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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

“How in the world did you sustain this injury?” asks Hyoyeon as she walks into the back room where the medicine was located trying to look for something that would help with the bruising and avoiding an oncoming headache.


“Say no more. You do know what’s going to happen in the morning when you come down the stairs and father sees you with this large bruise on your head?” snaps Hyoyeon as she emerges with a couple of bottles and rags.

“Yeah…I’m going to get a ‘don’t do it again because you’re the heir to the Kim legacy’ lecture and you’re going to get a ‘you need to take better care of your sister because she’s the heir and that’s your duty’ lecture. Followed with adding on to the years of when I can touch the trust.”

“Yeah,” responds Hyoyeon while freezing for a bit, knowing that that wasn’t the lecture she always recieves, “well I hope this is all worth it.”

“It was,” responds Taeyeon proudly. Hyoyeon gives her a questioning look, “I got a kiss!”

“Taeyeon!” Both girls freeze as their father’s voice echoes throughout the house. “Taeyeon! Hyoyeon!” Hyoyeon looks at Taeyeon before brushing some of her hair to cover the bruise just as the door opens allowing for their father to peek their head in. “What are you guys doing in here?”

“Hyo pricked her finger at work earlier, we were just washing and cleaning the cut to avoid any infections, and she has a bruise, so we were removing that,” answers Taeyeon as she hops off the counter, “is there anything you need?”

“I was just coming to see how your studies were going, since I’ve been busy lately. And you’re private tutors have explained to me that you are not going to your sessions.”

“We’ve been busy with work,” answers Taeyeon while helping Hyoyeon clear up the stuff that was never used.

“Maybe I should have you girls stop working and spend more time studying.” Taeyeon stops and quickly turns around, allowing for their father to spot the small mark on her head. “Taeyeon, come here.” She backs away before taking off running into the back room dragging Hyoyeon with her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” hisses Hyoyeon as she tries to keep up with her sister.

“Avoiding a lecture,” answers Taeyeon as they hop over stuff, going in and out of the many rooms their house possess.


“You kissed her!”

“On the forehead,” responds Jessica as she makes her way to her room.

“But you kissed her!”

“Tiffany stop acting like that…you’re going to wake up-“

“Where have you two been?” Both girls stop and turn around to see the youngest child looking at them arms crossed.

“Go to sleep Krystal, don’t you have school tomorrow?” The youngest girl rolls her eyes before walking back into her room allowing for the older ones to resume their previous discussion.

“Why’d you kiss her?” asks Tiffany while pouting.

“It was on the forehead!” responds Jessica highly annoyed. “I’m going to sleep,” she turns and looks at Tiffany, “goodnight,” she walks into the room and closes the door leaving Tiffany out in the hall.


“It was on the forehead!” comes Jessica’s voice through the door. Tiffany could only smile before she makes her way to her room.


“Are you sure there is nothing going on between the two of them?” asks Yoona as the group walks through the mall. For some odd reason they all had the day off.

“They're sisters,” answers Sooyoung while eating the ice cream that she had gotten for free with the help of Yoona and Taeyeon.

“But they seems so much closer than that,” states Yoona before looking back at Taeyeon and Hyoyeon who were laughing about something. “I know, maybe that short ageyo girl would know something.” Yuri nods her head before following Yoona to the video game store with Sooyoung closely behind.

“Oh, what are they up to now?” asks Hyoyeon as she and Taeyeon follow the rest of the group. They enter the store to see the giants of the group cornering the poor girl.

“You…I know you know the truth about Jung and Tiffany’s relationship,” states Yoona as the girl tries to evade the giants gaze. Sunny tires to move away from when Yuri traps her from the opposite side.

“Why would I tell you idiots anything?” responds Sunny.

“Because Sooyoung will take you on another da-“ Sooyoung’s hands shoot out and covers Yoona’s mouth before pushing her out of the store with the rest of the group following.

“What do you think you’re doing?” asks Sooyoung.

“Trying to give get some information,” answers Yoona nonchalantly.

“By offering her a date? With me?!” asks Sooyoung while waving her hands around.

“I’ve got this,” everyone watches as Hyoyeon enters the store and walks up to the counter before following her, “Sunny, can I ask you a question?” Sunny stops storing the cases that contains video games and turns to look at Hyoyeon who was leaning against the counter.

“I’m not giving you idiots any information.” Sunny turns back to her job.

“And why not?”

“I don’t like any of you.”

“Can I know why? Is this about what Taeyeon and they did with fire crackers and your locker? Look that was back in middle school-“

“You think that’s the reason why I don’t like any of you idiots?”

“Look I just need to know what kind of situation my sister is getting herself into.”

“Sister?” asks Sunny in disbelief, “more like master.” Hyoyeon freezes for a bit before turning to see Taeyeon looking at a bunch of games while smiling with the group.

“Look…what do you want in return?”

“Oh did I hit a soft spot?” asks Sunny while continuing not to look at the younger girl.

“Sunny…can we stop with the childish games? I just want to know what kind of trouble she’s getting herself into.”

“Well I can’t help you with that,” answers Sunny.

“Are you still hung up over the fact that my sister humiliated you in front of the whole student body?”

“Shut up.”

“Did I hit a soft spot?”

“Will you just leave so I can do my work? Unlike you, I didn’t have one of the wealthiest family take me in. I was born into a regular family.”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on between Jessica Jung and Tiffany Hwang.”

“Fine.” Sunny stands up and leans on the counter, “I don’t know anything really except for Tiffany’s father and Jessica’s mother just recently married, and that Jessica and Tiffany are freakishly close.” Hyoyeon could only groan at receiving the same information.

“You mean to tell me that I stood here and let you poke fun of my life to receive the same information that I already knew?!”

“Hyo is everything okay?” asks Taeyeon as she turns and looks at her sister.

“Yup…time for plan B.”


Jessica was busily helping a customer with something when she notices Taeyeon entering the store with her group of idiot friends. Her eyes could only widen as she quickly hurries with helping the customer before disappearing within the bookshelves. “Hi!” She stops in her tracks and turns around to see Taeyeon looking at some books.

“Hello,” responds Jessica as she prepares to leave.

“Wait! I need help.” She stops again and turns back to Taeyeon to see her trying to reach a book on one of the higher shelves. Jessica couldn’t help but laugh at how the older girl resembled a little kid so much. Taeyeon stops reaching and turns back to Jessica before smiling herself. Jessica feels Taeyeon’s eyes on her, causing for her to stop.

“Um…which book did you need again?”

“That one,” answers Taeyeon as she points up 

to one of the books. Jessica walks over as Taeyeon turns around and signals the group.

“Alright let’s go…” Hyoyeon leads the group throughout the bookstore looking for Seohyun, finally spotting the tall younger girl in the children section. “Seohyun.” Seohyun stops stacking some of the toys before turning and smiling at the group, before blushing upon noticing Yoona.

“Is there something I can help you with?” asks Seohyun while avoiding Yoona’s gaze.

“Yeah. See we’re confused about Tiffany and Jessica.”

“Oh…what’s confusing?”

“Are they dating?!” asks Sooyoung bluntly only to receive an elbow to the stomach from Hyoyeon. “I mean Tiffany acts as if she’s really in love with Jessica or something.”

“No…not anymore,” answers Seohyun as she goes back to her job.

“So they were dating?” asks Yoona.

“Yes. Tiffany had asked Jessica out. And they were together in a romantic relationship. And then their parents got together and got married. So they had to break up around the time their parents got together.”

“Why would their parents get together if their children were going out?”

“Oh…well they never told their parents that they were going out.”

“Oh, well thanks for the information,” states Hyoyeon as she head back to where her sister should be located.


“So how about another date?” asks Taeyeon as she follows Jessica around the store.

“We’ve already been on two dates,” responds Jessica while picking up books that weren’t in the correct spots.

“Yeah so?”

“I think two is enough. Besides weren’t you suppose to be leaving me alone after the first date?” asks Jessica.

“But you liked them…”

“Says who?”

“Well you wore my jacket after the first date and on the second one you kissed me.”

“On the forehead!” shouts Jessica.

“But it was still a kiss.” Jessica huffs before storming off with the girl still following her. “What’s wrong with going on a date with me?”

“A lot of things,” answers Jessica.

“Well like what?”

“You’re cheap," states Jessica, "Not that that's a bad thing. But your cheap.” She corrects herself.

“In my defense I work at the Ice cream stall.”

“Exactly. I want to date someone with money.

“Really?!” asks Taeyeon excitedly.

“Why are you so happy? You’ve got a trust fund. That doesn’t exactly mean you’ve got money,” states Jessica slightly confused.

“But i-“ Hyoyeon’s hand shoots out and covers Taeyeon’s mouth.

“Is she bugging you?” asks Hyoyeon while trying to wrestle with the wiggling Taeyeon that she was holding.

“No, she was just asking for another date.”

“Which I think you should agree to!” shouts Taeyeon as she finally got Hyoyeon’s hand away from her mouth. “Please one more!”

“You’ve went on enough dates. And your bruise on your forehead isn’t even healed,” hisses Hyoyeon.

“But. But!”

“No buts. I am not getting in trouble anymore-“

“How about she comes over than with Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny? And we can all hang out, yeah?” asks Taeyeon hopefully. “And I’ll cook us something to eat!” Taeyeon looks over Hyoyeon’s shoulder at the rest of the group, “Right? We can just hang out at my house and what not?”

“How about we take them to our club house?” suggest Yoona.

“No. No club house. No house house,” states Hyoyeon as she turns back to Jessica. “Very sorry but we’ll be leaving.” She drags Taeyeon out of the store only to be shoved away.

Taeyeon runs back into the bookstore to see that Jessica had returned to her job. “Jessica.” Jessica stops and looks at Taeyeon, “Would you like to come over and hang out with us?”

“I can’t.”

“Well what about tomorrow?”

“Persistent aren’t you?”

“Only when it comes to you,” smiles Taeyeon. “Please…”


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to turn into an idiot like the rest of you.”

“Well your going whether I have to kidnap you or not.”

“I’d like to see you try. You don’t have enough room in your car.”

“True but that doesn’t mean anything. How about I catch the bus with you?”

“Fine if you can catch the bus than I’ll go,” responds Jessica hoping that the older girl wouldn’t get on the bus and just give up.

“Okay I’ll see you on the bus.”


“I can’t believe you caught the bus with me,” states Jessica in disbelief as she looks at Taeyeon’s reflection in the window.

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