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Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

“Get off the bus.”

“Why?” asks Taeyeon as she looking at Jessica.

“Because you can’t bring her to the house, Tae. You want a normal life right?” rings Hyoyeon’s voice through the phone, “then you cannot bring Jung to the Manor.”

“How about the other one? You know…”

“Yeah, let’s take her to the empty house,” responds Hyoyeon sarcastically.

“Hyo, you know what I mean.”

“Tae, no. And that’s final.”

“Fine…I don’t want a normal life,” huffs Taeyeon a little childishly. Jessica turns and looks at her while tilting her head.

“Alright, alright I’ll let our parents know that we want to stay at the smaller house.” Taeyeon happily hangs up and turns to Jessica who had returned to her conversation with Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny. Tiffany takes a quick look at Taeyeon before turning back to Seohyun and Sunny.

“So Jessica this means you’re hanging out with the group today, right?” asks Taeyeon causing for Tiffany’s eyes to widen and for Sunny to choke on her drink.

“That’s what I said right?” answers Jessica.

“Your hanging out with the idiot group?” asks Sunny in disbelief. Jessica nods her head as she avoids Tiffany’s gaze.

“Our stop,” states Taeyeon as she gets up and heads for the exit. Jessica follows after the older girl aware of the fact that Tiffany and Sunny was following her while dragging Seohyun along. “Oh…You guys are joining?”

“Yes!” exclaims Tiffany as she grabs hold of Jessica’s arm.


Hyoyeon enters her father’s office causing for the elderly mad to look up from his work, “Hyoyeon?”

“Taeyeon wishes for the family to use the smaller house for the evening; she’s invited a few new friends over,” states Hyoyeon.

“You don’t think they’re good enough to know Taeyeon’s lineage?”

“Taeyeon has a slight crush, nearly obsession with the one of them. But I have this feeling that Taeyeon’s heart will be crushed unintentionally. And you adopted me to protect Taeyeon from others who will use her. But Tae’s more of a sister than a master and I want to protect her from being heartbroken.”

“Very well then. I’ll tell your mother and we’ll be there later on this evening.” Hyoyeon nods her head before turning on her heels and leaving.


Taeyeon sits on the grass in front of her family’s smaller house, drumming her fingers on her legs while watching the younger girls converse and waiting for her sister. She looks over at Jessica directly to see the girl was looking back at her. She gives Jessica a smile, before sticking her tongue out. Jessica in returns give her, her icy glare before turning away as Hyoyeon pulls up in Taeyeon’s car. “You’re here!” exclaims Taeyeon as she jumps up and dusts all the grass off herself.

“Yeah. I had to do something,” states Hyoyeon as she heads towards the front door, unlocking it. Taeyeon’s group rush into the house as Jessica and hers enter it slowly looking around. She feels someone grab her wrist and looks to see Taeyeon smiling at her.

“Come on…we’re all heading to the kitchen where I’ll cook,” states Taeyeon as she leads the group into the kitchen where Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Hyoyeon were being rowdy.

“Take a seat.” She instructs Jessica to sitting as she turns around to the fridge grabbing some ingredients to begin cooking with. Jessica takes a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen setting her back on top of it.

“So…are you and Taeyeon officially dating?” asks Yuri while picking through the bowl of fruit that was on the table. Jessica could only shake her head as she feels Tiffany’s eyes on her again.

“Why not?” asks Yoona this time. “It’s not like your dating anyone else. And you have Taeng’s jacket. Plus the girl rode the bus for you.”

“She’s not dating anyone,” states Tiffany getting involved. Hyoyeon, Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung all turn to Tiffany.

“How would you know?” asks Yoona.

“Because I’m her sister.”

“She could always lie.”

“Jessi wouldn’t do something like that.”

“Your sister isn’t actually a saint-“

“I think we should leave Tiffany and Jessica alone,” states Yuri as she gets up and takes the spare seat by Tiffany, causing for the girl to smile.

“Then what should we talk about?” asks Sooyoung as she munches on some fruit. Everyone shrugs their shoulders including Tiffany and Jessica as the group sits in silence listening to Taeyeon cooking behind them. That is until the sound of the front door opens.

“Taeyeon? Hyoyeon?” comes a male voice.

“In the kitchen,” calls out Hyoyeon as she stands up and heads out to the living room. Only to return this time with hers and Taeyeon’s parents. “Um, you guys remember Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung, right?”

“Hey, Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim,” states the three girls while waving.

“How can I forget the girls who ruined the art room of the man-What?” asks Mrs. Kim as she looks at her husband who had nudged her, “oh…”

“And the bored looking girl is Jessica, the smiling one is Tiffany, the quiet one is Seohyun and you remember Sunny right?”

“Ah the Lee’s daughter how could I forget her. She dated Taeyeon.” Jessica and Tiffany freeze as they look at Sunny who was trying to hide her face before looking over at the midget who was cooking. “Taeyeon why are you cooking?”

“Because I want to,” responds Taeyeon never paying her parents an attention.

“Taeyeon, how about you take your friends out back while your mother and I finish cooking?”

“Whatever,” responds Taeyeon as she sets down her utensils before opening the sliding glass door and walking into the backyard.

“Come on,” states Hyoyeon as she leads the girls out after Taeyeon. “So how about we play a game until food is done.”

“After working all day I’d rather just sit,” states Jessica as she watches Taeyeon who was looking back in the house at her parents. She takes a seat on the ground shooing everyone away, while continuously watching Taeyeon curiously. Tiffany notices Jessica’s stares as she growls.

“Two can play this game,” Tiffany says to herself as she runs up to Yuri. “Yuri,” she says causing for everyone to become surprise, “can you help me with my homework?” Yuri blinks as she tries to register the fact that Tiffany called her name, that she is now holding her arm, and asked for help.

“T-together?” Tiffany nods her head while smiling, looking over at Jessica who was eyeing her.

“Just me and you, please.”

“S-sure.” Tiffany gives Yuri her eye smile before pulling the girl off to another side of the backyard.

“Why is she so stubborn,” says Jessica to herself.

“Who’s stubborn?” Jessica looks to her side to see Taeyeon sitting beside her while grinning.


“But I haven’t done anything.”

“True.” Jessica looks over at her sister again before looking over at Sunny, “You dated Sunny?”

“Yeah,” was all Taeyeon said before getting quiet and serious.

“You guys make a weird couple. You’re both very short.” Taeyeon couldn’t help but huff as she turns to Jessica. “So why’d you break up?”

“A secret.”

“What’s with the short answers?”

“Don’t like it?”

“No I don’t.” Taeyeon nods her head before smiling and laying back looking up at the sky. “You’re being very serious today ever since you got off the phone with your sister earlier.”

“You were listening in on my conversation?” asks Taeyeon intrigued as she props herself up on her elbows.


“Jessica I like you,” states Taeyeon.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” responds Jessica.

“No. I like you a lot. I’ve liked you since I first seen you.”

“I can see that my little stalker.”

“And I want for you to be my girl friend.” Jessica’s eyes widen as she turns to see Taeyeon looking dead panned serious. “I don’t care if you like someone else. I’m better than them. I’m ten times better than them.”

“Whoa…slow down. We’ve only been on two dates…and who said I like you like that?!”

“But have I not been good on those two dates? Why won’t you like me? Are you already in a relationship?”


“Never mind forget it…” Taeyeon stands up and prepares to head into the house when Jessica grabs her wrist. “Huh?”

“Let’s go for a walk?” asks Jessica surprising the girl.


“So…you’re not in a relationship?” asks Taeyeon as they walk down the street.


“Then why can’t you be my girl friend?”

“It’s complicated.”

“How? I’ve stopped harassing you.”

“Really?” asks Jessica with a brow raised.

“Yes. I don’t touch you anymore or look anymore,” states Taeyeon seriously. “So why?”

“I can’t say…”

"So you like me but can't be my girl friend because something is complicated?"

"Who says i like you?"

"You did. You have no problems dating me, except things are complicated." Jessica was speechless; she didn't have any form of a comeback. “Fine…I’ll make you want to be my girl friend. I’ll make you chase after me.” Taeyeon nods her head happy with what she says before smiling at Jessica, “but first ice cream.” She points at an ice cream truck before pulling Jessica along.

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