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Chapter Five

Jessica rubs her sore neck as she watches Tiffany pace back and forth in front of her, mumbling something about the midget and money and other stuff. Just a few seconds ago she was watching the midget leave, before being snatched by the back of her shirt into the house. “Are you listening? Or are you spacing out?” asks Tiffany.

“Listening. Definitely listening,” lies Jessica.

“So how did the date go?” inquires Tiffany as she approaches Jessica.


“Really? You didn’t murder her did you?” asks Tiffany as she leans close to Jessica.

“Nope. So why did I have to rush home?”

“Did I interrupt something? Were you actually enjoying it? You’re the one who said call, so you wouldn’t have to be in the pervert’s presence.”

“No you didn’t interrupt anything. And it was okay, nothing to enjoy and I know what I said.”

“Okay, I’m going to shower,” Tiffany leans over and places a kiss on Jessica cheek before disappearing out of the room. Jessica looks over at the jacket on the floor, before walking over to it and picking it up. She heads to her trashcan, when she stops and looks down at it. She couldn’t help but smile. So instead she heads to her closet and throws it inside before walking back to her bed.


“So date?” Taeyeon smiles brightly as she wipes down the counter before looking up at Yuri who was leaning against the display. “I take it went pretty well?” Taeyeon nods her head. “Is there going to be a second?” She shrugs her shoulders.

“Hi…can I get just a vanilla cone?” Taeyeon lifts her head to see Tiffany smiling at her.


Tiffany turns and looks at Yuri before turning back to the short girl. “You took my sister out on a date, right?”

“Yeah,” responds Taeyeon as she concentrates on scooping up the ice cream.

“Well…don’t think about doing it ever again,” states Tiffany in a serious voice. Taeyeon drops the cone into the large bin of vanilla ice cream before looking up at Tiffany who was smiling. “Jessi has a job now and she needs to concentrate on that and school. And I think you dropped the cone in the ice cream.” Taeyeon looks down and begins scooping the cone out. Tiffany turns and gives Yuri another smile.

“What’s really your relationship with Jung?” asks Yuri.

“She’s my older step sister,” smiles Tiffany as she watches Taeyeon make another cone.

“Really?” Tiffany nods her head as Taeyeon hands her the cone before consuming some of it.

“Yup, my father is married to her mother. So we’re step sisters. Oh…Yuri can you pay for this? I seem to have forgotten my wallet, please?”

Yuri slowly nods her head at the puppy dog eyes Tiffany was giving her before pulling out some cash and handing it to Taeyeon, “Thank you! You’re the best.” She gives Yuri a small peck on the cheek before making her way across the mall to the book store.

“Whipped,” mutters Taeyeon as she goes back to wiping the counter top.

“Am not!”

“Yeah you are.”

“I’m not I’m just wooing her. She’s just playing hard to get,” states Yuri as she watches Tiffany through the bookstore window. Yuri turns back to Taeyeon who was in creeper mode. “Oh boy…” The smile drops as Jessica emerges from the bookstore with Tiffany pinkies hooked, and making their way over to the ice cream stand.

“Hi!” chirps Taeyeon. Jessica just looks at the her before looking at the ice cream.

“I want what she has,” says Jessica while pointing at Tiffany.

“Okay,” Taeyeon grabs a cone and scoops Jessica some vanilla ice cream before handing it to her.

“Thank you.” Taeyeon nods her head. She watches as Jessica stands in front of her eating the treat.

“Um…Tiffany…” Everyone stops and turns to Yuri, “I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date?” Tiffany turns and looks at Jessica who was eating her treat unfazed for the first time.

“Jessi,” whispers Tiffany breaking the girl out of her trance.


“She asked me on a date…” whisper Tiffany breaking into English.

“So…” responds Jessica switching into English herself.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Jessica shrugs her shoulder as she watches the midget behind the counter work. “Don’t tell me you like the midget.”

“What?! No!” shouts Jessica causing for passersby to stop and look at them as if they were from another planet. Jessica than turns to Yuri and switches back to Korean, “You said you wanted to date my sister?” Yuri nods her head as the calm girl demeanor changes. She wanted to avoid all outcomes that Taeyeon had suffered from. “Why should I let you date my sister?”

“Uh…Taeng…” Taeyeon looks up from switching out empty bins.

“I can’t help you. I want another date,” states Taeyeon.

Jessica turns and quickly looks at Taeyeon, “Who says anything about another date?!”

“You’re actions did,” smiles Taeyeon triumphantly, “Ooh I know how about a double date? That way you can keep an eye on Yuri…”

“That is the most ridiculous idea I have ever-“ starts Jessica.

“Okay.” Everyone turns and looks at Tiffany this time who was smiling brightly, “come on Jessi I wanna show you the bag I want.” Tiffany pulls Jessica away from the speechless idiots.

“What did you do that for?” asks Jessica upset.

“Because I want to see what’s so special about her,” responds Tiffany before dragging Jessica further off into the mall, unaware of the small smile on the girl’s face.


“I can’t believe I scored a date!” shouts Yuri. “This calls for a celebration my friend!”

“What kind?” asks Taeyeon.

“Um…when I figure it out I’ll let you know. Right now I have to get back to work…” Yuri waves goodbye before running off to the store in which she worked leaving Taeyeon alone. A small smile graces her lips.

“Heh, maybe this job isn’t so bad,” whispers Taeyeon to herself as she goes back to cleaning up the little place. 

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