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Chapter Six

Chapter Six

“What did you two do?!” Both Taeyeon and Yuri look up to see Sooyoung rushing towards them with Hyoyeon and Yoona laughing behind her.

“Nothing yet, want to join in?” asks Yuri as she looks back over the railing of the second floor of the mall. They were trying to kill time before going to pick up their dates.

“I’m already joining!” shouts Sooyoung.

“Good, pick a victim then,” states Taeyeon as she too looks back over the railing.

“I’m the victim!”

“Sooyoung…you have to be on the first floor to be the victim,” comments Yuri her eyes scanning the shoppers. Sooyoung turns and looks back at Hyoyeon and Yoona who were laughing their heads off at Sooyoung. Sooyoung turns back towards the duo that was looking for a victim before hitting both of them on the head. “Ow! What did you go and do that for?”

“Because of you two and your stupid double date…Tiffany and Jung-“

“Jessica,” corrects Taeyeon.

“What?” asks Sooyoung.

“Jessica…her name is Jessica.”

“Whatever Tiffany and Jessica have told the other midget and now all three of us are going on a date!” A grin appears on Yuri’s and Taeyeon’s face.

“Short ageyo girl….” Starts Taeyeon.

“With us…” continues Yuri

“Firecrackers!” they finish happily. Sooyoung could only groan as she mentally face palms herself.

“No firecrackers, fireworks, loud booming noises! Nothing!” states Sooyoung.

“Aw…way to ruin the fun,” whines Yuri as Yoona and Hyoyeon finally stop laughing and joins them.

“I have to agree with Sooyoung on this one, sis,” states Hyoyeon as she leans against the railing. “Remember what happened last time you guys did something like that?”

“Oh come on that was what back in middle school. We were immature,” argues Yuri.

“If I don’t recall you guys are still immature,” counters Hyoyeon. “Hey isn’t that Jung, Tiffany and what’s her name?”

“Seohyun,” answers Yoona as she eyes the tall girl who was with Jessica.

“Oh! That’s the girl our Yoong likes!” shouts Yuri as Taeyeon whips her head around to get a closer look at the girl.

“Hey…Yoong why don’t you ask her out?” asks Taeyeon as she turns back to Yoona.

“Yeah…” states Hyoyeon as they push the blushing girl out into the open. 


“Thank you Tiffany, you have now turned a night with the idiots into a living nightmare by adding Sunny into the mix,” states Jessica boredly as she looks at Tiffany, as they head towards the video game shop for Sunny only to be halted by Yoona.

“Hi…uh…” Yoon turns around to see her group giving her a thumb up, she then turns back to the three girls. “I was wondering if I could talk to Seohyun…”

“No,” responds Jessica as she grabs the quiet tall girl’s hand and leads her away from Yoona. “It’s bad enough your idiot friends are pursuing me and my sister. I will not have you corrupting Seohyun.”

“Aw…Jessica don’t be like that!” shouts Taeyeon from across the mall smiling. Jessica could only curse under her breath, “Besides we have a date to get to…whenever you are ready!”

“I’m not ready!” shouts back Jessica.

“Okay!” Jessica groans before storming past Yoona dragging Seohyun with her as Tiffany follows behind while giving everyone her eye smiles.

“Jessi I think we should have let the girl speak to Seohyun. Then maybes she’ll get out of the bookstore and have a social life,” states Tiffany as she catches up and breaks the contact that Jessica was having with Seohyun, before hooking pinkies. “And she’ll leave you alone…” mumbles Tiffany to herself not knowing that Jessica was fully aware of the words that had come out of her mouth.

“Seohyun…did you want to speak to idiot number four?” asks Jessica as she looks across Tiffany to Seohyun who was walking quietly.

“It’s okay, Un-Ah!” Jessica stops and sees Yuri and Hyoyeon run off with Seohyun as Taeyeon stays behind grinning.

“What do you think your-“

“I see you’re wearing my jacket,” interrupts Taeyeon as she swings on the her heels with her hands behind her back. Jessica looks down and indeed she was wearing Taeyeon’s jacket. She didn’t even know she grabbed it this morning. She just remembers shoving a jacket in her bag because she worked after school and didn’t want to be cold on the bus ride home. She never really looked to see what jacket it was.

“I grabbed it on accident,” responds Jessica nonchalantly.

“If you say so.” Jessica continues to watch the short girl who was having a determined staring contest with Tiffany. 

“You two stop it.”

“She started it!” shouts both Tiffany and Taeyeon at the same time while pointing an accusing finger at one another. Another groan leaves Jessica’s lips as she pulls Tiffany away.

“Go wait at your car. We’ll be there in a minute!” shouts Jessica while walking away with Tiffany, who was smiling triumphantly. Taeyeon could only glare at the clumsy American girl before making her way back to her group. Seohyun races past her blushing as she reaches the cheering and rowdy people.

“Yoong just scored a date!” shouts Yuri.

“And on her first try unlike some people,” comments Hyoyeon as she stretches. “Well I’m going out see you guys…”

“Who’s Hyo going out with?” Asks Yuri totally confused.

“She found some girl…” was all Taeyeon said before looking at Yoona. “Where are you going on your date?”

“With you guys.”


“Miniature golf?” asks Jessica in disbelief as they stand out front of the place.

“There is also an arcade and go-carts and food,” correct Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Yuri and Yoona all at once while grinning.

The other four girls could only stare at their dates in disbelief. One they’re on a date with these idiots, and two the idiots thought that a proper date would be a round of miniature golf.

“Come on,” states Taeyeon as she leads the group into the place. Jessica walks beside her unsure what to do she looks behind to see Sunny bugging Sooyoung, Tiffany ignoring Yuri and Seohyun and Yoona just as awkward as she was. She feels something intertwine with her fingers as she looks down to see Taeyeon holding her hand. “That way you don’t seem so lost,” states Taeyeon as she knew Jessica was looking at her. Jessica just turns her head in the opposite direction when she feels someone tackle her from behind.

“Jessi! I want the pink golf club and golf ball!” states Tiffany as she holds onto Jessica from the back.

“Okay…” responds Jessica as she breaks contact with Taeyeon’s hand before heading ahead of the group with Tiffany.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say they were dating,” comments Yoona as she walks with Taeyeon and Yuri allowing for Seohyun to catch up with the other girls. Taeyeon eyes Tiffany before running to catch up to the group.


“Boom!” shouts both Taeyeon and Yuri as they jump out of hiding scaring the shortest girl of the group, before laughing at her reaction. “Oh you should have seen your face!” laughs Yuri as Sunny glares at her.

“Yeah I wonder what she’d look like if we lit a fire cracker,” comments Taeyeon as she turns to Jessica who was leaning against a pillar with her eyes close. She couldn’t help but smile at how cute the girl was looking. She slowly makes her way over to Jessica before nudging the girl.

“What?” asks Jessica with her eyes still close.

“It’s your turn,” states Taeyeon as she finishes watching Sunny.

“Here…we’re on teams right? You just do it for me.”

“But I’ve been taking all of your turns since we’ve started,” whines Taeyeon as something pops in her head, “Jessica do you know how to play?” inquires Taeyeon as she stands in front of Jessica with a grin. Jessica opens an eye before closing it. “Come on…” Taeyeon snatches Jessica off the pillar and drags her to where their golf ball was waiting. “Alright stand right here.” She hands Jessica their club before walking around behind Jessica, “Okay…with this hand,” she gabs one of her hands and positions it, “you put it here, and this hand,” she gabs the other “goes here.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” asks Jessica confused.

“Teaching you,” responds Taeyeon cheekily.

“Who says I needed to be taught?”

“Well hit the ball then,” demands Taeyeon as she backs away.

Jessica looks around at the rest of the group who was watching them. “Hit the ball already!” shouts Yuri. Jessica gives the younger girl a glare before swinging the club and sending it airborne hitting another golfer in the head. Taeyeon’s laugh fills the air as both her and Yuri fall to the ground. 

Jessica picks up the light blue golf ball and throws it. "Ow!" shouts Taeyeon. "I'm sorry," says Taeyeon as she hops up and follows the fuming girl to retrieve the club.

"Tiffany, your turn," says Yuri as she tries to get the older girl's attention. "You want me to help you?"

Tiffany shakes her head no while giving Yuri her eye smile. "Are you sure?"

"Are you saying l can't play?" asks Tiffany while pouting. Yuri quickly shakes her head no, while waving her hand in front of her. "OK." Tiffany places her pink ball on the ground and prepares to swing when she sees Jessica smiling in the distance with the midget laughing. A frown forms on Tiffany's face as she swings her club. It connects with the ball, sending it airborne.

"Ow!" Tiffany drops the club as everyone's mouth drops.

"Taeng?" asks Yuri as they run to the bent over Taeyeon who was holding onto her forehead. "Taeng are you okay?" ask Yuri as she kneels in front of Taeyeon with Yoona rubbing Taeyeon's back and Sooyoung rubbing Taeyeon's head. Jessica pushes Tiffany off to the side.

"It was an accident I swear," states Tiffany while avoiding Jessica's gaze.

"Just enjoy Yuri's company so this nightmare can end," growls Jessica. Tiffany nods her head and runs off back to the group with Jessica walking behind her. "I'll take Taeyeon for some ice." Everyone freezes again while looking at Jessica as if she had grew another head. "What?" asks Jessica a little irritated.

“Did you just say that you’d take Taeyeon to get some ice?” asks Sooyoung totally confused.

“She should just hold her,” states Yuri under her breathe as Jessica grabs Taeyeon and takes her way from the group.

“Now what?” asks Sooyoung.


“I don’t know,” states Tiffany as she looks at the small dirty car while the other two couples climb into theirs. “How about we go see what Jessi is doing?”

“Come on…it’ll be fun.” Yuri climbs into her side. Tiffany reluctantly climbs in beside Yuri as all everybody prepares for the race. The light changes to green and off everyone took except for Yuri who was cruising.

“What are you doing?!” asks Tiffany as she watches everyone pass by them.

“What? Did you want me to go fast?” asks Yuri feigning ignorance. Tiffany nods her head, as Yuri presses faster on the gas pedal, weaving in and out of the other cars.

“We have to beat Sunny and Seohyun,” states Tiffany while smiling. Yuri nods her head and concentrates on driving. “Aah!” They crash into a railing, causing for both of them to laugh. Tiffany stops and looks at Yuri who was smiling before really smiling for the first time. “Wait are you waiting for?! Drive!” demands Tiffany.

“Okay!” shouts back Yuri while smiling as she takes off to join the race.

Tiffany couldn’t help but look over at Yuri every once in a while between the laughs and jokes the girl was saying. She admits Yuri was really beautiful, and funny. Not to mention that the girl was willing to spend money on her, just to make her happy. Tiffany shakes her head, what is she thinking. She’s not suppose to like this idiot.

“We’re about to pass Yoong, come on let’s stick our tongues out at them,” states Yuri as she pulls alongside Yoona and Seohyun’s cart. Both her and Tiffany stick their tongues our before breaking into laughter as they take second place behind Sunny and Sooyoung.

“Come on Yuri!” shouts Tiffany, “we have to beat those two!” Yuri presses down hard on the gas pedal as they close in on Sunny and Sooyoung. “Come on!” She drives around the other two taking the lead as Tiffany sticks her tongue at them, and finishes the race. They climb out of the car as Yuri grabs hold of Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany stops and looks at Yuri who was smiling at her.

“Wanna go again?” Tiffany’s eyes widen as she nods her head, “Alright this time how about we go head to head.”

“Prepare to lose!” shouts Tiffany as she runs to the line with Yuri chasing her.

“Well I’m through with that,” states Sunny as she grabs Sooyoung’s hand, “let’s go to the arcade.” Sooyoung could only groan as the short girl drags her off to who knows where.

“Seohyun are you hungry?” asks Yoona while looking anywhere but at the younger girl.

“Yes,” was all the quiet girl says.

“Okay, let’s go get something to eat.”


Jessica watches the short girl who was holding an ice pack to her forehead, before taking a sip of her soda. Jessica doesn’t know why but she wanted to get away from her sister and everyone else. “Is there a bruise?” asks Taeyeon breaking the girl’s concentration. Jessica looks over at the girl’s forehead before smiling. “What?!” Taeyeon searches around for something that would show her reflection. Picking up a spoon she spots a small blue almost purple spot forming on her head. “Ah…I’m so dead…”

“What do you mean?” asks Jessica slightly interested in why the girl would meet an earlier demise that wasn’t from her.

“Because I have a bruise. I’m not supposed to get injured,” answers Taeyeon as she puts the ice pack back on her forehead. “You don’t know how much trouble you’ve already caused me.”

“Oh really? And who’s fault is it?” responds Jessica as she picks at her food.


“And why is it my fault?”

“Cause you’re beautiful.” Jessica freezes and looks up at Taeyeon to see her smiling. “And you have a nice bottom.” Jessica grabs the closest object which was a fork and was ready to stab the girl when Yoona and Seohyun appear.

“So how’s your forehead?” asks Yoona while removing the ice pack before laughing, “Hyoyeon is seriously going to kill you.”

“I know,” responds Taeyeon as she starts maneuvering her bangs to cover the bruise before switching seats to sit beside Jessica.

“Where’s my sister and Yuri?” asks Jessica as she looks around.

“I don’t know…who is your sister again,” responds Yoona.


“Are you sure?” asks Yoona while leaning across the table.

“What are you implying?” questions Jessica. Taeyeon and Seohyun look at each other before looking at their respective dates.

“That there is something more to your relationship with Tiffany,” answers Yoona.

“We’re step sisters. Her father married my mother. That is all that is between us.”

“Oh! Pizza!” All four turn their head to see Sooyoung running towards the table with Sunny walking behind them slowly. Sooyoung takes a seat next to Yoona before grabbing a slice of pizza. “I am hungry.” Sunny takes a seat next to Sooyoung while looking at Taeyeon who was rubbing her forehead.

“Idiot,” mumbles Sunny causing for Taeyeon to stop and look at her.

Before Taeyeon could speak Yuri and Tiffany had squeezed into the booth. “Hey guys!” states Yuri, before noticing the spot on Taeyeon’s head, “Ooh, you might want to cover that up a little more yeah?”

“It’s her fault!” states Taeyeon while pointing an accusing finger at Tiffany who was looking the other way.

“Whatever…let’s just eat,” states Yuri as she gets a slice for Tiffany. Taeyeon looks at Tiffany before turning back to Jessica who was looking tired.

“Sleepy?” asks Taeyeon before pulling the girl’s head down onto her shoulder. “Sleep when we leave I’ll wake you.”


Taeyeon leans against her car as Yuri walks Tiffany to the door. “So?” starts Taeyeon.

“Goodnight,” responds Jessica as she prepares to turn around, when Taeyeon grabs her wrist. She looks over her shoulder to see Taeyeon looking at the ground.

“I’m sorry…” Jessica doesn’t know why she did it, but she did. She approaches Taeyeon and places a kiss on Taeyeon’s forehead before walking off towards the door, giving Yuri a glare before walking inside. Tiffany waves bye to both girls before entering the house and closing the door.

Yuri enters the passenger side as Taeyeon walks around to the driver side. “You’re so dead when you get home,” states Yuri before breaking out into a laugh, with Taeyeon joining her.

“But it was all worth it.”

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