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Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Jessica’s eyes widen as she watches the perverted midget enter the bookstore. “What is she doing here?” she mumbles to herself as she heads in the opposite direction, away from the girl. It’s not like she didn’t like the girl, in fact it’s quite the opposite. When she first transferred to the girl’s school, reality was she was slightly intrigued by the midget. But after hearing an explanation from one of her close friends, named Sunny, on how the midget and the idiot as she calls them were both practical idiots, her distaste for the girl grew. And it grew even more when the girl started to become a pervert.

“Hi!” Jessica stops in her tracks, knowing the voice all too well. Looking over her shoulder she spots the midget standing behind her. “Can you help me find a book?”

“Didn’t you pass about three other employees? Couldn’t you ask for their help?” interrogates Jessica.

“But I wanted your,” states Taeyeon simply. She gives Jessica a cheeky grin, “Anyways I’m looking for this book. I heard a certain classmate like it.” She hands Jessica the paper, in which she reads before crumpling it up and stalking off to find the book. “So…can I know you name?”


“What if I tell you mine?”

“I know yours already.”

“Then how come I don’t know yours?”

“Because you’re an idiot like your friend.”

“Wanna go get some ice cream later? I know the perfect place.”


“Oh. Wanna be my partner for the history project?”

Jessica stops and reaches for the book before handing it to Taeyeon, “here’s your book. The cash registers are over there were I’m sure some else would gladly like to help you.”

“But I want your help.” Jessica mentally face palms herself. This girl wasn’t going to give up and shouldn’t she have been at work? Taking a closer look she finds the girl in normal street wear making her groan. It’s the girl’s day off, meaning a full day of torture.


Tiffany was busily looking at the heels as she stacks them in the shoe department. She needed another pair, but she wasn’t going to be paid for another week. And she couldn’t wait that long. A pout forms on her face as she picks up another pair, not noticing the figure watching her. “Hey!” she jumps dropping the shoes and turns around to see a grinning Yuri. A sigh leaves her lips; she really didn’t want to see this girl today. “How are you doing?”

“Don’t you have work?” asks Tiffany curiously, turning on her dumb side.

“Yeah…but I’m on break,” answers Yuri as she slides her hands in her pocket. “So why were you upset a little while ago?”

“I wanted these Heels,” she shows Yuri the shoes, “but my I don’t get my pay check for another week.”

“I’ll buy them!” Tiffany flinches at the girl’s outburst. Yuri snatches the box out of Tiffany’s hands and makes way to the cashier. Tiffany smiles to herself and goes back to work, humming a song. Within minutes a bag is shoved in front of her, “Here you go.” She turns and gives Yuri her eye smile.

“Thank you,” she chirps.

“So…want to go see a movie, sometime?”

“No thank you. I like people who don’t lie,” remarks Tiffany as she walks away leaving behind a speechless Yuri.

“You knew!”

“That’s the car you short friend always drives!” shouts back Tiffany as she disappears into the back of the store.


“Why must you stalk me?” asks Jessica slightly annoyed, while keeping an eye on the girl’s hands and stacking books.

“I don’t call it stalking,” remarks Taeyeon.

“Really than what do you call it?”

“Admiring? Yup that’s it admiring your beauty,” states Taeyeon happily, causing for Jessica to be taken back.

“Well go admires someone else's beauty for a change,” demands Jessica.

“No one’s beauty can compare to yours.” A groan leaves Jessica’s lips, after being turned down countless times, this girl is still hitting on her. Why must god be so cruel to her? “I think I like you.”

“Well, I like someone else.”

“Oh really who? That Tiffany girl? I’m better than she is.”

“How so?”

“I just am. So can I know you name?”

“If I tell you my name will you leave me alone?” asks Jessica as she finishes putting away some books. Taeyeon nods her head. “It’s…Krystal. Yes, my name is Krystal,” lies Jessica.

“Really? I thought I would have a J in it, since that clumsy girl calls you Jessi.”

“That’s my middle names,” lies Jessica some more.

“Are you sure you’re not lying to me?” asks Taeyeon with a skeptical look. “So if I ask another employee they’re going to say you name is Krystal?”

“Fine, it’s not Krystal. Look what do you want?”

“To know your name. And a date!”

“If I tell you my real name and agree to go on this date, do you swear to leave me alone and to stop perverting on me?” asks Jessica.

“Girl’s scout honor!” remarks Taeyeon while saluting.

“Fine, I agree to the date on these conditions. A well lit area. Lots of people and if you dare touch me I get to chop of your hands, agree?”

“Girl’s scout honor!”

“Fine. And my name is Jessica.”

“Thanks, see you when you get off Jessica!” shouts Taeyeon as she runs away leaving the book behind. “To bad I wasn’t in the girl’s scout,” she laughs as she exits the bookstore running into Yuri, who was looking depress. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I just paid hundreds for some heels, and she still turns me down,” answers Yuri, “and why are you so happy? Did you touch the Jung assets again?”

“Nope, and her name is Jessica and I’ve got a date.”

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