lips curved upwards once again.

Jessica smiled as she stared at Yuri.

Slowly her face drew nearer and nearer to Yuri’s face and their lips were centimetres apart.

Yuri could feel Jessica’s hot breath gently blowing on her face.

Jessica bent forward and their lips finally met.

Yuri pressed her face harder onto Jessica and they shared a passionate kiss.

Finally after sometime, Jessica broke the kiss to get some air.

“It’s late, we should get some sleep.”

Jessica sat closer to Yuri and rested her head on the latter’s shoulders. “Let’s just stay like this for a while longer.”

Yuri nodded.

Yuri closed her eyes as she thought of the past. She smiled.





That sleeping beauty... She never changed...

Yuri smiled as she laid her head on Jessica’s.

“I’m sorry, Sica...” Yuri whispered.

Soon, the duo fell deep asleep.


Jessica felt her neck getting sore. She slowly lifted her head up and stretched.

She turned around only to see a pair of eyes staring at her.

She was utterly stunned.

Her lips trembled. “Do- Dong... Donghae?”


Chapter 28

-- Dear Yuri

Jessica pushed the blanket that was covering her and stood up.

The sun has not risen and the cafe was quiet and dark. The only thing that was giving out light was the oil lamp Yuri has lightened up the night before when they came out to the porch.

Jessica walked back and forth the cafe.

Where did she go???


Two hours ago...

Yuri opened her eyes and lifted her head off Jessica’s. Her arms were around the latter’s shoulders. Carefully, she slowly slid her arm to the side.

She waited for a while.

There wasn’t a sound. Jessica was still sleeping like a baby. Yuri smiled.

She’s forever a heavy sleeper...

Yuri stretched her numb and aching arms. She opened the lid of the watch and her fingers felt for the hands on the watch.


Yuri shivered as the wind blew.

She went into the cafe and emerged seconds later with a piece of blanket.

She walked towards Jessica and carefully placed the blanket over her.

Yuri stood up. She walked to the back of the porch and took out her phone. She keyed a few numbers and the dial tone came up.



“Who are you?”

“I’m Yuri.”

“Is Jessica with you!?”

“Yes she is with me. I’m somewhere near Dangogae station. True Blue Cafe. Ever heard of it? It’s just ten minutes away from the station itself.”

“I know the train station. I’ll find my way there.”

“Okay, stop a distance from the cafe and walk over. I don’t want to wake Jessica up.”

“I understand.”

“I’ll see you in twenty.”

{End of Flashback}

“Wh- where is Yuri?” Jessica asked in her trembling voice.

She was at the verge of crying.

Donghae stood up. “Yuri has left...”

“What do you mean she has left? Where did she go?”

“I don’t know, Jessica. I really don’t...”

A heavy sob found it’s way out of Jessica’s chest. She cupped her face as she squatted down.

Donghae squatted beside her and hugged her tightly. He didn’t know what to say.

“Yuri!” Jessica wailed.

The sun rose.

Yuri has kept her promise.


The silver Audi stopped outside the Jung mansion. Jessica stepped out of the car together with Donghae.

Donghae placed his hands over the dazed Jessica as they walked towards the entrance of the mansion.

“Jessica!” Mr Jung called out as he walked towards his daughter.

Mrs Jung hugged her daughter. But Jessica remained motionless and expressionless.

“Mr and Mrs Jung, I told you, Yuri would keep her promise.”

Jessica looked up and saw Tiffany standing behind her parents. She rushed towards Tiffany and shook her by the shoulders.

“You know where Yuri is, don’t you? Tell me where is she. Where is she!?”

Tiffany closed her eyes. “Jessica, calm down and listen to me.”

“NO! Tell me where is Yuri!”

Tiffany reached into the pocket of her jacket and handed Jessica a brown envelop.

Jessica took the envelop with trembling hands and slowly tore it open.

Dear Jessica,

I have never regretted my relationship with you two years ago. If time were to turn back, I would still want to be with you, regardless how ugly things turned out to be. The two years in college when I was with you was the happiest moments of my life. But Sica, things have changed. They are not in our favour anymore. Or let’s just say, we weren’t meant for each other from the start. To start off with, we are people from different worlds. You’re Jessica Jung, heiress of Areith Apparels and me? I’m just a blind girl who works in a convenient store to make ends meet. I won’t bring you any happiness. I’ll only be a burden. So listen to me, Sica. Marry a good man who will take care of you. Forget me. With that, I promise you, I’ll never appear again before your eyes. In return, promise me you’ll be happy. Last but not least, I wish you in the best in everything you do in the future.

Signing off,

Kwon Yuri

Jessica dropped the letter on the floor.

“Tiffany, you know where Yuri is right? Please tell me, Fany.”

“I- I’m sorry, Jessica...”

Jessica grabbed the collar of Tiffany’s shirt. “Please, I am begging you, tell me where is she.”

Tears started to stream down Jessica’s face.

Tiffany’s heart bled as she saw her best friend’s tears. She wanted to tell her the truth so badly.

“I’m sorry, Jessica. But Yuri has already left Seoul...”


Two days ago...

Taeyeon placed her phone back on the counter top.


“They agreed?” Yuri asked.

“Yea, we’ll be meeting them at Cafe 101.”

“I’ll tend the store while you’re out, Taeyeon unnie.” Yoona said.

“Thank you, Yoona.”

“Guys, actually... actually I have something important to say...” Yuri suddenly spoke.

“What is it, Yuri.” Tiffany asked.

Yoona looked away.

“The reason why I wanted to see Jessica before her wedding is because... because...”

“Yuri, just what is it?” Taeyeon asked.

“Because... I’ll be leaving Seoul on her wedding day itself...” Yuri looked down.

Taeyeon widen her eyes. “Yah, Kwon Yuri, you’re not gonna do that aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry, Taeng...”

Taeyeon gently pushed Yuri’s shoulders. “Yah! You’re not gonna leave me here alone!”


“Yuri, where will you be going?” Tiffany asked as she patted Taeyeon’s shoulders to calm her down.

“Yoona has gotten a scholarship to study at IFA...”

“IFA!?” Tiffany exclaimed.

“What’s that?” Taeyeon asked.

“International Fashion Academy. It’s at Paris.” Yoona explained.

“That’s the school I graduated from!” Tiffany clasped her hands, “It’s definitely an achievement, Yoona!”

“Thank you, unnie” Yoona smiled.

“So what has that got to do with you?” Taeyeon turned to look at Yuri as she folded her arms.

“I’ll be companying Yoona of course, together with omma.”

“Spit it out! Did Mr Jung give you money to say that!” Taeyeon pointed her finger at the latter.

“No!” Yuri clapped her hands, “The scholarship includes cash as well and I thought it would be good if we could go over with Yoona... It’s her first time travelling so far and she’s still so young!”

“Yah, Kwon Yuri, I have been your friend for fifteen years already. I can read your mind through a glass of water!”

Yuri looked away.

“The main reason for you leaving Seoul is not because you want to accompany Yoona. It’s because you want to leave Jessica!”

“Yuri! Why do you want to do that!” Tiffany slammed her hands on the table.

“A good man is now waiting to marry her. And he’s the one that can bring true happiness to Jessica. With my financial status and eye condition, it will only bring more problems to her. Plus, her family would definitely give her pressure. I don’t want all these to happen to Jessica because of me!” Yuri said as a tear drop escaped the side of her eye.

“But, Yuri-”

Yuri cut Taeyeon before she could finish her sentence.

“No buts. The air ticket has been booked and I’ll be flying to Paris the day after. That’s why I need to see Jessica tomorrow.”

“Yuri, please...” Tiffany begged.

“It’s useless... I know Yuri for years. She won’t change her mind once it’s set.”

Yuri nodded.

Tiffany looked down.

Taeyeon grabbed Yuri’s hands. “Yuri ah, whatever your decision is, I’ll respect it.”

Yuri tightened her grip on Taeyeon hands. “Taeng... Thank you...”

Taeyeon smiled. “I just want you to be happy.”

“I’ll support your decision too...” Tiffany said.

“Thank you... And Jessica must not be known of this.”

Taeyeon hesitated for a moment. “Okay...”

{End of Flashback}

“Why? Why did she leave?” Jessica tugged Tiffany’s collar harder, “Tell me why!”

“Jessica...” Tiffany pulled Jessica’s hand away gently, “She wants you to marry Donghae.”

Jessica released her hands on Tiffany’s collar and started to wail uncontrollably. Suddenly, her muffles stopped and she fell against Tiffany.

“Jessica! Jessica are you alright!?”

Jessica has loss her consciousness.


Jessica slowly opened her eyes.

She was lying on her bed.


“Do- Donghae?”

Jessica attempted to sit up and Donghae stood up to help her. He placed a pillow behind for her to sit up straight.

“What happened?”

“The doctor said you are drained.”

“Ah, I’ve cried too much recently.” Jessica looked away.

“Th- the gown is in the suite...” Donghae said as he looked away as well.

Jessica looked at Donghae.

Kwon Yuri, I’ll make you regret your decision for leaving me...

“What time is it?”

“It’s already four... The wedding starts at six...”

“Which means we have two hours?”


“Help me out of bed.”

Donghae looked up. “What?”

“I need to get ready?”


“Miss Jung, the limousine that will pick you up to the church will be ready in fifteen minutes. If there isn’t anything else, I’ll take my leave.”

Jessica nodded at her father’s secretary.

The girl gently shut the door and Jessica was left all alone in the suite.

She had donned on her wedding gown and she looked absolutely stunning in it.

She stared out of the window and finally, she had the time to sort out her thoughts.

Jessica walked towards the desk and pulled out a writing pad and a pen from the drawer.

Dear Yuri,

I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing by letting you go. As I donned on my wedding gown, I asked myself – why am I doing this? And the only answer I found was guilt. I am guilty towards Donghae. After spending the entire day with you, I realised that throughout the entire time, the only person I loved was you and no one else. Now, as I wait for the limousine to pick me up to the church, I’m still having second thoughts about the wedding. One side of me tells me to go with the flow and the other side is asking me to fight for my love. But since you’ve left, I lost the will power and courage to fight on. I hate you for leaving me... I am really tired, Yuri. I don’t know what to do. Please tell me, am I making the right decision? I really want to see you again...

With love,


Jessica put down the pen and folded the paper into an aeroplane.

She walked towards the window and threw the paper plane out.

Jessica watched as the paper plane flew out of her hands, into the air.

She closed her eyes.

Then her phone vibrated.


“Miss Jung, the limousine is ready.”

Chapter 29

-- Bride in Dream

Jessica stepped out of her limousine as she glanced at her phone.


Donghae was already waiting in the church.

She walked towards the entrance of the church as she placed her veil down. Her heart was pumping like crazy and she felt butterflies in her stomach. Her mind was consistently thinking.

Should I, or should I not?

“Mr Jung, Miss Jung has arrived. She’ll be walking down the aisle soon.”

Jessica heard her father’s secretary speaking on the phone.

The lady walked towards Jessica.

“Whenever you’re ready, Miss Jung.”

Jessica nodded reluctantly.

She walked towards the huge wooden doors of the church and the door keepers pulled the door open.

Light shone into the church and everyone seated had their eyes on the entrance. They were all wearing smiles on their faces.

Jessica saw Donghae wearing his white tuxedo, standing right in front of the altar. Her mother was also there. Her father was standing right beside her now. Jessica’s eyes wandered though the crowd and then she caught Tiffany and Taeyeon sitting at the front row with Mr and Mrs Hwang. Beside them were Donghae’s parents. Her eyes wandered to the right and there, she saw a tall girl standing out from the crowd. Beside her were two other shoties. They were Sooyoung, Sunny and Hyeyeon.

Jessica felt a tug on her arms.

She turned to her right only to see her father hooking his arm around hers.

Mr Jung smiled.

Jessica sighed and nodded.

The duo turned to face the altar.

Jessica took her first step on the aisle.






“Yuri unnie?

“Ah, you two were calling me?” Yuri turned to face the two girls.

“Yuri unnie, Yoona called you twice.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, Seohyun.”

“Unnie, what are you thinking about?” Yoona asked.

“What else?” Seohyun looked down.

Yuri heaved a huge sigh. “Nothing, I’m fine. Where’s omma?”

“She’s still checking in. There’s something wrong with her passport.” Yoona explained as she looked over at the immigration counter where her mother was speaking to an immigration officer.

The three of them had successfully checked in and were waiting for the duo’s mother.

Yuri looked down at her feet.

Jessica, you must have looked stunning in a wedding gown...


The organist placed his fingers on the instrument and the wedding melody echoed the church.

Jessica walked down the aisle with her father.

She smiled at the crowd who were now watching them intently, smiling and nodding as they walked past.

As they approached the altar, Jessica turned to her right.

Tiffany and Taeyeon nodded.

Tiffany bit her lips.

Jessica looked down and caught their intertwined fingers.

She smiled cheekily at them and the couple smiled back.

“You think she’s fine?” Taeyeon whispered.

“I think she is. Or at least, she looks like she’s okay.” Tiffany whispered back.

Taeyeon nodded. “Jessica, hwaiting!”

The organist stood up and bowed.

Mr Jung released his arms around Jessica.

Jessica stared at her father for a few moments.

Is this it, Jessica? You’re gonna marry a man you don’t love?

Mr Jung looked at Jessica and arched his eyebrow.

“Jessica?” Mr Jung whispered.

Jessica continued to stare at him.

Jessica, you still have time, don’t you?

“Jessica!” This time, it was louder.

Jessica snapped out of her thoughts and looked back and forth at Donghae and her father. Cafefully, she took tiny but heavy steps towards the altar.


“I’m sorry girls!” Madam Lee said as she walked towards the trio.

“It’s okay, Aunt Lee.” Seohyun smiled.

“Ah, I forgot to bring the warm packs!” Madam Lee suddenly remembered.

“Ah, forgetful omma!” Yoona jokingly said.

“There’s a store over there.” Seohyun pointed over at her right.

“Okay, wait for me here. I’ll go get some.”

“Aunt Lee, I’ll go with you.” Seohyun smiled.

“Thank you, Soehyun.” Madam Lee smiled back.

The duo headed towards the store, leaving the two sisters alone.

Yuri was once again in a daze.

“Unnie, you sure you won’t regret this?” Yoona asked as she placed her hand on her sister’s arm.

Yuri shook her head. “I’ve made up my mind, Yoona.”

Yoona sighed and nodded.

“KR702 to France, Paris, there has been a change in the boarding gate. Passengers, will board at gate 17 instead of gate 21. I repeat, KR702 to France, Paris, there has been a change in the boarding gate. Passengers, will board at gate 17 instead of gate 21. Passengers may start boarding now.”

“We need to board now. Where’s omma and Seohyun?”

“There they are!” Yoona said as she looked towards the direction of the store where the pair was walking towards them.

“We got the warm packs!” Seohyun lifted up the paper bag and smiled.

“Did that announcement concern us?” Madam Lee asked.

“Yes, we need to board now.” Yuri said.

“Alright, come on girls. Let’s go.” Madam Lee grabbed her luggage as well as Yuri’s and dragged them towards the departure area.

Seohyun followed suit.

Yoona grabbed her luggage and hooked Yuri’s arms.

“Let’s go, Unnie...”

Yuri, why are you feeling a tinge of regret now...?


Jessica hooked her arm around Donghae’s as the couple turned to face the priest.

She wasn’t listening as the priest spoke. She kept staring into the blank space behind. She was in deep thoughts.

“Lee Donghae, will you take Jessica Jung Soo Yeon as your lawful wife, love and care for her no matter what happens?”

Jessica sprung out of her thoughts as she heard the priest mentioning the sentence. Her heart was pounding furiously.

Jessica Jung, do something! Quick!

There was a moment of silence. Donghae did not speak.

Jessica turned to look at Donghae. “Eh?”

Murmurs were heard throughout the crowd.

Donghae turned to look at Jessica and then back at the priest again. “No.”

The noise level in the church shot up. People were now whispering into each other ears and fingers were pointing everywhere.

Mr and Mrs Jung looked at each other with worried expression.

The male’s parents also got up from their seat.

Tiffany unknowingly grabbed Taeyeon’s hand tighter.

The situation was tense.

Donghae turned to face Jessica and placed his both hands on her shoulders.

“Jessica, I love you and I want you to be happy. And after everything, I realised that the person who can give you true happiness is Yuri and not me. I thought that by forcing you to marry me, I’ll be happy. But I was wrong. It hurt when I saw you cry over her. I don’t want that to happen anymore. So listen. Listen to me. Fight for your true love. Find her and bring her back. I’ll take care of everything here.”

“Do- Donghae I...” Jessica’s tears found it’s way through her eyes.

“Don’t have to feel guilty or anything. I was the one who broke the marriage.”

Jessica nodded.

Donghae pulled up his sleeves and glanced at his watch. He turned back and looked at Jessica.

“Yuri’s flight KR702 to France, Paris will take off at six forty five sharp. It’s six-thirty now. Get going now!” Donghae said as he gently pushed the girl.

“Do- Donghae... Thank you.”

Donghae nodded. “Find your true happiness, Jessica.”

Jessica nodded and ran down the aisle. She knew that many pairs of eyes were now glaring at her but she could care less now.

Tiffany and Taeyeon got up from their seats and ran after the girl.

This scene was exactly like in Jessica’s dream...


“Son, what is happening.” Mr Lee asked as he walked towards Donghae.

“I’m sorry, oppa.” Donghae said as tears started to stream down his face.

“It’s okay son. What is it?” Mr Lee said as he patted his son’s back.

Donghae dried his tears and walked towards the Jungs who were utterly stunned to say anything.

“Mr and Mrs Jung, I’m sorry. Worry not, the deal between my father’s company and Areith Apparels with carry on even though the wedding is off. This I assure you.”


“Mr Jung, please let Jessica find her true happiness. I’m begging you.”


“Jessica, Tiffany, wait for me!” Taeyeon shouted as she stopped to catch her breath.

The two girls were already out of her sight.

Jessica stopped and threw her high heels aside. She then continued running towards the departure viewing hall.

Jessica stopped and pressed her face against the glass pane. She was panting like crazy. She heard footsteps.

Tiffany stood beside her and did the same.

“Where is she? I don’t see her!” Jessica yelled.

“This is gate 17! She should be here!” Tiffany yelled back.

“Hey guys!”

The duo turned and saw a panting Taeyeon running towards them.

“She’s at gate 21!”

“WHAT!?” The duo shouted in unison.

“That’s at the other end of-”

Before Tiffany could finish her sentence, Jessica was already out of sight.


Jessica was gasping for air as she ran towards Gate 21.

Her lungs were shouting for her to stop but her heart said otherwise.

Yuri ah, wait for me. Wait for me!

Jessica saw the huge sign board and run towards the direction. She stopped in front of the window pane and pressed her head against the glass.

Gate 21 was now empty.

Jessica was a minute late.

Chapter 30

-- Jigsaw of Love

One year later...

Tiffany was rummaging through the fabrics in front of her. She was busy scribbling notes on her note pad at the same time.

There was a knock on the door and the door swung open.

“I said no disturbance right!” Tiffany shouted, her eyes still fixed on the desk.

“Er... Okay, I’ll come by later then!”

Tiffany recognised the voice. She lifted up her chin and saw the girl exiting the room.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon! Come back!”

The girl entered the room and closed the door behind her.

“I thought you said no disturbance?” Taeyeon giggled as she walked towards Tiffany to give a peck on her lips.

“Only you.” Tiffany smiled.

“So how are the summer designs coming along?” Taeyeon asked as her fingers danced around the stack of fabric samples on the desk.

“I’m still choosing the fabric.” Tiffany said as she continued to scribble notes on her note pad.

There was another knock on the door. A brunette opened the door and walked towards the couple.

“Oh hey, Jessica.” Tiffany said.

“Get out, Jessica. No disturbance when Tiffany is working on her designs!” Taeyeon jokingly said.

Jessica arched her eyebrow.

“Yah!” Tiffany gently nudged Taeyeon with her elbow.

“You said only me!”

“And Jessica!”

Jessica giggled.

“Anyway, what brings you here?” Tiffany asked.

“Nothing actually... I was bored in my office so I thought I should drop by.”

“If you’re so free, help me out with these designs!” Tiffany said as she pointed to the fabrics on her desk.

“Yah, Fany, I’m the Marketing Director. Designing clothes is not part of my job!”

“Argh, save me please Taetae!”

Taeyeon giggled as she playfully messed the latter’s hair.

“Ah, Taeyeon, it’s one now. Shouldn’t you be at the studio?” Jessica asked. 

“Ah, the photo shoot was cancelled because the clothes didn’t reach Seoul on time.”

“What!” Jessica looked at Taeyeon, “Then when will the shipment arrive?”

“I don't know. Apparently there were some shipment problems from the US branch. But don’t worry; the shipping department are already looking into it.”

“Gosh, they better reach on time. We have a deadline to meet.” Jessica said.

“For the summer catalouge?” Tiffany asked.

“Yes. If they don’t reach three weeks before, I’m gonna be in deep trouble!” Jessica sighed.

“Don’t worry, Jessica, Taeyeon is gonna die together with you.” Tiffany jokingly said.

Taeyeon gently pushed Tiffany’s head and the latter pouted.

“Anyway, what time is your flight to Paris?” Taeyeon asked.



Yoona unknowingly tighten her grip on Seohyun’s hands as she waited in anticipation for the competition results.

“Yoona unnie, are you very nervous?” Seohyun asked.

Yoona nodded. “How did you know?”

Seohyun lifted up their hands and pointed to it. “It hurts.”

Yoona immediately let go of the girl’s hand.

“Sorry!” Yoona said as she scratched her head in embarrassment.

The girl blushed. “It’s okay.”

“Now, we are going to announce the winning pair for the 2011 Aries Summer Wear Designing Competition!” The commenter on the stage said.

Drum rolls were heard.

Yoona closed her eyes and silently prayed.

“The winning pair is...” The commenter grinned as he looked down below the stage where pairs of designers were seated. “The winning pair is... Team 145!”

“YOONA! WE WON! WE WON!” Seohyun clasped her hands as she turned to look at the girl beside her.

“It- it’s us...?” Yoona asked as she looked around the hall where people were all staring at their direction.

“Yes! It’s you!” The commenter said as he pointed at Yoona.

“Seohyun, we did it!” Yoona sprung out of her seat in excitement.

Seohyun got out of her seat too and the duo shared an embrace.

“Come on! Let’s bring this dress to this hospital! Unnie would be so glad when she wakes up!” Yoona exclaimed.


“Okay, Miss Kwon.”

Yuri slowly opened her eyes. She saw an orange glowing light. Everything was so blurry and distorted.

She blinked her eyes a couple of times. Then, her vision became clearer.


Standing in front of her was Yoona, Seohyun and her mother. Yoona was holding on to a cake with a candle on it. Seohyun was standing on the right holding an orange dress and her mother was standing on the right.

Yuri smiled.

For the first time in three years, this was the first time she saw them smiling.


“Bottoms up!”

Yoona, Seohyun and Yuri each gulped down a bottle of beer.


“Dinner was great!” Yoona said.

“It sure was!” Seohyun smiled.

“This meal is on me! To celebrate the success of unnie’s eye operation!”

“No it’s on me! To celebrate the victory of you girls on the designing competition!”

Yoona and Seohyun giggled.

“Excuse me, ladies.”

The trio looked up and saw a young man standing beside their table. He spoke in fluent Korean which startled them.

“Yes?” Yuri asked.

“My name is Seyong.” The man smiled. “My superior went to the Aries Summer Wear Designing Competition held two weeks ago at IFA and she was impressed with the girls design.”

“Really?” Yoona and Seohyun said as in unison as they looked and smiled at each other.

“Yes. My superior is very keen to produce that dress for the new line of clothes that would be launched next month under their label. If you don’t mind, could she join you ladies?”

The trio exchanged glances.

“Sorry, may I know which fashion label is it?” Yoona asked.

“Ah, the infamous Areith Apparels.” The man smiled.

“Ar- Areith Apparels?” Yoona turned to look at Yuri who now looking down.

“Sorry, mind if I join you girls?”

Yuri’s heart stopped. She knew the voice. It was the voice she would never ever forget in her life.

She heard footsteps that were getting louder and louder.

“It has been a while, Yuri...”

“Jessica unnie...” Yoona and Seohyun said simultaneously.

Yuri’s heart was pounding furiously against her chest. She slowly turned her head.

“Je- Jessica...?”

Jessica smiled.

That smiled... It has been a while since I’ve seen it...


Yuri and Jessica took a nice stroll at Tuileries Garden. It was summer but the temperature was still relatively low. The duo walked side by side with their hands in their pockets of their jacket.

Yuri stole quick glances at Jessica while walking.

Finally, they reached a huge fountain and they both stopped to sit down at the bench in front.

“Er... So...” Yuri finally broke the awkward silence, “So you changed your hair colour?”

“Huh?” Jessica paused for a moment, “Ah, yes.”

Yuri nodded and smiled.

As their eyes met, the smile that was plastered on Yuri’s face came off. Her eyes became teary.

“Yuri, what’s wr-”

Yuri placed her finger on the girl’s lips. “Don’t say anything... Just let me stare at you for a while. Alright?”

Jessica nodded slowly.

After a few moments, Yuri finally smiled again.

“I miss watching you.” Yuri said.

Jessica clenched her fist.

“You can look at me forever, if you want.” Jessica smiled.

Yuri laughed. But inside her heart, she was bleeding.

“Anyway, you knew about my cornea transplant? Taeyeon told you? Because you displayed no sign of shock when you saw me.”

Jessica laughed. “I was the one who worked with Dr Fernando in search of a cornea that suits you.”

Yuri was shocked at the words Jessica said.

“You- you what?”

Jessica smiled. “You’ve heard it. I was the one who worked with Dr Fernando in search of a cornea that suits you.”

“How did you-”

Jessica raised her hands to prevent Yuri from speaking. “I have my ways.”

“You knew I was in Paris? You knew my hospital?”

Jessica nodded.

Kim Taeyeon... You betrayer... I am gonna skin you alive when you come to Paris!

“Thank you...” Yuri said.

Jessica smiled.

Yuri suddenly felt sorrow overwhelming her.

Jessica, it seems that you’re happy with your life with Donghae now...

“Anyway, when did you arrive in Paris?” Yuri tried to divert the topic to a more casual one.

Jessica stared at Yuri for a while before answering. “Three weeks ago.”

“Business or leisure?”


“How so?”

“I was the organizer of the Aries Summer Wear Designing competition that was held at IFA. So I had to fly here a week before the event was held.”

“You- you are the organizer?”

“Yes, the event was actually planned and executed by me.”

“Wow... It’s an initiative by Areith Apparels?”

“No. It’s an initiative by Jessica Jung.”

Yuri looked at Jessica and the latter smiled.

“I organized this competition in order to see you.”

Yuri felt her heart stop.

She gave a fake laugh. “That’s so funny, Jessica.”

“It’s not a joke. It’s true.”

Jessica looked at Yuri seriousness in her eyes.

“Jessica, why on Earth do you want to see me?”

“Because I love you.”

Yuri closed her eyes and clenched her fist.

“Jessica, you’re married.”

Jessica lifted up her right hand and showed Yuri her fingers. “Yuri, I am single.”


“One year ago, Donghae broke the marriage just as we were about to make our wedding vows. I ran all the way to the airport only to see your plane taking off. That was when everything started.”


Jessica laughed. “I guess my dad realizes his mistakes.”


“Thanks to Tiffany’s parents.”


“Tiffany’s parents accepted Taeyeon.”

“Yea, I was aware of that. Taeyeon told me this in an e-mail she sent me.”

“Yea, thanks to Tiffany’s parents, my parents started to accept me as who I really was.”

Yuri stared as Jessica. She didn’t quite know what to say.

“Which means, my parents no longer disapproves me seeing a girl.” Jessica smiled. “That’s number one.”

“Number one?”

Jessica nodded. “Your cornea transplant was a success which means your eye condition will not be a burden to anyone anymore. That’s number two.”

“Jessica what are you talking about?”

Yuri was getting real confused. Why didn’t Taeyeon tell her everything? Why did Taeyeon lie to her about Jessica?

“Let me finish my piece.” Jessica paused, “Yoona and Seohyun’s design would be used by Areith Apparels for the new line of summer clothes that will launch in a month’s time. The girls are really outstanding in IFA and I am intending to bring them over to the designing team in Areith Apparels. Which means Yoona will have a stable job of which, the pay would be extremely rewarding. This also means that your family’s financial status has just been upgraded. This is number three.”

“Jessica, why are you telling me all these?”

“You left me a year ago because of three reasons. One, your eye condition would be a burden. Two, you didn’t want my parents to pressurize me. Three, the difference between our financial status. Now, that all these are no longer existing, there is no way you, Kwon Yuri, is ever gonna leave me.” Jessica said as she grabbed Yuri’s hands.

“Je- Jessica, I...”

Before Yuri could finish her sentence, the girl crashed her lips onto hers and they shared a passionate kiss.


One month later...

Tiffany walked into the meeting room and took a seat beside Taeyeon. Key personals of Areith Apparels were called back for a meeting.

Tiffany placed her Macbook on the desk and turned to face Taeyeon.

“What is this meeting about?” Tiffany whispered. 

“I don’t know either. I received this message that there will be a short meeting so I came up here after the photo shoot.”

“Me too. Anyway, what time are those girls flying back from Paris?”

“They’ll be landing at six.”

“You are going to the airport right?”

“Of course!”

Before Tiffany could say another word, the door of the conference room swung open and Mr Jung walked towards the table.

“Good afternoon. I’ve called for this meeting because I would like to introduce a very important person that would be joining the board of directors of Areith Apparels.”

People in the conference hall started to whisper into each other’s ears.

Tiffany and Taeyeon looked at each other and arched their eyebrows.

Mr Jung cleared his throat. “Miss Kwon Yuri will be joining us as a Creative Director.”

Mr Jung smiled as he walked towards the door.

“Taeng, what the hell is going on?”

“Beats me!”

The door swung open once again and a girl stepped in.

“YURI!!!” Taeyeon and Tiffany screamed.


“You mean you knew that the marriage was off a year ago?”

Taeyeon nodded as she took a sip of coffee.

Yuri gently pushed the latter’s head, causing some coffee to spill on the table.


“Yah! Why didn’t you tell me! You told me Jessica was coping well with her life with Donghae and all those nonsense!”

Tiffany giggled. “Yuri ah, don’t blame Taetae. It was Jessica’s idea.”

Yuri turned to look at Jessica. “It was your idea?”

Jessica nodded. “I didn’t want to let you know first. So I secretly helped you throughout the year in Paris including searching for a suitable donor for your cornea transplant. I wanted your eyes to be healed before I revealed the truth to you. I want a proper reunion. I don’t want you rejecting me again because of all your reasons. I can’t afford anymore blows. See, now you have got no reasons to reject me.”

Yuri groaned. “You made me suffer in pain for a year...”

Jessica hugged Yuri. “I’m sorry, Yuri ah.”

“It’s okay, Sica baby.”

Jessica smiled. “I’m just glad we’re back to the old us.”

“Me too.”

“Kwon Yuri, I promise you, no matter what, I will never let you get out of my sight anymore.”

Jessica hugged Yuri even tighter.

“I will never leave you again, Jessica.”

“Yah, stop it, we’re in a public area.” Tiffany said as she looked around the cafe.

Jessica and Yuri giggled as they released each other.

And so, after three long years, Jessica finally found the missing piece to her jigsaw of love...


“Fany ah, why are you so careless?” Taeyeon said as she lifted up the fashion magazines on Tiffany’s desk.

Tiffany scratched her head. “I remember putting my phone here on my desk when I left for the fabric store room... Yuri, found it?”

“No. Did you bring it to the store room?” Yuri asked as she stopped searching for the object and folded her arms.

“I don’t think so...”

“It couldn’t be in your office, Fany. Yuri and I have called you a dozen of times and we can’t hear any ringtone or vibration.” Jessica said as she stopped looking as well.

“Let’s check out the store room.” Taeyeon said as she opened the door of the office.


Taeyeon opened the door of the fabric store room and felt for the bank of switches on the right. The lights came on.

“YOONA!?” The quadruplet shouted in unison.

The girl pulled her lips away from Yoona’s and turned around.


“Unnie! What the hell are you doing here!?”

“neomu banjjak banjjak nooni booshuh no no no no no neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun oh oh oh oh oh”

“Ah! My phone!” Tiffany smiled.


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