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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

“Finally!” shouts Yuri as she slides under the metal gates for closing time. She looks over to see Taeyeon waiting impatiently, “alright let’s go.” She walks over to the older girl, placing her hand on top of Taeyeon’s head, “Eww, Taeng…you still have ice cream in your hair.”

“I know that,” mumbles Taeyeon, “you can only do so much in the bathrooms without looking homeless.” She looks around to see Yuri attempting to speak to Tiffany. “So much for that.” She walks over to the two girls just as Jung approaches them.

“So-“ starts Yuri.

“Not interested,” interrupts Tiffany, “Jessi!”

“You didn’t let me finish,” whines Yuri trying to get Tiffany’s attention again, which worked since Tiffany turned back to the taller girl, “As I was saying…how about I give you a ride home in my car? That way you won’t have to take the bus.”

“You have a car?” questions Tiffany slightly interested.

“Yeah, I-“

“Excuse me while I talk to her for one bit,” Taeyeon shoves Yuri off to the side, “I’d like to know what car you’re talking about? Last time I checked the car you were in is mine.”

“Come on Taeng…I’m almost there-“

“Almost there?” asks Taeyeon in utter disbelief, “just a few hours ago you didn’t even know the girl’s name.”

“And now I do…besides she told Sunny earlier she likes people with nice cars-“


“Please,” begs Yuri.

“Where is Hyo, Soo, and Yoong suppose to ride?”

“They can catch the bus.”

“She can catch the bus!” shouts Taeyeon causing for both girls to turn and look at them with weird faces.

“She’s joking,” laughs Yuri, trying to reassure Tiffany. “Oh, come on…besides Jung will probably come with her,” she whispers while turning back to Taeyeon. Out the corner of her eyes, Taeyeon looks over at Jung before looking back at Yuri.

“Fine,” mutters Taeyeon.

“Yes!” Yuri runs back over to Tiffany and Jessica speaking to both of them rapidly, as Taeyeon stalks over to them. “So how about we head out to my car now, and I drop both of you off at your house?”

“Sure,” states Tiffany waiting for Yuri to lead them to the car.


“It’s cold,” mumbles Sooyoung as she rubs her arms trying to find warmth, “and I’m hungry. Where is the shorter?!”

“I don’t know. My sis is never this late,” answers Hyoyeon as she checks her phone for the time.

“Here she comes with Yuri and some girls,” states Yoona who was leaning against Taeyeon’s car. All girls turn around and look at the group that was approaching them.

“Hey guys!” shouts Yuri loudly, “I’m sorry but I can’t give you a ride.”

“We know you can’t you don’t have a car!” responds Sooyoung. Yuri stops in her tracks, and looks over to see Yuri looking at her curiously, Jung looking bored and Taeyeon laughing her head off.

“Just for that Sooyoung you can’t get in my car!”

“Once again, Yul, you don’t have a car!” Taeyeon walks over to her sister standing beside her.

“What’s going on Tae?” asks Hyoyeon.

“Yuri’s trying to once again impress the clumsy America girl…and this time by stating that my car is hers, and by offering her a ride,” whispers Taeyeon as she watches Yuri who was trying to explain things to Tiffany.

“So that leaves us?” continues Hyoyeon.

“Either the bus or walking home, you choose.” Hyoyeon could only groan before pushing herself off the car.

“Alright, Yoong, Soo let’s go,” states Hyoyeon as she walks away from the car.

“But…what about our ride?!” shouts Sooyoung.

“Another time! Come on, let’s go eat!” Sooyoung perks up at eating along with Yoona, as they both chase after Hyoeyon.

“Well now that they’re gone…let’s see…Taeng can take a seat in the back, with your firend and you can get the front seat?”

“Okay, get in Jessi,” states Tiffany as she climbs in the front with Jessica slowly getting in the back. Taeyeon walks around to the opposite side and slides in next to Jung, as Yuri hurriedly climbs in the front. “Aren’t you going to start the car?” asks Tiffany as she watches Yuri.

“Oh…yeah, Taeng can I get the key?” Taeyeon reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out the keys handing them to Yuri.

“Why does she have the key?” asks Tiffany curiously.

“Because she needed to get something out of the car earlier so I  lent them to her,” lies Yuri as she starts the car.

“It’s a stick shift,” whispers Taeyeon as she leans over towards Yuri’s ears. Yuri nods her head, and closes her eyes real quick to try and remember how to drive a stick shift. Nodding her head, she gives Tiffany a grin before pulling off.


The car ride to Tiffany’s house was Awkward on Taeyeon’s part. She had to listen to her friend tell a life story that wasn’t exactly hers, and she had this feeling that Jung was staring her down, but everytime she turns to look at the girl, she would be sleeping. “So where am I dropping your friend off at?” asks Yuri.

“Jessi’s coming with me,” responds Tiffany with an eye smile.

“Oh okay, is this the place?” Tiffany looks out the window, nodding her head.

“Thank you,” She turns around and shakes the sleeping person in the back seat. Jung stirs slightly before dropping her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Keep your idiot friend away from Tiff. I know this isn’t her car,” whispers Jung into Taeyeon’s ear as she pretends to wake up. She gives Taeyeon her famous glare before smashing the poor girl’s foot with the heel of her shoe. “And that’s for coping a feel when I landed on your shoulder,” she hisses before climbing out of the car. Taeyeon could only smile at the fact that Jung had some more than one word to her.

“So how about a date?” asks Yuri.

“No thank you, but thanks for the ride,” answers Tiffany as she shuts the car door.

A/N: Once again i'm not really satisfied with this chapter. But hopefully you'll enjoy it. Oh and i was wonder if i should post it here or not, but i guess i'll post it here. It's another preview to part two of Taking Advantage of My Muse. Truth be told chapters one and two of it is finished. But I don't know when i'll post it. But without further ado here's the preview:

“Seriously? And she didn’t cancel?” questions Yuri, “Even I walked out of a board meeting.” Jessica’s mind begins wandering elsewhere. Taeyeon wouldn’t cheat on her right? She just wouldn’t. She couldn’t right. The girl has had some feeling for her since middle school, or that’s what she was told. But Yuri also had feelings for her and ended up cheating with Tiffany. She bites her lip lowering her head, she should have better trust in the short girl, but these rumors were screwing with her mind. “If you want I’ll give you a ride back to her suite?” asks Yuri after fifteen minutes than past with them waiting on the shorter girl. Jessica shakes her head no.

“You guys go ahead I’ll wait,” she states trying to be strong. Everyone bids her a farewell leaving her in the airport by herself. She takes a seat and waits, and waits. After waiting for an hour and a half, she pulls out her cell phone. “Krys? Can you come get me and take me back to the house…no I don’t want to go to Taeyeon’s suite…not right now.”

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